Unknown Protector

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Unknown Protector Page 21

by Maggie Mundy

  She ran the tap and splashed her face. Peeking in the mirror she made a decision, this had to stop. She had powers and no matter what happened she would use them. She dried her face and headed back to the others. If the enemy was going to play dirty, she would too.

  She left her room and Frieda was there guiding her to the couch. As usual Frieda responded by supplying food. This time she wasn’t wrong. Nicole grabbed a pastry a high-class chef would kill for.

  “I tell him a woman needs to have a full belly before she believes in a man. He does not understand. These fools with wings see only their world. You tell him who boss is.”

  Nicole hugged Frieda, then pulled back.

  “I want to walk away from all of this but I can’t. If I really have to be here and fight, then he’s a good warrior to have beside me. I want peace and quiet, and foolishly for some reason I want him. I’m lost and he’s there for me. He is fearless, courteous and annoying.” Nicole couldn’t believe the words coming out of her mouth.

  “He is. I had my own warrior in East Germany. I understand. At least I had the West to go to, you have nowhere. Here is a good place if you want to be here though.”

  Nicole hugged Frieda and let her return to her kitchen where she ruled. There was no point in avoiding the fact she and Ridge were joined at the hip so to speak. She sat beside him and took his hand in hers. It was what she needed.

  Sara sat opposite with Kaylie next to her. Carrick and Jake sat on the other couches and appeared far from relaxed with their tense expressions. Ridge squeezed her hand. She glanced at him and he smiled. He gave her the strength to speak.

  “Janet was killed in her home and the method was exsanguination. Her blood had been taken and we know she was meant as a message. Someone tried to kidnap me before and I’m sure this is connected to them. Ridge will have told you there is also a Midworlder connection.”

  “We need to give Sayell a visit,” Ridge said.

  Carrick shuffled about on the couch like there were bugs on the seat. “His place is like a fortress and he doesn’t have your open door policy. His is more blast them as they come in if they’re not Demonic.”

  Sara stood up. “What’s with all the long faces? I for one want to kick Sayell, right in his pretty mouth. I want to whisper demeaning comments about his sexual prowess until it makes him go blue in the face. That would bring me contentment.”

  Nicole was finally starting to like Sara, and all it took was mutual hatred of Sayell.

  “Looks like we won’t have to go and see him at all. If my senses are workin’ well he’s downstairs.” Ridge stood up and made his way towards the door to the balcony above the club.

  Nicole followed him. He turned and glared at her. For a second, the thought to get her to stay put was most likely crossing his mind. He shook his head and gave up on the idea when he saw her pursed lips and folded arms.

  They descended the stairs and Nicole stared at Sayell and hoped he could sense her hatred.

  “I thought I should come and pay you a visit after my sources told me what happened today. It seems some poor woman has been killed, and it’s all Nicole’s doing.”

  Nicole fisted her hands, but didn’t take the bait.

  Ridge moved up in front of Sayell. “I sensed your presence at her house, but I don’t believe you plan on denying it, do you?”

  “I was there but I have to admit even I was surprised at how easily he killed her. It seems she wasn’t his first. He has a fascination with blood I underestimated. He believes it helps him enter the minds of others. He said he even used to read Nicole’s mind.”

  It was the crazy man from her dreams. The only problem was she never saw a face, or knew what his name was. Plus the dreams stopped the day after the bonding. Somehow her connection to Ridge blocked them.

  “What are you playin’ at, Sayell? Nicole’s no intention of relinquishing our bond.” Ridge stood with folded arms.

  “Yes, I can tell. She reeks of you, but I could cope with the smell for a short time until the deed was done.” Sayell leered as he eyed her up and down.

  “I’d rather die than let you touch me.”

  “It’s simple really. I have a job to do and it requires you leave Ridge, and come with me. If you don’t then I can’t be held responsible for what this man might do.” Sayell huffed and peered around with a board expression.

  “Why does he want me?” Nicole asked.

  “Someone close to him can see their Demonic and he knows you don’t have a guardian. He wants me to remove her Demonic and place it on you.”

  “And of course you’re tellin’ him you’ll do that,” Ridge replied.

  “One has to use whatever comes to hand. We both know time is running out for you to change your mind, so I expect to hear from you in the next few days.” This time Sayell didn’t do his magic disappearing trick but marched out of the club.

  Nicole couldn’t believe they were going to let him walk away. “Why aren’t you stopping him? He knows who killed Janet, and he doesn’t seem the least bit bothered if this guy kills again. I don’t want any more blood on my hands.”

  Ridge turned to her. “It ain’t that simple. I can’t kill him and he knows it, even if I could make him suffer. We’ve had major disagreements before and trust me it ends up messy. One of the new Demonic Midworlders might be persuaded to talk, but not Sayell.”

