From Paris to Forever

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From Paris to Forever Page 17

by Savannah Blaize

  They made love slowly, reverently, touching and caressing as waves of pleasure drifted over them. Todd took her to the peak and lingered, wishing to draw out the pleasure, putting off the inevitable moment when they would be two again, not one.

  The afternoon had flown by for Todd. The euphoria of their time spent together hadn’t worn off, and Chloe’s mood had definitely improved. So much so that he was hoping she might ask him to spend the night.

  “How do you feel about takeaway for dinner? I’m starving. I could go and pick up some Indian if you’d like?” Todd searched in his laptop bag for his wallet.

  “I’m happy with Indian. Can we get a couple of different curries to share? A veggie one and a meat one. And some rice. Oh, and some of that Naan bread.” Chloe beamed at Todd.

  “Peckish, are you?”

  “I’ve worked up an appetite. Sue me.” She giggled. “I’ll tidy up if you go and pick it up.”

  “Deal. I’ll phone in our order and it should be ready by the time I get there.”

  The phone line to the restaurant was engaged, but he got through on the third try and placed their order.

  In the car he whistled along to a tune on the radio, and realised he had not been this happy for months. Not one to make assumptions where Chloe was concerned, he hoped that the turn of events today would be the start to rekindle their relationship.

  Her hot shower had been refreshing, just the pick-me-up Chloe needed before dinner. She pulled on a cotton robe and towel dried her hair. She looked around for her phone and then realised she had left it charging on the kitchen bench. Better get it in case Todd calls. She had just swung down from the last step and had turned towards the kitchen when the doorbell rang.

  She called out, “Wow you were quick,” and pulled open the door.

  Paul launched himself at her, pushing her back against the wall, his hand gripping tight around her throat. “You bitch! You got the cops onto me. What the fuck did I ever do to you? You lost me my job in Paris because you were a spoilt brat and went cryin’ to your queer friend. Because of what? I didn’t lay a finger on you. Maybe I should’ve.” Spittle sprayed her face as his vitriolic abuse continued.

  “Now you and your boyfriend are tryin’ to cause trouble for me at the casino. The cops have been snooping around and askin’ question. The bosses are lookin’ at me funny.” Paul stank of alcohol and cigarettes. His grip tightened. “Hey, what’ve we got here?” With his free hand he pushed open the robe and groped at Chloe’s naked breast, squeezing it, rubbing his thumb over the nipple, which hardened involuntarily.

  “Get off me, you bastard!” Chloe tried to push him back, but he thrust his leg between hers and leant his groin against her, pinning her to the wall. His strength surprised her.

  “Don’t play all coy with me, you’re enjoyin’ this, I can tell. You want me, you always did. Look at these tits. Look how hard these nips are.” He bent his head and took her nipple in his mouth, biting down.

  She groaned in disgust and tried to push him off. His hand snaked down between her legs, his long fingers probing, hurting her, forcing her legs wider. She scrunched her eyes shut and tried to turn her head away as his mouth neared hers, his fetid nicotine breath hot on her face and making her want to gag. A blast of cold air hit her exposed body like a slap. Her eyes flew open. She gasped in shock and relief when she saw Todd.

  Todd yanked Paul away, spun him around and threw two punches in quick succession. Once in the face and once in the stomach. The blows were dealt with practiced ease. Paul sank to the floor, out cold. Todd stood over him, legs slightly apart, elbows tucked into his sides, fists clenched, ready to strike again if need be.

  “Are you okay?”

  Chloe gathered her robe together. She noticed his jaw was clenched tight and his eyes appeared dark and fierce. He rubbed his right fist in the palm of his other hand.

  She nodded. “Oh God, I thought it was you at the door. I got careless.” Chloe pulled her wrap tighter still and tied the belt. She edged past Paul’s prone figure and into Todd’s embrace. “What do we do now? Shall I call the police?”

  “I already did, when I saw the door open, and that he had you up against the wall. They’ll be here soon, I imagine. I’ll just wait here in case the creep wakes up. Go into the family room and wait. Go on.” Todd gave her a little push in the direction of the family room, and sat on the bottom step of the stairs.

