Some Like It in Handcuffs

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Some Like It in Handcuffs Page 17

by Warner, Christine


  “In and out to get your clothes and then we’re off to the precinct.” Judson followed behind Sunny as they approached her apartment stoop.

  “Yes sir.” Sunny turned to salute him then inserted the key into the lock.

  Judson pulled her back before she crossed the threshold. “Me first.”

  Sunny rolled her eyes and stepped aside.

  “Humor me.” He moved past her, and she curled her finger through the belt loop on his jeans.

  She looked down and licked her lips. The firm muscles of his backside strained against the denim, and her hands itched to rub down the worn, soft fabric. Sunny blew out a quick breath and focused on his back instead. Not that it helped, his shoulders were strong, taut, and they rippled against the material of his shirt. Maybe she should’ve waited in the car.

  Judson led the way through the living room and into the boxy hallway outside the office. He tucked her inside the small bathroom, motioned her to wait, and trekked through her apartment silently checking for any signs of an intruder.

  He returned moments later, smiling. “All set. Even your cat is fast asleep on your bed.”

  “Good, that’s a relief.” Sunny sighed before she moved toward her bedroom.

  An assortment of clothes was tossed into a duffle bag she nabbed from the closet. Sunny didn’t pay any attention to what she packed. Her reflection in the mirror over her dresser caused her to do a double take. If that dirty, messed up woman was her, she’d scream. She pulled her fingers through her tangled mass of curls, her lips thinned, and the woman in the mirror mimicked her moves. No way would she walk out of her apartment like this, let alone follow him into the precinct to file a report.

  She turned toward Judson. He leaned against the door frame tossing his keys from one hand to another, a lopsided tilt to his lips. “I need to take a quick shower and change.”

  “My shower works great.”

  “No way. If you expect me to cooperate at the precinct looking and feeling like a filthy mess, then you don’t know much about me—or women in general.” She squared her shoulders, ready for battle.

  “We’ll be at the precinct ten minutes, you can wait in the car.” His hands stopped as he regarded her.

  “I’m not leaving here like this.” Sunny pulled a handful of hair away from her head and raised her brow. “Look at me. My hair’s a virtual bird’s nest, my feet are dirty and cut, and my clothes stink.”

  He stepped back and turned away. “Fine. Hurry it up.”


  “Judson.” He glanced at her over his shoulder, and the soft lilt of her voice melted him from the inside out. There was no way he wouldn’t give her what she wanted, or do as she asked, but he couldn’t let her know that. As she looked at him wide-eyed, she bit her lower lip. His heart missed a beat. “Thanks again.”

  “Hurry up. I’ll call in a favor and have a report faxed here. I can fill it out at home and fax it back.” Even to his own ears his voice sounded gruff.

  While Sunny primped in the bathroom, Judson kept the phone to his ear. He called Captain Kennedy to fill him in on what had happened. He didn’t want Sunny’s father surprised when he reported to the station first thing in the morning. Then he asked another detective to fax the request form for a search warrant for Slater and Vivian’s apartment and the vacant store they used for storage. Finally he talked to the detective assigned to Maggie Slater’s apartment. All was quiet at her place, but just in case another officer was parked outside if Maggie’s son and daughter-in-law returned.

  Judson leaned back against Sunny’s kitchen counter, his mind racing. He glanced at the clock over the kitchen sink then dialed Judge Collins, who was none too happy about being disturbed in the middle of the night. A stern, by the book judge, there had never been any love lost between the pair over the years.

  “Listen, Detective Blackwolf, the evidence will still be there in the morning. I’ll arrange my schedule to see you then to go over the warrants.” Judge Collins hard voice betrayed her annoyance.

  “With all due respect, Judge Col—”

  “I’ll see you in the morning detective. Don’t get hot headed and do anything without those warrants.”

  The line went dead and Judson slammed his fist on the kitchen counter.

  “What?” Sunny stood in the archway, rubbing a towel over her freshly washed hair, and looking incredibly sexy. Her clean smell drifted around him and his body tightened.

