Barely able to control his excitement, Nick pulled the sides of the duffel bag open. The shovel, book, and strongbox rested in a muddy puddle of water at the bottom of the bag. Seeing the book lying in the muddy water jolted Nick with the sudden realization that the water could ruin it! Quickly, he grabbed the book and held it aloft so he could examine it. Nick’s jaw dropped as he saw not a drop of water or speck of mud marred the surface of The Book of Lost Treasures! Opening the book and flipping through the pages, he expected to find them water-stained. Instead, they were as crisp and clean as the first time he had opened the book and examined them! As for the map that had shown the directions and location of the hidden strongbox, it had disappeared, leaving nothing but blank pages. Nick’s scrawled question, “Where is the hidden strongbox of Efurd Buckley?” had also disappeared. Shaking his head, Nick decided nothing about the strange book surprised him anymore, and he turned his attention to the strongbox.
The strongbox had cracks in its wooden sides, evidence of the hard landing from Nick slipping and falling in the rain by the barbwire fence. As Nick attempted to pull it from the duffel bag, its rotted and decayed base finally gave, the contents of the strongbox spilling from inside it to the room’s carpeted floor. Wads of sodden, mildew-stained paper fell with a watery thud to land on the carpet. A metallic clinking came from two small leather bags that split as soon as they hit the floor, exposing coins that scattered from the impact.
Nick sat frozen for a moment, staring in disbelief at the pile of damp paper and coins. This … this was Efurd’s hidden gold? This was the payroll Colonel Buckley had given his life and that of many of his men for? In bitter disappointment, Nick picked up a wad of paper and looked at it. Though damp and blackened with mildew, it took only a moment’s inspection to determine it was paper currency.
Pulling a bill from the middle of the stack of currency, Nick saw that the surrounding bills had preserved it some- what. It was a twenty-dollar reserve note, and one side appeared a green color. Although history was not Nick’s strong suit, he recalled from his high school U.S. history class that during the Civil War, paper money had been printed by the U.S. Treasury to pay for the war. Called “greenbacks” because the reverse side of the bills was printed in green ink, he had no doubt what he was holding in his hand were, in fact, greenbacks. The payroll for the Union soldiers at Vicksburg was made up of greenbacks! Even if the greenbacks were perfectly preserved instead of the mildewed, water-soaked mess before him, the paper money was worthless, nothing more than interesting historical artifacts of the long-ago tragedy of the Civil War!
Morosely, Nick turned his attention to the small pile of coins that had scattered on the carpet. Picking up a handful, he inspected them carefully. Darkened with age and corrosion, he saw the coins ranged from penny-sized shapes to dollar and even half-dollar sizes. Because the coins were so discolored with age, Nick had difficulty making out much detail from them. Pulling out his pocketknife, Nick used its sharp tip to scrape the surface of some of the larger coins. He was pleasantly surprised to see a silver-colored sheen on most of them, and on one coin, a yellowish- metallic glint resulted from the pocketknife’s scraping!
Sitting back up on the edge of the bed, Nick considered the contents of the strongbox, as well as the results of the night’s events. The paper money was, of course, useless.
However, the coins might prove of value, especially to coin collectors. Until they were properly cleaned, he had no way of knowing how valuable! Who knows, he thought to himself, maybe there’s at least one rare coin in the bunch I could sell that could make this a very profitable night!
Looking at The Book of Lost Treasures lying beside him on the bed, it suddenly occurred to Nick that the book had successfully led him to a lost treasure! In fact, according to Lilly, the location of Efurd Buckley’s hidden strongbox survived countless attempts down through the years to find it, and none had discovered it until Nick had stumbled across the strange treasure book! That meant … that meant that it could be used again to find the next lost treasure! This realization caused possibilities to rush into Nick’s mind in such a torrent that he could only blink in dumbfounded shock.
When finally he was able to gain some measure of control of his racing thoughts, one thing became certain to him.
