The Succubus

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The Succubus Page 3

by Sarah Winn

  She leaned forward, bracing her hands on his chest. Her thick hair fell on either side of her face and brushed against his skin. Her mewing turned to sharp cries and her body lurched in a frantic search for release. Just as she melted around him, his cock exploded and he pounded his juices into her.

  She wilted onto his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, determined to keep her. She nestled against him, as though perfectly willing to stay in his arms forever. When he regained his breath, he hoarsely asked, “Who are you?”

  Isabel made shushing sounds and covered his lips with her fingers. She didn’t want anything to interrupt the wonderful sense of contentment she was feeling. All the anxiety building in her since Sir Daniel arrived at Tewsbarrow had this night climaxed into a glorious sense of release. She could finally understand why people made fools of themselves over sex.

  A niggling thought told her she should be worried that Sir Daniel had responded more tonight than he had the night before. But she didn’t care. If his response had led her to spiral through the stars as she just had, then imagine what she might feel if he were fully awake.

  No, no, that wouldn’t do. He’d already asked who she was, a question she could not answer, for no matter what Kendrick said, she didn’t think an honorable young knight would approve of what was going on here. She carefully removed her fingers from his lips. He didn’t speak again and the steady rise and fall of his chest made her hope he was once again in a deep sleep.

  Then she heard the dragging steps outside in the hallway. Kendrick was pacing up and down, impatient for her to come out. She didn’t want to leave this warm nest, but heaven only knew what Kendrick might do if she kept him waiting much longer. Reluctantly, she edged away from Daniel’s body and climbed off the bed. After putting on her cloak, she schooled her features into a slight frown. Instinct told her she better not let Kendrick know she had enjoyed herself in Daniel’s bed.

  * * * *

  The next morning, Daniel awoke alone. When he went to break his fast, he answered his uncle’s solicitous inquiry about how he had slept with assurances he’d had a restful night.

  “I told you the brandy would help you sleep well,” his uncle replied with a smug smile.

  “And you were right.” Daniel didn’t know what was going on here, but one thing he was sure of, the woman in his bed last night had been real. He had touched her, smelled her, tasted her. Either his uncle wasn’t aware of what was going on or was involved in some weird scheme, perhaps even a test. Whatever it was, Daniel had decided to keep his own counsel until he figured it out.

  On this day he was sent on a tour of the castle and its many outbuildings. Master Ambrose, the seneschal, led him through the weaving room, the smithy, the armory, the dairy, even to the kennels and the dovecote. He listened to another endless stream of figures about how much food must be stored to fill Tewsbarrow’s needs for the winter.

  Daniel knew he should be overjoyed about being his uncle’s heir, but he found the prospect of spending the rest of his life worrying about how many barrels of salted meat and bushels of grain were stored in his cellars decidedly dull. The only thing he’d found exciting so far at Tewsbarrow was the mystery woman. He had to find out who she was and why she came to him.

  He was so determined to be fully alert if she came to him again, that when his uncle brought forth the special brandy after the evening meal, Daniel pretended to sip his until Kendrick was distracted and then poured it into the rushes.

  * * * *

  Isabel was ready when Kendrick came for her that evening, but she carefully hid the anticipation she was feeling at the prospect of spending another night in Daniel’s bed. She sought to make small talk, asking how the dinner went and if Daniel had taken the brandy. Kendrick, as usual, criticized her for dawdling, telling her to hurry along so they could get this over with and he could get some sleep tonight.

  When she opened the door to Daniel’s room and looked inside, everything seemed normal. She removed her cloak, draped it over the back of a chair and moved to the bedside. Daniel wasn’t under the covers as he usually was and he still wore his brais. Why had the servant failed to help him into bed properly? Had Daniel fallen asleep so quickly that the servant hadn’t bothered? She hoped the continued use of Wanda’s potion wasn’t making him more susceptible to its affects.

