Dusk of Defiance (The Era of Ensemble Book 1)

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Dusk of Defiance (The Era of Ensemble Book 1) Page 17

by Woosey, JP

  Luke reached the bottom of the ladder and jumped down to the wooden planks below. He landed with a thud, but the only noise he could hear was the sound of the sprinklers. He glanced around one last time. It might have been better for Ramiro and Juan to stay here. I hope the Bastion is still safe. He turned around and headed for the doorway to the tram platform. As he turned he saw a figure. A man stood in the middle of the open doors. Luke approached cautiously, his hand on the handle of his revolver.

  “You!” The man shouted as Luke came into view. “Where is m... my wife?”

  Your wife? Luke thought as he remembered the man. He was the one who had chained up his spouse. “I don't know.”

  “Liar!” The man snapped, his jaw tight and his breathing quick. “Come with me, th...there is something I want to sh...show you.” The man turned around a corner and disappeared from Luke's view.

  Luke walked through the doorway as he followed the man warily. As he walked into the corridor the man was nowhere in sight. He listened carefully, but couldn't hear anything. Did I imagine him? He questioned his sanity, and as soon as he thought about turning around, he felt heavy breathing on the back of his neck. He raised his hands as he heard the sound of chains. The man wrapped the metal around his neck, but Luke got his hands in the chains to prevent the man from choking him.

  “You k... killed my wife! You prom...promised to help!” The man pulled on the chains tighter and tighter.

  “I didn't kill her.” Luke pleaded as he fought for his life. The chains were digging into his palms and he felt blood slide down his wrist.

  “L...Liar!” The man paused and loosened his grip. “I f...found her body. I know wh...what you did to her.” He pulled the chains back as hard as he could.

  “I didn't do any...” Luke felt his voice slip away as the chains wrapped around his neck. He struggled to breathe, and fell to the floor. His vision blurred and the sound vanished around him, until there was nothing but black.

  A bright light shone in Luke's eyes. He opened them slowly adjusting to the light. He raised his hand to his head, which was throbbing in pain. Everything he looked at was a grey blur. The darkest blur was a silhouette of a figure. Luke blinked his eyes several times, regaining more and more focus. It was a man, he was speaking, but Luke couldn't hear him. All he could hear was the shrieks and screams of the cannibals.

  “Luke, are you alright?” The silhouette asked.

  Luke could barely hear. He opened his mouth to speak, but all he could do was cough. His neck felt sore. He felt his raw skin gently with his hand, but pulled away quickly. He concentrated on his surroundings to regain focus in his vision. “I will be.” He finally managed to speak, albeit groggily. He gazed at the silhouette until he finally recognised that is was Ramiro.

  “What was all that about?” Ramiro questioned as he glanced down at the body on the floor.

  “He thought I killed his wife.” Luke pulled himself to his feet.

  “Did you?”

  He glared at Ramiro. “No... But she had turned.” There was a moment of silence as Luke steadied himself. “What are you doing here? Where's Juan? Is that Megan's carbine?”

  “I was on my way to grab some supplies from the commentary box, and I left Juan with your sister.” Ramiro noticed Luke's eyes light up as he mentioned his sister. “She's holding up well... As well as anyone. She talks about you a lot. What you used to do as children. I probably know more about your grandparents than I do about my own.” He placed the strap of the carbine around his neck. “Megan lent me her rifle. It's a nice weight. You left her plenty of ammunition too.”

  “Good.” Luke smiled with relief, and then spoke again. “Oh I stopped at the commentary box on my way back. Someone's picked most of it clean. Just a few tins, boxes and a blanket remain.”

  “Damn... We don't need them, but I've felt so helpless at the camp. Most people have a role or a job. Hell I only got in because of Megan. They weren't going to let me in, Luke. Juan was standing by me, pulling my shirt, asking me what we've done wrong.”

  “They have to let me back in. We've got things to discuss.” Luke replied as he led the way back to the Bastion.

