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Mackenzie's Surrender [The Solace Dawn 1] (Siren Publishing PolyAmour)

Page 14

by Jorja Kish

  The strong fingers of his free hand glided down her back as he lifted the shirt that she wore. It made him hungry for her, seeing covered in his clothing. He shifted and used his strength to ease her onto the floor where the thick, soft flooring braced her knees. His hand pressed between her shoulder blades until her shoulders were flat on the floor, forcing her head to turn sideways.

  Kneeling over her rapidly panting body, her pose of submission had Setti internally growling at the sight. He wanted more, though. Trailing his short nails down her back, shielded by his shirt, he leaned forward and harshly whispered in her ear, “This is just a reminder that I am the one who will allow you your pleasure. You. Will. Not. Come. Do you understand, my sweet?”

  “Yes,” Mackenzie answered breathlessly.

  Setti leaned back and grabbed his cock, rubbing the tip over her tight, puckered hole that quivered from his spongy head. His dick glistened from his pre-cum and her slippery juices, and without preamble, Setti pressed the wide head into her tender opening.

  Mackenzie cried out, taking the burn and pain and embracing the dark need in her soul. She pushed back, horrified and glorified that she wanted the harsh bite that accompanied the most decadent sensation she had ever felt. Her ass stretched around the thick cock. She was stunned that her ass took the ten-inch dick.

  She felt fuller with the plug buried snug and deep. Moaning, she closed her eyes in bliss when Setti rocked inside her body, pulling out in a slow glide that made the sensation so much sweeter, while he shoved, hard and merciless, causing that delicious burn to make her cry out with more pleasure.

  Mackenzie was mindless, only her body accepting the darker pleasure this warrior man gave her. She rocked, meeting his every thrust, feeling her orgasm teetering on the edge. She fought to stall her release, crying out and resorting to begging, which had her lover thrusting harder, deeper until he stilled, panting harshly, and his body shaking, before he leaned down and covered her back.

  He bit her neck and sucked the skin, leaving a red mark and the pain-pleasure she enjoyed.


  The orgasm ripped through her, causing Mackenzie to lose her breath. She screamed and screamed, bucking wildly as the towering god erratically thrust into her exploding body, ending with a hard thrust, curling over her back as he released his seed and fell over the chasm with her.

  Mackenzie moaned, loving the feel of his cum swamping her ass, even as it eased out, heavily pungent with musk and Setti’s sexy, unique scent. She shivered and burst into tears. She sobbed from the overwhelming sensations that ruptured her careful and bland life. Now exposed and raw, Mackenzie trembled from her new self emerging.

  “Why are you crying?” Setti asked, horrified that he hurt her with his lust and dominance.

  She shook her head, unable to talk just then. She sobbed, not tears of horror, but of rebirth.

  The hard cock in her ass softened, slipping from her warm body, and seconds later, the hot body on her back was gone. She whimpered when she felt him lean away. The shirt she wore was gently pulled down to cover her bottom, and a wave of anguish swamped Mackenzie.

  “Please-Please don’t—” She shook her head, unable to continue from her tumultuous emotions.

  “I am sorry,” Setti barely breathed out, shame sinking deep into his heart and soul. He hurt her. He hurt the one meant to be theirs.

  Unable to face her haunted eyes, Setti stood, adjusting his breeches. He turned away and quickly left the library, wanting to look back, but unable to. His cowardly action cut deep into him, but it was her quiet plea that tore up his insides. By the Gods, what did he do?

  Mackenzie lifted her head, stunned from the quick and silent departure of her lover. She wiped away her tears and brushed the hair that covered her face. She leaned back and winced from the soreness that made her butt ache, but sighed from the deep throb that made her tingle on every level.

  “Setti?” she called out, wondering why he left so abruptly. Didn’t she please him?

  The only sounds in the library were her soft pants that eased until her slow, even breath echoed in the chamber. Carefully, she stood and moaned from the sudden gush of seed that trickled from her deliciously abused ass. Blushing from her wicked and depraved thoughts as well as her body’s ache for more, Mackenzie walked to the alcove. She entered the bedchamber, walking across the room to enter a side door that opened into a luxurious bathroom that was more of a spa than mere utilities for bathing.

