Prized Possession (Up-Ending Tad: A Journey of Erotic Discovery Book 4)

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Prized Possession (Up-Ending Tad: A Journey of Erotic Discovery Book 4) Page 2

by Kora Knight

  “Hell, yeah,” Tad laughed. “I know how you can get.”

  “You love how I can get.”

  Hmm. No denying that one, either.

  “Fine,” he conceded. “Whatever. I wanna know. What else would you do?”

  “Meh. Nevermind. Wouldn’t want you to wreck.”

  Again, Tad laughed, cheeks threatening to reheat. “Shut up and tell me already.”

  Scott chuckled. “Alright, but you’re gonna have to put down your phone.”

  “I am?”

  “Uh huh. Time for you to participate.”

  Tad blinked double-time. “Wait, what? Participate?”

  “Yeah. Way more fun.”

  “For you, maybe. I know how you think, dude. You’re gonna try and make me do something embarrassing.”

  Scott laughed. “Trust me.”

  “Says the guy not surrounded by a hundred freaking people.”

  “Live on the wild side. Besides, your Jeep sits up high. No one’s gonna see shit.”

  Tad’s jaw clenched warily as he glanced around. Despite traffic’s slow-as-molasses pace, no one seemed particularly interested in what anyone else was doing. Good. Because honestly? Scott now had him and his dick pretty intrigued. Still, what if someone—


  Wince. “Yeah.”

  “Put down the phone.”

  “Alright. Geez. So fucking bossy.” God, he was such a pushover. Couldn’t believe he was actually going to do this shit. It didn’t take a rocket scientist, after all, to figure out why Scott wanted his hand free. Shaking his head, he chuckled out a curse and dropped his cell into his console. The dude was turning him in a harlot. “There,” he murmured, shoving in his ear buds. “It’s down. You’re free to resume your tormenting.”

  “Awesome,” Scott laughed. “’Cause you know you’re my favorite victim.”

  “So you keep saying,” Tad drawled.

  “Yup. So, you might as well get used to it. Don’t plan on changing my tune any time soon. Now, where were we? Oh, yeah. My hand on your thigh. Which is where I’m gonna need you to put yours now. All nice and cozy against the side of your crotch.”

  Skin flushing hotter, Tad did as he was told. “For the record, I feel like an idiot.”

  “For the record,” Scott corrected, “you feel amazing.” His playful tone dipped lower. “Damn, you’re warm there. You feel that? Your body heat radiating up through your slacks?”

  “Yeah,” Tad nodded, fighting a goofy smile. “I feel it.” And he really did. Who knew groins made so much heat?

  Muffled sounds on Scott’s end whispered into Tad’s ears.

  “Mmm. Alright, shy boy. Suffice to say, I definitely wouldn’t be able to resist groping your thigh. So, get to it,” he murmured. “A nice, firm squeeze.”

  “Oh, lord,” Tad muttered, smile growing wider. But as he ‘got to it,’ his thumb inadvertently grazed his rock hard cock. The thing gave an eager counter-nudge. He frowned at the fucker. This was going to be one interesting ride home. Again, he shook his head. “The squeeze has been administered.”

  “Ah. Now see? That wasn’t so bad.”

  Tad rolled his eyes. “Bite me.”

  “Would if I could, babe. Believe you me. Now, move a couple inches to the left.” Which put Tad’s hand right on top of his bulge. Like he hadn’t seen that one coming.

  He shifted in his seat and did as told, rearranging things while he was there. Ah, sweet relief. His boys were getting way too cramped. Unfortunately, now his cock had more room to grow. And growing wasn’t all it’d be doing if Scott kept this crazy shit up.

  Fingers settling around his erection, he took the liberty to give himself another generous squeeze. An unexpected rush of pleasure high-tailed it up his shaft. He inhaled sharply, then froze, hoping Scott hadn’t heard.

  “Damn, babe. You jumping the gun without me?”

  Tad mouthed out a ‘fuck,’ the shook his head. “What? Pfft. No. Was just… resituating.”

  “Mm. Things are getting snug.”

  Understatement. “That they are.”

  “Well, I hope you resituated good, ‘cause they’re about to get even snugger.”

  Tad swallowed, glancing around, his foot easing up on the gas. “Not sure that’s such a good idea. I am operating a vehicle.”

