Service with a Smirk

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Service with a Smirk Page 10

by Ariel Tachna

  Mathias whimpered a little at the thought as he rolled onto his stomach. The sheets were cool against his flushed skin. He pushed up on one elbow so he could watch Pascal’s face. Pascal’s gaze was fixed on the curve of his ass. As far as Mathias was concerned, it was his best feature. His upper body was still skinny, more boy than man, but he’d been groped enough at the bar to know his butt caught men’s eyes. Pascal bent and nuzzled the curve of one cheek before biting sharply at the sensitive skin where his thigh met his ass. Mathias cried out in surprise, but when Pascal looked up at him questioningly, Mathias smiled. It had caught him off guard, but the sting was fading, leaving a tingly pleasure in its place. Pascal grinned back at him for a moment before returning his attention to the tender patch of skin. Mathias braced himself for another bite, but Pascal kept his teeth behind his lips, mouthing at the smooth surface instead. He had finally started to relax into the sensation when Pascal slipped a finger between his cheeks and pressed against his hole. Mathias reared up off the bed with a sharp gasp.

  “Relax,” Pascal urged.

  Relax, my foot, Mathias thought. He’d never manage to relax with Pascal’s mouth on him and his finger inside him. Not happening.

  Pascal left his finger where it was, resting inside Mathias until he settled onto the bed again. Even then he left it barely inside Mathias’s passage, one knuckle deep, just enough for Mathias to feel him without doing anything to him. Mathias squirmed, trying to get some friction on his cock or Pascal’s finger deeper inside against his prostate or something.

  Pascal shifted onto his knees so he could have one hand free and started kneading Mathias’s ass soothingly. That wasn’t any better as far as Mathias was concerned. He wanted Pascal to move, to stretch him open with his fingers so he could pound into him with his cock. He angled his head so he could see Pascal. Had Pascal lost interest in him now that he wasn’t touching him? But no, Pascal’s cock was still hard against his body. Whatever the delay was, it wasn’t lack of interest.

  “What are you waiting for?” Mathias whined.

  “For you to relax,” Pascal said. “We aren’t in a hurry.”

  Mathias was tempted to argue that point, but he wanted Pascal to fuck him, not pull away to talk, so he subsided onto the bed, doing his best to relax despite the need riding him. If they were just starting out, maybe he’d appreciate the gesture. Or if he’d come down from his first orgasm before Pascal starting working on the second. But he hadn’t. He was just as wound up, just as interested in what came next as he’d been when he walked in the door. It hadn’t even taken the edge off. It just made him desperate for more.

  He didn’t know what sign Pascal was waiting for, but Mathias must have given it because finally he moved his finger, the slightest of rocking motions, barely enough to feel with the lube easing the way. Mathias spread his legs wider to give Pascal better access, and when that didn’t encourage him to move faster, he reached back with one hand and spread his cheeks so Pascal could see as well as feel what he was doing.

  “Stop tempting me,” Pascal said with a light swat to Mathias’s ass.

  “Why?” Mathias asked. “You want it. I want it. Why should I pretend otherwise?”

  Pascal didn’t answer, but he did push his finger deeper into Mathias’s passage, although not quite deep enough to find his prostate. Mathias squirmed on the bed, wishing he could get to his knees so he could rock back against Pascal’s hand. He hissed at the shock of cold lube as Pascal added a second finger alongside the first, the chill another layer of sensation on top of the stretch he relished for what it promised. Pascal wouldn’t take this much care prepping him if he didn’t intend to give Mathias what he wanted before the night was over.

  Pascal twisted his fingers inside Mathias’s body, deepening the stretch on his guardian muscle. Mathias humped the mattress and pushed back onto Pascal’s fingers. Pascal moved with him, keeping his fingers from penetrating any deeper.

  “Tease!” Mathias said, his voice breaking on a sob.

