Northern Renegade

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Northern Renegade Page 8

by Jennifer Labrecque

  Sven had said she was coming when he extended

  Liam’s invite. Although socializing had been the last thing on Liam’s want-to-do list, he felt somewhat obligated as Sven had given him a job. He’d show up tonight, as he’d shown up last night for dinner with Merilee and Bull, and then his obligations should all be satisfied and he could retreat back into solitude. Plus, he’d be damned if he’d have Wellington think his not showing up was retreat or defeat on his part. He was almost looking forward to the evening.

  “I think you’re going my way,” he said. “Want a lift?”

  She cut her eyes from him to the motorcycle and back to him. “On your motorcycle?”

  “No, on my back. Of course on my motorcycle. It’s how I get from point A to point B.”

  “You’re so gracious, Reinhardt. Really. But I suppose it’s asinine to take two vehicles.”

  “Hey, it’s a nice evening. Just think of mine as a convertible without all the sides.”

  She laughed and the sound flowed over him, through him. “That’s a different take, but okay. You certainly have a unique perspective on things.”

  “You might want to grab a jacket for the ride back.”

  “Okay. Hold the brownies. Wait. I can’t hold on to the brownies and you at the same time.”

  “Got you covered. Go get your jacket.” She looked ready to balk and he added, “Please. I’m starving, Wellington. I’m not nearly as fun-loving and carefree when I’m hungry.”

  “Well, we definitely want you at your best” was her smart-ass response as she handed off the brownies and turned to go back inside.

  He put the brownies, along with the bottle of seltzer, in a backpack and strapped it to the bike.

  Tansy returned within two minutes. The woman was efficient, he’d give her that.

  She eyed his bike and then him. “So what do I do?”

  “You’ve never been on a bike before?”

  “Not a motorcycle.”

  “You’ll like it.”

  “How would you know?”

  “You will.” He climbed on and looked over his shoulder. “Now you climb on the back and just hold on.”

  “I’m wearing a dress.”

  “Wellington, just shut up and climb on. Mind the pipes. They get hot fast.”

  She climbed on and cautiously settled her hands at his waist. However, there was very little room on the seat and he felt the press of her thighs against his hips and her breasts against his back.

  “Don’t we need helmets?”

  “We’re going about a mile and a half. It’s fine. Just relax. Tuck the hem of your dress down or it’s going to be up around your waist. Of course, with your exhibitionist tendencies, you might like that.”

  “Poor you. Considering how you like to watch, you’d miss the show. Speaking of, how’d you enjoy last night?” She dropped her voice to a lower seductive pitch on the last part. Pipes weren’t the only thing on the bike getting hot fast.

  “It was almost as good as the night before. I can’t wait for tonight.”

  “Last night was the final curtain call.”

  “But your audience demands an encore. And you should always play to your audience and make sure they’re satisfied.”

  “My audience is on their own.”

  “I never pegged you for a quitter.”

  “Funny. I never pegged you as a watcher. I’d have thought you were more a man of action.”

  “The key, Wellington, is in waiting until the right time to take action.”

  And that just about summed up life.

  * * *

  TANSY SIPPED THE lime-flavored seltzer and sank back into the Adirondack chair overlooking the lake. Sven and Liam were over tossing horseshoes in the horseshoe pit. An array of wind chimes in assorted sizes, made of various materials, played in the breeze drifting off of the lake. The puppies, Bruiser and Baby, had exhausted themselves and were piled in a heap next to Juliette’s chair.

  “Dinner was delicious and this is just wonderful—very relaxing, very tranquil. I love your wind chime collection.”

  Juliette looked pleased. “Thanks. I make them.”

  “Seriously? They’re lovely.”

  “It’s just a hobby.”

  “Wow. Would you ever consider making them for other people? If I paid you, would you make one for me? My mom would love something like these.”

  “I never thought about making them for anyone else, except I did make one for Sven as a wedding gift.”