  Her body tired and sweetly aching, she shuffled to the elaborate controls that Keene showed her earlier when she asked for the bathroom. Biting her lip, Mackenzie concentrated and pressed a few sequences on the tablet and crossed her fingers. Liquid, a deep turquoise, poured into the tub that could fit an entire football team. Well, not quite, but it was close.

  A light scent of what passed for cherry blossoms, her favourite fragrance, filled the room, making Mackenzie smile and slip off the oversized shirt, not bothering to unbutton the silky material. She dropped it on the floor and eased into the smouldering heat that made her wince. Nevertheless, she sank deeper into the filling tub and sighed blissfully.

  Her life sure had changed in the most strangely confusing and impossible way. However, leaning back in something only her imagination could conjure up, she was in the midst of something wondrously new. Did she have the strength to see it through was the bigger question?

  “So much has happened to me and now I’m beginning to feel…” her voice trailed off. What did she feel?

  When good things happened, something always tried to tear it down, and she learned that from her old world, her world obliterated by something humanity didn’t have a chance to defend against and win. She rubbed the tightness in her chest with her palm. The last image of Shayane’s devastated features staring back at her before she confronted those creatures had her burst into tears. She wanted her daughter back. Softly crying into her hands, Mackenzie struggled with her guilt of being safe and well cared for, while her daughter…no, Shayane was safe! Mackenzie had to believe her daughter was rescued and now returning to her. It was the only way she could move forward and accept this new life.

  Was she ready to surrender to her new life just as she surrendered to the alpha male who opened a dark, growing need in her?

  Chapter 22

  “I think…no, I mean, I know I need something else to wear other than bed sheets, and maybe a shirt I stole from that armoire over there,” Mackenzie declared when she stepped from the bathing room when she heard Braydok’s sultry accent and Keene’s delicate, lilting voice. She was towel-drying her hair, not trusting the devices that were there to do it for her.

  In truth, she forgot the command codes and with her luck, she’d end up with electric-blue hair or worse, bald!

  Keene twisted on the bed where he was sitting and gave Mackenzie a bright and sweet smile.

  “Please tell me you want to go to the Menagerie for some shopping?” he asked eagerly.

  “Um, okay. Is that like the mall or an outlet store?” Mackenzie replied and squeaked when Braydok came up from behind her to pull her into a bear hug before nibbling on the side of her neck. She instantly melted into his arms and laughed.

  “Hey, I just got cleaned up. No more nookie for anyone until I get some clothes to wear.” She playfully swatted the gorgeous man and nimbly twisted away.

  “If this thing ‘nookie’ mean sex then I’ll try to behave, but no promises,” Braydok teased, reaching out for her again with a wicked grin on his sensuous mouth.

  She giggled and twirled the towel in her hand before skilfully snapped the tip at his well-defined ass as she skipped away.

  Braydok yelped and rubbed his butt with an exaggerated wounded look, puppy dog eyes and all.

  Both Mackenzie and Keene burst into laughter, until Braydok growled good-naturedly and launched himself at Mackenzie. She squealed and leaped on the bed to scramble to the other side of the room and evade his mock outrage. She clearly saw the hungry pre
dator in his eyes, softened by his need to keep her safe even in fun and games. Her heart melted a bit, making her breathless.

  Keene bounced on the bed and tried to grab Braydok from capturing her, but inadvertently caused Mackenzie to slip before the solid male pounced on her. She screamed with laughter when the first tickle on her ribs had her squirming to get away.

  “Uncle,” she yelled between fits of laughter, “uncle, uncle!”

  Keene laughed and mimicked her raucous chant, “Uncle, uncle, uncle!”

  Mackenzie laughed harder when Braydok chanted as well, before asking, with a devilishly boyish smile, “Okay, question—why are we calling out ‘uncle’?”

  Mackenzie laughed harder and shook her head, rolled Braydok onto his back, and grabbed his face with her hands. She planted an exuberant kiss on his pliable mouth and leaned back. She giggled from the stunned and dazed expression on his good-looking face and loved the way his strange starburst eyes twinkled with merriment.

