Atlantis Vortex

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Atlantis Vortex Page 35

by Sheila N. Eskew

  “Hammer, I think I love you. Go home now. These other crazy humans will be out for your blood. Go, it won’t be safe here for you now.â€� Hammer headed out to sea in a southeasterly direction.

  Jessica swam to shore. With Bruce’s help, she managed to avoid the press that had just arrived to cover the strange shark attack. They were concentrating on the victims. By the time the lifeguards had explained about Jessica and the peculiar scene that had played out, she had gone. In a less melancholy mood, Jessica drove to her parents’ house where they were both staying. At first, Bruce didn’t question Jessica about what he had just witnessed or the fact that his memory loss was, as hers had been - faked - but his curiosity won out.

  “You going to tell me what is going on?â€� Bruce questioned her.

  Jessica looked Bruce directly in the eyes with a meaningful look. “Bruce, there is nothing to tell you.â€� She motioned him to follow her. They went outside. “Bruce, I can not take the risk of taking to you about this inside, our house could well be compromised. I don’t think I have any privacy any longer. Bugs!” Jessica teased him. He had wanted to rent an apartment but Jessica had insisted he stay at her parents’ home. He was like their adopted son and she enjoyed his company. That was before their dive trip, now she was glad not to be alone.

  “Jessica, that was the same Hammerhead shark that separated us on the dive, I known it was, so don’t deny it.â€�

  “Yes it was, but more than that I would rather not say, the less you know the safer you will be.â€�

  “I don’t care about my safety. I want to know what is going on,â€� Bruce pushed.

  “It could mean your death,â€� Jessica warned.

  “I doubt it. I can keep my mouth shut, but your life is obviously in danger. Now tell me what is going on or I will pay General Grill a visit and I am sure he will be interested in the return of my memory.â€� Bruce knew pressuring Jessica rarely accomplished anything. He knew what they found in Okeechobee was at the heart of this and he knew Jessica’s life was in danger, but he was in the middle of this almost as much as she was. He wanted to know what they had gotten into. “What do you mean - compromised?â€�

  “Bugged. Now listen, because I am only going over this one time. I will never repeat it or affirm that I said it,â€� Jessica explained.

  “Jessica if anyone else said that I’d laugh, but after what we’ve been through I’d believe about anything you told me,â€� Bruce told her seriously.

  “Good because you’re the only one I will ever tell, except of course, Mom and Dad, when I find them,â€� Jessica told him seriously. “We found Atlantis.â€�

  “I knew it,â€� Bruce smiled wide.

  “But you will never prove it. All the proof is gone, as it should be. No one will ever know,â€� Jessica told him.

  “You’ve been there haven’t you?â€� Bruce asked.

  “Yes,â€� Bruce picked up her left hand and looked at her left ring finger.

  “What is this?â€� He referred to her ring.

  “My wedding band,” Jessica’s voice was a choked whisper.

  “Who is your husband?â€� Bruce’s voice was gentle, yet demanding. He already knew he had lost her.

  Jessica looked Bruce in the eyes and started to cry, then looked down at her hand, “The High Lord of Atlantis.â€�

  “He’s the one with the eyes,â€� Bruce said positively.

  “How did you know?â€� Jessica asked amazed but remembering he had mentioned seeing him before.

  “Jessica I am not stupid. He is the one who saved you from the Aztecs, isn’t he?â€�

  “Yes,â€� Jessica said sadly.

  “Why did you leave Atlantis?â€� Bruce queried.

  “Because I am an idiot, I was worried about my parents thinking I was dead but Xerxes allowed me to call them, then I saw the news about them missing and I, well, I panicked. Bruce I have to find them. I know they aren’t dead.â€�

  “Go back,â€� Bruce told her. “Surely your husband has ways of finding people missing at sea that we have only dreamed about.â€�

  “I can’t, I don’t know where it is. I can’t ask him anyway, he has a traitor in his midst that is trying to take over his rule, he has his hands full,â€� Jessica said sadly.

