From Paris to Forever

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From Paris to Forever Page 10

by Savannah Blaize


  Chloe, however, had been fully aware of Todd’s wake-up call. Prior to the moment Todd made the decision to leave, she had been trying to summon the courage to turn around. She had remained still, eyes closed, and battled with both the insecurities her leg injury conjured up, believing she was damaged goods, and the now obvious fact of his attraction to her. He wants me regardless. As his engorged flesh brushed against her buttocks, her nipples puckered and her breasts pushed against the silk nightgown, longing to be touched. Every nerve ending along her spine flicked on to high alert.

  Then, unexpectedly, he got up and left.

  Oh God, I want him. No denying it now!

  The time had come to take a risk.

  Chloe slipped quietly into the granite and glass en-suite. The only illumination in the vast space came from two small down lights above the vanity mirror. Todd faced away from her, towards the back wall. His head bent forwards, his hands flat on the tile at shoulder level on either side of his body, and his legs slightly apart. Multiple jets of water streamed over his body, steam filled the glass enclosure. The hot water aimed at the back of his neck, cascaded over broad muscled shoulders then down over tightly clenched buttocks, and well-toned thighs. He looks magnificent. Chloe’s last remnant of indecision faded away. Her body responded to the sight of his naked glistening wet flesh. She recognised that need, although it had been a long, long time between drinks.

  She walked fully clothed into the stream of water and reached out to touch him. His back tensed. He turned towards her, surprise reflected in his eyes. Already drenched from the shower jets, her fair hair plastered to her head, she flicked ropey tendrils back over her shoulders. She didn’t hesitate. She ran her hand over his hard chest. Arousal caused the wet silk clinging seductively to her body to enhance her nipples into two peaks of pleasure, which protruded from an otherwise sleek garment.

  “Why did you leave me? You obviously wanted me.” Chloe remembered the feel of his hard body against hers.

  “Now is not the right time.”

  “Why? Because I was upset?”

  “Yes. The last thing you need is a man taking advantage …”

  “You said you think you love me. I remember now. In the hospital. Do you, Todd? Do you love me?” Chloe stepped nearer. Only her hand on his chest separated their bodies. She looked up at him.


  “Then show me.” Chloe took his hands and cupped her breasts over the wet silk, all the while looking into his troubled eyes. “I won’t break. Haven’t I been able to prove that? I bounce back.”

  Todd did not move his hands, although every muscle in his body tensed. He searched her face intently.

  He needed to be sure. Did she really want him? Or did she feel sorry for him? “Chloe, I want to make love to you, I want to worship your body inch by inch. But first I need you to tell me if that’s what you really want. This is not a casual fling for me and you need to know that. There are deep feelings involved here. I have fought them, believe me. I have at last come to that realisation, and I can’t deny them anymore. I respect you enough to tell you the truth and I hope that you can be honest with me.”

  “Todd, I want you, I really do. You have slipped into my heart when I wasn’t looking. Until last night, I wasn’t aware of how much you cared about me. Until last night I wasn’t sure of the feelings I had for you either. Now everything has changed. No one has been so kind, so caring about me, not for a long, long time. I’ve thought long and hard about this. Make love to me, Todd. Please. I want you to.”

  Todd’s fingers began caressing her breasts, his thumbs brushing lightly over her extended nipples. She arched her back, her breath catching from that slight touch. She reached up and flicked the straps of the nightgown off her shoulders. He took a step back, dropping his hands to his sides as she eased the material down over her hips. It slithered to pool at her bare feet. His eyes travelled the length of her, taking her all in, absorbing the vision of her standing naked in his shower, wanting him, encouraging him by her every nuance to reach out and touch.

  But where to begin. He wanted all of her. Every delicious dripping inch.

