From Paris to Forever

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From Paris to Forever Page 15

by Savannah Blaize

  As she waved goodbye to Samantha, thoughts jostled for attention. Many questions surfaced, clamouring to be answered. How did she feel about seeing Todd on a regular basis? Could they begin this working relationship after everything that had gone on in the past? Was she asking for trouble? And the most important question of all. Was she still in love with him? Am I? Am I still in love with Todd? He makes my heart beat faster, but that could be nerves. His Bvlgari cologne brought memories thudding back to her whenever he came in close proximity. Now that was lust. Olfactory muscle memory of how he smelled when they’d kissed, when they’d made love. How his adroit fingers roamed her body, and always found their target.

  In all honesty, she really wanted this chance. She could no longer dance. At last she could keep busy doing something she loved, something which stirred another passion in her. And get paid to do it! She had experienced a connection with that house the moment she had laid eyes on it. How wonderful to be able to bring it back to it’s former glory. Or better still, lift it up to be a landmark in the area. When the Baker boys flip it, they could make a killing. And she could be a part of that. A thrill of excitement ran through her. I wonder who will end up buying it?


  Todd’s lunch companion had stopped talking long enough to signal for the bill. This client, Phillip Donovan, had been an investor in Todd’s business when he first dipped his toe into real estate. They had formed a friendship that had lasted over ten years. Not to be sneezed at in this day and age of cutthroat business dealings. Todd had paid Phil back many times over, by getting him in on the ground floor of some sweet property deals, with a quick turnover of cash.

  It had been a long day. A day of waiting. A day of wondering if Chloe would take up his offer.

  “Hey buddy. You’re not listening, are you? What’s got you so distracted? It’s not like you to pass up an invitation.”

  “Sorry Phil. I have a lot on my mind. An invitation to what exactly?” Todd gave Phil his undivided attention once more.

  “I thought we would go out on the bay this weekend. Would you like to join Marion and me on the Sea Mistress on Sunday? Bring along a friend if you like, or bring along two or three and we’ll have a party.” Phil signed the credit card slip the waiter presented and discretely passed the young man a ten dollar tip.

  “Thanks Phil. But …”

  “No buts. Marion has complained she hasn’t seen you in such a long time. I don’t want to listen to her going on and on when I tell her you declined her invitation.”

  “Oh now it’s her invitation. Phil Donovan, you crafty old bugger. You know I can’t turn down that gorgeous wife of yours. I might just have to throw you overboard on Sunday and keep her all to myself.”

  “Now that is an offer she wouldn’t refuse. It always Todd this, and Todd that, whenever you leave our place. I think she’s in love with you already.”

  “I don’t think you have to worry on that score, Phil. I am just a flirtation. Marion only has eyes for you after thirty years of marriage, you lucky old sod.”

  “So you’ll come then. Great. I’ll tell Marion. She’ll be thrilled. As I said, the more the merrier. The long-range forecast looks sensational. Be down at Elwood marina about 9 am on Sunday.” Phil took a last swig from his wine glass, and discarded his linen napkin on the table. “Nice red. Good choice, Todd. I’d better get back to the office. Meetings all afternoon.”

  Todd stood to shake Phil’s hand, and regained his place at the table to finish his wine. Sunday out on the bay. Could he risk asking Chloe? Or is it too soon? She’ll turn you down pal. You are asking for trouble.

  “So have you thought about the offer?” Samantha said excitedly, appearing in front of Chloe in the supermarket.

  “You nearly gave me a heart attack.” Chloe placed a hand over her heart. “A little warning next time would be good.”

  “Well? You didn’t answer my question.” Samantha remained in front of the trolley holding it still, and blocking her escape.

  “Yes, I have thought about it. I think I’ll take him up on his offer.”

  “So we’ll be workmates. We can have lunch together and talk about houses and clients, and rival real estate offices, and surf the net for fabulous shoes and …”

  “You mean like we do now?” Chloe laughed.

