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Atlantis Vortex

Page 29

by Sheila N. Eskew

  Jessica could tell he was proud of it, and her, she was sure now. She had fallen in love with him, and Atlantis. Only the continued ache in her heart for the pain she knew her family was feeling kept her from being completely happy. Jessica looked forward to the phone call, but knew it was only a short-term solution. She prayed Xerxes knew that too. Soon she would need to see her parents.

  They passed more people along the way to the beach. Most of the population walked after the dinner meal, and enjoyed the beauty of their world. Atlantis was comprised of a varied population of peoples, races, and cultures, which mixed without any apparent prejudice. Young couples, and families with their children, their ages ranging from babies to young teenagers, and older couples, clearly retired. Some older teens walked together in small groups, laughing, and talking about school, and friends. It impressed Jessica that none of them seemed interested in getting into trouble. Most were within earshot of their parents. Officers of the Peace were about, and greeted warmly, instead of with hesitation, people stopping to converse with them on friendly terms.

  Most of buildings were architecturally Mediterranean and Egyptian, but in one area, some held a unique flare of Celtic construction, and looked like they came from Camelot or Avalon. Landscaped grounds, with a flare for the exotic, Jessica enjoyed on her earlier treks alone, Xerxes now explained the plants were not only there for their beauty but for their medical benefits also. Many of the plants grown had uses in their Medical Facilities and some came from off-world. Every area where plants were grown was valuable because dry soil was, of course, scarce.

  Paths wound throughout the City, public transportation consisted of a moderately moving shuttle service that stopped on command at conveniently spaced plazas. Walks lined by flowering shrubs and bushes some Jessica recognized from the surface, some were entirely different. The air smelled perfumed with their fragrance and their colors were as diverse as possible in the spectrum. Pools of fresh water, cleverly landscaped into unexpected grottos, allowed Ferrell animals that maintained the biological balance to drink, as they needed. Where the salt water from the ocean reached the shore, the beach was white sand and much used in the day by the humans. At night, the beach was the domain of the other residents that lived in the grottos and caverns built for them.

  Xerxes noticed Jessica was watching the animals they saw, most venturing out to scamper across their paths unafraid to stop at feed boxes provided for them hidden in the planters along the walks.

  “Our City exists on a delicate balance of nature that is maintained by our biologists,â€� Xerxes explained to his new wife. “Here we have many animals from the surface that have been introduced to keep the natural cycle.â€� He indicated the birds that flew free and squirrels that skittered through the brush. “There are also raccoons and deer in some of the larger parks. We cannot maintain predatory animals here. We carefully monitor and control our animal population by a unique wildlife birth control system introduced in the animal’s food chain. Hunting is distasteful. Atlantians long ago lost their desire to kill, and although we have a highly trained and effective military, we consider ourselves pacifists.â€� Xerxes smiled at the surprise on Jessica’s face. “It is necessary for Atlantis to be as much like the surface as possible. Jessica, one day soon we will make ourselves known to the upper-world. We all know this. It will be our children, yours and mine, that must do this. Our heirs will rule this City when Atlantis takes its place as a World Power. That is why it is important for you to understand your importance.â€�

  Jessica stopped and stared at Xerxes, realizing for the first time how truly powerful he was, “Xerxes,â€� she said with awe in her voice, “I had no idea.â€�

  “I had suspected not.â€� He smiled down into her face, then stepped off the path drew her close and kissed her briefly, and taking her hand, they continued their walk. His public display of affection did not embarrass him as it might an upper-world man. Jessica noticed that his people seemed pleased their sovereign had found love, and merely smiled, drawing closer to their own partners. As with Atlantis of Old, it appeared an idealistic society. This City had existed here for over six thousand years. Hidden from the Surface World, and expanded as needed by the use of pressure domes. When the upper-world’s technology advanced, the Vortex Stones Grid protected Atlantis. Their technology provided them a high standard of living, educated, and comfortable, without violent crimes.

