The New Age: Book 5 of The Bloodmoon Wars (A Paranormal Shifter Romance Series)

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The New Age: Book 5 of The Bloodmoon Wars (A Paranormal Shifter Romance Series) Page 19

by Sara Snow

  I watched as a new cocoon began to form around her. In minutes, she was sealed away.

  A pulse emitted from the cocoon, and Victor and I blacked out for a second as it surged through our bodies and the entirety of the mountain.

  “What was that?” he asked as he stared at his hands, no doubt feeling the same tingling sensation I was.

  When it faded, I closed my eyes. The spell was done, just as I’d promised Amythia.

  “A new King or Queen will not be chosen. From this day on, we’re all connected to her. There will be no more room for disobedience.” I turned to Victor. “So if anyone tries to harm her while she sleeps, we’ll all die. Tell the others. Go.”

  “Yes, Grisha.”

  He left and I fell to my knees before the woman who’d given me purpose. “Rest, my Queen. I’ll rebuild as you commanded, and await your rebirth.”

  Inside the cocoon, a palm pushed against its surface, and I smiled. "Yes, my Queen. You’ll have your revenge.”

  One Year Post-War


  Darian and his mate were chatting away inside their home—or actually, she was talking, and he was listening. Skye had told me that Darian had had feelings for Elinor, but with Elinor away in the God Realm, Darian had finally found his mate. I was overjoyed when the news had reached us in the Demon Realm that although Elinor was dead, she wasn’t lost to us forever. She and Will had visited Earth many times in the last year, although just for short periods. And now, she’d send word when she intended to visit, and thousands who were ill would travel across the country to see her, to be healed by her.

  She was living her dream still, helping those who needed it.

  I'd be here for twenty-four hours, but Skye hadn’t been able to join me. She was still forbidden from leaving the Demon Realm, and since my father had yet to rid her of the vampire venom in her system, she didn’t have much choice.

  My visit this time would be a quick one, and I was lucky to even get that. It had been months before he granted my request to return, mainly because he was an ancient and bored creature who only lived for entertainment. The reason for my visit had been amusing to him.

  The front door opened, and Darian stepped out. “I thought I smelled a demon.”

  “Took you long enough. Your skills are slipping.”

  A window opened and a woman with the brightest red hair I’d ever seen poked her head out, her hand on her protruding stomach.

  She waved at me. “Hello! You must be Cyrus. It’s an honor to meet one more of the Beloved Four. I was overseas during the Blood Scourge.”

  “Beloved Four? The Blood Scourge?” I repeated, and she nodded.

  “It’s the name given to the war with the Vampire Queen. The Beloved Four are you, Skye, Elinor, and Will, the interspecies couples who helped to save the world. I’m Beth, by the way.”

  “I see." I arched a brow at Darian, who only blinked in response. "Well, thank you. And congratulations to the both of you, as well.”

  “Thanks. I’m over this pregnancy, though. I want him to come out already.” She winked at Darian before closing the window. He held his hand out, signaling for us to take a walk.

  “The Beloved Four? Who started that?”

  “It kind of came about on its own,” Darian answered. “You four have inspired many interspecies relationships.”

  “Interesting,” I mumbled.

  “Is Skye with you?”

  I shook my head. “No. She’s still unable to leave the Demon Realm.”

  “But she’s okay?”

  “Of course,” I answered, thinking of how well she had adjusted. “She controls my legion more effectively than I do, but she’s hated by many, as expected. Otherwise, she’s managed quite nicely in the year since the war with Amythia. How’s the pack?”

  Darian’s locs were longer now, reaching his waist, but that was the only thing about him that had changed. I couldn’t say the same. Skye had convinced me to let my hair grow, and the thick, black strands were now below my shoulders.

  “The first few weeks before Elinor returned were rough on everyone, especially Alpha Grayson. He was beside himself, and only our Luna could calm him." Darian picked at a flower. "But now after a year, things are looking up. Elinor is gone, but not really."

  “I know what you mean. And the hunts? Are you a part of them?"

