Fire & Stone: The War for Life (The Gates of Oblivion Book 2)

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Fire & Stone: The War for Life (The Gates of Oblivion Book 2) Page 11

by Robles, Luis

  They walked towards the gargoyle castle where the King and Queen were waiting for them. Smug with the results of the day, Nuvia turned around to hug Hellys as he put the wagon away.

  “Thank you for your help...Thank you for today. Come on, it’s time for you to meet my parents. You must be nice, but above all be who you are,” Nuvia said as she looked up to Hellys.

  “Just to be clear, you’re talking about the King and Queen of the Stone Kingdom, right?” Hellys said as the chill went down his spine.

  “Yes, silly. Who else would I want you to meet? But don’t worry about it, they might be the King and Queen, but at the end of the day, they are still my parents. And you should get used to it fast because after all, you are stuck with me for a while,” Nuvia said.

  Hellys was a fearless gargoyle, able to endure pain, to fight multiple dragons at one time, to push his body to the limit, but when it came to meeting the parents of the girl he liked, a mouse’s bravery did not compare to his; the mouse was much braver.

  Forcing himself to walk alongside Nuvia, he tried to hide his fear as best he could, walking straight and steady.

  “Don’t worry, they already like you. If they didn’t, my father would have already banned you from the kingdom. They like the fact that you are so willing to help me. My parents see the good in people, so don’t worry,” Nuvia whispered as they walked.

  A sigh of relief came out deep from within Hellys as he found comfort in Nuvia’s words. As they reached the main hall, two gargoyle guards opened the door for them. Nuvia and Hellys kept walking towards the now visible King and Queen. Silence filled the room.

  “Welcome back, and tell us how it went. I see you brought your friend with you for us to meet,” Bramma said, breaking the silence as they were half-way to the thrones.

  Nuvia smiled and waited until they were a few steps away from the thrones before responding, “Father, Mother, this is Hellys, my longtime friend. He helped me all day today. Hellys, this is the King and Queen of Stone Kingdom, King Bramma and Queen Laila.”

  Hellys bowed down low and stretched his wings straight up as any flying gargoyle would to show their utmost respect. With his face down, he said, “It is my highest pleasure to meet my King and Queen.”

  “You don’t have to be so formal, boy. You are my daughter’s friend, and anyone good enough to be her friend is our friend as well. Ease your head, boy,” Bramma said warmly.

  Hellys then relaxed his posture and stood up straight to face them.

  “So tell us, Nuvia, how did it go?” Bramma asked once again.

  “It went well. I feel like we made a difference, at least for tonight, to all those people’s lives; some people even cried, Father, because they had nothing to eat tonight. My heart can be at peace tonight,” Nuvia answered.

  “Some people didn’t have food to eat? The problem seems to be greater than we thought. We’ll double our efforts tomorrow but for now, my precious daughter, give it a rest. You did what you could for today. You must recover from today to shine tomorrow,” Bramma said as a frown appeared on his forehead.

  “Those are some formidable wings you carry, boy. Do you think you will be able to protect my daughter if something were to happen?” King Bramma asked, focusing on Hellys.

  “It is not the kind of question you should be asking when you first meet somebody, Bramma,” Queen Laila chided.

  “I don’t see why not. It’s all in good spirit, dear,” Bramma said as he chuckled and extended his arms to the side.

  “Yes, Father, he can protect me! Not too long ago, he faced three dragons from the Peaks of Mullata and won. So, I think you ought to give him a little bit more credit,” Nuvia said, feeling a little irritated.

  “Three dragons from the Peaks of Mullata? That is quite impressive, Hellys. Not even I am capable of such a thing, at least not without the stone mallet. How did you do it?” Bramma asked, amused.

  “Bramma!” the Queen said, mildly annoyed.

  “I just knew the dragons’ weak points, thanks to the books I read a long time ago, and used their own speed against them. It was hard but I was able to survive,” Hellys humbly answered.

