by John Pilger
Lange, David, 363, 372
Langton, Marcia, 65
Last Dream, The (film), 3, 80, 232, 237
Law of the Land, The (Reynolds), 80
Lawson, Henry, 122, 330
LCPA (Labor Committee for Pacific Affairs), 364–5
League of Rights, 125
Lee, Andrew Daulton, 213–14
Lee, Jenny, 3
Leigh, David, 220
Lenin, V. I., 332
Lewis, Sir Terence, 322
Libya, 270
Lindahl, Emil, 249–50
Lingiari, Victor, 65
Lingiari, Vincent, 44
Lippmann, Walter, 175
Llana, Peter, 129
Lockhart, Greg, 199
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 179
Loomis, Patry, 210
Lousy Little Sixpence (film), 69
Lowery, Alan, 3, 62, 296
Lowry, L. S., 11
Lucky Country, The (Home), 183
Lynch, Phillip, 206
MacArthur, General Douglas, 155, 164
McCarthy, Francis (ancestor of J.P.), 91–3, 96
McClelland, James, 168, 303, 310, 320
McCormack, Gavan, 371
McCoy, Dr Alfred, 364
McElroy, Lynne, 127
McHale, Edward, 249, 251
Macken, Deirdre, 333
McMahon, William, 187, 199
McNeill, Ian, 177
Macphee, Ian, 278, 280
Macquarie, Governor Lachlan, 32
McQueen, Humphrey, 158
Mahoney, Frank, 221
Makeev, Michael and Valentina, 109–11
Man Makes History: World History from the Earliest Times to the Renaissance (Ward), 25
Mangano, ‘Benny Eggs’, 257
Manning, Peter, 307
Mannix, N. J., 259
Manor, General LeRoy, 210
Mansell, Michael, 65
Maralinga: nuclear test site at, 170–4
Marchetti, Victor, 185, 197, 198, 210, 216, 225, 353, 362
Marcos, Imelda, 307
Maréchal Suchet (ship), 148
Maris, Hyllus, 29–30, 67
Marks, John, 216
Markus, Andrew, 33, 50
marriage: of J.P.’s great-great grandparents, 96; of immigrants, by proxy, 115, 116; marriage market for convicts, 96
Marston, Dr Hedley, 172
Martin, Ray, 236, 303
Marx, Karl, 332
Materials Production Project, 127
Mates, 3, 239–326
Mathews, ‘Matchstick’, 52
Maxwell, Robert, 312
Mayman, Jan, 81
Melbourne Age, 125, 225, 238, 311, 312
Melbourne Club, 241–2
Melbourne Herald, 236, 276
Menzies, Robert (later Sir Robert), 111, 139, 154–5, 161–7, 168–9, 174, 180, 187, 206, 362, 370; and American bases, 201; and Melbourne, 241; and Vietnam, 180, 181
‘middle Australia’: concept of, 333
Middle East War, 202, 205, 219
Migrant Hands in a Distant Land (Collins), 123
Miles, Bea, 17
Miller, Mick, 65
Milliken, Robert, 173, 239, 317
millionaires, 4, 273, 333–4
mineworkers: at Broken Hill, 340–8; in the Hunter Valley, 150, 288
mining companies: and Aboriginal land rights, 46–50; and Chinese gold diggers, 121–3
Moffit, Athol, 317
Mollerin, 350–1
Monash, John, 143
Moore, John, 267
Morgan, Alec, 3, 62, 69
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 368
multi-cultural: in Australia, 102–4, 127–38
Mulvaney, D. J., 80
Mungo, Lake, 27–8
Murdoch, Keith, 276
Murdoch, Rupert, 5, 49, 121, 254, 259–62, 272, 276–80; and the airline industry, 318; and Bob Hawke, 261–2, 265, 276–88; News Corporation, 269; newspapers, 264–71; takeover of Herald and Weekly Times group, 276–81, 308–9; and the United States, 267–71
Murphy, Lionel, 190, 192, 228
