Mackenzie's Surrender [The Solace Dawn 1] (Siren Publishing PolyAmour)

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Mackenzie's Surrender [The Solace Dawn 1] (Siren Publishing PolyAmour) Page 19

by Jorja Kish

  “What? I don’t understand.” Keene jerked away, flustered.

  Mackenzie shook her head and urged Braydok to continue.

  “There must be more that you’re not telling us,” she said quietly, dread pooling in her belly that made her nauseous.

  Is this my fault? Did I do something wrong at the audience chamber?”

  “Apparently an Alpha issued a complaint to the Pod Council. A violation of the Rights of Claiming has Setti awaiting a summons to hear the charges against him. He’ll face his accuser then.”

  “What do we do, Braydok? How can we help him?” Mackenzie asked, praying that she didn’t cause this horrible mess.

  “We contact the Pod Council and invoke the Rights of Protection to keep you safe until this is dealt with and Setti is clear of charges. He ordered this, and I’m not hesitating,” Braydok answered as he strode to communications panel.

  “Don’t worry, honey, we’ll get through this. I just feel bad for the Alpha who issued the complaint. Setti will be ruthless to him and his pod,” Keene said, placing a comforting hand on her cheek.

  Mackenzie frowned and shook her thick mane of hair. “No, I don’t want that, Keene. I don’t know why this Alpha did this, but I feel as if it wasn’t out of malice, but pain.”

  “Regardless, Setti is in custody and we can’t see him until the summoning. We’ll do whatever we need to do to keep you in our pod and exonerate our Alpha,” Braydok promised as he stepped away from the panel and strode toward Keene and Mackenzie.

  “A Sentinel will be posted at our domicile until the summoning,” he added and wrapped his strong arms around his mates.

  Mackenzie wasn’t theirs yet, but she would be, once this mess sorted out. He inhaled her fresh scent and kissed the top of her head before he did the same to Keene’s platinum locks.

  He hugged them closer, feeling the dread and ache of Setti gone seep into his taut limbs.

  Setti may have been foolish, something he wouldn’t out rightly say to his face even though they were bond mates, but damn, the man was stubborn and took the whole woes of the Universe on his broad shoulders. He didn’t like it, and once Mackenzie was theirs by Rights of the Claiming, he’d make sure his tough Alpha knew he wasn’t alone in making the decisions. They were a pod, and nothing would change it, not even a stubborn, ruthless, and loving Alpha.

  Gods, he loved that man. He loved all of them.

  Chapter 30

  The stunning panoramic view normally should have taken Setti’s breath away as he stood with his hands clasped behind his back, but it didn’t. He hardly slept the remainder of the night when the Sentinels politely showed him the chamber and left as quietly as they came. Rubbing his face and releasing a tired sigh, Setti’s mind and heart focused on an auburn-mahogany-haired siren that made his body burn to possess, cherish and pleasure.

  “I miss you already, Sheeala. I don’t know what I’ll do if they take you away from me, from us,” He stared at the mysterious nebula that filled the screen when he gave his heartfelt confession.

  The mysterious nebula had nothing on his woman. Then again, she wasn’t only his woman, but Braydok’s and Keene’s as well.

  How did a slip of a female burrow so deep into his heart with only a few encounters between them?

  Thoughtful, Setti brushed his palm over the control panel to the left and watched as the phase field shimmered and returned to the sleek, black wall of the reinforced outer hull.

  His new quarters fit his station as an Alpha Leader. Normally those who waited for a summons by the Council sat in an eight-by-eight cell in the interior of the Main Hub. He, however, had a bit of comfort to enjoy while he waited. Setti snorted at the convenience.

  He turned and disinterestedly glanced at the sleek, sturdy furniture in his cell. A single bed with fine sheets, a tableau and matching chair. He even had a settee and a side table to relax. A side door led to a small bathing chamber with a stock of hygienic items above the standard rationing for those of a lesser station.

  “It’s good to know that I have something softer to wipe my ass with than paper.” He rolled his eyes at the courtesy.