  “He will find you. He must love you for all the risks he has taken to save you and then get you to Atlantis,â€� Bruce reassured her, remembering the night of the hurricane.

  “It isn’t that simple. Because I left without permission, he, well he might have to sigh my death warrant.â€�

  “Oh Jess, I don’t think he would do that.â€� Bruce almost laughed, Jessica was one of the most intelligent people he had ever known, but at times, she was a bit dense.

  “He might not have a choice,â€� she sighed, “because of this traitor.â€�

  “Jessica you’re just about the best friend I have, if I had thought for one minute I could have had a closer relationship with you I would have gone after you in a second.â€� Bruce told her honestly. “I know you too well. You love that man, and I saw him when he didn’t think I saw him.’

  “When?â€� Jessica asked, astonished, she knew Bruce had seen Xerxes during the hurricane, but another time?

  “Let’s just say, he wasn’t as well-concealed as he thought he was. He loves you. He will find you, and there is no way he will kill you or let anyone else do it. I just want one thing.â€� Bruce’s blue eyes looked at her straight.

  “What’s that?â€� Jessica asked, wondering what her friend had on his mind.

  “I want to see Atlantis,â€� Bruce told her.

  “That may not be possible unless you want to spend the rest of your life there.â€� Jessica warned, but she remembered Xerxes’ hint of a job for Bruce.

  “Done deal,â€� Bruce told her. “I don’t care.â€�

  Jessica knew Bruce had little family. Wealthy parents had orphaned him when he was sixteen, killed while on an expedition to Everest. He had been in an expensive prep school when the news of their sudden death had been gently broken to him by the school’s Dean. He had become the School’s ward for two more years then continued his education and become an archaeologist. They had met on a dig in Egypt. He had no grandparents or other relatives, Jessica’s parents had rather adopted him. He was wealthy and well educated. He could do anything he wished.

  “One more thing, Jess,â€� Bruce said before they went back inside, “Ms. Simon is going to be a problem. She saw him too. Remember I told you she fired off two shots at him and they bounced off that little black Boxster he drives?â€�

  Jessica nodded. Bruce enjoyed the slightly startled look on Jessica’s face; he rarely got to see it. “So she is aware of him and something unusual about him.â€�

  “Bruce I had no idea you knew so much,â€� Jessica said wide-eyed.

  Bruce laughed, “No, I didn’t think you did or we both might be in Atlantis; however, I don’t think I’d be in - what’s his name?â€�

  “Xerxes Kallias.â€� Jessica said quietly, as if to say his name was a secret wish.

  “Xerxes’ bed,â€� Bruce laughed. “Don’t worry, your secret is safe, Mrs. Kallias.â€�

  “You’re the first person to call me that,â€� Jessica blushed.

  They walked back inside the house, “Tomorrow I’m going to Hawaii and try to find my parents,â€� she told him as they walked back inside.

  “Can I take you to the airport?â€� Bruce offered.

  “Thanks but I’ll take Mom’s car. I’m going to bed now. Good night.â€� Jessica told him.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Jessica was right, her home was bugged by General Grill and the FBI, had she told Bruce what sh
e did inside the house they would have heard every word. Jessica spent a restless night in her old bedroom, her subconscious filled with swirling dreams of Xerxes, Atlantis and tropical islands.

  “Bruce, you’re the best friend I have,â€� Jessica told him the next morning, as they were getting ready to leave. “Thank you for your understanding, I won’t forget it and I will keep my promise to you if I can,â€� she smiled at him. “And Bruce, stay here as long as you wish, Mom and Dad would never mind.”

  “You know Jessica, I could go with you. You may need an extra hand.â€�

  “Thank you Bruce, but you have a career here and our dig put that on hold long enough. Just do me a favor, don’t tell Skip or his new friend Marcus where I’ve gone and stay away from Marcus. Should anyone else ask, well no one else will, take care.â€�

  Jessica packed some clothes after Bruce left to go to see his friend, David. She hadn’t been home since she had seen Xerxes at the mall and the house brought back old memories of her childhood spent swimming and snorkeling in the ocean behind the house. Jessica sat on the dock for a while looking out over the water. Jessica could see several boats out on the ocean, wishing one of them were Xerxes. She shrugged off the feeling of observation, accounting it to nerves.