  Todd took a step forwards, swiftly eliminating the distance between them. Cupping Chloe’s face in his hands, and with control he did not know he was capable of, he softly kissed her pouting lips. He closed his eyes, revelling in the taste of her. Their tongues met in a slow and gentle dance as they explored each other’s mouths, testing the pressure and the texture, acquiring a sense of each other’s desire, each other’s need. As Todd deepened the kiss, his mouth all but devouring hers, he elicited a small moan from Chloe. His engorged cock twitched in response. A surge of some primal need swept through him, and he crushed her body to his while turning her around until her back was against the tiled shower wall. The shock of the swift movement surprised Chloe, and she cried out. Todd noticed she trembled, and goosebumps appeared as he ran his hands over her body. Hunger drove him further still . His hands clasped hers by her sides. He rained kisses on her neck, her throat, working his way down her body, inch by glorious inch.

  As his mouth closed over her nipple, she groaned softly. His warm wet tongue flicked back and forth over the tip, sending flashes of heat deep inside her. She opened for him. Every cell blossomed and every nerve ending scanned the air, on high alert for even the slightest amount of pressure or friction. Aware of the cold granite tiles behind her, the warm water flowing over her, the torturously long journey of his mouth travelling downwards leaving a trail of hot kisses in its wake, her body trembled in anticipation. She became limp with need. Down, down, down, please keep going down. Then, when she thought she could no longer stand it, he knelt down and his mouth found her, and heat flooded her body.

  Chloe gasped with pleasure as he teased his way around her mound with feathered brushes of his tongue. She clasped his hands in a vice grip. His tongue swept over her more times than she cared to count, always near but not near enough. She arched forwards. This teasing has to end or I will ignite in a ball of flame. He let go of her hands and cupped her bottom, tilting her up towards his hungry mouth. The tip of his tongue probed her heated flesh and sought her out. Ohmygod, Ohmygod, Ohmygod! She buried her hands in his hair and instinctively opened her legs wider. It had been so long since she had experienced such intimate pleasure. She struggled between the temptation to prolong it or to allow her body to let go, to fully enjoy the wondrous things he was doing to her with his tongue.

  The decision was swiftly taken out of her hands when he slipped two fingers inside her while his tongue continued to work its magic. The explosion of colours and starbursts in her head heralded her climax. It broke, and washed over her in delicious waves. In her mind’s eye, her body melted like molten lava, flowing down with the warm water to form a puddle at his feet. She could barely stand.

  Sensing this, Todd slid his arm behind Chloe’s knees and rose up, sweeping her off her feet and into his embrace. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leant against his rock-hard chest, her head against his cheek. He flipped off the shower and strode towards the bedroom.

  “Todd, we’re saturated. What about the carpet … the bed?’

  “That’s the last thing on my mind at the moment.”

  Wrenching the sheet aside with his free hand, he lowered her to the bed and lay down beside her. He watched her eyes as he tenderly stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers, trying to imprint her face and her expression in his memory. To capture the moment, he would finally be able to demonstrate his feelings to the only woman he had ever truly loved. He kissed her passionately, never breaking contact as he eased her body under his. His ardour was evident, his hard cock between them nudging her, encouraging her to open her legs. His fingers found her wet and slick, ready for him, but still he was afraid he might hurt her. She removed that concern by wrapping her legs around his hips and guiding him inside. As her body closed around him, she arched back, exposing her long neck to his lip
s. Her eyes fluttered shut in absolute bliss.

  “Open your eyes, please.”

  He wanted her to witness his love with her eyes open. He wanted to see her eyes change as he filled her, as he brought her to the peak, and pushed her even higher. He wanted them to take the wild ride through the passion together. He wanted to see her fly, and be her wings.

  Her hips rose up in time with his, matching him thrust for thrust. Her lips, swollen with desire, brushed his with fervent kisses, and still she demanded more. Her legs wrapped around him tighter, urging him on, urging him deeper. He responded.

  He rose up to rest on his hands as he watched her peak, and plunged in as hard as he dared. He looked down on her adoringly, “I love you, Chloe.” And with one final powerful stroke the world shattered and dissolved around them.

