The Courtesans Bargain: The Courtesans Harem Book 1

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The Courtesans Bargain: The Courtesans Harem Book 1 Page 6

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  “There, I met my mentor who taught me everything I needed to know. You weren’t supposed to learn about this until later. I was never planning to lie to you, Celine,” he said, taking my hand and bringing it to his mouth. Blood rushed to my ears when he breathed in my scent before kissing my knuckles.

  I washed my hands, but a small smile danced across his face. Something in his eyes told me that he knew I had touched myself. He must have recognized my scent after the heated moment we shared in my bedroom.

  His expression changed, growing serious. His jaw tightened.

  “You have been a very naughty girl, Celine,” he said, and I wanted to disappear. Heat rushed to my cheeks, and I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but no sound would come out.

  “Shhhh, you don’t need to say anything. I understand,” he said and then he kissed my fingers, closing his eyes.

  The torture was leaving me weak.

  “Your body is mine; you belong to me for now, so don’t ever touch yourself again. Until you leave this castle, only I am allowed to touch you.”

  I nodded, swallowing hard. I felt like he could read my mind, like he knew what I was thinking. Maybe I should disobey him, so he would punish me once again.

  “Yes, my lord, I understand,” I replied, and Thomas pulled away from me when Alfred walked into the room with our breakfast.

  I took a small bite of toast, although I wasn’t very hungry. I told myself that I needed to stop thinking about him so much, stop analyzing everything, otherwise I was going to drive myself completely mad. As breakfast went on, I began to relax, and Thomas started telling me about all the spells he learned once he attended the academy.

  “I have an idea. I want to do something special and make up for last night,” he said unexpectedly once we finished our meal and sipped hot tea.

  “I’m listening,” I said.

  “We are going to visit your mother. I know you must miss her,” he announced, and I nearly dropped the cup of tea I was drinking.

  I glanced at him with shock as he continued to smile.

  “Really? You want me to visit my mother? I don’t. understand.”

  I missed Mum, and would love nothing more than to see her, but this never happened, especially when I was on an assignment.

  “I would never keep you from those you love. I want you to see her. Besides, I’d love to meet the woman who created a stunning lady such as yourself.”

  I leapt from my seat, and quickly embraced him in a tight hug.

  “Oh, Thomas. I cannot thank you enough,” I said with glee.

  He wrapped his arms around me. A strong jolt of electricity rushed through my veins, and I quickly pulled away. “I’m sorry.”

  He yanked me closer again and then placed a tender kiss on my lips.

  “Don’t be sorry. You’re mine, and I want to please you. The maids will help you get ready. We are leaving in an hour,” he told me.

  I was so excited, and I ran upstairs and began packing my travel bag. Suddenly the fact that he had magic, and that I nearly died didn’t really matter. Mum wasn’t expecting me, and I couldn’t wait for her to meet Thomas.

  Half an hour later, I waited outside while Roger put my luggage in the carriage. Then I realised that Thomas would most likely want to stay over, and we had no extra room in our home.

  “What’s wrong with you? Why do you have such a miserable expression on your face all of a sudden?” he asked, lifting my chin so I couldn’t avoid looking at him.

  “How long are we going to stay in Westingshire?”

  “Why do you ask?” Thomas asked, lifting a brow over his brilliant hazel eyes.

  I cleared my throat. “My home is very small, and we aren’t wealthy, so there isn’t much space,” I explained, wondering if he was going to be disappointed.

  “Celine, you don’t need to be ashamed of how you were brought up. Don’t worry about anything. I’m going to enjoy myself tremendously either way,” he said and then helped me into the carriage.

  The carriage was very comfortable with plush, elegant cushions and several nice warm blankets. Thomas removed a bottle of wine from his bag and opened it as soon as the carriage took off from the main courtyard.

  “Thank you,” I said, when he handed me a glass.

  “So, I assume your mother isn’t expecting us at all?”

  “No, but it will be a lovely surprise. She adores company,” I said, butterflies filling my stomach.

  We talked about my village and Mum’s other clients for a bit. Thomas seemed interested in almost every aspect of my life.

  The road was a little bumpy, but that didn’t stop Thomas from showing me affection. The alcohol went straight to my head, and when his lips were on mine, I lost control.

  He was again intense, caring, and he kissed me hard. As he devoured my mouth, my breaths quickened. I was panting, ready to take my clothes off for him, so he could see me naked. By the time his hand wandered beneath my gown, my core was drenched. The pressure in the lower part of my belly mounted.

  I wanted to touch him the way he touched me, but he yanked my hair and began kissing my neck. I melted in his arms, locked away in a state of bliss.

  Then the carriage must have rode over a large stone, and the coachman shouted something I couldn’t quite make out. I almost fell, and Thomas caught me in his arms. He set me down on the seat beside him and laughed, dragging his hand through his red hair.

  I pulled myself together and fixed my clothing. Tucking a fallen lock of hair behind my ear, I gave Thomas a coy look. “You’re going to have to behave, my lord,” I said with a cheeky smile. “Lest we get injured during this ride.”