  Sharp memories of her last private hours with Xerxes while on the sub to the Pyramid’s sunken exit came to her. Xerxes aroused such passion in her soul. Jessica knew she would forever love him. No one would ever compare. Her body, just awakened to womanhood, wanted more of her husband’s touch. She felt her body flame at those clear remembrances. Wiping a tear away, she rose and went into the house.

  She left a note for Xerxes, she felt foolish, but just in case he should come there looking for her:

  My Dearest X;

  Gone to see Ainu; Hope to find my Parents;

  Is it too late to find my way back to you?

  Would come back, but don’t know the way.

  Forgive me for leaving but must find family.

  I love you—J

  As an afterthought, she left her flight number and time on the note.

  Jessica booked an early afternoon flight and did not hear the phone ring as she left.

  “Damn.â€� Xerxes said he saw her leave from long-range binoculars from three miles off shore of Jessica’s parents Jupiter home. A while later one of his agents found her note.

  Xerxes re-read her note three times then stuffed it in his pocket. He knew Jessica realized her mistake. If he could just get to her, she would come back. Still his first responsibility had to be recovery of the Vortex Stones. With his heart feeling like a stone, he signaled Pericles to head the boat in to shore. He would take the risk of arrest to try to recover the Vortex Stones personally and just possibly find his wife. If he and Pericles should fall into the hands of the authorities, he had several agents in place to arrange their extraction. Contrary to what Marcus thought, Xerxes rarely left anything to chance.

  Xerxes called his brother, “Jessica is headed your way, and she left me a note at her parent’s home.â€� He gave him her flight number. “Do you think you can intercept her at the airport?â€�

  “I will try, but do you think she will come with me?â€� Ainu questioned.

  “A good possibility, tell her about her parents if you do intercept her. I have to go now. One of my agents spotted Marcus. The back-up Vortex is still holding but as old as it is, I have to find the Vortex Stones soon. I will keep you updated.â€�

  Xerxes turned to Pericles, “Let’s go find Marcus, if we can, maybe we’ll find them both. I have a terrible feeling Marcus will try to get his hands on her.”


  Marcus was an opportunist. For whatever reason Mrs. Jessica Carter Kallias, the new wife of the High Lord of Atlantis had returned to the upper-world, he had no idea, but he could use her. What better person to use to ruin Xerxes especially since she had ruined his plans. He would have Anthony Sutherland, and Ms. Carter, announce to the world the existence of Atlantis. Somehow, Xerxes had covered Atlantis with a back-up system, but that would only hold for a few more hours. He would force Mrs. Kallias to disclose Atlantis’ location and Sutherland to back her up. Her credibility was unquestioned and by then Atlantis would be uncovered. He would have Sutherland’s friend at NASA recheck those coordinates and it would show Atlantis. First, he had to get her under his control and persuade her to do, as he wanted. He wondered what he could use to persuade her. Maybe, he thought, she didn’t like Atlantis or she wasn’t Xerxes’ type and they had fought. Marcus liked that idea. Maybe, he thought, she and Xerxes had not gotten along and he had forced himself on her. She might be a willing collaborator. Marcus chuckled at that thought, causing Anthony to glance over at him.

  From Ms. Simon, Anthony learned Jessica was flying to Hawaii to try to locate her parents. Marcus laughed, what a foolish woman, he thought if the Coast Guard and Navy couldn’t find them, what made her think she could?

  “Anthony, I want information from your friend Ms. Carter,” Marcus told his informant. “She knows things about that dig she has not revealed, and you know it - things the military would not allow her to disclose to you.” Marcus smiled at the incredulous look on Anthony’s face. “The location of Atlantis, Anthony, she can confirm it just like the coordinates I will give you in a few more hours.”

  “Marcus, I think you are tired. Why don’t you rest awhile then we will discuss this.” Anthony told him rationally. “Jessica Carter will not tell you or me anything she isn’t allowed to. I’ve known her since she was a child and she isn’t like that.”