  She considered what to do about the garment that blocked her. Kendrick wore them too, but his manservant always undressed him. There seemed to be an opening within the loose folds of the linen, perhaps she could free Daniel’s cock there. Then she noticed laces tied at the waist. If I untie them, could I move all of the cloth aside so there would be nothing between his body and mine? She liked that possibility more.

  As she reached for the nearest tie, a heavy hand grabbed her wrist. Isabel froze in shock and fear. She flicked her gaze toward the head of the bed, and she saw Daniel’s eyes open and a stern frown fixed on his face. “You’re awake!”

  Keeping his hold on her wrist he sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. In a harsh voice, he asked, “What’s the matter, sweetums? Don’t you like men who are awake?”

  When she had approached Daniel before, she’d been afraid of failing in her mission, but now, faced with his size and seeming anger, she was terrified of the man. She tried to pull free and whined, “Please, sir, don’t harm me.”

  He let go of her wrist, but instantly grabbed her forearms, preventing her from moving away from him. “What are you afraid of? You’ve come to my bed for the last two nights.”

  “I-I only wanted a little sport. I meant you no harm.”

  “You don’t consider scaring the piss out of a man harm? Why the drugs? Why did Kendrick send you and then deny it?”

  Isabel shook her head trying to stir her sluggish brain. Kendrick would be furious if she told the truth. She had to think of another story. “He didn’t, sir. I bribed one of the servants to add a potion to your brandy.”

  “The only reason I can think of for a woman to drug a man so she can have sex with him is because she’s ugly as a boar’s butt.” He stood and shoved her toward the fireplace. She realized he was turning her so he could get a better look at her. After a thorough examination of her face, he let his gaze roam over her body. “You’re far from ugly, so why did you drug me?”

  He stared down at her breasts, no longer looking angry. Isabel began to hope she could save the situation. “I am lonely, sir, and Lord Kendrick doesn’t allow lewd conduct among his servants. Please don’t tell him what I’ve done.”

  He looked back at her face. “Who are you?”

  Isabel blurted out the first name that came to mind. “Tess. I’m a maid. A lady’s maid.”

  “What lady?”

  “The Lady Isabel, Lord Kendrick’s wife. She’s ill and never leaves her apartment.”

  “What’s wrong with her?”

  Isabel realized he might be afraid she carried the same illness. What can I say to soothe his fears enough so that he will continue having sex with me? Kendrick often isolated her as if… “Lord Kendrick is ashamed of his wife. She’s not right in the head. That’s why he never has guests. You’re the first in a long time.”

  “So, you jumped into bed with the first man who came your way?”

  Isabel took a deep breath, and wracked her brain for a believable explanation for her behavior. Looking up at Daniel, the flickering firelight emphasized his bronzed features and wavy golden hair, she realized how truly handsome he was. Surely he was accustomed to women being attracted to him. She’d play to his vanity. “It’s my duty to stay with Lady Isabel all day lest she wander away and do harm to herself. I saw you on the night you arrived and thought you the most comely man I’d ever seen.”

  One corner of his mouth twitched. Was that a hint of a smile?

  She hurried on. “I feared such a grand gentleman would want nothing to do with a mere maid, but I knew I might never have another chance to be with a man like you.”

found flattery a far preferable form of seduction. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her body against his. “Foolish girl, no man with blood in his veins would turn you away.”

  She trapped his erect cock between their bodies and writhed against it. Obviously Kendrick’s servants weren’t as morally upright as he thought. But Daniel had no intention of questioning his good fortune any further. He dropped his arm under her buttocks and lifted her away from the floor. With a giggle, she wound her legs around his upper thighs.

  As he staggered toward the bed, he said, “Let me show you how much better bedding can be when the man is fully awake.”

  He dumped her onto the bed, pulled his cock through the opening in his brais, and fell on top of her. She seemed almost surprised by his hurried efforts to enter her, but after a moment of uncertainty, opened the way for him. As he sank into her with a bold stroke, her hands clutched at his back. She met his thrusts with her own and they merged into a hurried pursuit of physical pleasure.