  “No, I’m not leaving you. He might wake up.” Chloe sat beside him on the stairs. “I’ve seen the movies where they all relax and the dead guy comes back to life when they turn their backs.”

  “He’s not dead though. At least I think he’s not dead …” He bent down to check. “Nope, he’s breathing alright.” Todd eased back and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. ”Are you sure you’re okay? “ He tucked the collar of her gown tighter to her neck, and kissed her forehead.

  “I’m okay. A little shaken, but essentially okay. He’s drunk. I’m so grateful you arrived when you did. My hero!” She snuggled into him.

  “I couldn’t get out of the car quick enough when I saw the door open. I wasn’t sure what I would find. Then, as I came up the path I saw him and hit triple-0 on my mobile.”

  A car screeched to a halt at the kerb. Two burly police officers hurried up the path and onto the porch. Todd got up to greet them, gave them a basic update and helped them pull Paul to his feet. He began to regain consciousness, struggling as they cuffed him.

  “That’s assault. I’m gonna sue you for that. You won’t get away with it. I have my rights,” Paul yelled at Todd and the police. “Get your hands off me!” One officer marched him off to the waiting police car, and he continued hurling abuse all the way down the path. The other officer took Todd and Chloe’s preliminary statement, and asked them to call into the station to provide more details on Monday morning.

  Todd closed the door and leant his back against it, happy to see them off the premises. Chloe wrapped her arms around his waist, and they held each other for a few minutes. “I don’t know about you, but I’m still hungry. I left the the food in the car. I’ll be right back.”

  Todd jogged to the car. He retrieved the package and held them at arm’s length until he had reached the kitchen. “Better open a few windows. This curry is going to blow your socks off.” The smell of Indian curry and spicy garlic vegetables permeated the air.

  “How can you be hungry now? Explain to me how men can eat, no matter what’s going on around them.” Chloe stood in the middle of the room, with her hands on her hips. She wore a perplexed expression.

  “I guess it’s a cave man thing. I just saved you from a nasty predator and now I need to beat my chest, and eat meat … so let’s sit down and enjoy this curry, okay, babe?”

  “Babe? You never call me babe? What’s going on?”

  “Just trying to lighten the mood. Come and have something to eat.”

  “I don’t think so. My stomach is in knots. I think I’ll just sit here and watch you.” Chloe pulled out a chair at the table, sat opposite and mavelled at the ease in which Todd tucked into the takeaway meal.

  “Are you sure I can’t tempt you with some curry? Not even vegetables and rice?”

  “No thanks. I should go and get dressed.”

  “And here I was thinking of dessert.” He smiled mischievously, his eyes wandering down to her cleavage.

  “You really are a cave man. Or maybe just a typical man. Your belly is full and now you are thinking of satisfying other urges.”

  “So that’s a no then?”

  She propped her elbows up on the table, clasped her hands under her chin and assessed him. “Hmm. Let me think about it.”

  “Or we could watch a movie.” He licked his lips.

  Little butterflies danced in her stomach as she watched him, the tension slowly disappearing. The way his mouth and jaw moved as he chewed. Such beautiful lips. The way he rolled his shirt up to the elbows. Strong tanned forearms have always been a weak spot. T
he way his eyes twinkled at her as he wiped his lips with the napkin. Why do men have such silky long eyelashes? She squirmed in the chair as all those thoughts collided into want and a need of her own. Does he know what he’s doing to me? She got up and moved around the table to stand behind him.

  “Are you finished?” She slipped her arms over his shoulder, aware his powerful shoulder muscles tensed, and slid her palms down over his chest. Her nipples peaked under her robe. “I’ve changed my mind. I think I will have dessert.”

  Todd turned and swiftly pulled her onto his lap. “You women are so typical. One minute it’s ‘I’m not hungry’, the next minute it’s ‘I’m starving’. Just as well I’m such a nice accomodating guy.”