  “What is taking so long?” he muttered under his breath, turning from the wall and striding to the table where a tablet sat on the clean smooth surface. He sat in the blocky chair and tapped in a few command codes on the tablet.

  There was a strict lock on the device preventing Setti from accessing critical systems of the Solace Dawn. It perturbed his honour at such a thought, but he saw the precaution for what it was in the overall scheme of things.

  It was smart.

  However, he did have access to the data files of the Alpha Leaders stationed onboard the floating city. Opening the file of the first Alpha, Setti sat back and focused his energy on finding the male who accused him to tainting the Rights of Claiming. He clenched his fist to staff off the rage that still burned in him. He inhaled and slowly released the rage.

  Who are you?

  After a few minutes of deep breathing, he scrutinized Alpha Gideon Pax’s data stream.

  His sharp, ruthless gaze took in every detail, scrutinized every report made by the Alpha and thoroughly absorbed the Alpha’s background. Alpha Gideon Pax’s file was long and detailed. When Setti finally finished reading it, he sat back and scowled in disgust.

  It was like reading his personal file, nothing of consequence to raise a red flag. Determined to find the Alpha, Setti accessed another Leader and spent the remainder of the day reading and analysing data files of the men who were stalwart warriors and leaders.

  Where are you?

  A feeling of unease settled in his gut, revolving around the consequences of tainting a claiming of a female, which was a serious offence. He could lose everything, his rank, his honour and most importantly, his right to keep his mate pod. A cold wash of dread made him shiver at the possibility.

  His eyes darkened.

  He would do what he must, even leave the protection of the Solace Dawn, take his chances with his bond mates, and find somewhere to hide. They would hunt him like the Horde and he would be deemed a rogue Alpha with an execution order bull’s-eyed to his chest. Either way, Setti knew if he lost his pod he’d be dead inside and would beg for his death.

  A chime came from the outer door of his fancier-looking cell, pulling Setti from his dark thoughts. “It’s about bloody time,” he cursed.

  He quietly placed the tablet on the table and logged out of the files he had accessed. With a calm face that belied the apprehension that stormed his insides, he sat back and waited for the door to open and reveal his visitor.

  A soft hiss was the only sound in the cell as the gargantuan captain of the Solace Dawn stepped into the room with a stern and grimaced expression on his handsome face.

  Setti stood and inclined his head to pay his respects to his commander and friend.

  Captain Chamtarr Sturgoi returned his own in a curt and cool manner that had Setti narrowing his eyes until he looked over Chamtarr’s broad shoulder to find a white-clothed courtier standing at the entrance of the cell.

  Understanding dawned on his face. Setti’s steely gaze matched his captain’s stoic features.

  “Sir,” he asked respectfully, trying to be patient and hating the sharp eyes of the courtier who hovered.

  “It has come to my attention of the charges laid on you by a fellow Alpha,” Captain Sturgoi stated emotionlessly, but his eyes probed, deep and furious.

  Setti clenched his jaw and stood taller, not giving one ounce of guilt. He had none, though his commander’s fierce eyes had him questioning whether his captain believed that he would sully and influence a claiming by forcing Mackenzie to submit to his pod.

  “I have done nothing to issue such complaint, Captain Sturgoi. When Mackenzie Chambers arrived and was placed in my care, I documented and gained permission by the council to keep her with my pod. My mate, a Tigard Seer, had a vision and shared it with you and the Council. I had no idea until after my mate Br
aydok left on this mission to the Horde Mother ship.”

  “I am aware of all this, Alpha Prime. There is no disputing that you followed the regulations set by the Council, even when she went into Heat. You informed us of the possibility of the other Terran females succumbing to their Heat. The council noted it.”

  “Then I don’t understand why I’ve been summoned. Or who issued the complaint on my honour.” Setti’s deep-timbered voice rumbled with frustration as he stared at his commander.

  Chamtarr’s eyes softened and glanced quickly at the observing courtier, his eyes mirroring frustration. Clasping his hands behind his back, he stepped deeper into the chamber, followed by the courtier who moved like a white shadow that dogged his steps. He knew it was common to have a courtier involved to keep things neutral between anyone conversing with an accused Alpha. Even now, the Alpha who complained had his courtier monitoring his actions and conversations.