  Limbs tangled, sheets drying with their combined body heat, they lay under the light cotton covering, sated and happily exhausted. Amazed at how well she fit inside Todd’s embrace, and how comfortable his body moulded around her, Chloe edged closer. This happiness could not be taken for granted. It felt so right. I am at home in his arms.

  Their bodies moved as one as they dozed for a few hours, Todd instinctively making sure she was never out of arms reach in the king sized bed. As the day finally filtered through the blinds, and she stirred, Chloe could not contain her smile or the feeling of euphoria which still danced around inside her head.

  “Good morning,” Chloe whispered into his ear.

  Chloe nuzzled Todd’s neck as she pushed him onto his back and rolled on top of him. She tenderly kissed his eyelids, then the tip of his nose, then his mouth as he stirred awake. “I see you are up and about already.”

  She giggled as she slid into position, capturing the tip of him within her in one swift movement. She eased herself down, little by little, until he filled her once more.

  “Now this is the way a man should wake up every morning.” Todd tried hard to hide his smile as he opened his eyes.

  “Shall we see where this morning’s ride takes us?” asked Chloe, sitting up to straddle his hips with him firmly inside her.

  “Wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m enjoying the view.”

  “Believe me, I am enjoying the view from up here too. Hold onto your hat. This is going to be a bumpy ride.”

  Chloe smiled as she endeavoured to make the start of Todd’s day a memorable one.

  “Why does breakfast always taste so good after sex?” Todd sat back and pushed away his empty plate.

  “Not just sex. Mind-blowing sex, if you don’t mind.” Chloe’s self-satisfied grin was hard to hide. She slid another forkful of fluffy poached egg into her mouth.

  “I think I’ll call Samantha …”

  “… and tell her we had sex?” Chloe asked, pretending to be horrified.

  “Very funny. To ask her to change my appointments this morning, to this afternoon. I don’t feel like rushing into the office today.”

  Todd picked up the dirty plates to load into the dishwasher. Chloe sat at the dining room table admiring his cute butt as he sauntered into the kitchen in his black Calvin Klein’s. A delicious shiver ran through her as she recalled the last few hours spent in Todd’s bed. What a difference a day makes. No wonder someone used that for a song title. How apt it was. She ran her hand up and down her thigh, feeling the scar under the light fabric of her robe. It amazed her how little her leg had complained, given the workout it had received. Thankfully the endorphins had offset any pain. She felt on top of the world this morning, and ready to take on anything.

  When Todd finally left the apartment, after promising to return and pick her up by 6 pm for an early dinner date, she thought about the turn of events. She could tell by the way he looked at her as he kissed her goodbye that an early dinner meant an early return, and that he had only one thing on his mind. She couldn’t blame him for that, because she had the same thought. Now she had discovered what lay beneath the Armani suits, and she could wait to investigate some more.

  As she curled up on the sofa, her hands wrapped around a cup of coffee, she mulled over what she should wear. Where would he take her? Would it be in the city? Maybe that new restaurant at Southbank. He would pick a nice venue as this would be their first official date. These were the questions foremost on her mind. Of course the idea of the dessert waiting at home was an added distraction.

  “Oh my God … I just realised I have nothing good enough to wear. My dresses are at home.” Chloe yelled. She sat bolt upright, nearly spilling her coffee, as realisation dawned. I’ll going to need some help!

  Samantha smiled when she saw Chloe’s name on the screen of her iPhone. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

  “Hi Samantha, I really need your help. Todd is taking me out to dinner tonight, and I have nothing appropriate here at the apartment. Would you mind taking me home at lunchtime and help me pick something suitable? I’ll buy you lunch.”

  “Sure honey. I cancelled a couple of Todd’s appointments this morning, so we’re quiet in the office. He’s here now, and so is Daniel, so they can look after the office if I duck out for an hour. Although I can probably guess, the details of exactly why he is walking around with a silly smile on his face would be sufficient payment. You don’t have to buy me lunch.”