Murray, Arthur, 55, 57–8, 60
Murray, Eddie, 55–8, 59, 60
Myall Creek massacre, 51
Nader, Ralph, 46
Nagy, Leslie, 206
Namatjira, Albert, 37, 38–40, 45, 62
Namatjira, Oscar, 37, 38, 45, 62
Namatjira, Reg, 62, 63
Namatjira, Rubina, 37, 40, 45
National Action, 125
National Times, 48, 191, 206, 254, 255, 259, 281–2, 305, 315
Neighbours (television programme), 338
New Guard, 153
‘New World’ policies, 157, 158
New York Post, 270
New York Times, 214, 252, 268
New Zealand, 142, 363, 370–2
newspapers: on multi-culturalism, 127–8; ownership of, 5, 264, 276–81, 311–13. See also individual newspapers
Ngo Dinh Diem, 175
Niemeyer, Sir Otto, 152, 272
Nixon, Richard M., 189, 192, 196, 202, 212, 236, 246, 247, 261, 262
NLF (National Liberation Front, Vietcong), 176, 180
Non-aligned Movement, 190
Non-European Policy, 105
North West Cape base, 201–3
Northern Territory: Aborigines in, 43–4, 62–3, 77
NSA (American National Security Agency), 194–5
nuclear weapons: Australian attitudes to, 365; British testing of, in Australia, 168, 171–4; and the Hawke Government, 362, 363, 365; and New Zealand, 363, 370–2
Nugan, Frank, 209, 210–12, 307
Nugan Hand Bank, 208, 209–12, 231, 307, 318
Nurrungar: American base at, 199, 200–1, 202, 363
O’Callaghan, Mary-Louise, 371
O’Connor, C. Y.: Great Pipe, 348, 350
O’Hoy, Denis, 119, 122–3
O’Hoy, Louey, 123
O’Hoy, Que, 123
O’Keefe, Gerry, 250, 364
O’Neil, Shorty, 343–5
O’Reilly, Tony, 312
Oak Valley, 173–4
Obiri paintings, 28–9
Oldfield, Maurice, 219
ONA (National Assessments), 195
One Australia Policy, 132
Order of Mates, 4, 239–326
Osborne, Barton, 177
Other Side of the Frontier, The (Reynolds), 30, 80
outstation movement, 61
outworkers, 117–19
Packer, Frank, 160, 287
Packer, Kerry, 74, 259, 264, 272, 286, 308, 313, 319, 325
Palm Island: cemetery on, 45
Palm Valley (painting), 37
Palmer, Mary (ancestor of J.P.), 91, 93–5, 96
Papunya people, 36
Parker, Doug, 351
Pat, John, 59, 61
Patten, Jack, 78–9
Patterson, ‘Banjo’, 330
Patton, W. H., 340
peace movement, 165–6; New Zealand, 370–2
Peacock, Andrew, 223–4, 317
Peacock, Matt, 81
Penny, Sir William, 172
People’s History of Australia, A (Burgmann and Lee), 3
Perkins, Charlie, 40–1, 42, 65
Perkins, Hetti, 40, 41, 42
Perron, Marshall, 132
Personal History of the Australian Surf, A (Blakemore), 18
Perth, 321, 348
Petrov, Vladimir (Petrov affair), 167
Phillip, Captain Arthur, 24, 77
Phillips, Dennis, 160, 165
‘Phoenix Programme’ in Vietnam, 177, 179, 208, 210
Pilger, Alice (grandmother of J.P.), 148
Pilger, Elsie (mother of J.P.), 17, 89–90, 146, 147, 150
Pilger, John: at Bondi beach, 9–20; meets Bob Hawke in Melbourne, 241, 262; parents and grandparents, 147–9; schooling, 162–3; television interview with Bob Hawke, 297–304
Pilger, Richard (grandfather of J.P.), 146
Pilger, Sam (son of J.P.), 170r />
Pine Gap (American base), 197–200, 201, 202, 204, 212, 213–14, 219, 221–3, 228, 230, 252, 363
Pinwill, William, 214, 236, 250
Platt, Jack, 17, 18, 19