  “I have no reason to doubt you, therefore I’ll take your word as the truth,” Bramma said with a smile. “Sounds like my daughter would be safe with you. But just to make sure, why don’t you enter the Stone Tournament when you become of age or when you feel ready?”

  “A tournament?” Nuvia asked.

  “Yes, my dear, it’s a tournament that I’m planning to hold every year from here on out. Although we are at peace, and I am grateful for it, I fear that the skills of the fighting champions are going down when there is nothing to fight for. I think it will be of good practice that we don’t let our guard down. I have been thinking about this for some time now, and I feel like it’s a good time to let everyone know, starting with the people closest to me,” Bramma said. “What do you say, Hellys? Are you in?”

  “I’ll have to think about that,” Hellys replied, scratching his head.

  “Very well then. I’ll take your word for now. Don’t disappoint me, boy! I’m counting on you to help my daughter, and that’s a privilege any gargoyle would die for,” Bramma said, with some disappointment in his voice.

  “It will be my life before hers,” Hellys said as he bowed.

  “I’m sure that Hellys is tired. I’m going to go walk him to the Stone Keep’s entrance,” Nuvia interrupted before anybody else could say anything.

  “It was nice meeting you, boy...Keep my daughter safe,” Bramma said as they were leaving the hall.

  “Goodbye, Hellys. We’ll let you be on your way,” Laila chimed in.

  “I’m really sorry about that. It’s just that they don’t have visitors that often,” Nuvia said, feeling more than a little embarrassed.

  “That wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Compared to the scenarios I played in my head, it could’ve been much worse,” Hellys answered with a big smile across his face.

  “Can I see you tomorrow when the sun touches the wall?” Nuvia asked, hopeful.

  “I was just about to ask you the same thing. But seriously I was,” Hellys responded.

  “You know, sometimes I think I know what you are thinking, and somehow right now I knew the answer would be ‘Yes’,” Nuvia quickly responded as her cheeks became flushed.

  Nuvia and Hellys saw each other almost every day and with each day they spread random acts of kindness throughout the Stone Kingdom, like giving food to the ones who needed it, fixing broken walls, and even finding the corrupt gargoyles responsible for it all. Thanks to Nuvia and Hellys, the Stone Kingdom became much warmer and a more charming place. With every day they spent together, an unbreakable magic was forged in their hearts. That very magic was soon going to shape the fate of the world forever.

  The five Gate creatures that once caused so much chaos have awoken from their slumber, once again calling for an emissary.


  Iron vs Stone

  In all the years of knowing Hellys, King Bramma saw only good in him. He was always there for Nuvia and was always as gentle as a feather when it came to her. Many who knew Hellys respected him and never got in his way. King Bramma began to question if the stories about Hellys being able to defeat three dragons at one time were true. The King knew that the only way to test Hellys’ abilities without hurting Nuvia was for Hellys to enter the Stone Tournament.

  This year, the Stone Tournament would be extra special, with warriors from all around the realm: giants from the land of giants, hunters from the great forest, mages from the Iridium, powerful Nulians, and the fiercest gargoyles there ever was. It was sure to be a spectacle unlike any other.

  The King summoned Nuvia at the main hall as the Princess of the Stone Kingdom.

  “I am at your service, my King,” Nuvia said, wondering what could be on the King’s mind but managing to keep calm.

  “Nuvia, my precious child and Princess of this great city, my mind is fille
d with concern and worry. I worry that I am getting old and will no longer be able to protect this precious city. But above all, I worry that I will not be able to protect you. I’ve been having a bad feeling lately, a feeling I haven’t had in years. I am not at peace, my child,” the King spoke with authority.

  “Please, don’t worry about me, my King. I can surely defend myself and protect the city for you. Besides, there is always Hellys who never leaves my side, and he is a great warrior,” Nuvia replied with sentiment.