  “‘Uncle’ is just a saying to make a person who is tickling you stop. Well, it has other uses, but that was the one I was using,” she answered.

  “So you cry ‘uncle’ if you want someone to stop doing something to you?” Keene rehashed, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

  Mackenzie nodded and grinned.

  “So when we make love to you and if you want us to stop, you’ll cry out ‘uncle’ and it will mean we will have to stop what we’re doing?”

  Mackenzie’s mouth dropped at the mere thought of screaming uncle when they made her body burn and ache with desire and lust.

  Hell no!

  “Good god, no. Trust me, sweetie, I’ll never scream out ‘uncle’ when we make love. It’ll be more like, ‘harder, faster, more, right there’ and my personal favourite, ‘ah, fuck.’”

  Both men had their mouths unhinged from her outrageous comment, which made her giggle. She sweetly kissed Braydok and climbed off him before he could get a hold of her again. She also tried to chase a kiss from Keene, enjoying his laughter as she manoeuvred to lock lips with him.

  Mackenzie slid off the bed and planted her hands on her hips with a thoughtful look in her bright fuchsia eyes. She tapped her chin with the tip of her finger and pursed her lips together.

  “Okay, someone will have to donate some duds for me so I can go and get real clothes that will fit me.” She smiled sweetly, staring at Keene while she waggled her brows.

  Keene gave her a mock glare and huffed imperiously. “I’d rather not. Once I share, then you’ll be constantly in my armoire trying on my stuff.”

  Mackenzie giggled and rolled her eyes. “Well, once I get my own clothes, I’ll be worried about you trying on my dresses!”

  Keene had the good graces to blush, which made Mackenzie and Braydok burst in animated laughter.

  “Okay, Versace, find me something to wear so we can hit the Menagerie.” Mackenzie playfully winked at Keene and wrapped her arm around his shoulders.

  “Who?” he questioned, confused. Instead of answering, Mackenzie gave him a quick kiss.

  “Okay,” he said instead, smiling and strolling to another armoire in a deep redwood finish.

  He threw open the doors and elegantly bowed with a courtly flourish. “Milady, the armoire is yours.”

  The next hour, after modelling several outfits to the appreciative and sly eyes of Braydok, Mackenzie and Keene finally settled on a deep purple tunic that fell to her knees.

  She wanted to wear the tunic, but apparently, the V neckline was excessively deep for Braydok and Keene’s comfort. They adamantly stated that they didn’t want to share her smooth, silky skin with anyone else. Her golden tone would cause a riot. Mackenzie rolled her eyes at that comment, but pleasing warmth spread through her heart when Braydok announced it feverishly.

  They more or less settled on her wearing a tight-fitting, long-sleeve top. It covered her neck right down to her wrists in a soft, creamy hue. A pair of baggy breeches finished the outfit and kept her men happy. Once she was dressed and fussed over by Keene, she patiently waited for his thumbs-up approval. A grateful smile flashed across Braydok’s features as he winked at Mackenzie.

  “So, now that I’m all dressed up with somewhere to go, let’s blow this pop stand and get me some clothes.” She laughed and twirled before her men.

  “Pop stand?” Braydok asked.

  “Uh huh, an expression to get going and do some shopping, more or less.”

  Keene chuckled. “My new phrase. Let’s blow this pop stand.”

  Braydok muttered under his breath as the three of them left their bedchamber, “Blowing this pop stand doesn’t invoke a sense of shopping for me, but someone’s mouth wrapped around my cock.”

  Mackenzie evilly grinned and patted Braydok’s cheek. “If you’re a good boy while we’re out, I’ll give you that treat when we get back.”

  Braydok growled and practically dragged Mackenzie and Keene out of the domicile.

  Mackenzie and Keene chuckled. Within minutes, they were sauntering down the near empty corridor leading to the Menagerie. Her heart beat a little faster, wondering what she was going to find on the floating city her lovers referred to as the Solace Dawn. Although she never voiced her new reality in words, this visit to the shop fronts would cement her new reality. Regardless of how improbable it was she knew she had to face whatever was out there waiting for her.