  But Scott just chuckled and kept on going. “If I was there with you, while you operated your vehicle, I’d’ve long since started rubbing your cock. Nice and steady, up and down. But don’t worry,” he purred. “My eyes would be anywhere but your lap.”

  Tad’s lashes dipped lower as he started to stroke, his khakis doing little to diminish the sensation. Warm, heady tendrils writhed through his junk. Shit, he needed to distract his brain. “You ah… wanna find something on the radio, dude… while you’re busy looking anywhere but my lap?”

  Scott laughed softly. “And drown out the sounds you’re about to make? Not a chance.”

  Tad stilled his hand, his lips slowly curling. “Oh, yeah. Forgot about your audio fetish.”

  “That’s right.” A slow exhale rustled through Tad’s buds. “You stroking yourself, shy boy? Still doing shit in my stead?”

  Tad’s face flushed hot. “Yeah,” he muttered, returning to his task. “Still doing shit in your stead.” Inadvertently, his fingers brushed his balls. A low moan stirred in his throat. “Shit. You’re really fucking good at this.”

  A gentle growl vibrated from Scott’s end. “Damn it, I wish I was with you now.” Another quiet shuffling sound. “Move my hand faster, Tad. Hard and steady.”

  Good God. Tad couldn’t believe his was doing this. Lips parted, heart accelerating, he glanced around. Still no one looking. Thank freaking shit. Dutifully, he increased his rhythm. Hot-ass friction raced down his shaft and delved into his balls. His fingers moved faster, each pass atop his crown making his whole body twitch. “If I didn’t know better,” he rasped, giving a squeeze, “I’d say you were trying to—” breath hitch, “get me to come.”

  More faint whispers of movement. Denim against leather?

  “The thought had crossed my mind,” Scott chuckled, his timbre sounding extra husky. “You sound so incredible when you come.”

  Tad’s dick bucked against his boxers. Fucking Scott and his fucking compliments. But the guy certainly had room to give them, seeing as he’d both heard and seen Tad come apart multiple times. It was definitely due time Tad saw Scott bust, too. Which meant no more blindfolds. Or eye masks.

  Funny thing, that. Because last Tuesday when he and Scott hooked up? Even though he’d finally gone without any eye obstructions, ironically he still ended up facing away from the guy.

  Though, to be fair, the thought of face-to-face fucking still kind of made him cringe. Not that he wouldn’t totally love to see the dude light up and blow. Damn. To watch Scott’s features go all rigid with ecstasy? His big, brown eyes rolling back in bliss? Tad’s dick pressed insistently against his fly, prompting him to stroke it faster. Press down harder. Shit, that felt good. Way too good. He seriously was going to have to rein his shit in, or no joke, he was going to—

  “Tad,” Scott rasped.

  “Yeah.” Wincing, he eased off his grind.

  “No slowing down.”

  Tad frowned. What, the guy was psychic now? “Dude,” he protested, heart pounding fast. “I have to or I’m gonna—”

  “Keep going,” Scott panted. “But no coming yet.”

  Tad’s eyes shot wide. Holy shit. Scott was playing along, too. Well, didn’t that knowledge just super-sensitize one already ready-to-blow cock. Mind reeling, he obediently kept his hand moving. Though, why he didn’t just disregard the order, he hadn’t a clue. It was that dominant shit, getting him all worked up again. He knew it was. Made him want to get Scott worked up, too. That heavy breathing coming through his buds said his compliance was working.

  “Dude?” he strained out, pleasure assailing his cock. His balls. Expanding back into his ass and up along his s
pine. “You’re—you’re doing this with me?”

  “Fuck, yeah,” Scott hissed, his exhale all gravelly. “Always. Anywhere. With you.”

  Fuuuuuck. Hottest confirmation ever. Mental images of Scott sitting in his car, stroking himself to fruition… The visual alone almost set Tad off. Damn it, he wished he could be there to watch. And he didn’t care what that made him. Gay, bi, what the fuck ever. Scott just did it for him, plain and simple. Just the thought of him made Tad horny. And with their present little sitch going on? He was seconds away from coming unglued.

  Heart hammering, his toes curled as bliss assailed his groin, frisky licks of ecstasy teasing every inch of his cock. Goddamn, if it wasn’t for the seatbelt holding him, he’d be on the freaking floor. His free hand clutched the wheel, his pelvis starting to rock. Too good—too good—too fucking good!

  “Scott,” he panted, eyes rolling back, foot moving to rest on the break.

  “Not yet,” Scott moaned. “Ah, shit. Just… not yet.”