Plimsoll, James, 164
poetry: Aboriginal, 21, 29–30
Pol Pot, 127, 194, 233, 270, 365
police: and Aborigines, 53–60, 66, 67–8
porpoises: at Bondi beach, 19
Porter, Barry, 309
poverty, 272, 327, 329–39; in Sydney, 11–12, 329–39
Powell, Enoch, 133
Powell, Webster, 159
Price, Dr Charles, 134
Prichard, Katharine Susannah, 149
Probert, Belinda, 306
Proctor, Dr John, 219
Progress Party, 307
Pullan, Robert, 263
Qadafi, Colonel, 270
Quat, Dr Phan Huy, 180
Queensland, 321–3; Aborigines in, 33, 45–6, 48, 52
Rabuka, Colonel, 363
racism, 129–34
radio broadcasting: Aboriginal station, 74–6
Ramsey, Alan, 271, 274
Raratonga, Treaty of, 365
Rasp, Charles, 340
Raynor, Hayden, 159
Razak, Tun Abdul, 193
Reagan, Ronald, 240, 268–9
Reilly, Richard, 260
Renouf, Alan, 179
Returned Soldiers and Sailors Imperial League, 147
Revill, Stuart, 301
Reynolds, Grahame, 304–5
Reynolds, Henry, 2, 30, 80
Rice, Walter, 196
Riesel, Victor, 247
Riley, Bob, 65
Riley, Murray, 257
Roberts, Jan, 81
Roberts, Rhoda, 73
Roberts, Stephen, 27
Roe, Jill, 331
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 156
Rose, Murray, 17
Rothwell’s Bank, 294, 321
Ryan, Colleen, 282, 314
Samuels, Peter, 205
Saunders, Justine, 73
Saunders, Woli, 3
Savigil, Rukiye, 118
Schachner, Robert, 333
Schlesinger, James, 202
schools: multi-racial, 127
Schuller, Karl, 210
Scully, Gary, 297
Second World War, 146, 154–6
secret ballot, 4, 331
Secret State, The (Hall), 190
segregation, racial: in New South Wales, 41
Sen, Hun, 365
Serong, Ted, 177, 179
‘sesquicententary’ celebrations, 76–8
Sgro, Giovanni, 112–14
Shackley, Theodore, 221–2
Shaw, A. G. L., 152
Short, Laurie, 247
Shultz, George, 246, 362, 367
Sihanouk, Prince (Cambodia), 194
Silverton, 347
Singapore, 132, 360
Singleton, John, 81, 307, 314
Skase, Christopher, 294–5
Smith, Joan, 169
Smith, Lawrence, H., 167
Snepp, Frank, 190
Snowy Mountains Scheme, 108–10, 114, 157
Solarz, Stephen, 366–7
Somervaille, Rob, 305
South Africa, 35–6, 80, 100, 133, 142
Spender, Percy, 164, 165
Spooner, Eric, 14
Springborg, Robert, 306
Spry, Sir Charles, 235
squatters, 99, 163
Squatting Age in Australia, The (Roberts), 27
‘Stain, The’, 90, 99, 162
Stallings, Richard, 198–9, 221, 222
Steketee, Mike, 304
Stevenson, Adlai, 176
Stewart, Meg, 7, 14
Stokes, Edward, 340
Stratton, Tom, 105–7, 130
strikes: Great Strike at Broken Hill (1919), 341–8; Gurindji people, 42–3; Hunter Valley mines, 150
Strong, James, 48
Sudono, Agus, 250
Suich, Max, 282
suicide rates in Australia, 5
Sukarno, Achmed (President of Indonesia), 203
Sun (British newspaper), 265, 266
Sun (Sydney), 235, 236
‘Sunbaker, The’ (photograph), 19
sweatshops, clothing, 118
Sydney: corruption in, 255, 260; poverty in, 11–12, 330, 334–9
‘Sydney Institute’: see ‘Institute of Public Affairs’
Sydney Mail, 78
Sydney Monitor, 33, 51, 263
Sydney Morning Herald, 5, 68, 80, 82, 107, 121, 125, 126, 225, 235, 237, 282, 290, 302, 303, 306, 309, 311, 313, 318, 325, 338, 346, 368