He was going to be rich!
The next day, Nick rose early and ate a hearty breakfast. Lilly waited on him and commented approvingly about his appetite. Grinning from ear to ear, Nick nodded at Lilly and, picking up his ticket, paid the cashier for the meal. Before he left the restaurant, he poked his head in the kitchen and spotted Jed in his apron, frying eggs and sausage. Thanking him for his help in getting his tire replaced, he told Jed he was checking out. Wiping his hands on the greasy apron, Jed shook Nick’s hand and told him to come back soon and visit them in D’Lo. Promising that he would, Nick went to the motel office, turned in his room key, and paid for the two nights he had stayed at the motel. Pulling out of the parking lot, rather than turn south on the highway that would take him to Gulfport and Biloxi, Nick turned north and back toward Jackson.
He was going home.
Six hours later, Nick turned onto the dirt road leading to his trailer. Looking at his watch, Nick saw it was three o’clock in the afternoon. Parking under the car awning, he hopped out of the little car and waded through the calf-high grass to the door of the trailer. Unlocking the door, he was greeted by a blast of hot, stuffy air. Turning the little window unit air conditioner on full blast, he left the door open to let the trailer air out while he retrieved his things from the car. The coins, paper money, book, and clothes he had stuffed all together in the duffel bag, which he placed on the small kitchen table. The painting he leaned against the wall in the small hallway leading to the bed loft. Digging around in a nearby drawer, he managed to find a box of Ziplock bags. Taking the coins and greenbacks, he separated them and placed them in the Ziplock bags. Satisfied with his handiwork, he pulled the mysterious treasure book from the duffel bag and, tossing the bag on the floor, sat behind the little table and studied the book.
In truth, Nick had thought of little else other than The Book of Lost Treasures as he had driven back to Pleasant Mountain. He had lost count of how many plans he had created and discarded in his mind on how to best to use the book. The problem was, he knew so little about the book’s capabilities that he didn’t know where to go next with it!
All he had to go on were the rules governing the book that, even now, were still glowing within it! His worst fear was that the book had been a one-shot opportunity and that it wouldn’t work for him again. What he needed was another test of the book’s ability to find the next lost treasure! Then, and only then, could he be sure of the book’s reliability.
Lost in thought, Nick abruptly sat up and snapped his fingers. He knew of the perfect test for the book! A small portable TV rested on the counter in front of him, and he had lost the remote for it several months ago. He knew it had to be in the trailer somewhere, but despite looking everywhere for it, he had never been able to find it. Opening The Book of Lost Treasures excitedly, Nick considered momentarily how he would frame his request. Finally, he carefully wrote, “Where is the lost TV remote in Nick Hollister’s trailer?”
Immediately, a glow appeared from behind the page Nick had written on. Turning the page, Nick’s eyes were once again treated to the sight of a map. This one, however, showed in immaculate detail the inside of his trailer. A glowing line led from a blinking red dot located exactly where Nick was sitting at within the trailer. Pulling the map closer to his face, Nick perused it carefully. It seemed to lead to one of a series of three drawers built in stair-stacked fashion next to the tiny kitchen sink directly across from Nick. Looking at the map, Nick saw it was, in fact, the top drawer indicated on the map. Quickly, he put the book down on the small table and, getting up, pulled the drawer open. Inside the drawer was an untidy pile of dishtowels that Nick had crammed in there. Pawing through them, he began pullin
g them out one by one until his fingers brushed against a solid object located at the back of the drawer. Eagerly, his fingers closed on the object, and pulling it out, Nick held triumphantly aloft an oblong object made of black plastic in front of him. It was the remote he had lost months ago! Somehow it had fallen into the drawer, one of the few areas he hadn’t searched within the trailer! Immediately, a bright light issued from The Book of Lost Treasures. Picking the book up off the table, Nick saw—glowing in a light so bright it caused him to shade his eyes—the words “Treasure Found!” beneath the map.