  “You’re all heart. Better hurry up before I change my …”

  His kiss, as quick as lightning, and as passionate as she could have wished for, concluded her sentence and drove all other thoughts from her mind. Oh my. The rush of heat and longing took her by surprise. He picked her up with ease, not breaking the kiss and marched towards the stairs, flicking off the lights from memory as they passed by.


  Todd and Chloe arrived at the marina at precisely 9 am and were escorted through the security gate. It appeared Samantha and Malcolm had arrived just ahead of them and were already walking up the pontoon to greet their hosts.

  Chloe spotted Patrick’s car pulling into a carpark adjacent to theirs, with an attractive redhead in the pasenger seat. Patrick hopped out and held the door open for the young woman while she gathered her belongings. Todd raised his hand in greeting to his brother, and they continued walking towards the yacht.

  “Looks like Patrick brought a date. Do you know her?” Chloe glanced back again, curiosity getting the better of her.

  “Yeah. I met her a few months ago. Nice girl. Sharon.”

  “It should be fun today, with your brother and his date, and Sam and Malcolm on the boat.”

  “Better not let Marion hear you use the word ‘boat’.”

  “Sorry. I had better be careful or she might throw me overboard.”

  “No chance. You’ll like Marion. She loves the ballet and the arts.

  “Oh. The Sea Mistress is such a beautiful yacht. I’m really looking forward to this.” Chloe hooked her arm through his and squeezed his bicep with her free hand.They approached the berth. He eased her forwards ahead of him, his hand on her lower back to steady her as she walked up the gangway. Always the gentleman. Chloe had worn soft canvas deck shoes and comfortable white cotton pants. She had decided to wear the navy and white striped tank top as it gave her a nautical look, so apt for a day on the ocean. Funnily enough, Todd had chosen navy pants and a white shirt. Great minds. She noticed everyone had brought large totes or beach bags, carrying swimsuits and towels, presumably hoping for a dip in the bay if the weather held.

  Marion and Phil Donovan stood on deck, ready to greet them. Marion appeared to be the epitome of a well-dressed member of the “ladies who lunch” brigade. They could have been yachting on the Cote D’Azure from the way the Donovans were dressed.

  Marion stepped forward and hugged Todd with gusto. She only came up to his chest. “I am so happy you could join us today. It has been an age.”

  “Marion. You look as lovely as ever.” Todd stooped and kissed her on both cheeks, and held out his hand to Phil. “I hope you know how lucky you are to have such a gorgeous wife.”

  “I thank my lucky stars every day.” Phil beamed, shook Todd’s hand and patted him on the back with genuine affection.

  “Nice to see you both. Thanks for the invite.” Todd put his arm around Chloe and encouraged her forward. “Marion, Phil, I’d like to introduce you to Chloe Armstrong.”

  “I am so happy to meet you.” Marion shook Chloe’s hand first.

  “Enchanted, my dear.” Phil took Chloe’s hand between both of his and shook it warmly. “We are going to have a marvellous day on the water. Please go inside, make yourselves at home. Have some breakfast. Ah, here’s Patrick and his lovely lady.”

  Marion and Phil proved to be the most generous hosts. They had provided a breakfast smorgasbord fit for a king. Assorted tempting platters of smoked salmon, bagels and croissants, meusli, freshly sliced fruit, berries and yoghurt were laid out on a large buffet table in the air-conditioned main cabin. Fruit juice, sparkling water and bottles of champagne nestled in huge silver ice buckets, with condensation forming on the outside.

  Todd slipped his arm around Chloe’s waist as they joined Sam and Macolm at the table. They were already filling plates with smoked salmon, bagels and assorted berries.

  “Hey. Glad to see you could make it.” Sam kissed Chloe on the cheek. “Look at all this lovely food. Grab a plate.”

  Patrick slid open the door and approached the group, his arm around Sharon’s shoulder. “You remember my brother Todd. And this is Chloe, his … friend, and Samantha and her husband Malcolm.” His hestation caused all eyes to focus on Chloe. She blushed.

  Chloe quickly retained her composure. “Nice to meet you, Sharon. I don’t mean to be forward but I couldn’t help noticing your pendant. Is it opal?” Chloe leant forwards to get a better look.