  “Nothing—nothing except Judge Collins is an overbearing battle axe that needs to retire.”

  Sunny giggled. “No warrant tonight I take it?”

  “She’ll see me first thing in the morning.”

  “I hate to say it, but Judge Collins isn’t exactly a Kennedy family fan. If she got wind any of us are involved, she’ll make sure to take her sweet time.”

  “Now you tell me.” Judson grinned.


  Judson guided Sunny into the elevator leading to his twelfth story apartment in the metal and glass high rise. The door closed shut, and they were alone. Sunny’s overnight bag slid down her arm, and she gripped the leather straps in both hands. The repeated jerk of her knees bending and straightening caused the bag to bounce against her shins. The soft tap of the leather against her denim covered legs drew his eyes to the sound, and his gaze traveled from her thighs, over her rounded hips, across her tapered waist to the swell of her breasts straining against her tight purple tee shirt.

  “This is a beautiful building.” Sunny whistled. “I can’t wait to see your apartment.”

  “It’s small, but I like it.” He looked at her from the corner of his eye. When she smiled he knew she remembered their same conversation on his first visit to her home.

  “We are a lot alike.”

  “I told you.” Judson leaned against the wall. He rubbed the back of his neck, suddenly uncomfortable being in such a confined space with her.

  Thoughts of almost losing Sunny tonight, of not being there for her, sent panic slamming through him earlier. But now that things had calmed down and he could think again, he realized he put himself in a tough spot.

  There would be no sleep for him tonight with her in the spare room down the hall. He should’ve sent her to a motel, or better yet, with one of her brothers.

  “You’re really an amazing person, you know that?” Her eyes gleamed. And her damn tongue. He watched mesmerized as it flicked across her parted lips. “Besides saving me tonight, you’ve given me some good tips on detective work.”

  Lavender soap filled the elevator car, his chest tightened and he shifted away.

  Sunny’s duffel bag thumped to the floor. She stepped in front of him and ran a finger down his shirt. He stopped breathing, but somehow air still found its way into his lungs.

  To stay focused on something, anything, Judson blurted out the first thought to reach his brain, “I talked with Glen too. He called in a favor to have the autopsy and police report black out any mention of Karina’s pregnancy.”

  Sunny’s finger circled a button on his shirt. “Why?”

  His chest swelled, but he couldn’t avoid her gaze. “To protect his daughter’s name.”

  Sunny sighed as she looked into his face, her eyes wide and dark. “My dad was right when he said you’re a great detective. I’m learning a lot.” Another quick flick of her tongue and her lips shined. Heat ignited his center and stretched to burn throughout his body.

  He grunted in his throat and grabbed her shirt by the neckline to drag her willing body into his arms.

  She drew in a surprised breath. Judson lowered his head to brush his top lip against hers then pulled back so his mouth hovered above her parted lips. He whispered, “I have a few more things I’d like to teach you.”

  Sunny closed her eyes. “Teach me.” Her breath fanned across his face.

  “Lesson one, Wildcat.”


  Sunny shivered. Judson lifted her as if she weighed only a few pounds. Her back
against the wall, he positioned her butt onto the rail which ran the inside length of the elevator.

  She balled his shirt into her fists and pulled him between her legs.

  The hard thrust of his manhood announced its presence against the inside of her thigh. A ripple of pleasure spread through her. Judson demanded her surrender with the pressure of his lips, and she obeyed as his tongue wet her bottom lip. Goose bumps pulsated across her skin.

  Judson slid his hand inside her shirt to palm her left breast. She wanted skin to skin contact and arched her back against his grip. In tune to her, he moved his hand underneath her bra and Sunny moaned deep in her throat. Her nipple swelled and he plucked it between his calloused fingertips, a shudder rocked through her.

  She wrapped her legs around his mid section and squeezed. He thrust against her, and she wiggled her hips. Sunny pulled his shirt from his jeans. Her hands dug into the solid muscles of his back. He tugged her nipple with gentle pressure then forcibly rolled it between his thumb and forefinger. The varying degrees of pleasure shook her to the core and her body ached with a desperate need to feel their bodies become one.

