Atlantis Vortex

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Atlantis Vortex Page 37

by Sheila N. Eskew

  “Thank you, Ainu, I’ve got to find her, from what you’ve just told me her life is in terrible danger. Marcus disappeared from here just after the wedding. He evaded the trap I had set for him and critically wounded the two obelisk guards in order to steal two of the Vortex Stones, I am sure Marcus believes them dead and we intend to allow him to retain that belief. Two of his nephews from Pacifica helped him, although I don’t think they know what he is really up to. He believes Atlantis is totally exposed. Our entire Military is on alert. I have activated the old system. But it will only give us minimal protection for three days. Marcus didn’t know we still had it available. Should he try to expose us before that we will be protected. After seventy-two hours, it will expire and we will become visible. I have an agent in West Palm looking for him right now. I’ll contact you if I hear anything, please do the same.â€�

  “You know I will. In the meantime, I’m going to talk to her parents myself,â€� Ainu told his brother.

  “Do you think you should?â€� Xerxes asked uneasily.

  “Yes, you may have two more citizens for Atlantis when this is over,â€� Ainu told his older brother. “But I don’t think it is right to keep them in the dark about this. I am sure they are worried sick and I am responsible for them being on the island. They have been there for several days now.â€� Taught to shoulder their responsibilities by their parents, all three of Andros’ children accepted the results of their actions and accounted for them. Ainu would go and explain to the Carters what was going on in their lives and why they were on the island.


  After thirty-two years of marriage, untold adventures around the world, their only daughter missing at sea in another ocean, Maureen and Harold Carter sat on the black sand of a South Sea Island staring at their damaged sailboat, marooned themselves. Maureen, in her mid-forties and still slender stood five foot four, she faithfully ran five miles a day and passed for a much younger woman. Her slightly streaked auburn hair was layered cut and fell to her shoulders in heavy waves. Currently she sat next to her husband who idly poked at their campfire with a stick, frustrated beyond measure at his inability to remedy their situation.

  Harold, a retired environmentalist and a strongly built man, had weathered many harsh conditions in his chosen profession after retiring from the Navy. His light brown hair, lightened to a honey blond by the sun and his body tanned by it. He enjoyed his wife’s company but his thoughts were the same as hers. Where is our daughter?

  If that mystery were not weighing heavily on their minds, shipwrecked on a South Seas Island would have been just another adventure he was sure they would solve in a few days. Tonight with the stars starting to shine and the full moon just showing on the eastern horizon, he found he could not enjoy the romantic beauty. Maureen touched his leg and motioned down the beach. A man was walking toward them. His Polynesian features didn’t surprise them, he wore an expensive swimsuit and his Hawaiian shirt was open, showing his muscular chest. As he neared, they both stood.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Carterâ€� he said noting their surprise at his knowledge of their names, “My name is Ainu and I am responsible for your being here. I hope you haven’t been too uncomfortable. Please, sit and I will explain.â€�

  Astonished, they did just that, Ainu crossed his legs at his ankles and sank to the sand in an unconscious show of graceful strength to join them. “I bring news of your daughter Jessica.â€� Both people looked at him as if he was crazy. Ainu explained the entire story, answering their questions along the way as they asked them until the last one.

  “Unfortunately before my brother, Xerxes, could tell Jessica this had been arranged she stole two Atlantian subs and escaped to return to your Jupiter Florida home with the intentions of coming to Hawaii to look for you. Jessica didn’t know I had marooned you here. This would not have presented a problem but it seems a traitor from Atlantis is working with someone named Anthony Sutherland and, Marcus, the traitor, is intent on revealing the existence of Atlantis by forcing Jessica to disclose its location. This traitor has also stolen two of the Gem Stones that power the anti-detection grid that protects Atlantis.â€�

  “Jessica will never disclose the location,â€� her father said. “We knew Jessica had found Atlantis.â€�

  Ainu’s head snapped up, “What?â€�

  “Of course,â€� her mother said, “she wore a piece from there around her ankle since she was seventeen.â€�

  “Since a handsome young man from there rescued us.â€� Harold said with a chuckle.