  “I want Hellys to enter the Stone Tournament...I will be more at ease if I could see just what he can do. Therefore, I decided to change the rules to make the Stone Tournament more appealing to him. If Hellys wins the tournament, then I will not have to worry about getting old. The rules as of tomorrow for the upcoming Stone Tournament will be as follows: you must have three hundred confirmed signatures accompanied by a given gold coin to enter the tournament. There will be sixteen champions entering the tournament and fifteen matches divided into four categories. All participants must be accepted into the Stone Tournament by the King himself. However, the most important change is the prize—the winner of the Stone Tournament will be appointed chieftain and protector of the Stone Kingdom alongside my very own daughter,” Bramma proclaimed.

  Noticing through her eyes her desperation to speak, King Bramma stopped for a moment.

  “But, my King, how can you put Hellys in this situation? What happened with the war in the walls almost 22 years ago has nothing to do with him. Those kinds of wars no longer exist!” Nuvia said with a stressed voice.

  “Which is precisely why we would hold the tournament in this way. Convey this message to Hellys tonight before it becomes public tomorrow, and trust that he will do the right thing. After all, you are the Princess of the kingdom; he must show his mettle. This is not only for your sake but also for the sake of everybody else that lives here. I need to know there’s someone I can trust when I’m not around anymore,” the King said in conclusion as he resumed his posture.

  Nuvia spoke no further against her father’s wishes. Once the King finished speaking, she asked to be dismissed from the main hall. She was worried about telling Hellys her father’s new wishes for the upcoming tournament. Nuvia was worried not because of what Hellys would say but because she knew he was incredibly unprepared for the tournament, and it was less than two weeks away. She knew that getting the three hundred signatures would be the hardest part for Hellys. Being from a poor lineage and spending time with the royal family did not make Hellys a popular contender among the gargoyle kin. He was often envied due to his proximity with Nuvia.

  * * *

  It was a warm and moonlit night when Nuvia set off to find Hellys in their usual meeting place. Every night, after Hellys was finished with his job at the farmland, they would meet on top of the outermost wall, south from the city’s main gate. As always, Hellys was lying on his back, looking at the stars. When Nuvia got there, he asked her in a very relaxed way, “They are beautiful, aren’t they?”

  “They are. I really like the ones that shine red at times,” Nuvia answered as she lay down next to him.

  “What’s wrong? Is there something you have to tell me?” Hellys asked, feeling the anxiety emanating from her.

  The connection that was woven between them had never stopped to amaze her: they each always knew if something was wrong with the other. Their connection continued to get stronger with every passing moment.

  “Well, I spoke to my father today...He seems to be very concerned about growing old and not being able to protect me,” Nuvia said as she got closer to him.

  “He doesn’t have to worry. You should have told them that I am always here to protect you,” Hellys reassured her.

  “I did tell him that. Nevertheless, he insists on watching you fight in the Stone Tournament. He went as far as changing the rules and the prize for the tournament. He knew that you are not interested in the fame, or any money. The prize for the next tournament will be being crowned chieftain and protector of the Stone Kingdom...alongside me,” Nuvia said with a frown on her forehead.

  Hellys became quiet for a couple of seconds and looked back at the stars, thinking about what Nuvia had said.

  “Your father really wants me to fight ever since we first met. I think it would be unwise of me if I did not honor his wish. Besides, I like the prize this time around,” Hellys stood halfway up with his arms around his knees and then said, motivated, “Well, there’s no way around it. I will enter the Stone Tournament. I think it will be interesting to test myself as well.”

  Nuvia stood halfway up and gave Hellys a very tight hug, accompanied by a tender kiss on the lips. Nuvia and Hellys spent the rest of the time they had together that night going over the rules and talking about what the tournament would be like.

  * * *

  The next day, Hellys spent every free minute he had going from door to door around the Stone Kingdom, asking for a signature to enable him to enter the Stone Tournament. When gargoyles saw Hellys at their doorstep asking for signatures, they laughed in his face, telling him that he was crazy and that he would never win. Many knew he was strong, fast, and smart; however, they believed the other champions entering the tournament were greater in every respect. Only the fiercest of warriors had won the tournament in the past years, and Hellys did not look like a fierce warrior.