Giving a whoop of exultation, Nick danced around the trailer. He had done it! The book had revealed another lost object to him! After a while, the excited rush left him, and he sat back down behind the table, still holding the remote. Putting it down on the table, he picked up The Book of Lost Treasures and looked upon it in wonder. There was still so much he didn’t know about the mysterious book! There was, however, one person that might be able to give him some insight about The Book of Lost Treasures. Pulling out his wallet, Nick dug around and found the business card Hank Harper had given him when he had purchased the painting from him. Locating the phone number of Harper’s Hidden Treasures on the card, Nick pulled his cell from his pocket and turned it on. He had left it off the entire time he had been staying in D’Lo, afraid that Mark or Patti would call checking up on him. Looking at his watch, he saw that it was after four o’clock in the afternoon. Hank should still be in, he thought to himself as he punched in the number of the antique store on his cell.
Listening to the phone ring, he wondered just exactly what he would say to Hank. He couldn’t just say he had found a book that had mystical powers to find lost treasures, or Hank would think he was crazy! Before he could think on it more, a familiar voice came over his cell.
“Harper’s Hidden Treasures! How may I help you?”
“Hank! This is Nick, Nick Hollister … you know, the guy who was in your store a few days ago. I bought a painting from you.”
“Nick! Of course! How did your girlfriend like the painting?” Hank’s cheerful voice asked.
Nick blinked at Hank’s question. He suddenly realized he hadn’t thought of Lisa at all over the past few days.
“Er, well, the fact is, we broke up, Hank. I still have the painting.”
“I’m so sorry, Nick. I was hoping you two could smooth things over. Look at the bright side, however. There are plenty of fish in the ocean, as they say, and you did get a great deal on the painting!”
“Thanks, Hank. I appreciate that. As a matter of fact, it’s the painting I wanted to talk to you about.”
There was a momentary pause. Finally, Hank said, “I see. Is there something wrong with the painting? You’re not wanting to get your money back, are you? All sales are final, Nick. It says so right on the sales slip—”
“No, no!” Nick interjected hastily as he interrupted Hank. “I don’t want to return the painting! You see, there … there was something … something inside the painting. As I was moving the painting from my car, I felt something sliding around within the frame and the painting. When I took the back off the frame, a … a book fell out!”
There was another momentary silence over the cell, and Nick could hear Hank’s smooth, even breathing. Finally, Hank said, “What kind of book? Can you describe it for me?” Quickly, Nick described the book in as much detail as possible. However, he deliberately left out everything else about the book—from the glowing writing, to how a map had appeared that had led him to the stolen payroll Colonel Buckley had buried in an open field.
When he had finished describing the book, Nick asked, “Do you know anything about this book, Hank?”
“Not really,” Hank admitted over the phone. “However, I know a few rare book collectors and dealers I can ask, and if all else fails, there is always the Internet that might provide some clues about the book.” Pausing, Hank continued, “You say the name of this book is The Book of Lost Treasures? Tell you what. I’ll do some checking and get back with you as soon as I find out something.”
Nick thanked Hank and clicked off. Sitting at the table, he considered his conversation with Hank. Although Hank had offered to try and discover all he could about the strange book, Nick couldn’t shake a nagging feeling he had gotten from their conversation.
Why … why did he feel Hank already knew all about The Book of Lost Treasures?
Chapter 12
Nick spent the next hour cleaning up the small trailer and piling his dirty clothes in a plastic trash bag to take to the washateria. By the time he had finished, the tiny window unit air conditioner had lowered the temperature in the trailer to a tolerable, although not cool, level. Stripping off his clothes, he took a cold shower and changed into shorts, flip flops, and T-shirt. Sitting back by the table, he called Mark to let him know he was back in town. The phone rang a couple of times before Mark answered it. “Nick!” Mark said immediately. “What’s going on? Where have you been? You said you would call! Patti and I have been trying for the past two days to call you, but you had your stupid phone turned off!” The questions and comments tumbled out of Mark in a pent-up rush, and by his accusatory tone, Nick knew he and Patti had been extremely worried about him. He felt guilty that he had caused such worry and consternation for his friends, and he vowed to himself to somehow make it up to them.