  “Yes but it’ll be official business if you’re working for Baker Real Estate.” Samantha released the trolley to link her arm through Chloe’s, and beamed at her. “Have you told him yet?”

  “No, not yet. I was thinking of asking him over tonight. Hence the visit to the supermarket so late in the day. I thought we could have a talk over dinner about the job conditions, pay, etc. Or I should say the expectations of the job since I’m so new to this.”

  “So you’re going to cook. What are you going to make?”

  “Yes, I am going to cook. Surprised? I was thinking of chicken and mushroom risotto. Does that meet with your approval?” Chloe selected some mushrooms to add to her trolley.

  “A good risotto isn’t the easiest thing to cook. Are you sure you don’t want to try something less fiddley? How about a roast chicken? You can’t go far wrong with a roast chicken.”

  “How hard can it be to cook risotto? It’s just rice and chicken and mushrooms cooked in a pot isn’t it?” Chloe threw some spring onions on top of the mushrooms.

  “Well … Todd makes a great risotto, and … “ Samantha stopped and turned towards her. Shut up and let her do it.

  “You don’t think I can compete?”

  “Far be it from me to spoil your fun. If you want to try to impress him, go right ahead.” Samantha beamed at her and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I am not trying to impress him. I just want to cook a nice simple dinner and we can discuss the job. End of story.”

  “Okay, okay. Don’t get mad. Me, I would rather go out to eat. Less stressful. But hey, it’s your life. Do you want to get a coffee when you are done here?”

  “No, I’d better keep going and call Todd to see if he’s free. I’ll text you tomorrow about a coffee catch-up.” Chloe turned her trolley around towards the deli department and gave a wave.

  Samantha headed for the checkout with her basket. He’ll be free all right. And if he’s made any other arrangements I’m sure he’ll change them. She smiled at the thought of Todd eating gluggy risotto and telling Chloe it was wonderful.

  Chloe called Todd as she waited in line at the deli, before she went any further with her purchases. He had accepted her dinner invitation almost before she finished her sentence, and assured her he would be there at 7 pm. Good. It’s time I learned to relax around him again.

  Searching for a recipe on Google had been quite easy. So many to choose from, so why had Samantha been worried? Okay, Todd had more experience, but she had spent some time in the kitchen … on and off… There had been some successes. There had been some major failures too, but they weren’t worth mentioning now. How hard could it be? She loaded up her trolley with all the ingredients, and treated herself to some after dinner mints as she passed the confectionary aisle.

  Back home, after a lightning quick shower, Chloe threw on some jeans and a pale pink linen shirt. A practiced flick of the wrist and her hair twisted into a chignon on top of her head. She secured it with butterfly clips. A few squirts of Coco Chanel perfume momentarily transported her back to France and memorable evenings with friends. She sighed. Tonight would mark a turning point. Better get moving. I’m ready to cook up a storm. She flicked off the bathroom light, determined to make the night enjoyable.

  Still unsure of the newly rearranged cupboards and drawers, it took her longer than she had anticipated gathering the pots, spatulas, ladles, measuring cups and wooden spoons. Rummaging around in her shopping bags, she pulled out the ingredients required, and lined them up on the bench, before stowing the remaining items in the cupboards and fridge. She found she worked better when she had all of the ingredients to hand before the started t
o cook.

  As per the recipe on her iPad, the onions needed to be finely chopped, the mushrooms sliced, and the chicken cut into strips, in preparation. When those tasks had been completed, she set the table and placed a small bunch of flowers in a vase in the middle. It’s nice to make an effort again. They could have a civilised dinner and discuss the job without it being a big deal. Couldn’t they? Just a pleasant evening together.

  She opened a bottle of chilled white wine and poured herself a glass, sipping while she cooked, just to get in the mood. Music. I need music.

  She selected Santana and turned up the volume of the sound system. The Latin music stirred her blood and had her swaying to the beat as she moved about the kitchen. Almost without thinking, she topped up her glass of wine as she stirred the rice and stock, beginning to enjoy herself. The doorbell rang. She moved the pot from the heat and picked up her glass, by now half empty, and sipped the chilled beverage as she sashayed down the corridor, moving in time with the rhythm.

