Atlantis Vortex

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Atlantis Vortex Page 31

by Sheila N. Eskew

  Jessica was astounded, “Xerxes! Thank you. I wondered where the clothes were coming from, I had no idea. They just appeared on the divan. I assumed upon your instructions one of the ladies left them.â€�

  “They have been, but now you are settled and should no longer require their services,â€� his gaze was questioning, “or do you?â€�

  “No, not at all, I am quite accustomed to taking care of myself. It is unusual for me to be waited on and I really do not like it. I am sure they have other duties they would prefer to attend to.â€� Jessica told him.

  “Good, tonight will be casual, pants and a blouse will be comfortable for dinner. If you prefer a simple dress or skirt, that is your choice. I will leave you to decide. By the way, after dinner Alena and Pericles will have a short rehearsal for tomorrow.â€� Xerxes kissed her on the nose and went to shower.


  Jessica dressed for her friend’s wedding. She had left the television in their bedroom on as she did in her parents’ home. It had become a habit - she needed to be reminded of home - despite talking with her parents three days previously, she missed them and hoped Xerxes had not put aside finding a solution to her being able to see them.

  Xerxes had dressed earlier and Jessica took her time, knowing Xerxes would return to escort her to the Cathedral. Xerxes had taken her with him the night before, for a short while at the rehearsal and she had met his sister, Alena, for the first time at the family dinner. She was beautiful, tall like Xerxes, long blond hair, long slender legs and blue eyes. Though a little shy when she met Jessica, Alena had a sweet personality and was perfect for Pericles. Jessica had teased Pericles about his nickname, Perry, on the surface and Alena had laughed easily at the jest. Alena should have been the one who bore the nickname, Perry because of the color of her eyes were that of periwinkles.

  Jessica stood in front of the floor length mirror in her undergarments preparing to put her gown on, when a breaking news flash came on the television drawing her attention.

  Only because they were her parents and she was officially missing did the networks find it newsworthy to cover their disappearance when the military finally released the information. Jessica stood in shocked silence listening while the newswoman, standing at the marina in Maui, explained:

  “Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carter, parents of the young archaeologist, Jessica Carter, who discovered and unearthed the Pyramid in the small South Florida City of Okeechobee, have been reported over due from their scheduled return to port from a day sail yesterday. A search by the Coast Guard and the United States Navy has failed to locate their sailboat, though the search continues. The retired couple are feared possibly caught in a strong squall yesterday and officials hope possibly marooned on one of the many smaller islands and the search for Jessica Carter in the Atlantic Ocean has been discontinued, however the search for Mr. and Mrs. Carter continues. In a story that is connected, General Grill, who oversaw the security of the dig in Okeechobee, Florida, has refused to issue a statement about either disappearance or about the Pyramid. He would only say that all facts dealing with the discovery are considered Security Sensitive.â€�

  Jessica stared at the television, her face pale, tears streaking her face. ‘What has happened to my parents?’ she asked herself aloud. While she was here, safe in Atlantis, they might be…dead? She could not face that possibility. She felt completely helpless, somehow, Jessica knew she had to go and find them. How long she stood immobile, she didn’t know, but Jessica came to realize time was growing short and Xerxes would return soon. Should she tell him? Could she trust him to help her? Jessica could not answer those questions. She loved Xerxes but knew the security problems he was dealing with had to be his first concern, not her problems. Somehow, she would get to Hawaii and find her parents. An inner sense told Jessica they were alive and she could find them if she could only get there. Quickly she dried her tears, and prepared to present herself as a happy new wife.

