Unknown Protector

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Unknown Protector Page 26

by Maggie Mundy

  “Just for that attempt at my accent I should make you sleep alone, but I’d like to request a repeat performance in the mornin’ and to make such a comment might not be polite.”

  “I’m more than happy for such an activity, though I’m surprised Frieda didn’t come and bang on the door with all the noise we made.”

  Ridge kissed her forehead. “She’s a deep sleeper, and a nag and a great cook, and a nag like a mother, and I adore her.”

  “I love her. She makes me laugh at myself.” Nicole wanted to say so many names from the past week that had made her happy but it would be too sad and she didn’t need that.

  She felt safe as they snuggled up together. He was an alien and she would probably be dead tomorrow when he tried to convert her. For this moment she had a man next to her who was basking in the afterglow of their sex, and that was a good thing in anybody’s book. The warmth from his body and the way his arm surrounded her, protecting her, made her feel secure. She had always relied on her own ingenuity for survival in the past. For now she needed to let someone else worry, but if it came to a fight she would be there.

  “Sleep, my little lady, sleep.”

  She didn’t need any prompting as she succumbed to complete rest for the first time in a long time.

  Nicole came awake and sat up as if the screams had been in the room with them. She glanced around. It was dark and she could sense Ridge still lying next to her asleep. Why had the dreams come back tonight, and why with such a vengeance? Why would their making love have changed things?

  She took a deep breath and tried to concentrate on the dream before it became vague and disappeared. It had been the young woman. They had been in a darkened room together and the girl was crying. Nicole rubbed her temples as she struggled to remember what had been said.

  “I want him to kill me but he won’t, let me be free. Save me, Nicole.”

  How could she see her? The young woman moved forward and took Nicole’s hand. Nicole sensed what was attached to the girl and was surprised she was still alive with any semblance of sanity. This was not a placid Demonic and this young woman wasn’t the first human it had been attached to. She could see the death it had caused as pictures flashed through her mind. She could feel the pain others had gone through as the Demonic made them kill friends and families. She could see blood flowing over her hands. The scream she made caused Ridge to destroy his own slumbers.

  There was no drowsiness about him, he was an alert weapon crouched on the end of her bed with his wings out. He might have been naked but that made him appear more powerful. The look on his face stated he would rip someone limb from limb if he had to.

  “No one’s here, Ridge. I had a dream.”

  The wings disappeared and he was holding her. His naked body pressed against hers. She should talk and tell him what she had seen but their bodies and the need was taking over.

  As they lay there sated, her mind drifted back to the dream. She turned to Ridge but he was moving away from her.

  “What is it?”

  “It’s nothin’.

  “What’s nothing?”

  “You’ve a glow about you indicatin’ the bonding’ growin’ stronger.”

  Nicole was certain she wasn’t getting the whole truth here, but he wasn’t going to like what she had to say either.



  “I don’t want you to convert me tomorrow.”

  “Why do I have a bad feelin’ about this, and that the alternative’s gonna be worse?”

  Nicole took a deep breath knowing this wasn’t going to be an easy discussion, but as far as she was concerned Ridge had no choice.

  “The dream was of the young woman that haunted my nights before we met. Since we bonded there was nothing, but she’s back. I was with her and sensed the demonic attached to her. I can’t die and leave her like that.”

  Ridge laughed, but as she reached up and turned his face towards her she saw the tears.

  “Don’t say a word, Ridge.” Nicole bit her bottom lip and held back her own tears.” I don’t want to die, and after tonight I would love to be with you again and again. We both know it can’t be, so let’s save someone.”

  “So what’s the plan?”

  Ridge was with her but at the moment he had agreed to what she wanted she lost him. His eyes glazed over in what she considered self-protection, and she couldn’t blame him. This had been too easy and she dreaded to think how the others would react in the morning. She lay down on her back and he lay beside her. His hand took hers.


  She turned to him but he was staring in front at the ceiling.

  “I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone else.”

  “I know.”

  “Rest, my little lady, I won’t let anyone enter your dreams.”

  She trusted him and damn it she was feeling so much more, but she didn’t have time for that. She needed everything for the fight ahead. Why is it you always find the one you want when you can’t have them? This was probably the last time she would feel a man’s arms wrapped around her. She smiled like her heart soared, and slept.

  Chapter 24

  The Plan

  Sara was angry, but Sara was always angry so the scowl on her face and the folded arms was nothing new.

  “So for my amusement, tell me how you think this stupid hair-brained scheme will work.”

  Nicole decided this was one of those times when you act the lady of leisure and say nothing, and let the man take the crap.