  Chapter 26

  There wasn't much talking on the way back to the camp. There was communication though. Hand signals, head nods and mimed words. They didn't need to build an understanding, they already had an unspoken trust. Luke spotted a couple of cannibals ahead of them. They were feasting on one of their own. He pulled out his revolver.

  “We'll go around.” Ramiro whispered, and then led Luke into a room.

  “This is a bathroom.” Luke said quietly as he glanced around the room. The lights flashed, but only the once. The white tiles were almost unbearably bright. He turned to his left and saw his reflection in the mirror. He hardly recognised the man he saw. He couldn't remember the last time he had seen himself.

  “Yeah it is. Me and Juan hid in here on the way to the Bastion.” Ramiro moved to the third stall and opened the door. “Come look at this.”

  Luke raised his eyebrow as he stared at Ramiro, and reluctantly walked over towards him. He glanced into the stall. The toilet was missing, but so was half of the wall. Someone had cut through the plating and made a passage into the next room. “For a moment there I thought you were going to show me something else.”

  Ramiro didn't respond, he just pushed Luke through the stall and closed the door behind him. The light had faded by the time they made their way through the hole in the wall. Luke stopped as he passed to examine how the hole was made. It looked like someone had torn through it with a blow torch. He lifted up his arm and let his wrist device light up his immediate surroundings. The room was mostly empty. Luke walked deeper into the area, still unsure of what it was. A fort like structure emerged into view. Blankets being held up by different types of chairs. It was lob sided and poorly built.

  “Juan wanted to go in there.” Ramiro said faintly. “I didn't let him... But when we got into the Bastion I let him make one himself. It's the first time I've seen him so playful in weeks. It helped me keep my mind off everything that's happened. Megan helped too.” He smiled as he remembered the event. “She enjoyed it. I'm not sure if it was the company though.”

  “She is a big kid.” Luke sighed deeply. “I just want all of this to be over.”

  “I hear that. I can't wait to get back to Earth. I might take Juan to one of those holiday theme parks. Buy him a burger as big as his head...” The reality of his surroundings sunk in. “Hey, you and Megan should come too.”

  Luke nodded in acceptance. If we don't decide to blow ourselves up. “Let's keep moving.” He followed Ramiro as he led the way. They reached the overturned wardrobe in front of the door.

  “Guess they forgot these doors slide open.” Ramiro said as he opened the door. They hurdled the wardrobe and made their way into the next room. There was carpet in the corridor which muffled their footsteps. Luke occasionally stepped onto a wet patch and he could hear the liquid slush through the material. He noticed that the ship had gone quiet again. They could no longer hear the feasting abominations. The pair took a few turns around corridors until they reached the double doors which led into the Bastion. They stopped and waited for any signs of movement or noises which would indicate they were being followed. Neither of them spotted or heard anything, and so they entered into the next room.

  The large makeshift walls and towers were still in good condition. They looked untouched from the last time Luke had visited. A guard noticed people had entered and stood up hastily.

  “We've got intruders!” The guard shouted.

  “Keep your voice down.” Another guard said from the opposite tower. “You're going to cause a panic.” He turned from his colleague and glanced down at Luke and Ramiro. “Who are you? What do you want?”

  “I'm Ramiro...” He detected the blank faces upon the guards. “I'm the new guy. Me and my son have only recently arrived.”

  “Who's the guy with you?” The gu
ard replied.

  “I'm Luke Mason. I...”

  “Get the leaders.” The guard interrupted Luke as he spoke to his colleague.

  “What's going on?” Ramiro asked.

  “It'll be because I got exiled or something. I still have information they need to know and if they don't let me in you'll have to ask them.”

  “Send them through!” A shout echoed from within the Bastion.

  The doors began to screech open and they walked towards them. Luke noticed the guards held their guns pointed towards him. They walked through the gates and a couple of guards waited to escort them.

  “Can I see my son first?” Ramiro enquired.

  “And I'd like to see my sister.”