Sydney Surfing (Curlewis), 13
Sykes, Roberta, 69
Taiwan, 360
Tange, Sir Arthur, 221
Tasmania: Aborigines in, 33, 48
Tate, Michael, 295
Taylor, Elizabeth, 1
Teamsters’ Union, 255, 257
television broadcasting: Imparja Television, 74–6; ‘restructuring’ under the Hawke Government, 286, 308; Sky Channel, 266, 267
Tennant, Kylie, 330
terra nullius: concept of, 25, 42
Terry, Roger, 95
Tham, Rudy, 256–7
Thatcher, Margaret, 265, 266, 269; Britain under, 130, 309–10
Thomas, Heather, 345
Thomas, Richard, 296, 297
Thompson, Thelma, 339–41, 342, 343
Throssell, Jim, 149
Tieri, Frank, 257
Times, The, 265, 266
Times on Sunday, 311
Tjukurpa culture, 170
TNT (Thomas National Transport), 254, 255, 256, 258, 276
Tolpuddle, Martyrs, 92
Toohey, Brian, 191–2, 208, 222, 236, 244, 282; and The Eye, 283, 315; on Warren Anderson, 274–5
Tourang Consortium, 313–14
tourism, 44, 347
trachoma (eye disease), 35
trade unions: and the CIA, 246–52; and the Gurindji people, 42–3; and the Hawke Government, 333; and outworkers, 118–19; racial exclusion from, 103
Trainer, Ted, 361
Trento, Joseph, 225
Triumph in the Tropics (Cilento and Lack), 26
Turkish immigrants, 1–2, 118, 128
Turnbull, Malcolm, 74
Turner, John, 300
Twain, Mark, 330
UKUSA Co-operative Intelligence Agreement, 160, 191, 194–5
unemployment, 298, 310
United Nations, 163–4; study of Aborigines, 80
United States, 139, 156, 353, 362–70; and Australia under Menzies, 163–83; Australian attitudes to, 100; and communist influence in Australia, 160–1; military installations in Australia, 197–204; and New Zealand, 372; and Rupert Murdoch, 267–71. See also CIA
United Technologies, 268
United We Stand (Stokes), 340
Unsworth, Barrie, 248
Vann, John Paul, 176
Vestey, Lord, 43
Victoria, Queen, 92, 341
Vidal, Gore, 6
Vietnam War, 123, 145, 175–82, 189–200, 208–9, 210, 367–8
Vietnamese immigrants, 18, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128
Villers-Bretonneux (French village), 143–5
Walker, John, 209
Walkinshaw, Robert, 249, 250, 251
Wallace, George, 46
Waller, Ruth, 73
Walsh, Max, 133, 308
Walsh, Mike, 297
Ward, Barbara, 319
Ward, Russel, 25
Waugh, Auberon, 82
Wearne, J. T., 52
Webb, Beatrice and Sidney, 332
Weiner, Herbert, 246
welfare benefits, 4, 152–3, 336, 338; and immigrants, 130; under Whitlam, 189
Westbridge Migrant Hostel, Sydney, 126
Western Australia: towns in, 348–52
Westerway, Peter, 313
Westland affair, 269
Weston, Hunter, 142
Wheelwright, Ted, 359, 361
e, Dr Peter, 80
White Australia Policy, 105, 132, 157
Whitlam, Edward Gough, 43–4, 46–7, 123–4, 187–8, 307, 356; Government of, 159, 187–92, 193, 194, 195, 201–31; and the Governor-General, 356–7; reasons for fall of, 224–8; sacking of, 220–4; television interviews, 237–8; on trade unions and the CIA, 252
Whitton, Evan, 282, 310
Wick, Charles Z., 269
Wilkes, Owen, 198
Wilkinson, Marian, 206, 282
Williams, Graham, 81, 338
Williams, Joy, 70–3
Willis, Ralph, 313
Wilson, Edwin, 209
Wilson, Harold, 220