  It took Todd a few second to associate the beaming flushed face of the girl who opened the door with the same woman he’d encountered yesterday. Her eyes sparkled with mischief, and she beckoned him inside with a crook of her finger. The warm kiss she planted on his cheek could also not have been more different to the one she graced him with a mere twenty-four hours before. Her body pressed against his for a few seconds, soft contours shocking his tired muscles awake in an instant. Do you know what are you’re doing to me?

  “Come in, come in and join the party.”

  “I can see the party has started without me.” He gestured to the almost empty wine glass.

  “I’m cooking with wine. The cook has to sample the wine.” Chloe headed down the hall to the kitchen.

  “Oh is that’s how it works? You’re well ahead of me then.” Todd followed in her wake, admiring the snug fit of her denim jeans.

  “Come on, I’ll get you a glass and you can catch up.”

  “If I’m going to catch up you’d better bring me the bottle.” He grinned at her and watched the look of mock indignation appear on her face.

  “There’s some crackers and pate on the table. Please help yourself while I get back to my risotto.” She plunked the bottle and a glass on the kitchen bench so he could help himself.

  “Smells great. Is there anything I can do to help?” He covered a cracker with a generous scoop of pate and popped it into his mouth. “Hey, this is really good. Would you like some?” He scooped some of the creamy concoction onto a couple of crackers and took them into the kitchen.

  “Thanks. I need to keep stirring this.”

  She turned her head as he approached. He held the cracker centimetres from her lips. She opened her mouth to take the small savoury bite. Her tongue caught the remnants on his fingers, and as she raised her eyes, they locked onto his. She swallowed. “Mmmm, it is good.”

  “Would you like some more?” His stomach muscles clenched being in such close proximity, and his blood pumped harder through his veins. Warmed by her skin, the familiar floral scent of Chanel wafted towards him, titillating and enticing. God I want to kiss you.

  “No, I’m good.” Chloe blinked and turned back to her task. “Oh dear. It’s not working. The rice is supposed to be absorbing the liquid.”

  He observed the pot of bubbling rice soup and tried very hard not to smile. “Did you put all the stock in at once?”

  “Yes, I thought it would be quicker. Is that bad?”

  “Well, it’s not ideal if you want good creamy risotto. Do you want me to have a try … huh? Or would you rather keep going?”

  “No. I’d rather have something edible. I’ll bow to your expertise. Here you go …” She handed him the wooden spoon.

  “How about you spread some more of those crackers with pate and I will try to save your risotto. Deal?” He needed some breathing space to clear his head, and concentrate on the matter at hand.

  “Deal.” She stepped away from the stove top.

  Chloe plucked a clean tea towel out of a drawer. She came up behind him and wrapped it around his waist to protect his clothes, tucking the end in the back of his waistband. He stiffened, his back muscles tightening as her fingers brushed against them, heat radiating through him from the slight touch. You are killing me, woman!

  He worked on the risotto, adding some more rice to the liquid and stirring continuously. Once the adjacent pan of sautéed onions, garlic, chicken and mushroom cooked through, he added it to the rice in the pot. “Could you grate some of that Parmesan cheese? I don’t want to stop stirring this.”

  Chloe came to stand beside him, quickly grating the cheese and adding it to the pot. “Is it going to be okay? Or do I have to get out some straws?”

  “I think it will be fine. Here, taste.” He held the wooden spoon out to her and she delicately nibbled at the rice.

  “You saved the day. Thanks.”

  “Better sit down and eat this now while it’s hot. Risotto is better eaten right away.” Todd served up two plates, pulled off the tea towel, and joined Chloe at the table.

  “Hey, it’s not too bad. It tastes good and the parmesan made it creamy.” Chloe lifted her wine glass. “Here’s to a nice home-cooked dinner.”

  “And good company.” Todd raised his glass and waited for her response.

  “And good company.” Chloe took a sip and smiled over the rim of her glass.

