The New Age: Book 5 of The Bloodmoon Wars (A Paranormal Shifter Romance Series)

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The New Age: Book 5 of The Bloodmoon Wars (A Paranormal Shifter Romance Series) Page 12

by Sara Snow

  “I don’t care if any of you like me. That’s your problem, not mine.” I stepped over Vivian to leave. “But if any of you are brave enough to face me—or stupid enough to say the things she just did—you know where to find me.”



  This was where Will had first confessed his true feelings to me, right here on the roof of Saleem’s bar. At the time, I’d just found out that he was no ordinary vampire—he could walk in the sun and was a general, a son of the Vampire Queen.

  This was where our relationship had truly begun, the point where we’d decided to stop pretending we weren’t crazy about each other.

  It was funny. Back then, he'd followed me here to help me find Skye. Now, I was here to get help for him.

  I placed my hand over my heart and prayed to the Goddess to watch over him. He was a vampire, but he was my mate, my love. I figured if the Goddess had a problem with me being with a vampire, she would have said so long ago.

  Wasn’t that something for wolves to consider? Our Goddess didn’t seem to mind a union between a vampire and a werewolf. So why should we?

  “Hey." Skye leaned over the rusty iron railing, looking out at the town. "I didn't see much of this place the last time I was here. It’s . . . different."

  “It definitely is.” There was a sudden boom, and in the distance, fire rolled up to the sky, followed by screams. “There is never a dull moment in this place.”

  “I can see that.” She exhaled through her mouth. “It’s getting close, isn’t it?”

  “What is?”

  She bent her head to look at me. “The end of all of this. One way or another, the war will be over soon, right?”

  “I hope so,” I told her. “I really do.”

  “I was thinking after it’s all finished and Cyrus and I have spent some time with the pack, maybe we’ll join you and Will and travel for a bit.”

  “Before you guys leave for the Underworld? That would be amazing.”

  She smiled. "Imagine, the four of us traveling together."

  “I’m not sure the world is ready for us,” I laughed, shaking my head and letting the wind play with my hair.

  Absentmindedly, I placed my hand on my belly. I didn’t realize I’d done it until Skye covered my hand with hers. “You guys can try again now that you know it’s possible.”

  I blinked rapidly, holding back tears. "I can heal someone who’s just a few breaths away from death, but I couldn't save the life inside me."

  “Don’t.” Skye shook her head and turned my body to face hers. “Don’t say that. You had no idea, Elinor. And you were saving lives, countless lives.”

  “I didn’t realize how much I wanted to make Will a father until Circe told me I’d lost the baby. A family, Skye! It’s possible for us to be a real family.”

  She chuckled. “I know. I have to admit, I’m kind of curious to see how a little one with a vampire father who can walk in the sun and a werewolf mother with divinity would turn out.”

  We both fell silent, imagining such a being. Then, in unison, we both said, “Damn,” and started laughing.

  “There, see . . .” Skye leaned over the railing. “You and Will can still have the life you want, the family you want, when the time is right.”

  "You and Cyrus as well. A Prince of Hell and a werewolf. Goddess, I can't wait to see what the next generation will be like."

  "We'll find out someday. But can you imagine it, us as mothers? Goddess, I'm terrified. What will it be like raising a child in Hell?"

  “Hot,” I grumbled.

  We burst out laughing, and she nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I guess it will be. But Cyrus promised me that there are places in the Underworld that are really quite beautiful.”

  “I think I’m pretty lucky,” I said to myself as I stared up at the sky. “A demon prince who’s like a brother to me, the greatest best friend anyone could ask for—that’s you, by the way—who’ll be a princess of Hell soon enough, and a vampire mate who can walk in the sun. I have some truly exceptional people in my life.”

  Skye pulled me into a hug, and I crushed her to me.

  “I love you so much, so much,” I said. “And I’m going to miss you.”

  “I love you, too. I’m pissed that once Cyrus and I leave, we won’t be able to return to this realm, but I’ll find a way to see you. I swear it.”