  Ainu looked at them astonished. Xerxes had told him about the bracelet. “How did you know?â€�

  “Even we people up here can put two and two together and get five, if you use the correct math.â€� They all laughed.

  “Don’t worry, we will find her.â€� Ainu assured them both.

  “We will worry, but I’m sure you will find her,â€� Maureen said.

  “In the meantime, I will see to it you will have anything you need. Are you comfortable, what do you need?â€� Ainu felt foolish asking.

  “Just our daughter,â€� Harold told him.

  “We are trying. I think your son-in-law is going to be surprised you’ve known about him and Atlantis for this long.â€�

  “Well we weren’t sure until the dig. You have to understand, daughters talk to their mothers. And of course, mothers never tell their daughter’s secrets unless their lives depend on it,â€� Maureen smiled slyly.

  “I am looking forward to meeting my son-in-law. I didn’t choose him, fathers-in-law rarely do these days, from what you have told me Jessica didn’t choose him either,â€� Ainu could tell Harold wasn’t too please about that, “However, they seem well suited. But I expect him to protect Jessica,â€� he paused. “Oh hell, Jessica’s a firebrand, and God knows she can take care of herself. I’m just, helpless, what can I do?â€�

  “If there is anything, I will let you know. I must go.â€� Ainu walked down the beach until he was out of sight.


  Jessica watched the two Atlantian guards watch her for an hour before she said anything. Then she smiled sweetly, “Gentlemen, I must go to the, ah ladies room.â€�

  They looked at each other, “Really! Please?â€� she said in her sweetest voice.

  One of the two untied her and escorted her to the small bathroom, standing guard as she went in. Desperately she looked around for a weapon, nothing. The guard knocked on the door. “Just another minute, it’s a girl thing.â€� she lied.

  “Hurry.â€� he bade her. Thinking quickly Jessica quietly opened the vanity doors hoping there would be a hole in the floor and there was but not big enough to escape through.

  “Okayâ€� she looked around, no way out. “Hey! I need my purse, well, ah what’s in my purse.â€� she was hoping he wouldn’t check her purse. A few minutes went by followed by another knock, the door opened slightly, and he passed her purse in. She took out a marker like pen and wrote a message on the wall. She wrote in hieroglyphs, hoping even the Atlantians still didn’t read a language that old, but she knew Xerxes did. She made it brief note, only who had her and what they wanted from her. She reaffirmed that she would never do it. Jessica also said Marcus had the two Stones. She longed to tell Xerxes she loved him and that she was sorry. She settled for an American symbol for a broken heart. Would he know the meaning?

  When she came out the two guards hesitated to tie her. She sat back down as asked. Clearly, they were uncomfortable with the situation. On her left ring finger was Xerxes ring marking as his wife, contrary to what she had said earlier, she saw them looking at it frequently.

  “What are your names?â€� she asked.

  They looked at each other, “I am Nuba,â€� the shorter one said.

  “I am Anke,â€� the other answered.
/>   “Why are you working for Marcus, do you think Atlantis should be known to the upper-world?â€�

  They looked at each other again, “Marcus is our uncle.â€� Both acted ashamed.

  “Oh,â€� Jessica was silent, she watched Anke stare at her wedding band. She extended her left hand so he could more closely examine the ancient symbol. “Want to look more closely?â€�

  “Thank you, milady.â€� he gently held her fingers as if they were delicate crystal. “It is beautiful. How old do you think it is?â€�

  “My Lord Xerxes said it belonged to the first Empress,â€� Jessica told them quietly.

  “Then you really are the High Lord’s wife?â€� Anke asked.

  “Yes,â€� Jessica affirmed.

  “Why did you leave Lord Xerxes, he is your husband?â€� Nuba questioned.