  Immediately Pascal drove his fingers as deep as they would go and pressed them unerringly against Mathias’s prostate. Mathias keened with the explosion of need along his nerves. He’d had lovers play with his ass before. He wasn’t a virgin by any stretch of the imagination, but he’d never felt anything so intense. How the hell did Pascal make everything more powerful? He’d have to wait to get an answer because Pascal played mercilessly over his sweet spot, ratcheting up his need until he was gasping for breath, unable to more than whimper with each pass over his gland.

  Mathias rocked back against Pascal’s hand, begging silently for more. Instead, the touch disappeared. Mathias whined a protest, but Pascal rubbed his back soothingly. “We’re not done,” he said, and his voice sounded nearly as desperate as Mathias felt. It was little consolation as Mathias lay there panting, wondering what came next. Pascal scissored his fingers, stretching Mathias’s hole almost to the point of pain, but just as Mathias opened his mouth to protest, Pascal released the pressure and returned to fucking Mathias with his fingers. When he relaxed beneath the curling pleasure, Pascal did it again. Mathias hissed in protest as soon as it started this time. Pascal eased off almost immediately and pressed back in with three fingers to tantalize Mathias’s prostate again. Mathias let out a shout, amazed to feel a second climax building at the base of his spine.

  “Now,” he begged. “I won’t make it a third round.”

  Pascal pulled his fingers free. The moment he did, Mathias started to roll to his back again. Pascal stopped him with one firm hand. “Don’t move.”

  Mathis frowned. He wanted to see Pascal’s face, but he’d recognized the command in Pascal’s implacable tone. If he pushed back, he might not get what he wanted, and he was too desperate now to take that risk. They’d have other nights. He’d see Pascal’s face then. He pulled his knees up beneath him and arched his back. If Pascal wanted to look at his ass while they fucked, he’d put on the most enticing display possible.

  To his relief, Pascal fell on him like a starving man and thrust home in one strong push. Mathias cried out in delight as he was filled with Pascal’s long, hard shaft. He didn’t know if he could have lasted through another bout of Pascal’s drawn-out teasing. It had been all he could do not to come from Pascal’s fingers inside him. Now that it was Pascal’s cock stretching him open, he wouldn’t last long.

  Pascal pegged his prostate with every pass, driving the breath from Mathias’s lungs and every coherent thought from his head. He hung there, head down, breath sawing in and out as Pascal commandeered his body completely. He whined, deep in his throat, but he couldn’t put words to his protest. He needed to come. He needed to breathe. He needed….

  His orgasm blindsided him, his vision whiting out as all strength deserted him. His elbows gave out, and he hit the bed face-first, only his hips, caught between Pascal’s hands, still raised off the bed. He gasped again as Pascal kept pistoning into him until he thought he’d go mad from the mixture of pleasure from his prostate and pain from the constriction of his muscles. When he thought he couldn’t take it a second longer, Pascal thrust one last time and then stilled. He released his grip on Mathias’s hips and let him sink fully onto the bed. Mathias had the stray thought that he shouldn’t fall asleep, but he was too sated to move. He’d get up in a while and go back to his apartment.

  Chapter 11

  THE SOUND of his phone alarm going off roused Mathias from a deep sleep and the most pleasant dream. He’d gone to Pascal’s apartment, and Pascal had taken him to bed and….

  He rolled to find his phone, only to encounter a hard body in bed with him. Oh God, it hadn’t been a dream. The ache in his ass was all the proof he needed of that, even without opening his eyes to see Pascal lying next to him. He scrambled out of the bed, trying to find his phone before the alarm woke Pascal too, but he couldn’t remember where he’d left it in the rush to bed the night before. The sound drew him back into the living room. He finally silenced the alarm wit
h a groan. Bad enough he’d come by unexpectedly last night and jumped Pascal—Pascal hadn’t complained about that—now he’d fallen asleep in Pascal’s bed and woken him up early with his alarm. What an auspicious start.

  He’d get his things and go. Pascal could fall back asleep, hopefully, and they could talk tonight when he got off work, or this weekend if they couldn’t find time to talk before then. It didn’t have to be a disaster. Pascal could have roused him last night and sent him home if he’d really wanted Mathias to leave.