  “I don't think we've got the time to take two stops.” The escort replied.

  “They're together.” Ramiro glared at the man.

  “Fine.” The guard reluctantly agreed.

  The Bastion felt different. The atmosphere was more subdued. There seemed to be a loss of hope. Maybe more people have turned since I've last been here. He glanced at people who stopped and stared at him. They whispered to each other and frowned at him as he passed. Or maybe they think I've caused everyone to turn. I am the scapegoat after all. As they were led further into the Bastion he noticed the lack of people compared to the last time he was here, almost as if a half of the population picked up their bags and left.

  “What happened here?” Luke asked one of the guards.

  He turned his head and grunted at Luke. “People left.” The guard answered unwilling to go into any more detail than that.

  They reached a makeshift tent deep into the camp. Luke had lost his way and was blindly following the escort which led them. He glanced to each of the neighbouring tents. They looked abandoned. Some of the materials used to construct them had already been scavenged and added to other tents.

  “You've got five minutes.” An escort said as he stood at the entrance.

  Luke brushed past the armed guard and followed Ramiro into the tent. There wasn't much to it. There were some blankets and a childlike fort being held up by a few chairs.

  “Juan, you in here?” Ramiro asked as he glanced around the room looking for his son.

  “Dad?” A faint voice could be heard from within the fort. A head of a child emerged from it. His face lit up with excitement as he saw his father. The fort came crashing down as Juan leapt out from within and knocked over a supporting chair.

  “Where's Megan?” Ramiro knelt down. His son clung to his legs never wanting to let him go.

  “I'm in here.” Megan said as she struggled with the sheets over her head like a ghost costume on Halloween. She eventually broke free and smiled with embarrassment as she saw Juan laughing. She turned as she noticed the other person in the tent. “Luke!” She shouted excitedly. She quickly climbed to her feet and ran towards her brother. “I've missed you so much.” She spread her arms wide, and then locked them around him.

  “I've missed you too.” Luke replied as he closed his eyes and embraced Megan. He opened his eyes and saw the soft, tender, delicate skin of Megan's neck. He felt an urge to bite down on her and feast. He closed his eyes tight and held them shut with all his strength.

  “Luke... You're squeezing me.” Megan whispered gently. She felt herself being pushed back at arm’s length away from her brother. She looked into his eyes. They were full of remorse and confusion. “What's wrong?” She questioned as she saw his eyes water.

  Luke edged away from Ramiro and his son. “I keep having nightmares.” He checked to make sure the others couldn't hear him, and then continued. “I think I'm turning into one of those cannibals.”

  Megan's innocent eyes scanned Luke up and down. “You look fine... You know, considering.”

  “I killed you, Megan.” Luke blurted out a little too loud. He softened his voice. “We were back at our grandparents’ farm house. You greeted me at the front door. We hugged, and I feasted on your neck...” He paused, his sister didn't reply, he saw the look in her eyes. You're frightened of me. “I don't want to hurt you, Megan... But if I turn...”

  “You won't turn. I promise.” Megan hugged her brother again, but this time she squeezed him.

  “Your times up, let's go.” A guard shouted through the entrance of the tent. Ramiro and Luke left, both of them promised to be back shortly.

  They walked through the uneven pathways of the Bastion again, squeezing through gaps and stepping over debris. Luke saw more people gathering supplies ready to leave. A guard approached the people and confiscated their rations. A larger group of people congregated in front of the main gate, chanting to let them out. They shouted of uncertainty and safety. The guards pointed their guns down at the group. That won't make them feel safer.

  “Come on.” The escort said as he nodded Luke to go ahead of him. “You go in first.”

  Luke stood before the leaders' tent. He took a deep breath, and then entered. There were only two people inside. Reilly, the old man and Darryl, the younger more short tempered leader. They argued around the table in the centre of the tent. Reilly turned his head and looked up as Ramiro entered.

  “Did you find your supplies?” Reilly asked hopefully.

  “They'd been scavenged.” Luke answered for Ramiro.