  My jesting made him chuckle. “You’re right,” he said. “I’ll have to keep my hands to myself, it seems.”

  He winked at me, and a giggle bubbled from my lips.

  The rest of the journey we kept to quiet conversation and frequent naps as the carriage rolled along. We were going back to the village where I grew up.

  I gave the coachman detailed instructions on how to navigate my village. After a few hours in the carriage, the atmosphere became extremely tense.

  We arrived right after sunset

  “Welcome to my home,” I said when he looked around after stepping down from the carriage.

  “Celine, is that you? I cannot believe it,” a familiar voice shouted, and then I saw my dear mum walking toward me.

  Emotions rose within my chest and tears burned my eyes as I saw her rush to me.

  Only now, as I held her, I realised how much I’d missed her.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “Hello, Mum,” I said, as we broke our tight embrace. She held onto my arms and searched my face.

  “Oh, Celine, I’m delighted to see you. How is everything with your gentlemen?” she asked, touching my face, trying to read me.

  I nodded. “Of course. Lord Thomas and I thought we’d surprise you. I haven’t spent time with the other lords as of yet.”

  She turned her attention to Thomas who took her by the hand and kissed it.

  “Lovely to meet you, Mrs. Salvadore. I thought that it would be good for Celine if she could visit you. After all she had been with me for over two weeks.”

  “And, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Lord Thomas,” mum replied, and her eyes shimmered with curiosity.

  He clasped his hands before him. “Right, show me around your home, my dear.”

  I took him inside and showed him our meager cottage. We stepped inside as the moon took over the sky, and for a moment, I tensed.

  How could I forget that this man was cursed to live as a werewolf? What if he hurt my mum? I lingered in the doorway and caught my mother’s arm as she stood beside me.

  She turned to me, brows lifted. “Everything all right, dear?”

  I swallowed a lump in my throat and breathed in. He assured me that he’d never hurt me. I could only pray that his promise extended to my mother. He was a lovely man, but she was all I

  “It’s lovely,” he said, after taking a tour of the small property. “You manage it on your own?”

  My mother’s cheeks reddened a little, but she nodded, looking proud. We were very tidy, we didn’t have much, but my mother pride herself with the small things that we had.

  “Yes, yes I manage it all on my own. It’s not difficult really and now I’m experienced. Let me show you around, so we get to know each other better,” she suggested.

  “It’s quite late and I’m sure that Thomas wants to rest. It’s was a long journey,” I said, not ready for her to begin questioning him. This bargain was everything, but there was something more brewing between us.

  “Of course, what am I even thinking. You both must be exhausted. Let me show you where you can rest,” she said.

  “Yes, we both should rest, but I bought with me an excellent wine. We can have it with dinner,” he said.

  “This way, my lord,” my mother said with a slight curtsy.

  Thomas didn’t seem to have problem with the fact that we were going to be separated. He followed her without protest to our only guest room, all the while, the floorboards creaked beneath his shiny, expensive shoes.

  I chewed my bottom lip, nervous that he’d find the meager bedroom an abomination. I wanted to crawl into a hole and hide my face now that I looked around and noticed just how poor we must seem with our chipped white washed walls and old furniture.

  Once he was shown the room, he returned to the kitchen with a smile. “Brilliant,” he said. “Absolutely charming.”

  My mother beamed, exchanging a look with me, and my tension subsided.

  My mother made a roasted lamb, and we sat around the small, circular wooden table with the bottle of wine Thomas had brought along.

  “Both of you ladies amaze me. Now I understand why Celine is so independent and beautiful,” he said, looking at me then to Mum with a warmth in his eyes that showed me new depths into his heart.

  Mum laughed, but she didn’t seem embarrassed.

  “I must say, you’re very charming, my lord,” she said. “And, handsome. Celine is very lucky indeed. But, I always believed she deserved the best.”

  As the evening went on, my mother kept the conversation going as Thomas kept the wine flowing. I was so happy that I could be at home with her again. I kept thinking about the other two lords, telling myself that for now I didn’t have to be concerned about anything at all. Eventually I would have to choose one, but that was still at least two months away.

  For now, I would enjoy my time with Thomas.

  After supper, Thomas excused himself to his room, and I was thankful for it. I wanted to have a private chat with my mother. So many unexpected things happened since I’d seen her. We waited until we were completely alone to talk.

  “So, darling, tell me more about this enigmatic lord. I see that you cannot take your eyes of him.”

  “He’s unlike any man I’ve ever met,” I said, shaking my head and sitting back in my chair. I ran my finger along the glass and looked to my mother. “He told the other lords that he wanted to have me first. I’m staying with him for another two weeks.”

  “It’s obviously a complicated situation. There are three men and I suspect that three of them desire you. I hope Madeline crafted this deal well. I don’t want anyone to get hurt. Attending parties, balls, and serving your keeper as a mate is one thing but living with someone for an extensive amount of time can be tricky. You start develop feelings for each other,” she explained, staring at me with the same intensity as before.

  I signed, knowing exactly what she was talking about. I rubbed my temples, closing my eyes.

  “I do care for him more than I thought possible,” I admitted.