  His jockstrap was in the bedroom. He could leave it, but that would be both rude and uncomfortable. In a loose pair of jeans, maybe it would be okay, but not in his bar jeans. He’d never get the zipper over his dick without scraping it raw. He’d be walking funny enough at work today without adding that to the mix. There was nothing for it. He’d have to go get it.

  He took a deep breath and walked back into the bedroom. With luck, Pascal had already fallen back asleep. He tiptoed toward the bed. He’d tossed his jockstrap from there, not that he knew where it had landed, but he had to start somewhere. He’d gotten four steps into the room when Pascal flipped on the bedside lamp.

  Mathias flinched at the sudden light. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep last night and wake you up this morning. I just need to get my jockstrap, and I’ll be out of your way.”

  Pascal nodded, obviously not awake, but didn’t say anything. He followed Mathias with his eyes as he searched for his jockstrap, but Mathias couldn’t decipher his expression. As good as last night had felt, he wondered now if it had been a mistake. Pascal wasn’t yelling at him to hurry up, but neither was he smiling or doing anything to make the very awkward situation more comfortable.

  Mathias found his jockstrap finally in the far corner of the room, half-hidden beneath the chest of drawers. How had it ended up there? It didn’t matter. He’d found it. He could get dressed and get to work.

  “I have to go. I’ll be late to work if I don’t hurry. I’ll call you later?” He had to salvage something out of this.

  “I have to open tonight. I’ll already be at the restaurant when you get off work.”

  “I could call you during my lunch break,” Mathias offered.

  “If you want to.”

  The knots in Mathias’s stomach tightened at the indifference in Pascal’s voice. Had he done something wrong last night? Had he been that bad a lay? Or had he finally given Pascal what he really wanted and Pascal was done with him?

  He didn’t have time to deal with this right now. He was already running late—normally he’d be done with his shower by now. He wanted to kiss Pascal good-bye at least, but the closed expression on his face made that less tempting than usual. Giving up, he went into the living room, pulled his clothes on, and left. He made sure the door shut behind him, but Pascal would have to lock it from the inside if he wanted it locked.

  Mathias hurried downstairs to his apartment and into the shower. He could skip breakfast and grab coffee from the break room at the bank. That would save him a few minutes. Even so, he’d have to hope he was lucky with the trains.

  The hot water stung as it ran down his back, but he needed it to wake up since he didn’t have time to make coffee. His backside ached, a reminder of everything Pascal had done the night before. If they hadn’t parted so awkwardly this morning, he’d relish the reminder of how they’d spent the night. It had been everything Mathias dreamed. Pascal was as masterful a lover as Mathias had known he would be, and every touch had been perfect.

  So what the hell had gone wrong?

  He didn’t have time to think about this now. He needed to get out of the shower, get dressed, and get to work, because it would just be the icing on an already shitty cake if he was late. He finished in the shower and got out the door as fast as he could.

  His luck held—his bad luck, that is—and he just missed the train that would have gotten him to work on time. He shifted restlessly from one foot to another as he waited for the next one. His mind raced despite his best effort not to think about Pascal and everything that had happened the night before and that morning. If the morning had gone differently, he wouldn’t mind the memories of the night. It was the damn awkwardness and Pascal’s odd silence that tainted the otherwise good feelings.

  The next train finally came, but moving toward work did nothing to help Mathias’s mindset. He hoped he could get his act together at work because he wouldn’t do anyone any good if he stayed this distracted all day. He just didn’t understand. The sex had been stellar. Pascal had wrung two orgasms out of him like it was child’s play. Mathias couldn’t remember the last time he’d had sex that good.

  He’d maybe been a little selfish, falling asleep the way he did, but Pascal hadn’t kicked him out, either, and he’d stayed awake long enough to deal with the condom, so he could have woken Mathias up.