  As he emptied himself, he realized he’d been too quick for her. No matter. He had hours to bring her the mind-numbing pleasure she’d brought him. They were lying across the bed, so he tried to turn her so her head would rest on the pillows.

  “Oh, sir, don’t make me get up just yet.”

  “Never fear, sweet Tess. I merely want you to be more comfortable before I go on.”

  “On?” She looked at him with eyes that seemed strangely innocent.

  With both arms wrapped around her body, he moved her. When her head was on the pillow he began to explore her body much as she had his on their previous encounters. Her firm young breasts cried out for his attention. The nipples became rock-hard when he touched them. He began to suck and fondle them and she soon arched her back and moaned softly.

  He reached down to the apex of her legs and found the nubbin of flesh that would give her release. As he rubbed it, he felt the tension in her body increase until she pushed her mound against his hand while her heels dug into the mattress. Her body went rigid and then collapsed. He raised his head and saw her totally relaxed expression and grinned wolfishly as he felt his cock stirring to life. This woman wasn’t a succubus, but she was a temptress who had cast a spell over him.

  * * * *

  Kendrick pulled away from the peephole and fought to catch his breath. First he’d been shocked at Daniel being awake and then even more taken aback that Isabel had kept her head and lied her way out of her predicament. Then those two went at each other like dogs in heat. A high-pitched moan lured him back to this viewing point.

  Daniel had mounted her again and Isabel frantically clawed his back. All this time the bitch had pretended to be cold and unfeeling, even after he’d paid that whore a small fortune to give her lessons, but look at her now. Rutting like a common strumpet.

  He should take a stout stick to her, but there was something about those two young bodies so tightly entwined and thrusting rhythmically at each other, their moans and cries singing the tune they danced to, that he found strangely arousing. Keeping his eye fixed to the peephole, he fumbled under his tunic until he grasped his own rod. When Daniel finally shouted and strained as he made his final thrust, Kendrick had to squeeze his lips tightly together to keep from adding his own triumphant cry of release.

  * * * *

  Isabel jerked awake. Oh, God, she’d fallen asleep in Daniel’s bed. How long have I been here? Have I kept Kendrick waiting for a long time out in the hall? He’ll be furious. Edging from under Daniel’s arm, she scampered off the bed, grabbed her robe, and tiptoed out of the room.

  The hallway was empty. Not knowing what else to do, she hurried back to the solar. Kendrick’s bed was empty. She ran to her room and found him lying on her bed, still wearing his clothes, but looking asleep. Good. Perhaps she could lie beside him and he’d never know how long she’d been gone.

  But as she reached the bed, he opened his eyes and said, “Well, you’ve finally returned. Were you careless enough to fall asleep? Don’t you know what will happen if you stay in his bed until the potion wears off?”

  Isabel took a deep breath to calm herself. “He was awake when I got to his room. He didn’t drink his brandy tonight.”

  “What did you do to make him suspicious?”

  She was sick and tired of being blamed for everything. “I only did what you told me to. Apparently he has sense enough to know the difference between a real woman and a dream.”

  “So, what did you say when he confronted you? Did you reveal my scheme and spoil my plan?”

  With an angry huff, she sat on the side of the bed and began to braid her hair so she could sleep more comfortably. “I made up a story. A good story. All by myself, with no help from you.”

  “And what was it?” he asked in a skeptical tone.

  “I told him I was Lady Isabel’s maid, Tess. That I’d seen him and been attracted to him, and bribed another servant to put a sleeping potion into his drink.”

  “And he believed such a ridiculous story?”

  “I told him I had to stay with your wife all day because she wasn’t right in the head, so I was lonely.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “So now my nephew thinks I’m married to a crazy woman?”

  Oh dear. She hadn’t considered the baron’s pride. “Well, I had to tell him something and that was all I could think of.”

  He smiled. “Actually, my dear, you did well. I am surprised, however, as I had no idea you were such a clever liar. I suppose I’ll have to question everything you say from here on.”