  “Nice. It’s okay if it’s not something you’re comfortable with. I just think yours are really nice.”

  “Thanks. I’m glad you came for dinner. Sven and I are pretty quiet and sort of keep to ourselves but the weather’s been so nice and he got a new grill so he’s just been chomping at the bit.”

  Tansy laughed. “He was really into grilling.” Sven and Liam had approached grilling as if it were some delicate maneuver to be executed under stringent conditions.

  Juliette smiled, her feelings for her husband all over her face. “They’re just such men, aren’t they?”

  “You got that right. There’s lots of testosterone floating around over there.”

  Juliette sighed. “It’s great, isn’t it?”

  “Uh, yeah, I guess.”

  “Once you get used to all that testosterone, you’ll never go back to the metrosexual side.”

  Tansy paused for a moment and then she just burst out laughing. Juliette simply smiled. “I...that was just...” Tansy said once her laughter died. “I so didn’t expect you to say that.”

  Bradley was so very metrosexual, which had been one of the things she’d loved about him—his quiet, gentle spirit, the fact that she could use his hair gel and didn’t have to bring over her own. And there was a part of her that felt a bit of a panic that he was slipping away from her. She really hadn’t thought about him all evening. She’d been totally tuned in to the here and now. She’d found that Liam actually did have a charming side. She’d nearly fallen over when he’d pulled out and held her chair at dinner, when he’d paused and allowed her to precede him through a door. He had charm and he had manners, when he cared to pull them out and dust them off. His leg had brushed against hers beneath the table at dinner. Now and again his arm had glanced against hers, or he’d leaned in at the same time she had and his breath had been warm against her skin. And always there was the memory of his hips against her thighs, the expanse of his back against her breasts, his scent in her nose, the press of his shoulder against her face, blocking too much wind from her. There was the memory of the ride over...and the promise of the return trip to the cabins.

  And much as she didn’t want to admit it, there had been a “couple” feel to the evening. It had been like some aberration of a blind date, except they did sort of know each other.

  The evening drew to a close. Juliette had the weekend flight schedule, so Tansy and Liam made their way back to his motorcycle.

  “We’ll have to do it again sometime soon.”

  “That would be fun. I really had a good time.”

  Liam climbed on the bike and she climbed on behind him. She liked the wind in her hair, the throb of the motor, and heaven help her but she also liked the press of him against her.

  They pulled into the yard, the headlight picking out the bright eyes and rounded shape of a porcupine. The animal took off in the other direction. Liam killed the engine.

  They both climbed off of the bike. Tansy thought she should just say thanks and walk away. What was she, a glutton for punishment, that she didn’t just walk over to her own cabin, where the light on the porch spilled over the edge of the rail? Instead, she was reluctant for the night to end. There was something almost anticlimatic about quietly retreating to her cabin at the end of the evening.

  “Thanks for the ride.”

  “You liked it?”

  “I did.”

  “I knew you would. Maybe one afternoon we could go for a long ride.”

; Why was he asking her? “I think I would like that.”



  “I think we called a cease-fire this evening.”

  “I never declared war in the first place.”

  “But you drew the line in the sand. And look, now you’ve crossed the line, Wellington, which leaves me only one thing to do.”

  Her heart pounded in her chest. “What’s that?”

  “This...” Liam threaded his fingers through her hair, fitting his palm to the contours of her scalp. She tingled all over with anticipation—oh, yes, she knew what was coming, what she’d wanted for what felt like an eternity but in actuality had only been a couple of days.

  His touch was surprisingly gentle. Tansy placed her palm against his chest and slid it up to his shoulder. She would not retreat. She wanted this thing too badly. However, she would not simply submit. She would meet him, participate.

  His lips settled against hers, firm, warm. She sighed into the kiss and returned it, her lips seeking, exploring.

  And then the kiss detonated. Like some time-

  released action, it exploded into heat and passion and fire, which raced through her, threatening to consume her. He pulled her hard against him and she pressed closer still.