  Had he been too selfish in not doing more to return the pleasure Pascal lavished on him? He’d tried at first, until Pascal had rolled him onto his stomach and taken control. He hadn’t given Mathias time to breathe after that. Should he have tried harder? He could have, but Pascal had stopped him the one time he’d tried. Not that he’d minded, really. He would’ve like to see Pascal’s face when he ca—

  Oh shit. Had Pascal come? He’d stopped, but Mathias had just assumed. He wouldn’t have stopped otherwise, would he? Except that Mathias had hardly given him much choice, coming to his apartment and jumping him the minute the door opened, even knowing Pascal wasn’t ready for them to have sex. He hadn’t said no. He’d responded to Mathias’s overtures, but that wasn’t the same thing, not when he’d made it clear he didn’t want to rush.

  Oh God, what had he done?

  He stumbled out of the train and up the stairs toward work, only peripherally aware of his surroundings. No one stopped him as he made his way to his desk, but that counted as the only blessing of the morning.

  “WHAT’S UP with you today?” Louis asked when he cornered Mathias at lunch. Mathias had managed to avoid talking with him all morning, using calls and meetings as an excuse to postpone the inevitable. His boss hadn’t seen him come in late that morning, but Louis had, and he’d want an explanation for that, if nothing else.

  Mathias shrugged. “It hasn’t been a very good day.”

  That was the understatement of the year, but he wasn’t ready to say more than that. If he had a better idea of what had been going on in Pascal’s head that morning, he might have felt differently. Louis had been a good friend and sounding board in more than just work, but he couldn’t very well explain a situation he didn’t understand himself.

  “You’ve been busy, but it didn’t look like things you couldn’t handle,” Louis said.

  “It’s not work,” Mathias replied. “Other than running late this morning.”

  Louis frowned. “About that… if working at the bar is going to make you late, you need to seriously consider where your priorities lie. I know all your reasons for it, and I know it’s only temporary, but you don’t want to endanger the job that will make it temporary because of it.”

  “I wasn’t at the bar last night,” Mathias said. “Or rather, Adrien sent me home early because it was dead.”

  “Then what’s the problem?” Louis asked. “You’re usually wide-awake and full of energy if you’ve had a night off.”

  This was the problem with a mentor who paid so much attention. He couldn’t hide behind lingering tiredness because Louis would see right through that lie. “I slept fine.” He’d slept better than he could remember sleeping since he moved to Montréal. Between the sex and the exhaustion, he’d passed out and not moved until his alarm went off. Pascal’s bed was comfortable, and Pascal’s presence had been soothing last night. This morning on the other hand…. “It was the morning that wasn’t fine.”

  “I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me,” Louis said.

  “I’m not sure you could help me regardless,” Mathias said. “It doesn’t have anything to do with wo
rk, either job.”

  “Did you and Pascal have a fight?” Louis pressed.

  Mathias sighed. So much for not talking to Louis about it. “I don’t know. Last night was his night off, so when Adrien let me leave early, I went to see him. One thing led to another, and, well….” He trailed off, not sure how to explain everything that had happened and all his fears about how Pascal might have viewed it. “Let’s just say I didn’t go home last night.”

  Louis grinned and waggled his eyebrows at Mathias. “That sounds promising. Did you oversleep?”

  “No, my alarm went off, but it was awkward. Really awkward. He didn’t ask me to stay. I sort of passed out in his bed. Hell, I don’t even know if he actually wanted me there in the first place. It seemed so easy as I was walking there last night. And this morning nothing seemed easy. And there wasn’t time to talk, or I’d have been even later than I already was.”

  “You can talk to him tonight,” Louis said. “I’m sure it’s nothing.”

  Mathias summoned a smile to acknowledge Louis’s comment and left it at that. It wasn’t nothing, but he couldn’t explain all of that to Louis. “I told him I’d call him on my lunch break. I should go do that before I’m out of time.”

  “Oh, of course,” Louis said.

  Mathias escaped the break room and went outside. He didn’t want anyone to overhear the upcoming conversation, but better a random stranger than one of his colleagues. The sun shone brightly overhead, in stark contrast to his mood, but at least it kept the temperature high enough that he didn’t need a coat over his suit jacket.


  “I wasn’t sure you’d answer,” Mathias blurted out when Pascal answered the phone.

  “I’m not that petty,” Pascal replied.

  The answer hardly reassured Mathias, but as long as they were talking, he’d hold on to hope.


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