  Jessica was finishing the last of her toilette when Xerxes returned for her and again stood watching her without her knowledge. The turquoise gown looked stunning on her. He watched, in puzzlement when for a brief moment she stopped, drew an uneasy breath, held it and dabbed a tissue to the corners of her eyes, putting her head down for a moment. He wondered what was wrong with his lovely wife. Drawing another deep breath, almost a sob, Jessica finished brushing her long hair. Wearing it loose, hanging down her back and on the right, the left side she had braided and pinned back with crystal clips. She wore a moderate amount of make-up and it was enough to set off her lovely brown eyes and full mouth. She wore no jewelry except her ancient ankle bracelet and her wedding band, for those were the only pieces she owned here in Atlantis, her other jewelry still back in the upper-world in Jupiter Florida, in her parents’ home. Catching Xerxes reflection in her mirror, she smiled at him. Xerxes watched her closely, her smile a bit wan.

  “I brought these for you.â€� he said and gave her gave her a satin box.

  Her eyes round with surprise she opened the box. Inside nestled in the fabric were beautifully matched cream pearl earrings and a double strand of pearls. “Oh Xerxes, they are lovely.â€�

  “Your tanned complexion should make them glow.â€� He smiled devilishly and she didn’t miss the gleam in his eyes as he fastened them around her neck. “Are you ready? We should go.â€�

  “Yes. But I’m a bit nervous, what will your people think of your wife whom they did not see marry you.â€�

  “They know who you are and they are well acquainted with this type of arrangement,â€� he paused, thinking once again about the meeting with her parents. “And my love, in a few weeks as I promised, you a reception will be held so that they may formally meet you. At that time a small private ceremony will be held so that you may feel more secure.â€� His eyes had become inscrutable.

  “What aren’t you telling me, milord?â€� Jessica questioned, seeing a mysterious look in Xerxes aquamarine eyes.

  “A surprise, that you will like,â€� he laughed and thought how happy it would make her to see her family—not knowing about the news report.

  “Tell me!â€� Jessica insisted.

  “Then it would not be a surprise,â€� Xerxes remained firm. Had Xerxes known of the newscast she had seen he would have told her immediately.

  “Please,â€� Jessica applied her sweetest smile, a difficult ploy for her right now.

  “No! Moreover, do not plead. I do not tell my secrets. Let us go.â€� He smiled that inscrutable smile again.

  As the High Lord of Atlantis, Xerxes’ led Jessica proudly down the extremely long isle in the center of the Cathedral as the assembled guests bowed in respect to their ruler before the nuptial couple entered. They all remained standing as the bride entered, and Jessica found it interesting how some customs remained standard even here.

  Pericles, surrounded by six other young men Jessica immediately knew from his squad at the dig, entered and she found it difficult not laugh when she saw them all. They had all been Atlantians. They all winked at her and she smiled back. Xerxes squeezed her hand, he too with a smile. Alena, preceded by several of her friends as her attendants came from the back of the great hall, was resplendent in a gown of sheer pale corals colors. She seemed to float. Here white was not the necessary color worn by the bride but was her choice. At least one upper-world tradition was not that of Atlantis’. Her face unveiled, but her long blond hair was worn free and flowing with a myriad of ribbons flowing through it giving her the illusion of a free spirit.

  Alena’s eyes were on Pericles and his on her. There wasn’t any doubt of their love, but Jessica had known that. On the dig, every time he had spoken her name, his eyes had that look. Their vows were short and the Christian ceremony brief, with the minister asking the blessing of God upon the union of couple. Pericles kissed his new wife, leaving her blushing and they left the altar follow
ed by their attendants.

  Xerxes rose and led Jessica after them in repeat of their entrance. It seemed to Jessica the entire population of Atlantis stood in attendance. She noticed many guests from other Cities and others that could only be from other Worlds made up the company of well-wishers. They filed out to attend the reception. In respect to the newlyweds, Xerxes and Jessica mixed with the guests and did not stand in the reception line. Xerxes introduced Jessica to their guests. One in particular, Jessica was anxious to meet named Barrous, the Ambassador from Alpha-Centauri. He had been unable to attend their dinner the night before due to responsibilities on his ship.