  Liam pulled away, his breathing ragged. “Good night, Wellington.”

  And then as quickly as it had started, it was over and she was still standing rooted to the spot when he quietly closed his cabin door behind him.

  * * *

  LIAM PACED ACROSS THE floor of the cabin, his boots resounding on the wood in the night’s quiet. He was tight and hard and wanted Tansy Wellington. And the fervor with which she had returned his kiss made it fairly apparent that she wanted him, as well. And for this point in time, wanting her outweighed his need for privacy. She was leaving in a couple of weeks, so why not just go for it? It would be an uncomplicated win-win scenario.

  He made up his mind and crossed to the door. Yanking it open, he found her standing on the other side, her hand raised to knock. Without a word, he pulled her inside and closed the door.

  She leaned back against the door. “I want more,” she said.

  “How much more?”

  “Just what you’re willing to give for now.” She drew a deep breath. “I need a distraction. You make me forget...other things.”

  Her former fiancé? He could live with that. Being a distraction was perfect. She wasn’t asking for something he couldn’t deliver.

  He nodded, bracing one hand against the wood behind her, and plied his thumb against the soft round of her cheek. “I understand wanting a distraction. I could use the same thing.”

  He leaned in, summoned by her scent and the woman herself. Liam nuzzled the soft skin below her ear, enjoying the play of her hair against his face. He felt her tremble. He wasn’t sure if it was excitement or fear, or perhaps a bit of both. It didn’t matter. He wouldn’t hurt her and inherently she knew that or she wouldn’t have come seeking him, the same as he had been on his way to find her.

  He kissed her. Her lips welcomed him, greeted him, opened to him. She wound her arms around his neck, finding the edge of his hair with her fingertips. She tasted like brownies and sweet, sweet woman.

  Liam deepened the kiss and she opened her mouth to him, her tongue meeting his. He pressed against her, wanting to lose himself in her softness, the fullness of her breasts, the curves of her hips, the plumpness of her thighs.

  She murmured indistinctly into his mouth and leaned into him fully.

  Liam wrapped his arms around her and, mouths still fused, worked their way to the sofa. She touched him as if she couldn’t get enough of him. She ran her hands beneath his shirt, her fingers as eager and seeking as her tongue in his mouth.

  He explored the curves of her hips with his hands. He dragged his mouth down the column of her throat to the ridge of her collarbone. She felt, tasted, smelled so good. It had been so long. And she was as frantic as he was. He wasn’t going to last long at this pace... but he wasn’t sure he could slow down. But he’d damn well try. He pulled away from her, panting, as if he’d just run a half marathon in full battle gear.

  “Tansy...I... Give me a second.... It’s been a while....”

  “Same here. I’m ready. Bring out the big gun, Reinhardt.”

  “What I’m trying to tell you is it’s locked and loaded.”

  “Good. That’s what I want. Now.”


  “Too far.”

  He didn’t need a second invitation. He freed himself from his jeans and underwear while she pulled down her panties. Her eyes glittered with heat and arousal.

  “Oh, my. It is a big gun.”

  He leaned back and looked at her, the same as she was looking at him. She had a full bush and her pink sex glistened.

  He’d always taken his time. He’d never simply had a woman after just a kiss or two—but then again, he didn’t think he’d ever wanted a woman quite the way he wanted Tansy Wellington.

  He positioned himself between her legs...and froze.

  “Liam? What?”

  “Condom. I don’t have one.”

  “My purse. On the floor.”

  She reached down beside the couch and in less than a minute presented him with the cellophane-wrapped prophylactic. “You were saying....”

  “Are you still—”

  “Ready? Yes.”

  She looked wanton with her prim glasses and her legs splayed, her dress up around her thighs, eager for him. Damn this woman turned him on.

  “You are one sexy woman.”