  “This isn’t up for discussion,” Ridge said.

  “So let me get this straight, so that the humans in the room can realize how dimwitted you are for someone over three hundred years old. Because what I’m getting is that you’re going to give her to them on a platter.”

  “It’s not that way, Sara, and you know it.” Ridge shook his head at his second in command.

  “What I know is nothing’s gone right in our area since she got here.”

  “That’s not fair. None of this has been of her doing,” Kaylie said.

  “So what. Am I supposed to think that any death including yours is okay? Look, Ridge, you’ve always been a good leader but since she arrived on the scene you’ve lost the plot. I won’t see this group go under because of your infatuation with her,” Sara yelled.

  Ridge stood in front of Sara with his hands up.

  “This isn’t about her. Things are changin’ and if we don’t act then we’ll have to go along with the way the new order wants. We’re good at that. For two thousand years we’ve helped them. They need humans to advance and we’ve let them use them. Why? We had a choice. We could’ve died. Maybe it was meant to happen when we came through the void.”

  “What has this to do with giving her to them?” Sara asked.

  “No other group worldwide has been stopped from gettin' a new recipient. Liliath is puttin’ all her control here and the only reason has to be Nicole,” Ridge replied.

  Nicole was happy sitting on the edge of this discussion. She had no intention of being anyone’s catalyst for change. She wanted to walk over and take Ridge’s hand but something stopped her. She lusted after him and his world was being turned upside down because of her, but neither of them had said the word love. She had never asked him to love her so why was it bugging her.

  “Sara, I‘m aware I might die, but you’ve all told me I will at the conversion anyway. I thought the idea of being able to get back at Sayell, and try and understand the crap going on would appeal to you.”

  “Will the lot of you shut the fuck up?” Peter yelled.

  Nicole couldn’t stop the smile erupting on her face at her brother-in-law’s outburst.

  “I love Nicole, and I know her well enough if life has
dealt her a deck of cards she will play it to the end. Ridge, you’ve only known her a while but I think you would agree she’s stubborn.”

  Ridge nodded and Nicole still wasn’t sure if what had been said was a compliment.

  “Everything is screwed up and you Midworlders have not left us with any choice. Let Ridge and Nicole go and get the bastard who is killing these women. Maybe you can save the young woman and if not, you can sort out what’s going wrong.”

  “So let’s get going before we change our minds.” Ridge headed towards the door and Nicole followed. “My people will be watchin’ us.”

  Nicole frowned. “They can’t get too close, or this won’t work. This is a good plan. Hopefully we’ll all survive and you can try and give me wings afterwards.”

  His expression was blank. He was in his warrior-mode and she needed that. She could not afford for him to go sad on her or it would mess things up.

  Driving through San Francisco to Sayell’s home caused goose bumps to rise on her arms. She knew these streets well but this might be the last time she would see them. So much of her life she had spent alone and this last week had surrounded her with so many people. She had refused to look at Peter or Kaylie or anyone else as she left the apartment. This was the right thing to do. She needed to believe she would see them again. If she hugged them it would have seemed too final and she would never have left.

  The ride was over too soon as they drew up outside of the house she said she would never enter again. Before they were out of the car the front door of the house opened as if they had sensed their arrival. She wasn’t surprised. There was no point in beating around the bush.

  “We’d like to speak to Sayell about his proposition,” Ridge said.

  Now they were here she needed to stay calm. She kept her arms at her side and hoped the butler who had opened the door wasn’t able to see her shaking.

  “Mr. Hillier, is not at home at present. I could however arrange for one of the other gentleman to take you to see him. Please follow me.”

  He spoke to another Midworlder who asked them to follow him down the corridor and a stairway to the garage under the house. It was good to know Ridge had her back as he stood behind her. The energy radiating off him tingled. She could almost feel sorry for anyone who wanted to mess with him, almost but not quite. A big black limo with darkened windows parked in the garage wasn’t a surprise either. She sat in the back watching Ridge clench and unclench his hands. She grabbed one and squeezed.

  “I wish I had a gun, even if it was of no use against Midworlders.”

  He looked at her and shook his head.

  “If I can’t protect you we’re both dead, though I’d be more than happy if you want to show any of the powers.”

  “I’ll try, but make no promises. I want you to know I’ve no regrets about last night or anything else. I still believe this is right. People need saving and you need to know what’s going on.”

  “I am and always will be honored you chose to bond with me, even though it may’ve seemed there was little choice at the time.” He smiled at her.