  “We’ll kidnap one of them. Where does he live?”

  “He lives on Nob Hill. No surprise in that but it’s not so easy,” Ridge replied.

  “So what do you want me to do? Go hand myself over, because that seems to be the only alternative to innocent people dying,” Nicole fumed as she stood with her hands on hips.

  “You ain’t goin’ anywhere but I’m going back to Pergor, and this time Sara and Carrick will go with me. I’m gonna find out once and for all what the hell’s goin’ on up there and down here,” Ridge said.

  “So I’m supposed to sit here and twiddle my thumbs while you do that? This is my life you’re talking about and I want to come.” Nicole crossed her arms and stood before him ready for a fight.

  “You almost died the last time and I’m not prepared to risk it again. If they say they’ll give you a guardian I’ll be back to take you over.”

  Nicole hadn’t meant to gasp but she had. He moved closer and put his hand up and touched her cheek. Leaning forward, he whispered in her ear.

  “It’s not what I want, you have to believe that but I want you alive.”

  He kissed her and she matched his ferocity not caring if the others were watching. Nicole heard a cough and guessed it would be Sara.

  “Sorry to interrupt you two lovebirds. You may not have noticed, but there’s a war brewing here.”

  Ridge slowly moved away from her.

  “You weren’t too fantastic when you came back from there last time. Don’t you make me be angry at you or I might break things again,” Nicole said.

  He turned away and motioned for the others to follow him up the stairs to the apartment and then the roof. She didn’t want him to go, and she didn’t want him to find a guardian. Now she knew what guardians were she didn’t want one anymore, not even if Mira was willing to come back. When all was said and done would she have any choice? Since that night a week ago most decisions had been taken out of her hands and now didn’t seem any different.

  At this minute as Ridge disappeared from view her stomach flipped at the thought she might not see him again, or that he would come back with injuries she couldn’t repair. Jake touched her arm.

  “The club will be opening soon.”

  “I know, and you want me out of the way,” she snapped.

  “Out of harm’s way, or Ridge will have my ass and you know it. You’ve known him a week and you’ve seen his temper. I like you, Nicole, b
ut he packs a punch.”

  “Mine’s harder but I understand. I’m sorry.”

  Nicole hiked back up the stairs to her home. As she lay on her bed her hand went to her chest. Her heart didn’t just ache, it physically hurt. If she hadn’t known better she would have thought she was having a heart attack. The emptiness felt real as if a part of her body was gone. She had not pledged to love Ridge until death do they part, but at this moment it felt like he was gone forever. The emptiness was unbearable.

  Nicole’s cheek stung from the slap. Frieda had hit her, but why? She glanced down at her own hand to find the answer. The knife fell to the floor clanging on the tiles before Frieda picked it up.

  “Stupid men, and you chose a stubborn one. He gets an itch and he has to scratch it, even if it will bring him pain, and you are the same. You will make wonderful babies if you don’t kill each other first.”

  Nicole glanced up to see Kaylie standing on the other side of the counter. She was as white as a sheet.

  “What the hell did you think you were doing?” Kaylie yelled.

  “I don’t remember coming in the room, let alone getting a knife and trying to cut my own wrist.” Nicole’s knees gave out and she collapsed to the floor. Everyone was around her, everyone but the one she wanted. Even Peter had woken up.

  “I need Ridge.”

  She wanted to run and curl up in a ball at the same time. They had both been clear about how they felt. They were not in love, and maybe he didn’t want to find a guardian because the longer she was without one she would want him, well it was working. She wanted him here. Then the thought came that he might be dead. She went to the couch and lay there with her knees pulled to her chest. She needed to focus. Peter sat next to her and she saw the ring on his finger. It was a Claddagh ring Ben had given him. She had one as well but her fingers had swollen and it didn’t fit anymore. She reached out and took his hand and rubbed her thumb over the ring. She probably imagined it but she felt calmer.

  “Ben loved life, Nicole. It was his sheer belief in living the moment that kept me going on many occasions.”

  Nicole wanted to listen but the anxiety of not knowing about what was happening to Ridge was consuming her. She rolled back and forth as she cradled her knees.

  “Nicole, stop. Ben is always with us because he was a part of our lives. We’re the people we are because of him and the person you are is strong. You can control this. I don’t understand what Ridge has done with this bonding thing. All I know is it’s caused you to be connected in some way, but you’re a powerful woman in your own right.”

  Nicole wanted to cry as she stared at him. “When did you get to be so smart? I thought I was the one always giving advice and you were the one that’s a mess.”

  Nicole stared into her brother-in-law’s eyes and beyond anything she saw friendship, and someone to sustain her when the going got rough. She had been there for Peter and he was returning the favor. Peter leaned close and whispered in her ear.