  We released each other, and my chin began to tremble. I was blessed with an adorable little brother, but Skye had always been my sister, my family. Before Jackson and before Cyrus, it had just been the two of us. Come what may, our bond would remain, even if we were separated by different realms.

  She untangled herself from me and wiped at her eyes. “Okay, okay, we’re strong women who don’t cry. Well, not often. After all, I have badass daggers now and shit.”

  I chuckled. “True. We should probably get some rest. The second we find out where the Queen’s army is headed, we’ll have to act.”

  “You’re ready.” Skye squeezed my shoulder. “We all saw her and she’s undoubtedly powerful. But you have all of us on your side and a Goddess. We’ve got this, and we’ll finish her for what she’s done.”

  I nodded sternly as a wolf howled in the distance.

  No matter what, we’d be the last ones standing.


  I stared at my reflection in the mirror and touched my lips. I blew out a steady breath through my mouth and my hand fell to my side, the phantom feeling of Will’s lips on mine long gone.

  The woman staring back at me had been a headstrong girl not so long ago. I had been young, eager to become a Werewolf Guard, and more naïve than I had realized.

  And now here I stood, burned by the cruelty in this world but still standing, as were so many humans and supernatural creatures unlucky enough to be alive at this time in history.

  I was exhausted.

  Although my body felt rested, my soul was tired of this war. After just trying to survive for so long, I was ready to see the end of it all.

  “Goddess?” I spoke out loud. “I hope you’re with me. I’ll need you for this.”

  I remained quiet, looking around the room in case I got a response. My mind raced as I considered a million different possibilities about how this was all going to end.

  I tried to imagine what Will might be doing, but that was futile. There was only one thing I knew for certain: he would never betray me. Though I’d been plagued with doubts in the past, I knew now that his love and loyalty belonged to me.

  A knock came at the door. “Elinor! There’s news. You need to hear this!”

  I opened the door to find Scarlet standing on the other side of it. "We sent a transformation witch into Vampire Territory. Because she was able to change into any creature, she traveled around safely. But now she's back."

  I followed Scarlet to Saleem’s office where Saleem, Skye, and the witch were waiting.

  “Elinor, this is Nettle. Nettle, meet the white wolf,” Saleem said, introducing us.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Nettle.” I greeted the witch with my fist over my heart.

  She bowed. “Likewise, Elinor.”

  She looked to be in her late twenties and had cropped blonde hair that was slicked backward. Her brows were shaven above pale blue eyes, and she had iron piercings in both nostrils, with another at the center of her bottom lip.

  “So, what information do you have for me?” Saleem asked as she sat down behind her desk.

  “The army set out a few hours ago. I followed them from a distance to see where they might be heading. Given the direction they’re going, I think they are headed for the city of Agomond.”

  “The human city?” Skye said in shock. “She’s going to attack the humans?”

  “It would appear so.” Nettle’s tongue darted out to wet her lips, revealing that it was slit down the middle, giving her a forked tongue like a snake.

  “If the Vampire Queen takes Agomond, we’ll be done for.” Scarlet crossed her
arms, and Saleem nodded in agreement.

  “How big is the city? Skye and I have never been there,” I asked.

  “Tens of thousands of beings live there. If the Queen turns them all, her already impressive army will triple in power,” Nettle answered. “Once the city is hers, it’ll be harder to get to her. But she’s not the one leading the army.”

  I stood up straighter at that. “Who is leading them?”

  “General Cain. Word is that the Queen and another general are still at the palace.”


  Saleem pinched her chin. “Why wouldn’t they go with the army? Didn’t her entire force leave?”

  Nettle nodded. “The castle seems to be protected by a few Skins and Bleeders, but that’s it.”

  Skye looked at me, obviously anticipating what I was going to say. "You know it's a trap, Elinor.”

  “I know. But I still have to go.”

  “That’s not wise.” Nettle shook her head. “Your friend is correct.”