“I … I’m sorry, Mark. I just needed to be alone for a while. I … I just needed to sort things out. I hope you and Patti can forgive me.”
“Are you kidding? Of course, we forgive you! Just don’t do it again, or we’ll have to break both your legs!” Mark said jokingly. Relieved, Nick could almost hear the tension drain from Mark’s voice.
Nick had given a great deal of thought on what to do with the treasure book. Grand schemes had flown in and out of his mind like birds in a rookery. What he needed was a second opinion from someone with a more ordered and logical mind than his and from someone he could trust. Mark, his best friend, fit the bill on all counts.
“Mark … can you … can you come over to my trailer? I … I have something I need to … to show you.”
“Sure. I’ll just tell Daddy I’m leaving work a little early today. Is something wrong?” Mark asked, as concern began to creep into his tone of voice. Mark’s father owned the local State Farm Insurance franchise, and Mark had joined his father once he had graduated from college.
“No, no! Nothing is wrong!” Nick said hastily. “I … I just need your advice on something. That’s … that’s all.” Nick finished lamely.
“Okay. I’ll call Patti and tell her you’re back and everything is fine, and then I’ll run right over. Are you sure … there’s nothing wrong?”
“Mark, nothing is wrong!” Nick said exasperated. “In fact, I have something … wonderful to show you! Just get over here as soon as you can!”
His curiosity aroused, Mark assured Nick he would leave immediately, and the connection went dead. Putting his cell on the table, a vestige of a smile played across Nick’s face.
Was Mark going to be surprised or what!
Less than a half hour later, Nick heard Mark’s car arrive at the trailer. Pulling the curtain aside from a window, he saw a late a late-model Ford Expedition roll to a stop beside the trailer. As Mark got out of the dark blue SUV, Nick met him at the door, the two clapping each other on the back enthusiastically before settling around the small table in Nick’s trailer.
“Okay, Nick, what’s up?” Mark said curiously. “All the way over here, I’ve been trying to imagine all the things you could possibly want to show me. When I told Patti, she wanted to leave work and come with me! In fact, she probably would have if she hadn’t scheduled to take a deposition from a client.” Patti worked as a paralegal in a local law firm, a job she had acquired shortly after she and Mark had moved back to Pleasant Mountain.
“Just keep an open mind, Mark,” Nick said firmly. “What I’m about to tell you … what I am about to show you defies rational expla
A groan escaped from Mark’s lips. “Not another wild scheme, Nick! How many times do you have to be burned? Do you remember the so-called ‘millionaire’ you met at Walmart? The one who claimed to have cornered the fresh chili market in New Mexico and was willing to let you buy in to it? You gave him $3,000 from the sale of your mother’s doublewide trailer! Have you seen or heard from him again? No, please don’t—”
“It’s not like that, Mark!” Nick said as he cut Mark off. “I’m not talking about giving anybody money! Look … just hear me out, okay?” Reluctantly, Mark nodded.
Taking a plastic shopping bag from underneath the table, Nick took out the Ziplock bags containing the paper currency and coins he had retrieved from the strongbox and arranged them in a neat row before Mark’s astonished eyes.
“Where … where did this come from?” he demanded.
“Before I answer that, I want you to take the money and coins out of the bags and examine them,” Nick said firmly. Nodding, Mark took a stack of greenbacks out of one of the Ziplock bags and started looking at them one by one. Then he took the coins out of another bag, spreading them out on the table’s flat surface as he peered closely at each of them. After examining the coins and paper money for five minutes or so, Mark looked up in puzzlement at Nick.
The Treasure Hunt Club Page 8