  She tied off her braid, and looked him in the eye. “I’d never lie to you, Kendrick.”

  He sat up and turned down the covers on her side of the bed. “That’s comforting to hear. Now get into bed. You must be exhausted after such a harrowing experience. Did the young barbarian punish you for your impudence?”

  “He was angry at first, but flattery won him over. Then he took me to his bed quite willingly.” She removed her cloak and slipped between the sheets.

  Kendrick stared at her strangely for a moment, and then said, “Staying in his bed longer might be a good idea. Just be sure you get back to your room before the servants are about.”

  Isabel would never understand Kendrick. She’d expected him to be angry with her for staying so long. Instead he was suggesting she stay longer. “Why?”

  “Well, if he has more opportunity, a young man like Daniel might be able to mount you more than once a night, increasing the chances for his seed to take root.”

  Hiding her enthusiasm for his suggestion, she said, “Well, if you think that’s best, I will.”

  He pulled the covers up to her chin. “That will also save me the boring task of waiting in a drafty hallway.” He stood and started for the door. “Good night, Isabel. Sleep well.”

  She was relived he didn’t intend to spend the rest of the night with her, but a little uneasy over his pleasantness. But she quickly dismissed this nagging worry in order to review the pleasures she had just experienced in Daniel’s arms. He made her feel more alive than she had ever felt before, and she realized he did this not only because he was young and vigorous, but also because he made special efforts to please her.

  Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be married to a man who would be considerate of my feelings? Imagining such a life, she went to sleep with a smile on her face.

  Chapter 4

  Daniel slumped in his saddle and let his horse follow Wilmont’s. The steward had taken over Daniel’s instruction, familiarizing him with the crops and cattle produced on the lands near the castle.

  Today it was barley fields almost ready to harvest. Wilmont had droned on with a long lecture about how important it was to let the grain reach its peak before harvesting, until Daniel’s head had begun to nod with sleepiness. Wilmont apparently noticed his disinterest for he’d stopped talking and let his horse take the lead.

  It wasn’t that Daniel didn’t care about barley. He realized it was an important crop for Tewsb
arrow, but spending his days constantly on the go and his nights with lively Tess in his bed had taken its toll. He’d even suggested not accompanying Wilmont today, so he wouldn’t interfere with the man’s work, but Kendrick had insisted he go. It was almost as if his uncle didn’t want him in the castle during the day. While the man was cordial to Daniel in the evenings, he obviously didn’t care for Daniel’s company at other times.

  Perhaps that was the way of scholars. To Daniel such an occupation seemed more suited to a monk in a monastery than a baron charged with safeguarding land for his king. But Kendrick’s crippled leg prevented him from doing any real soldiering, so he had to find other interests. It seemed ironic that Daniel’s father had been a strong and skilled warrior, while the older brother, the heir, had been a cripple from birth who couldn’t mount a horse without assistance.

  Had that been the source of the ill will between the brothers? Had my father been jealous of the less fit brother inheriting? Had my uncle resented the robust health of the younger brother? Daniel supposed he’d never know the truth and what difference did it make? His father would triumph in the end if his son inherited the lands and title.

  His thoughts about the past aroused his curiosity about the more recent history of Tewsbarrow. He urged his horse to catch up with Wilmont’s. “Have you been at Tewsbarrow long?” he asked.

  “Aye, sir, near twelve years.”

  “Has the lady of the castle always been in poor health?”

  “Which lady? Lady Anne died three years back. She had a wasting illness. Lady Isabel hasn’t been here a year yet.”

  “Lady Isabel is the baron’s second wife?”


  “Well, he certainly has bad luck with his wives’ health, doesn’t he?”

  Wilmont frowned at him. “The lord says Lady Isabel is down with the ague.”

  Daniel nodded as if he believed Wilmont. If poor Kendrick was trying to keep his wife’s condition hidden, Daniel won’t speak out of turn. Perhaps she was well enough at times to leave her apartments so only those with intimate contact could tell she was addle-brained.


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