  “I stopped two months ago to be with Beth as her pregnancy progressed. But the hunts to eradicate the rest of the vampires have been successful, so far. It took some time for the decision to be made. The eradication of a species—even vampires—was a touchy subject.”

  “I guess with Will as an example, many could say they aren’t all bad,” I said as we walked.

  It felt so good to be back. I’d forgotten the peaceful aroma of the forest and wished I could bottle it and take it home to Skye.

  “He was a different case,” Darian growled. “He wasn’t one of them.”

  I eyed him curiously, then laughed. “He finally earned your respect after he’s no longer alive.”

  “At least he earned it.” Darian grinned, and we stopped walking as a cool wind blew the leaves around us. “So, I have a feeling this isn’t a social call.”

  I held both my palms out, and a book materialized in my hands. It had taken me a few months to write and spell it with my magic, but finally, it was done. I turned it over to Darian.

  “The History of the Damned.” He read the words on the cover before taking it.

  “For years, we all lived not knowing much about vampires. This contains everything we learned about them during the war.” My hand fell to my side as he admired the book. Its cover was plain, for the most part, but the outside wasn’t what was important. “Ione saw a vision of the future. Did you know?”

  Darian nodded. “Yes. That was the determining factor in the decision to eradicate the vampires.”

  “I still think this book is important. And so, I’m entrusting this book to you.” I placed my hand on top of it. “Keep it safe. Maybe one day, if all the vampires are killed, they'll become nothing but a myth, like the story of the white wolves. But at least the next generation will know the truth about the vampires.”

  “Why not give it to the Alpha?” Darian held the book against his chest.

  “Skye suggested I give it to you. She said she had a feeling you should be the one to protect it, that you above anyone else could—and would—ensure its safety. After all, it contains the story of a woman you once cared deeply for.”

  Darian shook his head but smiled. “Okay.”

  “But tell no one about it, at least not yet." We continued walking until the packhouse came into view. "The Werewolf Council has a bad habit of withholding vital information."

  “That’s certainly not going to change,” Darian grumbled, pausing when we reached the tree line. “I’ll take it back to the house. Thank you, Cyrus. Say hello to Skye for me.”

  I placed my fist over my heart, and he did the same before leaving.

  In the beginning, Elinor had hidden her wolf form from others because of the speculation about white wolves. Over time, truths were turned into stories and then myths. If the vampires ever returned in the future, my book would help prepare the new generation—whether they believed the words or not.

  Present Day


  I sat up with a start, my clothes soaked in sweat and clinging to my skin. Exhaling heavily, I swung my legs off the bed and dragged myself into the shower.

  For weeks, I’d been having the same dream—a figure walked towards me, getting closer and closer with each dream.

  Finally, I'd come face-to-face with the person. It was a child, an Enchanted like me.

  I stood under the showerhead and allowed the cold water to pummel my body as the dream repeated itself in my mind. For weeks I hadn’t been sure what to make of it, but now, after finally speaking to the Enchanted, I felt uneasy.

  There are creatures of old lying awake beneath the earth. History w
ill repeat itself, and your visions will guide the way.

  That’s all the girl had said to me. She’d ignored all my questions about her name, who she was, and what she was talking about. I thought of her plain dress and corset, clothing from centuries ago, and it all created a mystery that would plague me until I solved it.

  It wasn’t just a dream, and she wasn’t just a random girl. I knew that. I could feel that. Her eyes were as blue as mine, and I felt a strong connection to her.

  Hopping out of the shower, I dried myself quickly and pulled on a large sweater. I was already exhausted from studying for my finals, and now I had this to worry about as well.

  Staring at myself in the mirror, I eyed my soaked blonde hair and the small bags under my eyes. Sighing, I walked away, deciding to let my hair air dry. It was Friday after all. Thankfully, I only had one class today, and it was in the evening.

  Being an Enchanted was so exhausting sometimes. We often experienced visions that were difficult to understand and feelings that were hard to explain to others. Xavier, my cousin, closed the fridge quickly, then leaned against it as he stuffed a slice of cake into his mouth.