  She simply smiled and pulled him into position between her thighs. And then he was inside her. She was wet and tight and it was as if all the good things in life were right there between her thighs, wrapping around him, encompassing him.

  “You feel good,” he said.

  “So do you. So. Do. You.”

  Liam stroked in and out. Hard and fast, which seemed to be what she wanted. She rose up to meet each of his thrusts with her own.

  He gritted his teeth. He tried to hold out but it was futile. She felt too damn good.

  He did something he’d never ever done before. He came too fast.


  TANSY LAY BENEATH Liam, on the brink, but not there yet when he obviously had found his release. He had warned her ahead of time that he was in full firing position. It was, nonetheless, disappointing. Well, frustrating was a more apt word.

  He rolled off her. “Hold that thought. I’ll be right back.”

  He disappeared into the bathroom. She suddenly felt cold and exposed, the tweed fabric of the sofa rough beneath her bare skin. Disgruntled, she’d pulled her panties on, tugged her dress down over her thighs and sat back down on the couch. She’d wait until Liam returned before she left. That had been the most disappointing end to a most promising beginning. Forget sitting on the couch. She slipped her purse strap over her shoulder and stood, her legs not quite as steady as she would’ve liked.

  He emerged from the bathroom, paused and then crossed the room to her.

  “You don’t follow orders very well,” he said, but there was no sting in his comment. He reached out, slid her purse strap off of her shoulder and tossed it to the floor. “That is definitely not holding the thought.”

  He reached for her and she sidestepped him. “You’re not obligated.”

  “No, I’m not obligated. I want to satisfy you, the way you satisfied me. I just got my round off too fast and needed to clean up.” He took her by the hand and tried to lead her but she held her ground.

  “I’ll just head home.”

  “Tansy, we can do this my way or we can do this my way, but you are not walking out that door yet. Now, quit sulking and come here.”

  “I’m not sulking.”

  “Yes, you are. Damn, woman, it was embarrassing enough that I didn’t have more willpower not to come so soon.” She hadn’t thought about it being embarrassing for him. An
d she hated that. It was one thing to both be in the throes of passion together, but now that he wasn’t so hot and bothered, it just felt awkward. “But I’m not through with you yet.”

  It was possibly the least romantic, most straightforward verbal exchange she’d ever had regarding sex. Bradley had always been all about flowery phrases and candlelight. Oddly enough, Liam’s I’m not through with you yet kind of turned her on.

  “You’re not through with me yet?”

  “That’s right. Actually, we’re just getting started. Let’s go to the bedroom.”

  Just getting started sounded promising, while walking out the door seemed a whole lot like cutting off her nose to spite her face. Tansy stepped forward and said, “Okay.”

  Liam’s cabin was a mirror image of her own. Her heart thumping against her chest, she followed him into the bedroom. The room furnishings were very similar to those next door. A double-bed was covered in a handmade quilt, the headboard obviously hand-carved. A matching wardrobe was positioned against one wall in lieu of a closet. A single nightstand and a braided rug completed the furnishings. Unlike her bedroom next door, however, he didn’t have any personal items scattered around. It was neat as a pin. The waning light filtered through lace curtains at the window, bathing the room in a mix of shadows and soft light.

  He stopped by the bed. “Now, you were holding a thought,” he said as he bent his head and kissed her neck. His mouth was warm, his lips firm against her sensitive skin. His whiskers rasped deliciously against her. The same sense of urgency, of want, she’d had before swept through her once again. She thrilled to the smell of him, the taste of him, the feel of him and the sound of his voice.

  He pulled back the covers and they sank to the mattress’s edge. He gentled her back onto the bed. While he kissed her, he ran his hand over her hip and beneath the hem of her dress. His touch, although sure and firm, wasn’t in the least rough. Tansy sighed, relishing the stroke of his fingers against her flesh.

  She arched up against his hands. Liam caught the edge of her panties with his finger and pulled them down her hips and the length of her legs. The air rushed cool against the heated flesh between her thighs.


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