  But his nuts were already cinching, his crown starting to swell and firm. Each upward stroke he gave to the thing catching its hardened ridge. Motherfuck. Between Scott’s heavy breathing and his package going Chernobyl, Tad didn’t have much time. A strained grunt rushed from his lungs. Then another. And another. He couldn’t hold them back. They wouldn’t be detained. His hips bucked, then his thighs started to shake.

  “Scott—Shit, Scott—I’m gonna fuckin’—”


  Tad’s eyes flew open, all movement ceasing. Not only had traffic started moving, the river of brake lights winking out, but now a large gap was in front of his Jeep. A space other cars were quickly diving into.

  “Shit,” Scott growled.

  “Yeah.” Sitting up straight, he pressed on the gas. “Never have I been so freaking pissed that traffic was finally moving.”

  Scott chuckled, his voice sounding strained. “At least it means you’ll be here soon. What I wanted to begin with.”

  Tad smiled, then winced, resituating his boner. “Too bad at the expense of my throbbing nuts.”

  “I’ll be more than happy to rectify that.”

  Oh, man. Tad’s heart thumped anxiously. He was heading straight toward more new territory. Him and Scott. Alone in his apartment. No roommates and no interruptions. Would Scott hold back like he usually did, respecting Tad’s personal space? Or would he be more assertive, like he’d been on the phone? The prospect excited Tad, but also made him nervous. Because chances were, the guy would try to kiss him again. And, like last time, Tad would probably fidget the fuck out. Not because he didn’t want it, but because he was still wary to ‘go there.’

  Maybe the guy would persuade him like last week. With those big warm eyes, and that low rough voice, and all that close proximity. Tad kind of hoped so. He really liked Scott’s brand of persuasion.

  Blinking away the thought, he chuckled dryly. “That’s very nice of you. We can uh… cross that bridge when we get to it. Right now I’m just hoping I’ll be able to walk right once I finally get there.”

  Scott laughed. “Drive it safe. I’ll see you soon.”

  Sighing, Tad disconnected, then made another call.

  “Wassssup, Tadpole?”

  He rolled his eyes. He hated that frickin’ nickname. “Jayman. How goes it.”

  “Good, good. You ready to sweat, my brotha?”


  “Ned’s riding my ass to get to the gym early. Apparently a chick he’s got the hots for is gonna be there, tearing it up in an aerobics class or some shit. Says he wants to get there in time to ‘watch her bodacious boobs bounce.’ No joke, dude. Those were his exact stupid words.”

  Tad laughed, shaking his head. Guess he wasn’t the only one getting off on watching others sweat.

  “I know, right?” Jay went on. “I tried to pawn Breck off on him so I could grab some grub with Marcie, but the big guy wasn’t interested. Whatever. So, unless I wanna hear Ned cryin’ I’m stuck going up there early.”

  Tad snickered. “Have fun with that.”

  “Shit. You’re comin’ with, brah.”

  “Am not,” he laughed. But then his smile faded. Shifting in his seat, he cleared his throat. “Actually, I’m not gonna be going up there at all tonight.”


  Tad winced, the dude’s squawk lancing his eardrums. “Yeah, man. Got stuff going on.”

  “What do you mean you got stuff going on? This is our Tuesday night jam. Tradition with a capital T. Our boys’ night out. You can’t just have shit going on. Fuck that. Besides, you skipped last week already. You know what that imparted on my ass? Breck fucking bitching at me all night long for being a shit-ass spotter. The dick. Just ‘cause you two lift more than me doesn’t mean I suck.” Sounds of aggravated shuffling resounded in Tad’s buds. “Come to think of it, I aughta kick his ungrateful ass.”

  Tad barked out a laugh. “Make sure Ned takes a video. I definitely wanna see how that plays out.”

  All sound ceased on the other end. “You—You think he’d win, don’t you. You disloyal son of a bitch.”

  Tad laughed harder, shaking his head. “I did not say that.”

  “Dude. I could totally take Mr. Hot Shot Basketball Man. He may be bigger, but smaller guys like me? We gots all the speed. And I know what you’re thinking. He does, too, being point guard and all. But that shit’s only relative to the dudes he’s up against. I ain’t no six and a half foot giant. He’d never be able to catch me. I’d be ‘floatin’ like a butterfly and stingin’ like a bee’.”

  “Oh, my God. You did not just compare yourself to Muhammad Ali.”