  Marcus was beginning to show his true character to Anthony and he put his face close to Anthony’s. “Well, you better hope she does tell me everything I want to know and then some, Sutherland,” he grinned evilly. “Now let’s get to the airport before she has a chance to leave.”

  “I won’t do it, Marcus,” Anthony refused.

  “Oh course you will, I still have those documents, remember?” Marcus laughed and ordered his nephews to get into Anthony’s Excursion. Neither one liked what their uncle was doing and cast a weak glance at Anthony, but did what Marcus told them.


  Jessica had booked a first-class flight to Hawaii; it was all that was available. If it had been in the baggage compartment, she would have taken that. She picked up her small carryon when she heard a familiar voice calling her name. Turning she was surprised to see Skip and smiled at him until she saw Marcus. His presence caused her to shudder in alarm, but she only slightly let his appearance change her expression.

  “Hey, Jess, I’m so sorry to hear about your parents,â€� Anthony said sincerely.

  “Thanks, Skip, what are you doing here? Come to see me off?â€� Jessica asked with a little sad smile trying to stay calm, but looked at Marcus with distrust.

  “I figured you’d head to Hawaii to find them,â€� Anthony replied nervously.

  “I haven’t given up. They were just blown off course I’m sure. They just called my flight,â€� her voice trailed off seeing two airport guards with him. By their size and obvious discomfort in their uniforms, Jessica knew they were Atlantians. “Skip, what’s going on? Why are you here?â€�

  “Listen Jessica, I need you to come with me,â€� his voice was anxious.

  “Skip, I’m going to get on that plane and you and your fake guards aren’t stopping me.â€�

  “You know I have the credentials to cause you to be detained long enough to miss this flight and possibly the next. I can have you held saying you’ve got some artifacts.â€�

  “Skip, why would you do this, you know I just want to find my parents?â€� Jessica asked perplexed, her worst fears about him appearing to be true. “I will call General Grill…”

  “I’m in a pretty tough spot here. Just come with me, we can get this straightened out,” Anthony told Jessica, feeling rotten about stopping her.
br />   “Skip,â€� Jessica looked into his eyes, “You’re in way over your head with him,â€� she gestured to Marcus, her eyes cold, “Believe me.â€�

  “That’s just it. I am and know it,â€� Anthony told her, “but how would you know?â€�

  “Do you really know who he is?â€� Jessica answered his question with one of her own.

  A puzzled look came over Skip’s face, “What do you mean?â€� He asked as four mean looking Central American men came running toward Jessica. She knew them instantly and couldn’t believe they were desperate enough to try to abduct her from a place of such high security as the airport. Jessica knew they couldn’t be armed. The two Atlantians recognized them immediately.

  “Come on, Anthony, get her and let’s go or I send that little package,â€� Marcus threatened him.

  “Skip, what is he talking about?â€� Jessica asked, looking around desperately for real security guards. However, an emergency set-up on the next boarding gate to divert attention left this gate unattended. Skip took Jessica by the arm and began pulling her away. Surprised and reluctant to flatten a man she considered almost a relative, she hesitated. The two Atlantians with them effectively blocked the Aztecs, who had gotten a little to close to their Lord’s wife. They were still in the dark about their uncle’s plans.

  Now the ticket attendant was screaming and yelling for assistance. With all the recent terrorist incidents, people were reacting in all sorts of panicky ways, none helpful.

  “Jessica if you don’t come peacefully,â€� he looked toward the two guards who moved a bit closer, “they will make sure you do,” Skip told her. Marcus and the two Atlantians managed to get a struggling Jessica out a side door and into Skip’s Excursion. He had used his credentials to leave it parked on the tarmac just outside the gate. Once inside Skip’s vehicle they seatbelted her in the middle of the backseat with one of the Atlantians on either side.

  Jessica was fuming and bruised but otherwise unharmed, she could see her plane lifting off and head for Dallas where she would have caught a connecting flight to Los Angeles.


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