  Jessica knew the people of Atlantis had every convenience of the upper-world. What she did not know was this was a recent luxury with in the last ten years. The people had always known what was going on in the upper-world. However, it was Xerxes Father, Andros, then more recently, Xerxes and Ainu, who had imported televisions, stereos, computers, and all the other conveniences of her World. Now, still wrapped in safety, they could see the dangers of the upper-world and were beginning to adjust. It would take a number of years before they would be ready to make the transition.

  Occasionally, Xerxes stopped, as he had since they began their walk, and introduced her to others, especially his Councilors. One man, named Marcus, seemed familiar to Jessica, though she said nothing, she knew him. He did not know her, but seemed to know of her, she could tell. Jessica could also detect he did not like her. Why? That she did not know. After their meeting, Xerxes asked her why she had become so quiet.

  “Xerxes, do any of your people, other than yourself or an agent like Pericles, ever go ashore?â€�

  “Rarely and only on special clearance,â€� Xerxes answered with a perplexed look on his face

  “Would you know about it?â€� Jessica asked with concern in her voice.

  “Yes, they would require my permission.” Xerxes informed her, and then his look changed to a perplexed one. “These are strange questions. Why do you ask?â€�

  “Councilor Marcus,” Jessica said her tone reflective, “I think he was in Skip’s office when I was there about a year ago. He would not know me he did not see me. I was with my parents and he was in a meeting with Skip. I saw him through a doorway, and I am sure he could not have seen me from the angle I was at.â€�

  “Jessica are you sure, this could be very serious. Councilor Marcus…â€� Xerxes paused, unsure of how much he should tell her of his now confirmed suspicions. “He is…“

  “I’m sure.â€� Jessica said in a positive voice. “Now, what were you going to tell me?â€�

  “Who is this Skip?â€� Xerxes asked without answering her question.

  “Anthony Sutherland, Skip is his nickname. He is an old family friend and he works in the Governor’s office for the State of Florida. He oversees archaeological matters, among other things. Skip was a big help with the dig in Okeechobee. Well, that is until the military became involved, then because of a security leak in information, I could not tell him anything. Skip became a little frantic about it too.â€� Jessica explained and Xerxes could see suspicions in her eyes.

  Xerxes was quiet for a while knowing this was the man Marcus was in contact with. He knew “Skip” was the person who her government had been concerned about a leak of information with. This was the missing information Xerxes required to link Marcus to the upper-world. Jessica’s knowledge would be enough to convict Marcus. She had seen Marcus in Sutherland’s office. Xerxes was relieved that Marcus did not know Jessica knew Anthony Sutherland other than on a professional level, if he did, her life would be in extreme danger. Suddenly, Xerxes realized Marcus did know Jessica knew Anthony Sutherland contrary to what he had thought. Now he knew why Marcus wanted Jessica executed so badly, to cover his tracks. With Jessica and Bruce, for that matter, alive, Marcus could never have controlled the dig. Now the dig was gone, with it, Marcus’ hopes of gaining control of the artifacts, and control of Atlantis by revealing her existence. Now he would do something else to gain the control he had craved since Astraea had refused to marry him, and with his record, he wa
s capable of anything.

  Xerxes was convinced Marcus was insane and he already knew he was a dangerous man. Yet because of Jessica’s new status in Atlantis, even with her credible standing in the upper-world, her testimony in Atlantis would not be enough, alone, to convict Marcus. Xerxes would have to be careful of his new wife’s life. Murder, Xerxes knew was not out of his capabilities.

  Keeping this to himself, he spread their blanket on the sand and poured a green brandy for himself and Jessica. This was unique liquor, made from Kelp in his brother’s Pacific City. It was very mellow and sweet.

  “As I told you, we have known someone high up has been in contact with an upper-worlder official.â€� Xerxes said by way of explanation. “When Pericles secured the relics from your dig we came extremely close to losing them because of this individual. It was only because your General Grill ordered an information lockdown did this individual not learn of when the move was to take place. Had we lost them I could have lost control of Atlantis. It was a choice really. Luckily, Pericles is loyal, if it were not for him, I might have had to make a decision I was unprepared to make. I suspected it was one of my Council. You have confirmed my suspicions. Now proof is required.”