  “I cannot discuss who did what and why, but I can say we will unravel the reason for this accusation,” Captain Sturgoi said with a curt nod.

  It was the closest thing he could openly say in front of the courtier that told Setti that his commander would fight for him and his pod. He nodded in acknowledgement, feeling the tight reins that surrounded heart ease a bit from the stranglehold that crushed his chest each time he thought of losing his mates. It even surprised him more when his captain clamped him on the shoulder and gave a supportive squeeze before pivoting on his polished boots and quietly leaving the chamber.

  The courtier hovered for a moment, taking a step back, allowing the captain of the Solace Dawn to exit the room. He spared Setti a glance and conveyed a neutral gaze before he turned away and left the chamber. Just before he exited, he turned his head and spoke in a low voice only Setti could hear, “The death of a mate can twist even the most honourable of hearts.”

  The elegantly dressed man left without another word said, sealing the cell with a soft hiss in his wake.

  Fury had Setti vibrating. Were his mates just threatened? He whipped around and fought the urge to demolish the room with his bare hands. The terror of not being there for his men and woman had Setti temporarily frozen with helplessness. A low-grade growl rumbled from his broad chest as he shook his head and fisted his hands.

  He paced, and for the first time in his life, he couldn’t do anything but wait and pray for his mates’ safety. He prayed that Braydok did as he asked and put Mackenzie under Pod Council protection.

  Bile rose in his throat and the cold coils of dread filled his veins. He fought the growing despair and focused on the words the courtier had whispered to him. It was something forbidden for Council courtiers to do, and that gave him pause in his fear for his mates. Was it a hidden message for him? But why? Why would the courtier give it to him, and for what purpose?

  He strode to the table and sat in the chair before logging into the tablet. It had to be an important clue that would help him to defend himself from the accuser and bring to light the reason for the impingement of his honour and the safety of his mates. His heart beat a bit faster, hope uncurling in his chest as he searched the files of the Alphas with a clearer purpose.

  “I have to find a way,” he muttered to himself, filling his insides with hope.

  After an hour of rereading the profiles, his eyes widened and his hands trembled with shock. He shook his head and wondered how he could have missed the important fact that he glossed over. Reluctant understanding rippled across his handsome features as he sat back in his chair and pulled the complete file and subsequent files of the Alpha’s pod.

  “Now I know who you are,” he whispered to the proud and indomitable features of an honourable and fierce Alpha that he called friend and ally.

  Chapter 31

  Mackenzie didn’t know what to expect when a courtier came to the domicile and escorted her to the Pod Council. She wore a pale-blue peplum gathered at one shoulder, exposing the golden creaminess of her nicely rounded shoulder, her waist cinched with a twined sash of deeper navy, almost mimicking the stunning eye colour of her lover and mate Setti. As far as she concerned, he was her mate, regardless of any claiming protocol.

  She left with the courtier and three sentinels, who all shared the light-blue skin tone, navy hair and lime-green eyes. Before she left, she kissed each of her men and promised to come back.

  Striding along the nondescript corridor taking her away from the men who cared for her, soothed her frightened mind, and tended to her fragile heart, Mackenzie agonized over the possibility of never seeing them again.

  “I’m coming back to you, and I’m bringing Setti with me. I claimed him, fair and square,” she said, finding courage in her softly spoken words.

  Her mind was a riot of questions tumbling into each other until she finally blurted to her escort, “Has this happened before? I mean, there is a precedent for this type of accusation, right? Some sort of guideline that will exonerate Alpha Setti?”

  The sentinels remained silent, barely giving her a glance when she spoke. Mackenzie narrowed her eyes and glared at their rudeness. However, the courtier did slow his pace and stepped beside her feminine gait. Casting a quick look around him, he murmured softly, almost afraid of his words.