  Once dessert had been eaten, Chloe cleared up the plates and tidied up the kitchen. Todd helped her load the dishwasher. The conversation easily segued into the topic of the Portsea renovation. They made themselves comfortable on the new couch.

  “So you’ll take the job then?” Todd waited patiently, his fingers mentally crossed.

  “Yes, I’ll take the job, thank you. I want you to know I am very grateful for the chance. I promise I won’t let you down.”

  “I have no doubt you’ll do a marvellous job. I wouldn’t have asked you otherwise. It’ll be a couple of weeks before the builders finish the plumbing and the plastering on the extension. Then you can take a drive down and get a feel for the space.”

  “I’m rather excited about the whole idea, to tell you the truth.”

  “It’s great to see you looking happy. The old carefree Chloe I once knew.” He grinned at her. I’ll do whatever it takes to get the old Chloe back.

  “Not so much of the ‘old’ thank you,” she said teasingly. “Would you like another wine? I’m going to get a refill.” Chloe stood in front of Todd and took his glass.

  “If I do, I’ll have to get a cab home and leave the car, and I need it early tomorrow. I’d better not.” The words hung ominously in the air. His heartbeat sounded deafeningly loud in his ears. Ask me to stay.

  “Coffee it is then.”

  “Coffee would be lovely.” He looked up at her. The overhead light reflected off the tiny butterflies in her hair. God you are lovely.

  The doorbell rang, startling them both.

  “It’s late for a visitor.” Todd glanced at his watch, and hoped she could get rid of whoever was at the door quickly. Great timing. There had been inroads made tonight, and he didn’t want to lose it.

  “I wasn’t expecting anyone. I’ll be right back.” Chloe put the wine glasses on the bench and headed down the hall.

  When she opened the door, the tall well-dressed gentleman on the doorstep could not have been more of an unpleasant surprise.

  “What are you doing here? How did you get my address?”

  “That’s not a very nice welcome after all this time, Chloe. You were easy to find. Remember we still have mutual friends in Paris. They told me you visited recently, and supplied me with an address.” The man smirked at her, looking her up and down. “You’re lookin’ good, darlin’. I must say you haven’t changed much in the last few years. If anything, you look much better with a few extra pounds on you.”

  “I want you to leave, and I don’t want to see you back here again.” Chloe took a step back to close the do

  He moved towards her and gripped her forearm, stopping her in her tracks.

  “Get your hands off me!” Her quiet voice contradicted the anger boiling in her blood. You have no control over me now.

  “Come on now. We’re old friends. That’s not how you treat an old friend, is it?” He let go of her arm, but didn’t back away.

  “The lady says she wants you to leave. I would do as she asks.” Todd’s voice reverberated up the unlit hall. He came to stand behind Chloe and placed his hands on her shoulders, reassuringly.

  “Oh, so your boyfriend here is going to play the big shot and make me leave is he? Don’t worry, I’m going. I’m performing at the casino for the next few weeks. I thought I would just look up an old friend. Drop by if you change your mind and want to catch the show. I’ll leave you my number if you need some free tickets.” He pulled a business card from his jacket, leant forwards and quickly tucked it into the breast pocket of her shirt, patting it, his fingers lingering on her breast for a second. She jerked away from him.

  Todd took one giant step forwards and stood toe to toe with Mr Obnoxious. Todd had at least a few centimetres on him in height, and an extra ten kilos in muscle. An anxious few seconds passed without either of them moving.

  “Leave now, Paul.” She didn’t want to cause a fight, she wanted him gone. Chloe held her breath. She had faith Todd could look after himself but … she didn’t want to see him hurt. The hell with Paul. She could care less about him after how badly he treated her in Paris. Yes, years had passed, but the hurt remained and the fear she had tried to hard to bury threatened to resurface once more.

  Paul broke eye contact first, shot Chloe a menacing look, turned on his heel and left without a backward glance.

  As soon as the door closed Todd put his arm around Chloe’s shaking shoulders. “Are you okay? Who the hell was that?”


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