  People not only refused to believe that Hellys could win the tournament, they also did not want to ruin their reputation by vouching for him. Once a gargoyle signed the tournament sheet, it would become public underneath a participant’s name outside the coliseum. The doors closed quickly on Hellys, and he realized that there was no way he could gather three hundred signatures in less than two weeks. However, he kept knocking on doors for the entire week.

  Less than a week was left, and Hellys’ spirit was quickly crumbling down with only fifty-five signatures, and all of them were from the houses near his own.

  Dejected and near defeat, he went to Yoha for advice. He maybe a human and a civilian, but he was as wily as any field commander.

  “Hellys, my boy, I think you’re looking for sponsors in the wrong place. Try the humans, try the people you interact with the most—the farmers, the people that you helped. I’m sure they’ll be willing to return the favor. You can count on my signature as well and anything you need,” Yoha said.

  Due to the fellowship between gargoyles and humans, humans could also sponsor contestants in the Stone Tournament. Revitalized, Hellys went door to door and in one day got over a hundred signatures and promises to go and cheer for him in the tournament themselves. On the second day of business strategy, he only got a handful more signatures, and his spirit plummeted once again.

  Yoha noticed Hellys’ disappointment as he visited him as usual. Worried for his old gargoyle friend, Yoha asked Hellys, “Is it the signatures that got you feeling that way?”

  “Yeah…I don’t think I’m going to make it into the Stone Tournament. There are only two days left to gather all the three hundred signatures. I still need over one hundred,” Hellys answered with one hand on his neck as he looked down.

  “If only all problems were that simple to solve, the world would be a better place...My boy! By the end of tonight, you will have your signatures and then some. We’re going to make the most exquisite breads and the tastiest treats the villagers will ever have!” Yoha said cheerfully.

  Hellys blinked in a stupor. A bit confused, he said, “I don’t understand.”

  “We will sell three loaves of breads or a dozen small cakes for one silver coin and a signature where before it, would've cost the customer two coins. Unless hunger is no longer a problem and good food is loathed, you will get the signatures!”

  Hellys was appalled at this for he knew what it meant, “I can’t let you do that...You’re sure to lose tons of money!”

  Yoha slapped Hellys on his back and said, “For as smart as you are, you are pretty stupid.” Yoha then calmly explained hi
s new signature plan. Yoha chuckled as he made a large mound of dough with raisins and lemon zest.

  A warm feeling filled Hellys’ his body as he knew once again the feeling of true friendship.

  “Well, let me know how I can help,” Hellys said, looking around the shop.

  “Go over there and grab yourself some dough. And wash your hands thoroughly, we have bread to bake. So get baking, boy,” Yoha said as he went working on the dough.

  As promised, by the end of the night, Hellys had the three hundred signatures he needed to enter the tournament. Happy and content, he headed straight to his and Nuvia’s usual meeting place after giving many thanks to Yoha.

  As Hellys got there, Nuvia was already waiting for him. Hellys could never get over just how beautiful she looked every day. Every time he saw her for the first time in the day, he would stop for a few seconds to admire her outer beauty, knowing she was just as beautiful inside.

  “Well, don’t just stand there. Go ahead and tell me how it went,” Nuvia broke the silence as Hellys approached, with a smile on her face.

  “I finally got all the signatures I needed,” Hellys said with joy as he sat down next to her.

  Nuvia could not help but give Hellys a warm hug. As she hugged him, she whispered in his ear, “I have something for you.” After she released him, she stretched her left arm out in front of him and opened her fist. Resting on Nuvia’s palm were two gold coins. Both coins were inscribed, but one of them had an iron string attached to it.

  “How did you know I still needed ‘the given gold coin’? And by the way, I only needed one,” Hellys said as he chuckled.

  “Well first, I know everything! Second, give me your hand. And third, I decide what you need. Give me your right hand,” Nuvia replied in a light manner.


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