  She didn’t ask, but Jessica wondered what the other choice was. “Xerxes,” Jessica said in a hesitant voice, “I have known Skip, ah Anthony, all my life. He is like my uncle. I find it difficult to believe he would be involved in any type of criminal behavior. If he were, it would be under duress I would think. However, he came to the dig after General Grill took over and wanted to know when the artifacts were going to be moved. When I couldn’t tell him - at first he was upset, then, he became resolved to it, and said it was for the best.â€� Jessica stared down into her brandy, “I felt real bad about it. He had helped us out a great deal from the beginning. You know though, he acted strangely even then. Bruce remarked as such too.â€� She fell silent for a few moments and Xerxes didn’t rush her. “So what will you do now?â€� Jessica asked her husband.

  “Be extremely careful, as you must be, remember no late evening walks alone. But I promised you a swim,â€� Xerxes said with a winning smile, to take her mind off the possible danger.

  Hand in hand, they went into the water. After they swam a while, Xerxes stopped and hit the water three times with his hands then made a rather odd whistle. Moments later a gray fin appeared. Jessica, cool under pressure still jumped a bit when she saw it appear follow by several smaller ones.

  “Xerxes!â€� she said, not moving in the water “what have you done?â€�

  He laughed, “Jessica, meet Hammer.â€�

  Jessica absolutely refused to scream, but she wanted to. “So you’re the toothy monster who scared me half to death.â€� She felt the gentlest nudge, a caress really. “Okay and these little ones, they are yours?â€� Another nudge. “Can you vouch for this big one who is human?â€� Jessica didn’t know sharks had a sense of humor, but evidently some do, Hammer gave Xerxes enough of a nudge to dunk him. Xerxes came up laughing. “Hammer knows you quiet well.â€� Jessica commented dryly. “How do explain all the shark attacks?â€�

  “Most are truly mistaken identity, they do not see well, especially when they feed, some are provoked, and you must admit the people up top haven’t been the most understanding about them.â€�

  “Can’t argue with that,â€� Jessica agreed. “What other creatures do you communicate with? I can imagine dolphins and whales, possibly octopus all known to be intelligent.â€�

  “I thought you were only an archaeologist?â€�

  “And I thought you’d done your homework about me?â€� she quipped.

  “I know about your underwater interests.â€� Xerxes said referring to her interest in underwater archaeology.

  “So, what else,â€� she asked.

  “That and of course now you have learned about our off-world Ambassadors.â€� Xerxes teased.

  “Well, I’ll just have to spend less time in your library and more time getting to know your people,â€� Jessica laughed.

  “They are our people now, wife.â€� Xerxes reminded her. “Now, let’s go, it’s getting late and I’ve got a call in to Ainu, my brother.â€� Xerxes said giving her a little kiss.

  “Goodbye Hammer.â€� Jessica said, “Nice to have met you. Next time I’ll try to be a little friendlier.â€�

  During the walk back, Jessica watched the families they passed, Xerxes was aware of her mood change and why. He hoped his brother was successful with his plan. It would be a good marriage gift to his wife and would allow him to meet her family. Xerxes had to admit, if only to himself, meeting her father made him nervous. How would the man react to find out, Xerxes had kidnapped his daughter, married her without the benefit of a minister and celebrated their wedding night under less than amicable conditions? Xerxes looked at his wife, he loved her and he hoped she would love him, if she didn’t already. It would be a strange meeting. Xerxes smiled a little, the phone call would be waiting for Jessica when they arrived back at their apartment. Ainu had arranged it after he located the Hotel where Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carter were staying.

  “I am going to shower, Xerxes.â€� Jessica said, heading for their bath when the telephone sounded.

  “Wait.â€� Xerxes called out, Jessica stopped, “Jessica.â€� he held the phone out to her, watching the look on her face.

  “Hello?â€� Jessica answered the call tenuously.

  “Jessica?â€� It was her mother Maureen. “Honey, are you really okay?â€�

  “Oh Mom! Yes, I am fine, now. I just wanted you and Dad to know I am okay. All those reports about my disappearance, well I guess I did disappear, but I am all right. In fact now I’m great,â€� she smiled at Xerxes. That was the best smile he had seen from her since she had come to Atlantis.