  “Yes, and I wish I had not left him,â€� her eyes got misty tears not far away, “I left because my parents are missing and I have to find them,â€� Jessica said sadly.

  “Lord Xerxes would have found them for you!â€� Anke said with conviction.

  “He might have, but he knows about your uncle, and he was concerned with keeping him from exposing Atlantis,â€� she shrugged. “And I haven’t known Lord Xerxes long, I was unsure about asking him.â€�

  “He knows you,â€� Anke said positively and smiled.

  “How would you know?â€� Jessica asked.

  Anke smiled, “He has watched you since he saved you. We attended classes together. One day he skipped and spent the day at the beach you were at. We got into trouble when we returned,â€� Anke laughed. “His father made him scrub boat hulls for two weeks.â€� He smiled the entire time. Jessica sniffed after he related the story, thinking of Xerxes accepting such a punishment because he wanted to be near her and finding the punishment worth the risk.

  “I just hope Marcus doesn’t make a big mistake, and then kill me,â€� a tear ran down her face and she wiped it away with the back of her left hand.

  “We won’t let him kill the High Lord’s wife,â€� they both said almost in unison.

  “You two are really loyalists?â€� Jessica inquired.

  “Of course, but Marcus is our uncle, what can we do? We had no idea he was going to steal the Vortex Stones. That we would never have permitted and now we are told, he killed two of the guards. He told us he was on a mission for Lord Xerxes and before we knew it we were in the middle of this.â€�

  “He seems to be real good at lying,â€� Jessica agreed.

  “Yes.â€� A loud noise outside that drew their attention.

  Two Aztec guards rushed the trailer. The Atlantians shot both of them, more shots rang out, Anke went down after he was shot in the leg. Jessica rolled out of her chair and grabbed his gun crawling to the window. Taking careful aim, she shot one of the Aztecs outside. While Nuba was helping his brother, the other Aztec fled in a car, passing Anthony and Marcus on their way in.

  “What happened here?â€� Marcus demanded seeing a gun in Jessica’s hand.

  “Well Marcus,â€� Jessica said, “your nephew just got shot by an Aztec guard, trying to kill us all.â€� Jessica made no move to relinquish her gun. “The one laying outside I took out. Want to be next? Traitor!â€� Jessica glared at him, so tempted to just shoot him and take care of the problem. Problem was, Jessica wasn’t a cold-blooded killer.

  “Ms. Carter,â€� Marcus said, “I have news about your parents and if you want to see them again you will become more cooperative.â€�

  “Marcus, that’s Mrs. Kallias to you. Either you are threatening to kill me, which you have already done, or you are admitting you have something to do with my parents’ disappearance, or you ingested too much salt water on you’re way here from Atlantis. More information is needed, Sir Traitor.â€�

  “I know where they are, I can take you to them, but you must…â€�

  “Marcus! We’ve been through this. I will not disclose the location of Atlantis. I will not help you do it either. Xerxes will not want me back! He will not jeopardize Atlantis for my safety. You are mad! How could you know where they are?â€� Jessica was exasperated nothing seemed to get through to Marcus. He was crazy. His nephews and Anthony knew it too.

  “I still have information sources in the underworld. It seems your husband had his brother maroon your parents on an island in the Pacific so he could take you there for a little reunion.â€� Marcus laughed almost hysterically, enjoying the shocked look on Jessica’s face. “Isn’t that sweet?â€� Marcus said mockingly. “He should have ordered your death and that of Bruce Lance when you first found the Pyramid, but he couldn’t do it. Instead, he put Atlantis at risk. Mrs. Kallias.â€� Marcus sneered.

  “Marcus, you are the only one who has put Atlantis at risk, can’t you see that? Before this mess gets any more serious, go back to Atlantis. Maybe you’ll have to pay some penalty, but you’ll be home. At least you can go back to Atlantis. I can’t. Tell Xerxes I am sorry, I did not know what he had arranged but I had to find my parents. Now I am leaving.â€� Jessica had the gun and started to leave.