  Judson unclasped her bra then pushed her shirt up. Sunny arched her back, begging him with her body to explore more of what she offered. Hot kisses heated her skin as he moved down her chin, past her throat, and over the hardened buds of her breasts. His hands kneaded and teased her heated flesh. Sunny moaned and writhed against him, her clothes almost painful in their restraint.

  He pulled his head back and feasted on her with hungry eyes. She lost it, unable to control herself she reached up to grab his head and drag—demand— his mouth to meet with her own.

  Sunny ran her hands over his smooth head, down his neck, and then stopped at his shoulders to dig her fingers into his firm flesh. His groan filled the confined space of the elevator car and the sound excited her.

  “Wildcat.” His voice was hoarse.

  A curl of fire wound through her stomach then expanded. The friction of his hips rocking against her most secret place sent an enflamed quiver through her body.

  The elevator dinged, the door opened, and Sunny and Judson stiffened in unison.

  Judson pulled her shirt down. “You’re driving me crazy.” His voice was thick with passion. Sunny’s hand stroked the bulging line of his zipper. His eyes rolled back until they were almost closed.

  With the strap of her shoulder bag slung over her arm, she peeked out the elevator door, grateful nobody else was crazy enough to be up and about at four in the morning. The fluorescent black powder coated sconces dotted the hallway and enhanced the elegant atmosphere of the modern building. Walls were painted a luxurious bold burgundy. The hallway was extra wide and the floor carpeted in a black and burgundy swirl pattern.

  “Where’s your place?” Sunny’s overheated body bubbled for release. She needed to get out of the confines of her clothes. Hell, she needed to get him out of his.

  “Last door on the left.”

  Sunny yanked him to her and pressed her lips into his. She propelled Judson backward down the hallway to his door, their mouths never parting. His back thudded against his door while he dug the key from his pocket. She wrapped her arms around his neck, caressed the back of his head and nipped his tongue with her teeth. He teased her with the grinding thrust of his hips before tugging her to him.

  Power radiated from Judson’s arms when he lifted Sunny so they were face to face. She folded her legs around his waist to press into him. The moist pool between her legs spread and she squirmed against him, wanting him to ease the throb. He turned so her back rested against the door and thrust his tongue into her mouth. The lock released and Judson kicked the door open. It hit the wall. They stumbled through the entry and bounced into the wall to the right.

  Sunny giggled, threw her bag across the floor then nipped his lip. He kicked the door closed then reversed their positions so his back was pressed to the wall. She slid her legs down the length of his body until she touched the floor. Her fingers undid the first few buttons of his shirt before she ripped the front open. Tiny black buttons scattered across the tiled floor.

  “Damn woman.” Judson’s voice thrilled. He pulled her shirt over her head, dropped it to the floor, and followed it with her bra.

  Self control vanished and Sunny grabbed the front of his jeans and tugged him to her. Judson’s moist, hot mouth covered hers, the warmth of his breath danced across her face. His lips controlled her, and her abdomen burst into flames when his tongue filled her mouth with a forceful thrust.

  Heat from his touch ran the length of her back. He pulled away. Her face burned where his gaze concentrated. The pressure of his fingers kneaded her backside, and a raspy growl poured from her throat.

  He trailed kisses down her neck, slow and languid, pushing her toward the edge, and then easing up to pull her back to reality. Her body wasn’t her own when his mouth claimed her breast and his tongue burned a circle around her nipples. A shudder followed her hands as they glided up the back of his smooth head and pulled him close. His warm mouth covered the diamond tip of her nipple and the coarse stubble on his chin scratched her sensitive skin. A shiver speared over her flesh and her body grew heavy.

  Sunny’s mind raced, her senses swirled in ten different directions, and the pulse in her throat almost choked her. She wanted to throw caution aside and beg him to have his way with her right there on the cold ceramic floor. Her body felt ready to explode if she waited much longer.