  “I always was the crazy one and I hope I still am to a certain extent. The thing is, when you really meet with what you think is insane, you suddenly grasp you were rational most of the time before.”

  Kaylie sat down next to her and took her hand and smiled.

  “Do you remember when Ridge was hurt, and we meditated to heal him. I know you think all my chants are a bit loopy but I think it will calm you until he gets back. You can’t help the way you are feeling, it’s part of the bonding. It’s not like getting engaged. It is a physical thing and your bodies are connected so one can’t survive for long without the other.”

  “Great, so if he gets killed up there I’m going to die too. Oh well, it beats exploding at the end of the month.” Nicole tried to laugh but could only manage a whine as her body shook. She wasn’t cold but she couldn’t stop the trembling. “I know you’ll think I’m mad, but I don’t want him to bring a guardian back. I kind of like the fact this is just me.”

  “I understand. I read auras and can see things others don’t but I’ve never seen one of them like you have. I know it’s wrong that they have attached themselves to humans without our consent, but I do believe they’ve been mostly harmless. I think man has done all the awful things he has to his fellow man without their influence.”

  “That may have been true in the past, but I don’t think Sayell, or this Liliath, want it to remain that way, and for some reason they need me to change the status quo. A status quo I don’t necessarily agree with.”

  Nicole wrapped her arms around her midriff as pain hit. It was like someone had punched her in the guts and she knew exactly what was happening. Ridge had a fight on his hands and her body sensed it. “They’re being attacked.”

  Kaylie put her arm around her. “Nicole, I want you to listen to me. You can help him. Lie down and chant with me. Try and send him your power and take some of his pain. It will help him with the fight. I believe you can do this and at the very least you’ll feel connected.”

  Nicole lay down on the floor and Kaylie sat next to her. Frieda stood by the counter with a rosary in her hand. Her knobby arthritic fingers were moving from bead to bead as she prayed. At this moment Nicole was prepared to take help from any source, and if Frieda’s belief could bring some assistance she would be happy for it.

  Nicole followed the chant but it came out through clenched teeth. Her hands were throbbing as if she had crashed her knuckles into a brick wall and the pain in her gut was intensifying. Her brain felt too big for her head, as if every synapse was sending messages faster than she could cope with. She had to control the panic rising. This wasn’t about her anymore. She had seen the expression of fear on Kaylie’s face. She would be worried about whether Sara would come back. The two women weren’t bonded, but she had seen them together this past week and knew there was something wonderful, passionate and infuriating there, a bit like her and Ridge.

  The chant started working. The pain eased and her mind calmed down a little as her breathing slowed. A picture formed behind her closed eyes of the crystal cavern. She had removed one of those crystals from Ridge and knew how lethal the place could be. She didn’t know how she was doing it, but she was with Ridge looking through his eyes. His thoughts were coming loud and clear and he wasn’t happy.

  You shouldn’t be here, Nicole. If others sense your presence, it could be dangerous for all of us.

  He was growling in her mind. How could he do that? His fists were clenched and she was pretty sure it wasn’t because of an enemy, but because he was exasperated with her yet again.

  Stop complaining Ridge, and take help when it’s offered.

  He grunted but she felt a small smile reach his lips. Maybe he had been struggling without her as well, but being the big he man would never admit it he felt desperate.

  Were you feelin’ desperate without me, darlin?

  No, but Kaylie wanted me to check Sara was okay.

  That wasn’t a smile, it was a grin. Ridge turned his head sideways to show Sara standing beside him. Sara gave him a questioning glance to which he replied with a wink. Her eyes rolled up. He turned his head the other way to show Carrick. They were both being held with their hands behind their backs the same as Ridge. Sayell appeared in front of him and Nicole felt the blow in her own abdomen as Ridge took the onslaught of punches. Sayell turned his attention to Carrick, then Sara. Nicole was glad Kaylie couldn’t see what was going on. Sayell moved away.

  “You know I do enjoy these little sessions, but I have to admit you really are getting a bit transparent.

  Things are not working out for you on Earth so you come up here to get instructions. You Angelic Midworlders never could think for yourselves,” Sayell said as he punched Ridge again.

  “Come on, Sayell. You mean to tell me you’re not up here cause you’re not tuggin’ on Liliath’s sleeve.”

Ridge received another punch to his chin. Nicole tried to block out the memories but Sayell’s face kept getting replaced by that of her stepfather. She didn’t have time to deal with the past, she needed to block it and concentrate on what was happening.

  “Your philosophy is so small. You’ve never seen beyond being a good Midworlder and replacing guardians. We’ve known each other long enough to know it doesn’t make you happy. I was there at you’re last bonding ceremony. I have to say if I’d ever been inclined before that day to take a partner you convinced me otherwise.”


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