  “Yes, it’s from Andamouka in Central Australia. My father spent some time there a few years ago and bought a share in a mine. He chiselled this from the rock himself.” Sharon lifted the pendant proudly and admired the myriad of colours in the gem.

  Chloe had wound her fingers around Todd’s as they stood side by side. She squeezed gently and leant into him. He return the pressure and raised her fingers to his lips for a kiss. Her stomach did a little flip. Such a tiny gesture, but there in front of his friend and his brother, his reassurance meant a lot to her.

  After breakfast, the talk turned to sports, the men arguing over cricket legends and test scores, voices raised in jest, but loud enough to jar those who were uninterested in a little red ball and wooden stumps. Phil had played cricket in his younger days and staunchly defended the Australian Test side. Marion wore a bemused expression, and tut-tutted at their childish behaviour. Chloe slipped away to find a quieter spot on the lee side of the yacht. The heat of the late morning surounded her as she walked out onto the deck.

  Dazzling sunlight reflecting off the water, like a scattering of diamonds, sent flashes of light into every corner of the cabins. The sea air combined with the beautiful weather and group of smiling, happy people on board her had buoyed her spirits and had helped to bannish the bad memories of the past forty-eight hours.

  Chloe hadn’t wanted to spoil the mood this morning by bringing up yesterday’s events, but they had shaken her and forced her to take stock of what she had, and to take a good long look at her behaviour. The past had encroached on her present and she didn’t like it one bit. She had hoped to put that time in her life with Paul behind her. Although when she thought about how she had jumped into defensive mode with Todd every time he had become controlling, instead of explaining why she found his behaviour so upsetting, she wished she could turn back the clock. Life could have been much simpler if she had been honest with him from the start.

  Waves lapped gently against the hull, and the soothing sounds of classical music piped through the speakers on the deck had an almost hypnotic effect. Chloe leant on the rail, closed her eyes and gloried in the warmth of the sun’s rays on her upturned face. If she could be anywhere else in the world at that moment, she would’ve turned down the opportunity. This was peace. This was security. This was home.

  “A penny for your thoughts, as my grandmother would say. Although judging by the expression on your face I think I’m wasting my money. You look happy.” Sam had snuck up quietly and now joined her at the rail.

  “We’re so lucky, don’t you think?” Chloe turned to Sam. “Look at us. Out on a yacht on a beautiful Sunday morning, surrounded by friends, and as much food and drink as we can possibly consume, the shore behind us, the horizon ahead. We could sail off into the sunset. There is so much out th
ere to explore. It’s exciting, don’t you think?”

  “Are we still talking about the yacht?” Sam turned around, her back to the rail, to shield her eyes from the sun.

  “In part. I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching. I‘ve come to the conclusion I’m not very good at relationships. I find it hard to trust. I tend to shoot first and ask questions later.

  “You are not alone. I know a few people with that persnality trait. I guess the good thing is that you are acknowledging it.”

  “I wish I hadn’t run off to France when I did. But it has given me a chance to think about how I feel about Todd.”

  “And is that something you want to share?” Sam asked.

  “No, not yet. I know he’s a good man. He is trying to kerb his controlling tendencies around me. He wants to make this work.”

  “Do you want to make it work?”

  “Yes, I think I have a better chance now that I am coming to terms with my past. Todd has been wonderful, once he knew the circumstances, and very supportive actually.”

  “I held out hope that you two would be able to iron out your differences. I know he’s stubborn, and likes things done his way, but it comes from the right place. You look so good together. You know he’s changed a lot, especially since you left. It shook him up badly. It really did.”

  “We had a visitor last night. A very unpleasant visitor, actually. My ex-boyfriend came to my house and threatened me.”

  “Oh my God. Todd told me he showed up Friday night. Why did he come back? Were you alone?”

  “Paul forced his way in. He had me up against the wall. Todd had gone to pick up dinner, but he came back just in time, and he knocked him out. We called the police and he was arrested. Don’t mention it to the others. I don’t want to spoil the day.”

  “Sure. As long as you’re alright. But we’ll talk about this later, okay.” Sam gave her a hug.


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