  His hand grasped her buttocks. As he lifted her, she snaked her legs around him, rubbing her center against him. If she came across desperate, she didn’t care. She was ripe and willing to experience the next step. The delicious heat of his touch pulsed through her body. She pressed into him in a silent plea for more.

  They rolled again. This time she was against the barrier of the wall. Judson lifted his head and his fingers lingered over her cheek. She closed her eyes, unable to breath. Judson invaded her mind, body and soul. Anticipation filled her as she arched her back. His tongue flicked across her other breast and the intensity of her desire caused her head to hit the large ornate framed mirror next to her. She didn’t care.

  “Judson.” His name curled from her tongue.

  His fingers continued their trek down her cheek, chin, and throat until they caressed the valley between her breasts. They stopped at the waistband of her jeans. She pulled in her stomach to give his hands the room they needed to unfasten the button. Her chest heaved. Breath stilled in her throat as she waited on what he’d do next.

  When he lifted his head away from her she tensed. Sunny opened her eyes, but her lids felt heavy, her body drugged. “No, don’t stop,” she whispered.

  His eyes darkened into pools of liquid silver. She wanted him naked and all for herself—and she wanted it now.

  “Before this goes any further we need to be in the right place, Wildcat.” He kept her wrapped around his middle and walked through his apartment still exploring her backside. His firm hands memorized every inch of flesh across her back. A shaky breath slid from her throat and she pressed her cheek against the curve of his shoulder. A dizzy pressure invaded her head and she closed her eyes. Fire filled her center and spread a drowsy heat to her outer limbs. Her body relaxed to an extent she’d never experienced before. She peeked from beneath her lids when Judson pushed a door open with his foot, his breathing barely controlled.

  Excitement filled her when they entered the creamed colored bedroom. A small lamp on the bedside table cast a warm yellow glow across the room. Judson moved toward the bed, a large cherry wood four poster covered in a masculine brown and burgundy striped comforter. He tossed the pillow shams on the floor, and placed Sunny’s body onto the bedding as if she’d break.

  She supported herself on one elbow. His fingers moved to his zipper, but Sunny held up her hand. His jaw ticked when she sat up and brushed his hand aside.

  “I’ll handle this.” Their gazes locked. A warm trail of fire danced from her
stomach to settle between her legs.

  The hiss of his zipper caused Judson to suck in a breath. He didn’t wear a loin cloth after all, Sunny smiled. The pulse at the base of his neck throbbed visibly when her fingertips brushed against his throbbing erection. It strained against the thin cotton of his boxers. He moaned and his head fell back.

  She looped her fingers into his waistband and tugged his jeans and boxers down. The shudder of his skin followed her hands as she worked them down his legs. In no hurry, she thrilled at how her touch affected him, letting her fingers worship the hardened muscles of his thigh. Sunny’s eyes widened as she exposed his impressive body.

  Judson stood before her in nothing but a smile. He was absolutely magnificent to look at. Her gaze wandered over his impressive chest, along his firmly proportioned arms, to his powerful fingers—the fingers which gave her unspeakable pleasure whenever they moved along her skin. His dark toned skin stretched tautly over his well defined abs and renewed heat filled her at the sight of his supreme maleness standing at attention.

  “Do I pass inspection?” His husky voice drew her gaze to his face with a jerk.

  “More than you’ll ever know. Now come here.”

  Sunny reached forward, grabbed his hand and pulled him on the bed bedside her.

  His fingers went to work on her jeans. She squirmed and lifted her hips. He worked the zipper in record time, and wrapped his hands around her hips as he moved her jeans and panties down her legs. When they finally reached her ankles she kicked them to the floor.

  His gaze drank her in, but she wasn’t embarrassed or unsure. She wanted this, needed this.

  They sighed as their lips met. She hugged him to her and explored the firm flesh of his shoulders. He slid her close with a quick tug of his leg. His fingers caressed her flesh, starting with the soft skin of her neck. He moved down the length of her, touching and tantalizing each part. Her fevered body shook against him. She didn’t know how much more she could take. Tiny explosions pinged along her skin wherever his fingers moved. Each breath became more difficult and her body screamed for release.


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