  “Why are you up so early?” he asked. I just groaned and threw myself down across the kitchen island. He chuckled, amused. I wasn’t. “You look like shit.”

  “Bad dreams, finals, being an Enchanted. The usual,” I grumbled.

  Xavier licked his fingers clean of the cake’s icing, and I looked him up and down suspiciously. It was strange for my cousin to be snacking so early in the morning—and on cake, at that. At six feet, eight inches tall, he was a mountain of muscles—as most werewolves were—and ate nothing but healthy food. It annoyed me that he didn’t understand why I’d sell my soul for a burger, but I guessed it was important that he stayed in shape, considering his position as the next Alpha of the Blackmoon Pack.

  “Cheat day or something? I thought cake was the enemy.”

  “I was up all night studying. I deserved it.” He opened the fridge again to grab a bottle of water.

  I shook my head as he offered me one. “Pass the cake.”

  He did, and I dove in, closing my eyes as I ate slowly.

  "You don't look good, Natalie."

  “Don’t start worrying about me, I’m just”—suddenly, the kitchen started to spin—“tired.”


  Images began flashing before my eyes—white fur, a wolf’s lips pulled back as they snarled, green eyes, and red hair. A cup, overflowing with blood. And screams. Too many screams.

  The vision ended, and I pressed my fingers to my temples.

  "Hey, was that a vision? Are you okay? Damn it, Natalie, what's going on with you? You’re never like this.”

  “Xavier, leave me alone,” I growled. He sighed as he grabbed the stool beside me. We sat in silence for a time until the headache that always came with a vision subsided. “I’m just so tired.”

  First the dream and now this, I thought to myself, losing my appetite. I looked at my cousin. “Something’s coming,” I said softly, as Xavier’s gray eyes narrowed. “I just wish I knew what.”

  He placed a hand on my shoulder. “You often feel this way, and many times, nothing happens. That’s how the future works. But you can’t keep on like this. Whatever is coming, let it come. And when it arrives, we’ll deal with it.”

  “Spoken like a true Alpha,” I teased, and he rolled his eyes and got up.

  “Eat and go back to bed. And I mean proper food, Natalie.”

  I watched him leave before staring down at the cake in front of me. I bit down on my bottom lip, recalling the images I’d just seen. What Xavier said was true—the future was constantly changing. But something about this vision was different.

  I looked around the room, an indescribably heavy feeling in the air.

  A girl with red hair, a wolf with white fur, and a glass of blood. What can it mean?

  Have you read the Bloodmoon Wars Prequel?

  Love for a woman damns him,

  and love for another saves him.

  Are you wondering how Will became a vampire? Click below to get your FREE copy of the The Dark Ages (Bloodmoon Wars Prequel)

  Also By Sara Snow

  The Luna Rising Universe

  The Bloodmoon Wars (A Paranormal Shifter Series Prequel to Luna Rising)

  The Dark Ages (Free Prequel)

  The Awakening (Book 1)

  The Enlightenment (Book 2)

  The Revolution(Book 3)

  The Renaissance (Book 4)

  The New Age (Book 5)

  Luna Rising Series (A Paranormal Shifter Series)

  Luna Rising Prequel (Free Download)

  Luna Rising (Book 1)

  Luna Captured (Book 2)

  Luna Conflicted (Book 3)

  Luna Darkness (Book 4)

  Luna Chosen (Book 5)

  The Venandi Chronicles

  Demon Marked (Book 1)

  Demon Kiss (Book 2)

  Demon Huntress (Book 3)

  Demon Desire (Book 4)

  Demon Eternal (Book 5)

  The Destine Universe

  Destine Academy Series (A Magical Academy Series)

  Destine Academy Books 1-10 Boxed Set

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  About the Author

  Sara Snow was born and raised in Texas, then transplanted to Washington, D.C. after high school. She was inspired to write a paranormal shifter series when she got her new puppy, a fierce yet lovable Yorkshire Terrier named Loki. When not eagerly working on her next book, Sara loves to geek out at Marvel movies, play games with her family and friends, and travel around the world. No matter where she is or what she is doing, she can rarely be found without a book in her hand.

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