  “We did the best we could. I’m happy to go out with power blazing if that’s what it takes.”

  “Let us hope it doesn’t come to that.”

  Ridge kissed her tenderly on the lips as he gazed deep into her eyes. All she wanted was to stay in his arms forever, but that wasn’t a choice. The kiss broke off too soon but they hugged each other close in the back of the car as it drove out of the city. Eventually it turned into a property, but there was no sign of the house. The driveway went on forever. How rich was this guy?

  After about ten minutes the limo pulled to halt in front of a large ranch style house. A large veranda went around the outside and reminded her of Australian homesteads. The door to the limo opened and her stomach turned over as the bile hit the back of her throat. She gripped Ridge’s hand even tighter. If she broke his bones she could fix them.

  As the door to the ranch opened she was accosted by a smell. Her nostrils flared as she tried to remember it. Blood. It was like being in the morgue again. The smell lingered as if it was ingrained into the walls. She shivered as she strolled through the place, even though it wasn’t cold. There were no happy memories in this house. She peered at each door she passed and sensed remnants of sadness locked within.

  “The place should be bulldozed. It stinks of death, mold and blood,” she whispered.

  They were ushered into a library with books adorning its walls. Sayell came up and hugged her, she gagged. She heard Ridge growl behind her.

  “You’d do well not to touch my intended.”

  “Now that’s rude. You asked to see me after all. I thought the proposition was that she would renounce you.”

  “Let’s get on with business,” Nicole said as she moved beside Ridge and grabbed his hand.

  There were three other men in the room. Two men hovered by the bookcase. She was sure she knew them. They were the men who had tried to kidnap her. Humans. Then there was also a man coming towards them with hands outstretched. She was sure he was insane, as a cop she had seen his type before. There are some it’s a waste of time negotiating with, though officially she would never have said that. They have taken that extra step and they can’t come back. His hands were clammy and he held hers too long.

  “I knew you’d come. In my heart I knew you would hear the call. Now I know I can be free of my torment and move on to greater things with Jane, safe beside me.”

  “I’ll do what I can,” Nicole said, hoping he didn’t pick up on her insincerity.

  “Nicole, I’ve been so rude. This is Gabriel. He likes to kill people. It’s not my fault, he just does. I love humans and the variety of depravity they can sink to. You know his friends here. I think they tried to rape you. They say you hurt them. I should let you know one of them is still not too happy.” Sayell chuckled to himself.

  “Where is Jane?” Nicole asked.

  “Oh that’s sweet. Am I meant to think you actually want to save her? You’re far too important for that.”

  Gabriel rushed towards her but was stopped by his own henchmen.

  “Kill him,” Sayell said with a wave of his hand as he peered over his shoulder at Gabriel.

  For one moment Nicole saw madness replaced by wide-eyed fear in Gabriel. It didn’t last long as one of his henchmen stood behind him and twisted his head. There was a sound as if Carrick had cracked his knuckles. It was so quick, so final, and yet this man had caused so much pain. It was too easy a death for him, but to have wanted to see him suffer would have made her no better than the others.

  “The money has already been placed in the accounts you mentioned. Take his body with you and do the appropriate gestures to assure the police their suspect has been caught.”

  The men left the room carrying the body. Sayell sauntered around the other side of the desk and sat down in what she assumed had been Gabriel’s chair. He stared straight at them and grinned.

  “I have to apologize for the inconvenience. It was what you wanted wasn’t it? I thought he would be useful, but to be honest he was getting out of hand. I’m sure Ridge has expressed such problems with other humans he has dealt with.”

  “Only the ones your kind had already meddled with.”

  “Obviously we’re not going to save poor Jane. I agree her Demonic should have been kept locked up, but accidents happen. I personally think it has all turned out for the best. So has Ridge been honorable, or are you pregnant. A Demonic fetus would be better, but it won’t survive anyway. By the way I would love you to come with us Ridge, but I fear you would only get in the way.”

  As Ridge moved towards Sayell, four Demonic Midworlders burst into the room. Ridge fought harder than she had ever seen him fight before. She turned on Sayell and tried to aim her power at him, but his fist s
lammed into her chin as she went to hit him. As she was dragged out of the patio doors she glanced back to see Ridge being held down on the floor.

  They were in the sky and she knew where they were going. She could see three cars pull up as Ridge’s people arrived. The first part of their plan had worked. The killer was dead and the young woman would be saved. Now the others had to get up to Pergor so Liliath wouldn’t hurt her. Damn her powers not working. It was daylight and yet the world was growing dark around her.

  Chapter 25

  The Final Battle


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