  “I am so pleased to finally meet you Jeezzica,â€� he said with his unusual accent on her name. “I was so worried the night of the great storm when Lord Xerxes rescued you from those very strange Azztecs. My ships tracked them so he would not lose you in the storm.â€�

  “And I am glad to meet you, Ambassador. I am also glad to know I really did see spaceships in the hurricane’s eye. I assumed I was hallucinating from the drug the Aztecs had made me drink. I must thank you for your help.â€� Jessica said with a smile, amazed by the smiling Ambassador. He was interesting to talk with and to look at. Although he was humanoid, he did look different. Barrous was short for an Earthman, about four foot six with white hair and a fair complexion, his eyes were pale green and luminous. They twinkled at her when he laughed, and Jessica had the impression he laughed most of the time. Later Xerxes explained, Barrous was one of his best friends and they had spent many hours together, on both Earth and Alpha-Centauri.

  Many people plied her with questions about the upper-world, which she answered as best she could, and smiled in good humor, but inside Jessica had become sick with worry about her own family. Vivid images of her parents disappearance, lost at sea or stuck on a deserted island kept leaping into her mind while she was in this joyous setting. Several times, she excused herself to find the solitude of the ladies room and blink back tears until she could compose herself. Xerxes engaged in his role as Statesman seemed not to notice her growing difficulty.

  Xerxes introduced Jessica to his brother, Ainu the High Lord of Pacifica. She could see some resemblance but only in their build, their facial features were greatly different. Ainu had black hair and Hawaiian features.

  Ainu’s mother had been a Hawaiian princess; Xerxes explained. The classic love story to Jessica the night before the wedding and allowed her to read his father’s journal. Jessica had held back her tears during the entire read it had touched her so deeply. Xerxes had further explained when Ainu was born they had become inseparable and had been until Ainu was old enough to begin to govern Pacifica. They still depended on each other greatly.

  “Your City must be as beautiful as Atlantis, Ainu.â€� Jessica said, trying to make light conversation.

  “Of course it is.â€� he agreed, noticing Jessica’s well-hidden teary eyes. “Would you like to see it?â€�

  “Yes, I would,â€� Jessica, admitted. “I was planning on joining my parents in Hawaii.â€� her voice changed only slightly. “Until we found the Pyramid,â€� she sighed. “It was a great relief to talk to them on the phone, but I really need to see them soon, if it is still possible.â€� she commented slightly cryptically. “Excuse me, Ainu.â€� and turned before Ainu could see her tears, she hoped.

  Ainu had that same inscrutable smile that Xerxes wore when she spoke of her parents. She liked Ainu but found that smile was becoming infuriating and was glad the reception had concluded.

  “My love,â€� Xerxes came to her. “Did you have a chance to speak with Pericles’ squad of “Marinesâ€� that were on your dig?â€� he pointed them out to her, grouped together, as they always were, around the bar.

  Jessica smiled, “No, and I would like to. Excuse me Ainu, it was nice to talk to you again.â€� Jessica walked over to the squad of Atlantian/Marines she had become close to and knew better as Marines.

  “Well, Ainu, what news do you have?â€� Xerxes inquired watching his shapely wife walk away.

  “Xerxes, Mr. and Mrs. Carter are on the island you and I did training on as children. Their sailboat encountered a small tropical gale the day before yesterday. Their radio is out. Their cell phone went deep six but their food supply is intact, as are all their other necessities and some luxuries. I’ve placed several guards to secure their safety and that of the island. Bring your wife when she is ready.â€�

  “Thank you brother, I owe you.â€� Xerxes hugged his brother.

  “I know, make it soon, that beautiful smile of hers is hiding a sad heart. You should tell her tonight - don’t make her wait. She is a woman of action. I can see that, she won’t wait long before she does something herself; especially after she sees the latest newscasts about their disappearance the military released that this afternoon to the press. Her love for you will not hold her here if she finds out. Are you sure, Xerxes, she hasn’t seen the news on television?â€�

  Xerxes looked at his little brother, “Her love for me?â€� Xerxes centered only on that part of what Ainu had said, not about the news release.

  “She loves you, Xerxes, didn’t you know?â€� Ainu asked seriously.

  “She hasn’t said it.â€� Xerxes established.