  “Uncle,â€� Anke said, “she is right.â€�

  “No! I should and will rule Atlantis.â€� Marcus roared, “Now get in the car.â€�

  Surprised by his sudden action, Jessica could not stop him when he tried to jerk the gun from her hand. They fought for control, the gun exploded, a bullet grazed Jessica’s left thigh and passed through her leg between muscle and bone. A clean wound, the bullet didn’t lodge yet left a messy exit wound. Even his nephews couldn’t have reacted fast enough to stop him.

  “Marcus what have you done?â€� Anthony shouted. “You crazy bastard.â€�

  Jessica never made a sound. She dropped to one knee only and stifled the blood as best she could. Skip ran and grabbed a clean beach towel from his SUV then tightly wrapped her leg.

  “Uncle! She is the High Lord’s wife!â€� Anke screamed shocked even through the pain of his own injuries.

  “She is a little spoiled brat upper-world bitch,â€� he laughed. “Too bad, now get her in the SUV. After we get to our family’s island, we’ll see about exposing Atlantis from there. Perhaps one of the other upper-world governments will want that location to use as a base because it is so close to the United States, since little Miss. Ethical here won’t expose Atlantis even to her own country.â€�

  “I love my country, Marcus,â€� Jessica said through clenched teeth, searing pain radiated through her leg, “but there are higher moral principles here, things you obviously could not possibly understand. Are you stupid enough to think the people of Atlantis would allow that?â€�

  Marcus drew back his hand to strike her and found his arm seized by Nuba, “Uncle do not touch her again, or I will be forced to restrain you myself.â€�

  “Nuba, you are no longer needed, take your brother and leave.â€� Marcus looked at them in a disgusted manner. Anke and Nuba looked at Jessica with worried frowns as she managed a smile for them.

  “Tell him,â€� she said, drawing a deep breath, “if you see him, I am…â€�

  “Shut up!â€� Marcus screamed and didn’t let her finish.

  “Marcus you are a Bastard!â€� Jessica glared at him and while he was distracted with her, Jessica saw Nuba take the Vortex Stones from the bag and carry them out to a second vehicle they had hidden behind the trailer. He would return them to Xerxes.

  “Anthony put her into the SUV or I will kill you both,â€� Marcus raged. “And I don’t really want to do that until I can get her worth out of her.â€�

  “What do you mean by that?â€� Anthony questioned uneasily.

  “I have arranged to have her,â�
��� he motioned to Jessica, “turned over to some friends who will be able to extract the information from her that she refuses to release to her own government. First I have to get her to them and myself to a safe place.� Marcus smiled evilly. “We are going on a little airplane trip.�

  Anthony feared for Jessica and his own life now, and did, as Marcus demanded since he had a gun. He now knew the two nephews wouldn’t stand by their uncle any longer. He wondered where the General was. What ever happened to the Marines coming to the rescue? Someway, he had to let the General know where Marcus was taking them. His cell phone was his only hope of communication. While he bandaged Jessica’s leg Anthony managed to dial the General’s number and left the cell connection open as he asked Marcus questions about their flight out of West Palm Beach. Somehow, Marcus had arranged for a private jet to fly them to a small island in the Hawaii chain near Pacifica.

  “Sutherland, I told you,â€� Marcus said in an exasperated tone of voice “as soon as we get there, should be about six a.m. by now.â€�

  “Why did you register the flight plan in my name?â€� Anthony asked. “And how did you arrange for a plane?â€�

  “I couldn’t very well put it in my name, could I? You don’t need to know how I got the jet,â€� Marcus laughed.

  Anthony figured Jessica thought he’d gone as crazy as Marcus had. “You have really ruined me Marcus. I haven’t done any of this, and you’ve got me neatly sewn up.â€�

  Marcus laughed, “Yeah, well just wait and see how she,â€� he gestured at Jessica, “comes out.â€� Anthony hoped the General got that information and he delayed their leaving the trailer as much as he could.


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