  “Females are rare and considered jewels among our clans and pods. To have a female as a mate or be claimed by a female is our greatest honour and salvation. We have strict rules about claiming them, and each of us, whether we are Alphas or not, follow them unquestionably.” He turned and gave her a short nod, leading the procession down the grey corridor at a quicker pace.

  Mackenzie frowned.

  Well, spit. That answer didn’t help me at all.

  She needed more answers and called out to the courtier again.

  “What exactly will happen at this summoning?”

  She fervently chewed her bottom lip, bruising the soft tissue and staining it red from the abuse. The pummel of her heart made her ribs ache as she waited as patiently as she could for an answer. Her pace slowed, noticing the Sentinels matched her steps, but respectively kept their distance. An errant thought crossed her mind and a sudden curiosity plagued her.

  “I was escorted to the Audience Chamber by one of you Sentinels, but he was different. In fact, he was charming. Are there different types of Sentinels?” she asked knowing she was so off-topic from her current situation that she couldn’t help herself.

  In fact, she needed a distraction, something else to think about before her nerves got the better of her and she did something she would regret. What, she didn’t know, but Setti’s wellbeing was on the line.

  One male to her left finally glanced at her with cool eyes and replied in a voice that suggested death donated his vocals to him in order to scare the crap out of her. The fine hairs at the back of her neck stood and shivered. Her belly cramped and a fine coat of bile rose in her throat. She winced and swallowed down the acidic fluid.

  Oh crap, why did I have to ask?

  “No, we are trained the same. There is only one among us that fits this description.” The unfriendly rasp in his voice clearly showed his dislike for that particular Sentinel. “Thoraine Pascalx of the Oceanic Clan has purposely pitted against the common consensus of propriety as an honoured Sentinel.”

  His glowering features prevented any more questions on the subject matter, lest heads would roll. In fact, Mackenzie decided to keep her questions and thoughts to herself. She didn’t want to say or do something that might hurt Setti.

  Gritting her teeth until they ached, she forced a calm she didn’t feel into her features and followed the men. Each step brought her closer to Setti and an uncharted future. This future terrified her more than what she faced. She prayed for bravery. Luring the Infected away from her daughter and friends was a piece of cake compared to what she faced.

  Now, however, her fate was unknown, regardless of the reverence the males placed on her and all females. She was terrified and hated every second she felt her insides clench and churn.
  After what felt like hours, and the building of unease that threaded throughout her body, Mackenzie ached from head to toe with worry.

  Come on, get there already. I can’t stand this walking-in-silence gig.

  The corridor abruptly changed from solemn grey to opulent cream and gilded gold trim that filled the walls. It was clearly a more lavish and elegant part of the city that she travelled. Hope of seeing Setti eased the tightness in her chest, allowing her heart to fill with joy. She regally followed, shoulders square and her chin tilted slightly upward with a determined glint in her bright eyes. Confidence, built from her growing love for the formidable warrior, casted an unwavering sway to her hips.

  The courtier slowed his elegant swagger when two imposing Sentinels, taller than the three who escorted her, stood barring the entrance of a golden double door with their javelin-type weapons. She didn’t know much about weapons, but what they held looked like it could mess up a man’s insides and leave him in excruciating pain.

  Paling from the disturbing thought and brutal images of Setti impaled on the lethal weapons, Mackenzie hesitated in her step and abruptly stopped, nearly having a Sentinel plough into her back. The male hissed and quickly stepped away. A fine bead of sweat trickled down the side of his temple as he gathered his features into a composed face.

  “By order of the Pod Council, the Terran female Mackenzie Chambers shall be sequestered under their protection during the summons of defendant Alpha Setti Prime,” the courtier announced in a ringing tone, commanding the entrance of the escort while clasping his hands in front of his waist.

  The long-navy-haired Sentinel to the left of the gilded doorway inclined his head and replied in a thunderous timbre that sounded like the crack lightning and thunder.

  “The Terran female Mackenzie Chambers so shall be received under the protection of the Pod Council.” The seven-foot sentinel stepped aside, pulling back his deadly weapon from barring the entrance. The second sentinel repeated the customary tribute and removed his weapon.


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