  “Then, you must be careful. Resist whatever feelings may be growing between the two of you. Please him, yes. Make him feel superior and proud to have you by his side. But, do not fall in love.”

  Her words didn’t surprise me. I knew she would say that. I knew falling in love was a terrible mistake.

  “Celine,” mother said, breaking me from my thoughts. “There is something that concerns me a little about him.”

  She lowered her voice, leaning in closer. “I have never met a man with such a strong energy,” she added, looking towards the dark room where he slept.

  I tensed. I could not keep the truth from her.

  “You’re right. Thomas isn’t a human at all,” I said, and her eyes widened.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s a warlock,” I said, carefully, watching her expression change from shock to fear. I almost doubted whether I should tell her the rest. “And, he is a werewolf. I saw him transform with my own eyes.”

  She stood, her face ashen, and nearly tripped over the chair as she backed away.

  I left my seat, concerned, and reached for her as she covered her heart with her hands. I grabbed her, holding her steady as she began to hyperventilate.

  “Mother, what’s wrong?” I held onto her, my heart racing as she looked at me with wild eyes.

  “This cannot continue,” she said. “You have to break the deal. End the bargain before it’s too late.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  The next morning, I stood outside the cottage, not having slept much throughout the night.

  My mother’s words haunted me, and she retreated to her room, locking the door and refusing to see him again. I couldn’t make sense of it. Why did she have such a reaction to hearing his secrets?

  Then, I had to understand that most people didn’t even believe in magic. Now, she believed her only daughter was being held captive in a beast’s castle.

  I should have known better. This could ruin everything.

  Thomas woke up quite late. When he stepped outside, I ushered him away.

  “Good morning,” he said, and I forced a smile.

  “Morning, my lord. How about we take a walk around the village before we head back?”

  He shrugged. “Why not? Maybe find a bit of breakfast at an inn,” he suggested. “Your mother must be exhausted from yesterday.”

  I nodded. “Yes, she is. That’s a good idea.”

  He seemed to be in good spirits, and I didn’t want to ruin that.

  The sun was shining, and Thomas hummed a few unknown ballads as he walked by my side. We were both enjoying this glorious weather. I wanted to forget about this deal, at least for today, because things might change soon enough once the other two lords began playing their parts.

  And, as we explored that day, I began to wander what secrets William and George were keeping.

  What danger might I encounter with them?

  Chapter Eighteen


  “You have two weeks left with me,” Thomas said. “I want to make this the most memorable time of your life. I want you to think about me when you’re with the other two lords.”

  I lifted a brow, walking at a leisurely pace beside him as we strolled the worn path that led from my cottage to the market. He didn’t have to worry about that. I was constantly thinking about him, wondering what he did and what he thought of me. I would be lost without him. But, I wondered if there was something deeper between him, George, and William.

  “What is your relationship with the other lords?”

  “We are colleagues of sorts,” he explained, his brows furrowing as he did so, as if he didn’t like to think of it.

  “Is that all?” I pressed.

  Silence passed between us and the chirping birds filled it, as did the swaying of the trees in the soft breeze.

  When he didn’t answer, I realised it may be a subject he didn’t approve of. So, I dropped it, changing the subject. “What are your plans over the next few weeks? Will you go back to being a monster slayer?”

  He shrugged and scratched his chin.

  “No. That time of my life is truly over. I still get letters now and again. People want me to travel, but the thrill is gone,” he said.
“I have more important things to worry about. For instance, I need to treasure you for as long as I can.”

  His response pleased me, and I continued along the path with a smile on my face.

  “Celine, is that you?” Someone asked from behind us.

  My cheeks reddened as I instantly recognized that voice.


  I turned to him, heart thumping in my chest, face hot with embarrassment.

  “Martin,” I breathed, barely above a whisper. His hair was messy, and his clothes were dirty from his work in the forest. But, he was still handsome as ever, his blond hair capturing the scant traces of sunlight that shone through the forest canopy.

  Thomas stepped forward, calm, and courteous as he extended a hand to my childhood friend.

  To the young man who wanted to marry me.

  “Lord Thomas Cunningham,” Thomas said, introducing himself.

  Martin frowned down at his hand, not even reaching for it. “Martin Pratt.”

  I cleared my throat, standing between them as Thomas lowered his hand.

  “This is my childhood friend,” I explained to Thomas, who now looked at Martin with a clenched jaw and narrowed eyes.

  “Oh, Celine,” Martin said, never taking his eyes from Thomas’. “I think I was much more than that. I only proposed to you, is all.”

  A nervous giggle escaped my mouth as my forehead started to sweat. Perhaps going home wasn’t such a grand idea after all.

  “Is that so?” Thomas asked, glancing at me with an intensity in his eyes that made me want to shrink into a mouse and scurry away in the underbrush of the forest.

  I took a step back, throat dry, unable to formulate a coherent statement.

  “And, who might you be to my dear Celine, my lord?”

  I could have vomited at that moment. Martin just called me his Celine.

  “I’m her keeper,” Thomas said, simply, and the look on Martin’s face broke me.

  Such pain filled his eyes that I feared he’d either strike Thomas or shed a tear.


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