  “He wasn't asking you.” Darryl said annoyed. “What did you find?” He questioned as he glared at Ramiro.

  “I found Luke on the way to my old hideout. He said he'd been and there wasn't anything of worth left there.”

  “And you just took his word for it? You know he's a traitor!” Darryl screamed viciously.

  “Wait a minute. I'm not a traitor. I've done nothing to you.” Luke defended himself vigorously.

  “You killed Oscar!” Darryl shouted again foaming from the mouth like a rabid animal.

  “He was attacking my sister...”

  “Your sister's a whore!”

  “Enough!” Reilly raised his voice. “We've got more important issues we should be discussing.” He gazed at Darryl. “You should know better. You're going to start another panic out there. People are on edge from the last attack. Hell, we've nearly lost half our group because of that attack.”

  “Half your group died?” Luke questioned loudly, still enraged from Darryl's comments.

  “No. A few died. The rest left, citing it was unsafe.” Reilly sighed deeply and closed his eyes. “I told them if they find a safer place to send us a message... But I have doubts how far they will get out there. I can't see them surviving more than a few days.” He slammed his fist down on the table. “What have we done to deserve this fate?” There was silence from everyone as they absorbed Reilly's words.

  “I met a medical officer when I was out there. In the medical bay. He left logs on some secret project. The virus has been aboard the ship since before we left Exoat.”

  “I don't understand... They knew about it all this time? Why now?” Reilly stroked his beard, his eyes slowly moved to the ground as he fell into deep thought.

  “They were experimenting with it. Running tests on infected people. Infecting new people. I doubt they volunteered. It was the Ensemble Corporation. I think they want to control the virus. Use it as some bio-weapon.” Luke answered still trying to come to terms with the information himself.

  “But why has it been released? If they wanted to control it?” Darryl questioned.

  “I don't know why... But I know who.” Luke felt for the Captains I.D. in his pocket.

  “Who did this?” Darryl's hands curled up tightly into fists.

  “A man named Maxwell Pearce. He was one of the head scientists aboard the ship...” Luke thought about Elizabeth, he considered telling them, but he decided against it. “I'm going to find him. I'm going to find out why.”

  “How are you going to do that?” Reilly had begun to pace the length of the room. His eyes fixated upon Luke.

  “He doesn't think anyone knows it was him, and I have something he wants...” Luke knew what questio
n was coming so he answered before anyone could ask. “I have the Captains I.D., but we will need it. We have to decide soon.”

  “Decide what?” Darryl asked calmly for the first time.

  “Do we return back to Earth with the ship in this state? Potentially endangering the lives of billions. Or do we initiate the self-destruct sequence?”

  “We could send out a distress beacon. They'll know what's happened aboard the ship.” Reilly offered a suggestion, although he wasn't sure of it himself.

  “We're still leaving an opportunity for the Ensemble of Man Corporation to control a bio-weapon...” Should I tell them about the baby? Luke paused as he thought. “The medical officer I spoke to, he was forced to infect a pregnant woman with the virus. He thinks the baby may hold the key to a cure...” He stopped as he saw everyone's eyes light up in the tent. “But it was all hypothetical. The baby could well be dead for all I know... And Doctor Matthew Holston wasn't in the best state, mentally.”

  There was silence as the group of them contemplated on the options they had. “We should self-destruct. It's too big of a risk to take this virus back to Earth.” Ramiro concluded suddenly and he was convinced with his outcome.

  “So we all deserve to die for something that might happen! The virus might not even break loose. We can warn the UCSC of the Ensemble of Man’s intentions, and they will deal with them accordingly.” Darryl shouted aggressively.

  “None of us deserve to die!” Ramiro raised his voice to Darryl's level. “I've got a son with me and another has already died because of this virus.” Ramiro glanced around. Everyone's eyes were on him. He breathed deeply and calmed down. “It's the needs of the few against the needs of many. We can't take the risk. We need to destroy the ship.”


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