Wilson Plot, The (Leigh), 220
women: at Broken Hill, 339–40; campaign against conscription (1916), 145–6; convicts, 93–101; post-war immigrants, 114–18; poverty, 329–30, 336–9
Women of the Sun (Maris), 65
Woodward Commission, 43
Woolcott, Richard, 369
Wootten, Hal, 279
World Bank, 361
Wran, Jill, 258, 259, 319
Wran, Neville, 248, 258–61, 281, 296, 301, 319, 356
Wright, Jabez, 341
Wright, Peter, 220, 231
Yates, Earl, 210
Yunupingu, Galarrwuy, 65
I wish to pay tribute to my father, Claude Pilger, who died as I wrote this. The son of a German sailor and an Australian pioneer, he grew up in coal-mining towns in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales. He was a miner at the age of fifteen, then an ‘artisan in training’, but was otherwise self taught, beginning at the Mechanics Institute library in Sydney, where he became a socialist. He remained a craftsman all his life, working meticulously with wood; and he loved Ellice, his wife, his sons, his friends, music, tennis, the writing of O. Henry, a bet and Australia. He spent some of his happiest days travelling in the Australian bush. Although having unresolved doubts about the nature of my chosen craft, he was proud of me and encouraged and stood by me unfailingly. I miss him and thank him.
I would like to express my appreciation to all those who have directly and indirectly helped me with this book. Without their knowledge and skill it would not have been written. I am grateful to Mark Aarons, Franca Arena, Steve Arnold, Faith. Bandler, Paul Barry, Deborah Bick, David Bowman, Geraldine Briggs, Mike Broderick, Clyde Cameron, Paul and Rita Cauchi, Paul Chadwick, Preston Clothier, Frances Coady, John Cody, Jock Collins, Tim Comerford, Bill Cope, John Corker, Jenny Cottom, Liz Cowen, Joan Coxsedge, Ian Craig, Rachel Cugnoni, Peter Cullen, Allan Davies, Brian Day, David Day, Pat Dodson, Don Dunstan, Max Dupain, Peter Dyer, Ross Fitzgerald, Gerrit Fokkema, Denis Freney, Rosemary Gillespie, Sue Griffin, Colin Griffiths, Janice and Michelle Hartree, June Henman, Dorothy Hewett, Tony Hewett, Jane Hill, Joanne Hill, Donald Home, Deborah Inman, Mary Kalantzis, Kevin Kearney, Rachael Kerr, Harry and Kath King, Jo Kolowski, Jacqueline Korn, Nick Lockett, Alan Lowery, Gavan McCormack, Ian Macphee, Isobel McLean, Valentina and Michael Makeev, Ken Marheine, Patsy Metchick, Robert Milliken, Bill Mitchell, Mon Mohan, Alan Moir, David Moore, Alec Morgan, Paul Murphy, Lorraine Nelson, Denis O’Hoy, Andrew Olle, June Peacock, Bruce Phillips, the late William Pinwill, the late Elsie Pilger, Sam Pilger, the Quagliata family, Henry Reynolds, Brian Robbins, Geoffrey Robertson, Glyn Rutherford, Colleen Ryan, Michael Sexton, Carole Sklan, Robert Stapelfeldt, Tom Stratton, Brian Toohey, Dimity Torbett, Joseph Trento, Frank Walker senior and junior, Sarah Westcott, Ted Wheelwright, Evan Whitton, Graham Williams, Joy Williams, Andrée Wright and Barry Wright.