  “Thanks a million. Give me fifteen or twenty minutes to throw on some clothes, and I’ll meet you downstairs.”

  Chloe chuckled to herself as she gathered her house keys and her mobile phone to put in her handbag. Samantha would be ruthless when it came to finding out what had happened between them last night. She would have to be honest with her. I’m falling in love with Todd, so there’s no point in trying to deny it any longer. She hoped Samantha would approve. She had hinted as much last night when she confronted Chloe about Todd’s feelings. Samantha’s opinion carried a lot of weight with Todd, and she really wanted her as a friend.


  Picking a suitable ensemble took longer than either had anticipated. Partly because neither could be sure of the venue Todd had booked for dinner. Samantha finally talked Chloe into selecting a long halter-neck dress and strappy sandals. She also packed a cashmere wrap, in case the venue had an alfresco dining area.

  “Okay. I think I have been really patient, but my patience is wearing thin now. I thought it was just Todd, but you are both acting mysterious. Out with it! When are you going to tell me what happened between you and Todd to put silly grins on both your faces this morning?” Samantha stood blocking the door from the bedroom, determined to find out the truth.

  “Well, if you really want to know, I thought about what you said, and I confronted him when you left.”


  “And we had a bit of a disagreement. But then a strange thing happened. I remembered the accident. It was Todd who took me to the hospital and stayed with me. I had been led to believe Patrick found me.”

  “Yes, I knew it was Todd. I wasn’t aware you thought it was Patrick, I don’t think anyone was aware of that … not even Patrick.”

  “Right after I got my memory back I had a bit of a breakdown, and Todd stayed with me.”

  “Oh … I see.”

  “No it wasn’t like that. He was very sweet. Nothing happened.” Chloe said

  “Nothing happened?”

  “Well nothing happened then … it was much later that something happened.”

  “You are killing me Chloe … What happened?”

  “We made love.”

  “Finally.” Samantha leant forwards and hugged her.

  “I don’t normally kiss and tell … but … It was wonderful. He told me he loved me Samantha … and … I think I am falling in love with him too!” Chloe’s smile lit up her whole face.

  “I am happy for you both.” Samantha hugged her.

  “I am so glad to hear you say that. I know Todd and Patrick are like your family. Todd has become more to me than even I was willing to admit. He has been kind and generous, sharing his a
partment, inviting me into his life. I want us to be friends too Samantha, good friends, okay?”

  “Good friends.” Samantha agreed. “Now, good friend, let’s get moving or you won’t be ready for your date tonight. I took the liberty of booking an appointment with my hairdresser in Albert Park, my treat. I’ll drop you there and get back to the office if you don’t need me. Will you be alright to take a taxi home afterwards.

  “That was very sweet of you. It will be lovely to have my hair done. I’ll be fine to take a taxi back to Docklands, really. Let’s go.”

  “After you, Miss Armstrong. I’m only the chauffeur.” Samantha chuckled.

  When Todd returned to the apartment, he could hear Chloe moving about in her bedroom. He showered and changed into one of his signature dark-blue Armani suits in record time, and noticed her door remained closed. He figured he had time to order a car to drive them into the city. Standing by the desk and facing the window, with his mobile phone to his ear, he didn’t hear Chloe approach. He turned around, still talking. When he caught sight of her, all speech deserted him.

  A cream ankle-length sheath, both elegant and chic, adorned her body. The soft fabric clung in all the right places and showcased her figure to perfection. An ornate gold clasp at the front of the halter neck negated the need for jewels, other than the gold teardrops in her ears. Her hair, swept up and pinned in a loose French twist, gave her an elegant profile. Other than a touch of mascara to enlarge her eyes, and coral lip gloss, no other make-up marred her porcelain skin. Sandals with thin gold straps encircled her ankles.

  Chloe smiled shyly, and his heart beat a little faster.


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