  “Jessica,â€� it was Harold her father. “Where are you, honey?”

  “Dad! Oh Dad, it’s a Top Secret thing with the dig. I told them I had to let you both know I was alive and well.â€�

  “Don’t worry, Jess, I understand. Take care of yourself. Call us when you can. We will want to see you soon.â€� Harold had spent twenty years in the Navy, he understood Top Secret.

  “Me too, Dad, I love you both, but I have to go,â€� Jessica explained.

  “Love you too honey.â€� They both said into the receiver and the line went dead.

  “Thank you, Xerxes!â€� Jessica said and threw her arms around him. “Thank you!â€� She kissed him. He hugged her close, wondering how she would reward him for the upcoming visit to Pacific Island.

  “Jessica,â€� Xerxes breathed in the scent of her, “Jessica, soon my love this will all be solved.â€� He promised her holding her tightly.

  Jessica blinked back the tears of joy she felt. She hoped Xerxes told her the truth or she would find a way to get to them herself.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Marcus threw his towel and beach robe down on the floor of his messy living room. “The only thing a woman is good for is to keep the house straight,” he grumbled aloud. Marcus wasn’t about to do woman’s work and clean the house. It didn’t matter that it was his mess. Helena had left her home spotless with the laundry neatly folded, and the pantry full, but Marcus failed to realize this. When she finally decided to come back home she could clean up the mess, was his only consideration toward his absent wife. He trudged to the kitchen but found nothing to eat that didn’t require preparation, and that was the other thing he didn’t do, cook. With a scowl on his face, his thoughts turned to his meeting, only moments earlier, of Atlantis’ newest resident.

  What an honor, Marcus thought sarcastically to himself, to meet the High Lord’s new wife! The famous archaeologist, Jessica Carter. He had to admit she was a beauty. Marcus laughed to himself.
So much the better, Marcus theorized, to use Xerxes’ wife to destroy him. He smiled gleefully. After I control Atlantis perhaps, he thought magnanimously, I would allow her to remain with Xerxes as common citizens. Marcus chuckled to himself. Since Xerxes had foiled his original plan and the next one, he was well on his way to implementing the best plan he had conceived yet. Sometimes a delay could be beneficial, he grinned. Marcus snickered to himself, began to whistle stepping out of the shower, and dried on a towel that needed laundering.

  Marcus thought over his plan over a period of two days, after Alena and Pericles’ wedding - while their wedding guests departed - he would enact his scheme. He would leave with the other guests and take his nephews with him.

  “I’ve got about six hours,” Marcus mumbled aloud as he shaved, rinsing the shaving cream from the razor. “Then the guards change and the next shift will find the bodies and the absence of the Stones,” Marcus laughed.

  Neither of his nephews could know, they would never go along with his plan, but he would need their help later in the upper-world. He had concocted another lie to tell them. Marcus would take one of the yacht-subs and make good time to West Palm Beach. On the way, he would use the cell phone he had purchased and call Anthony Sutherland. He would have him arrange for a comfortable hotel suite, suitable to his station and rank. Yes, Marcus thought, that is how it will go. After that, I will have Xerxes at my mercy. Either he will turn over control of the City to me or I will expose Atlantis to the World. “After all,” he mumbled aloud, “I am senior Councilman.”

  Helena was in Pacifica so she would not miss him. She had done him a great favor by going to visit her mother. Marcus’ two nephews, Anke and Nuba, without knowledge of what he was really doing, believed he was on Atlantian business for Xerxes and needed their assistance. Believing they were helping Lord Xerxes, they were eager to come along.

  After a day or two in the sun of the upper-world, he would have Anthony Sutherland announce to the World that Marcus Trident, an archaeologist associate working in conjunction with Ms. Carter before she disappeared, had found the location of Atlantis using the information gathered from their dig. This would make Anthony famous, him rich and the new leader of Atlantis, after discrediting that love-struck pup, Xerxes. Marcus laughed to himself. He was alone this time with his delusions, in his home, where no one would know how crazy he had become.


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