  “Hey. Just keepin’ it real.”

  Tad grinned, utterly amused by his dumbass best friend. “Well, like I said. Get a video.”

  “Dude,” Jay groused. “You’re seriously not gonna be up there tonight?”


  “Why? What you got going on?”

  And it begins. Tad shifted again in his seat. The hiding shit from his friends. The lie about to leave his mouth sat bitterly on his tongue. He didn’t want to say it. Especially to Jay. “Just gotta catch up on stuff around my apartment.” Not total bullshit. He was behind on laundry. “And I got a huge paper due on Friday.” Also true. But not what he was going to be working on tonight.

  A couple ticks of irritated silence. “Whatever,” Jay grunted. “But you’re not gonna make a habit of this, are you?”

  Tad swallowed. Probably. “Nope.”

  “Good. Or I’d have to come for you next after giving Breck his beat down.”

  Tad’s lips twitched. “Tell him I’m sorry. And that I’ll make it up to him next week.”

  “Will do, brah. Laters.”

  Tad tugged his ear buds free and sighed. Scott wanted to make Tuesdays their hangout night, and honestly, so did Tad. But he couldn’t just screw over his friends. That shit wasn’t cool. No matter how good the dick was he was getting…

  “Holy crap,” Tad chuckled. That brief little sentiment just made it official. He absolutely, without a doubt, had to at least be bi. A strange, unexpected weight lifted off his shoulders. He exhaled, smiled, then threw on his blinker. His exit would be coming up soon.

  Not long after, he arrived at his apartment building. Glancing around the parking lot, he realized he had no idea what Scott even drove. The few times Tad had been to his place, his ride had never been outside. Must keep the thing in his garage. Knowing Scott, it was probably something powerful and sexy. Just like its powerful and sexy owner.

  He maneuvered his Jeep into a spot, shut off the engine and climbed out. Not five seconds later, he heard his name.

  “Tad. Wait up.”

  And just like that, his insides lit, his body feeling ten times lighter. So weird how just the guy’s voice alone could make every inch of him sing. He stopped and turned around, eyes locking with Scott’s. And man, oh man, was the dude’s gaze smoldering. Like their phone call was still on
the brain. That’d definitely make two of them if it was.

  Hugging his big arm around a grocery bag, Scott sauntered his sweet ass over. Tad smiled, curious what he’d brought, but mostly just happy the guy brought himself. And damn, did he look great. More low-slung jeans, perfectly well-worn, with a dark green, super-tight tee. Seemed someone was trying to make him drool. And pretty much succeeding.

  Tad’s gaze took its time roaming down the dude’s frame. But not because he meant to be brazen. He just couldn’t seem to help it. Like his eyes just realized they’d been starving for the guy. Tad scowled at his stiffening fly. Scott always did that shit. Reduced him to an adolescent kid who couldn’t control his boners.

  So unbelievably annoying.

  Yet totally fucking hot.

  And something Scott was clearly aware of, going by the dude’s smug smile. It was almost disconcerting. The way he could read Tad like an open book. He seriously needed to get himself a better poker face.

  Forcing his attention past Scott’s shoulder, he focused on the dude’s car instead. One’s ride, after all, said a ton about its—His whole body froze as his jaw dropped open. “Whoa… Nice wheels, dude… Dayum.”

  Stopping beside Tad, Scott grinned and glanced back at it, too. “Pretty hot, huh?”

  “Hell, yeah,” Tad agreed with way too much enthusiasm. Needing a closer look, he turned Scott around and shoved him back to his car. “Holy crap. That’s an SRT8.”

  “Yeah,” Scott laughed. “I know.”

  Glossy and black, with a fucking hood scoop, his Challenger even had those racing stripes. God, the thing was sex on four freaking tires. And ‘hot’ was an absolute understatement.

  “Jesus,” Tad murmured, shamelessly ogling. “So this is what true love feels like.”

  Scott’s free arm slipped around his waist from behind. “Stop drooling,” he chuckled. “It’s disgusting.” Hefting Tad’s ass up against his hip, he turned and started walking.

  Tad laughed, cheeks burning as he tried to wriggle free. “I wasn’t drooling! I was… just… admiring with gusto.”

  Scott grinned and set him down. “Uh huh. Well, your admiring can wait.”

  Tad straightened his shirt and glanced around, hoping no one had seen. Coast clear, he gave the guy a shove. “Wait for what?”


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