  "You said it yourself; once she's taken the city, it'll be harder to get to her. Trap or not, this is the only chance we'll get, that I'll get."

  Saleem sighed as she rubbed at her temple. "There is no way that castle doesn't have more protection than just a few vampires . . . unless she doesn't really consider you a threat, Elinor.” She turned to the other witch. “Either way, she's right, Nettle. The Queen is giving Elinor an opening—one the Queen might live to regret.”

  “She will,” I growled. “Can you contact Theanos and have a demon here in the Black Souls Market find Cyrus in the Demon Realm? We need to act now. They’ll both have to go to Agomond while we take the castle.”

  "We need to get a message to Alpha Grayson as well,” Skye added. “So the Werewolf Guards in the city can be notified of the threat. They've been barricaded inside the city since the start of this war. They might not know they’re now the prime target."

  “I’ll handle that,” Scarlet announced. “There is a rogue Enchanted here who can contact the wolves and a demon I know who can find Cyrus. As for Theanos, Saleem, you’ll have to handle that part.”

  Saleem nodded. “I’ll take care of it. Now go,” she said, and Scarlet left. "Thank you, Nettle, for your help."


  Once Nettle had gone, Saleem got up and began moving around her office, gathering jars of herbs. She then paused and turned to Skye and me.

  "I'll gather rogue wolves, demons, and witches from here to come with us. It’s almost certain that there is a trap waiting for you at that castle. You can't handle that and the Queen at the same time.” She pulled a necklace from around her neck, revealing the small bottle containing Cyrus’s blood that she had taken from him during our last visit. “Looks like it’s time I used this.”



  Whenever a lot of time went by between visits to the Demon Realm, I always forgot about the power in the air. It was always there, almost tangible, and was a thousand times stronger than anywhere else.

  It weighed me down, but I absorbed as much of it as I could, arming myself. Because I was going to my father’s castle, and I had no idea how things were going to play out.

  I walked out of the cave I'd been using to get in and out of the Demon Realm for years—my personal door—and stood on the cliff overlooking Hell. I was only seeing a small portion of the area, and I knew the black sky, lava-producing volcanoes, and the shrieks of demons and souls weren't the same throughout the realm. My father obviously thought it was a good introduction to the beauties of Hell. Go figure.

  I rolled my shoulders, and my wings pushed their way through my skin and out of my back.

  I flapped them once, testing the wind's strength before I leaped off the cliff. Freefalling, I pierced the air, my body transforming into my demonic form as I fell. The second before I’d hit the rocky ground, my wings opened and brought me to a gentle landing.

  Below me, I watched as demons looked up and pointed, no doubt some of them mistaking me for the Demon King—not that he’d ever randomly fly around.

  That similarity bothered me more than anyone would ever know—that I had a trait of my father’s that could not go unnoticed.

  As a prince who wasn’t birthed by the Queen but who’d inherited the King’s signature red wings—something none of the Queen’s sons had—I was hated by many. I’d only met the Queen once. And while she had been nice enough, I wouldn’t be letting my guard down.

  I couldn’t relax around my mother, the sin Lust, either. She was an expert at manipulation and thoroughly enjoyed playing her kids against each other.

  I thought of Ms. Clementine, Skye’s mother, and my fists clenched so tightly my nails pierced the skin. She had been my true mother. She had welcomed a demon child and raised him as her son. She had cared for me, loved me, and I regretted that I hadn't been there with Skye to help murder the bastard who had killed her.

  I moved to the side as lava shot upwards from one of the volcanoes and flew quickly to leave the territory until I got to the wasteland where my father lived.

  The Demon King’s castle was a hideous, looming thing—the skies above it were always dark and starless—and it sat in the middle of a lava pit, with only a single bridge connecting it to land.

  I landed on the bridge and reverted to my human form but kept my wings out. As I approached the grand double doors, the guards on either side avoided looking at me as I walked by.