  Was she ready to face it?

  Then again, did it really matter what she saw and experienced in the Menagerie? Overall, she had just spent that last few days in bed with three men—well, two, for the majority of it—having sex to ease the burning heat of a transformation that altered some of her anatomy by an alien race bent on ruling and destroying the galaxy.

  It took only a few days in the company of sensual, giving and tender men to ease her into a new life. If she didn’t trust them now, she never would. From now on, she wanted to be kept by her trio.

  A pang of guilt and sadness clenched her heart. Shayane. What kind of mother was she for trying to start anew while her daughter was somewhere out there? A single tear fell down her cheek before she quickly brushed it away. Strong fingers wrapped around her fingers startling her. She looked at Braydok’s solemn eyes.

  “We’ll find here, Sheeala. I promise.”

  Mackenzie’s throat tightened with emotion. She nodded her head and turned when she felt Keene’s slender fingers tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. The heat of his breath and the softness of his lips brushed against her cheek, making her melt further.

  “Come, no more sad thoughts. Today, we shop.” Keene smiled and tapped Mackenzie’s nose before grabbing her other hand and dragging her and Braydok down the corridor.

  The sound of their mingled laughter trailed in their wake.

  Chapter 23

  The loud gasp from Mackenzie had Keene beaming at her stunned features. Her head bounced from one sight to the next like an octopus Ping-Pong ball champion working the crowd. Okay, it was a crazy image, but it fit how she felt when she stepped from the tube that made her stomach want to hurl. Everywhere she looked, there were colours on colours that saturated the colour wheel.

  Mackenzie glanced up and mouthed a silent “wow” at the magnitude of the domed ceiling. It looked like a warm summer day, with even a few clouds and some birds for effect. She narrowed her eyes and realised she saw real avian creatures.

  “‘Wow’ just doesn’t seem enough to describe this place,” she gushed, her cheeks flushed with excitement.

  Shaking her head in awe, Mackenzie squeezed Braydok and Keene’s hands. She blushed when each man raised her knuckles and kissed each one before pressing their hot mouths against her lips.

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying it so far.” Keene smiled.

  “Yeah, by the time we’re done, you’ll have sore feet, a full belly, and tons of things to keep that stunning look on your face,” Braydok added, his purple eyes shining with an emotion that made Mackenzie swallow around a tight lump in her throat

  She could only nod, getting her heart under control. Lordy, these guys will be my ruin. She didn’t care, though. She was here to shop and enjoy the company. Her smile wavered when she looked at some of the stalls, which reminded her of something she saw in Moroccan bazaars. It was all open and not a single modern device in sight…well, except for the modern devices sold by vendors.

  “Um, guys, I forgot to ask if you have money to pay for this spree.”

  Braydok frowned at the notion of money until Mackenzie explained it to him. He indulgently smiled and swept back his armband. Tapping the sleek, shiny surface, he winked at her and conspiratorially whispered, “No worries. We use these devices to handle transactions, and don’t worry, we’ll be using Setti’s account. He can afford a few million dresses and the like.’

  Mackenzie’s eyes bulged from her head. “And just how many dresses you do want me to buy?”

  Keene laughed and kissed her cheek. “As many as you want. Did we forget to mention that Setti is loaded?”

  “Yes, you did,” Mackenzie dazedly replied.

  “Come on.” Keene tugged on her sleeve, guiding her toward a vendor. “Are you hungry or thirsty?”

  Mackenzie nodded and looked around until they stopped at a tall, incredibly thin man who turned and blinked at Mackenzie. His eyes were luminescent, as huge anime eyes would look, shining a pretty mauve. They were quite fetching in a weird, alien way. The creature nodded its long, slender head and bowed.

  In a musical voice, he spoke. At least she assumed it was a male. “Greetings, participants, what can I do to place a pleasant smile on yon fair lady?”

  Blinking back her shock at the words, she could actually understand what the creature said. It dawned on her that the words spoken did not run according to what she heard in her head. It was like a bad dubbing.


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