  “And she won’t until this is solved. Nevertheless she does or she would not have waited this long. Xerxes, you are my older brother and a great ruler but at times a bit dense. Watch your wife carefully; can you not see her pain? Look in her eyes she has been crying. She may have already heard about them missing.â€� Ainu went aboard his transport craft and was gone, headed back to his City of Pacifica. “Tell her Xerxes,â€� he said before he left, “if she has heard they are missing she will take matters into her own hands.â€�

  Xerxes turned to look at his wife, she was talking to one of Pericles squad she had known from the surface, Merk. He watched her closely, Ainu was right her eyes were teary. He walked in her direction remembering her earlier behavior he had observed unnoticed.


  Ms. Simon had not considered Jessica or Bruce her friends, they were her responsibility but had earned her respect. Their weird dive experience and Jessica’s disappearance left her angry and suspicious. She knew the exotic-looking man in the Boxster had something to do with it just as he had something to do with Jessica’s rescue from the Aztecs. Ms. Simon interviewed Bruce and he claimed memory problems that she wasn’t totally convinced were genuine. Today she was going to look for clues again. She knocked on the door of Jessica’s parents’ home where Bruce was staying.

  She didn’t wait long. “Ms. Simon.â€� Bruce said, his manner cordial, standing aside to allow her to enter.

  “Mr. Lance. Have you heard anything from Ms. Carter?â€�

  “No, and I wish I would. No way do I believe she has drowned.â€�

  “Nor I!â€� Ms. Simon agreed.

  “What’s say we go on a dive together?â€� Ms. Simon asked her eyes taking in his lack of attire. He was dressed only in swimming trunks.

  “I didn’t know you dove?â€� Bruce said, surprised and crossed his muscular arms over his equally muscular bare chest. Ms. Simon had interrupted his daily workout and he glistened with sweat.

  “Oh yes, I have for years. Do you think the same boat Captain could find the spot where you and Jessica were separated?â€� Ms. Simon asked hopefully.

  “I’m sure he could, if he were available.â€� Bruce told her as he slipped on a tee shirt.

  “Why isn’t he available?â€� She asked trying not to be too obvious in her appraisal of his physique.

  “Beats me,â€� Bruce shrugged. “I called him when I got out of the hospital. He’s gone. I’ve known Jessica for about four years and him for three. It seems after our little difficulty he’s moved.â€�

�Really, where to?� Ms. Simon was immediately interested and suspicious.

  “No one seems to know.â€� Bruce told her with a shrug.

  “I’ll look into it.â€� She said with a determined air. “Can you remember the coordinates?â€�

  “No, Jessica gave them to the boat Captain. Sorry.â€� Bruce apologized.

  Meredith had the feeling he knew and wasn’t talking. “Okay, let me know if you remember anything.â€� She parroted the same lines the General and the police had when they left, finally. She couldn’t blame Bruce for not being forthcoming with what he knew, neither agency had done their jobs to protect either one of them or safeguard the artifacts they risked their lives to excavate. She left Bruce alone in Jessica’s family home.

  Chapter Twenty

  Xerxes stopped by his security office and finalized the plans for a snare he set to trap Marcus should he attempt to leave the City. He knew by Marcus’ recent sullen, quiet behavior that he was planning his next move. Catching him leaving the City without clearance would give him reason to revoke his Councilman standing and confine him to prison. His plans would no longer matter. Jessica and the artifacts were safe in Atlantis, he had a possible replacement for his archaeological position on Council and Xerxes was tired of playing games with Marcus. He could take his wife to see her family then get on with his life. Finished with the plans, Xerxes went back to his suite.

  “Jessica.â€� Xerxes called going into their bedroom to find it empty, his heart skipped a beat until he caught sight of his wife going toward their bath, “Jessica.â€�

  “In here, Xerxes.â€� Jessica had been listening to the news hoping for a report about her parents when she heard her husband enter their bedroom. So she headed for the bath, donning her bathrobe, and missing the report.


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