  Despite the hideous exterior of the castle, the inside was . . . still hard to look at. Although some parts were beautiful—like the garden Theanos and I had been in when my father had joined us and spoken to me for the first time. That was when he’d told me I’d only have three years to remain on Earth before I’d have to return permanently to the Underworld.

  I wasn’t just a bastard son he had with a demon. I was a bastard son who’d inherited something none of his other sons had.

  I shook my head as I made my way through the castle, ignoring the stares. Even after pulling my wings in, I was the center of attention as I headed for my father’s throne room. There was no time to waste. I needed to return to Skye and the others as soon as possible.


  I stopped walking when my mother appeared before me; her hair, previously as black as the night, was now a golden blonde. She was wearing a red sheer dress with the sides slit up to her waist along with a leather corset.

  “What are you doing here?” She held her arms out to hug me, and I allowed her to. I knew she’d manage to hug me, even if I refused. “I didn’t know you were coming. What’s going on?” She released me, then eyed me up and down. “Mmm, you’re not thin, so you must be feeding. Good. Stop hiding from what you are.”

  It didn’t take her two seconds to start judging me.

  “I’m here to see the King. I need to speak with him.”

  She grew serious. “Does this have anything to do with that war in the Human Realm? I thought that was over. You’re still not giving up on saving those werewolves, huh?”

  “It’s never been just about the werewolves. Other species are being targeted, demons included.”

  She frowned at that.

  Now I’d gotten her attention. I was surprised she hadn’t already known. “You thought the vampires wouldn’t target demons? They feed on everything. Demons are being used to make hybrids that are only loyal to the Vampire Queen.”

  “Hmm, well, you can’t say she’s not creative. So, when will you be returning?”

  “I have to go.” I walked around her and continued on my way to the throne room.

  I wasn’t surprised by her lack of interest. I hadn’t expected her to care. She’d been the one who’d told me the truth about the Vampire Queen, that my father had defiled a Goddess and gotten her pregnant, giving birth to Queen Amythia. Which meant the Queen and I were related.

  My mother hadn’t told me for altruistic reasons. She’d only told me so I would understand that only someone with divinity could kill
Amythia, causing me to return to the Underworld once I realized fighting was pointless. At the time, she’d had no idea about Elinor.

  My mother, Lust, was the embodiment of the sin. She was a manipulative, soulless, all-consuming seductress.

  She appeared by my side, her long legs helping her to keep up with me. “So I’m guessing that the reason you’re here is because your wolves are losing. Still, I never thought I’d ever see the day you’d ask your father for anything.”

  She smiled sweetly, but I knew there was nothing sweet behind the action.

  I took a deep breath. “I’m a demon who’s going to offer him a deal—nothing more, nothing less.”

  She took my arm to stop me. “Don’t do this. You don’t know him. You won’t like the price you’ll have to pay for his help. No one does.”

  "I’m aware of that," I told her, pulling my arm away. "I might not know him personally, but I've heard the stories. And you’ve certainly never held back when talking about him. I'm ready to give him whatever he wants if it means saving my family."

  Her brows creased. “Your family?” She shook her head and chuckled mockingly. “You still think those creatures are your family?”

  “After all these years, you still think they’re not?”

  She sighed and looked down the hall. “You might hate us, Cyrus. But you’ll always be exactly what you are—a demon and a Prince of Hell.”

  “I’ve never forgotten what I am, and I don’t hate all demons. That would mean I’d have to hate myself. And for a time, I did. Back then, I wanted to be anything but a demon and a prince. Now, I just don’t care.” I turned to walk away but stopped when she laughed mockingly.

  “You might despise me and your father, but you’re fooling no one. You love the power we both gave to you. Without us, you’d just be another low-level demon pawn.”

  “Low-level demon or not, I’d be me. Who are you? The sin Lust, and what else? How many children do you have whose names you don’t even know? Theanos and I have been nothing but accomplishments for you, children with royal blood who elevate your status.” I laughed as mockingly as she did. “You’ll live for being the mother of Cyrus and Theanos when you’re no longer Lust. But you’re not a mother. You never have been.”


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