Atlantis Vortex

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Atlantis Vortex Page 39

by Sheila N. Eskew

  It was pouring rain when Xerxes parked on the street of Jessica’s parents’ home, where Bruce was staying temporarily. He had the top up on his Porsche and the General didn’t see him, a black Porsche was not unusual in Jupiter Florida. It hadn’t been long since their last encounter. Xerxes waited until the General drove away in his Government issue Taurus before he walked up to the double doors and rang the bell. Bruce didn’t know him and Xerxes didn’t expect the young man to open the door but he did.

  “Come in, Mr. Kallias.â€� Bruce said cordially, then further surprised Xerxes when Bruce motioned him to silence and they walked outside onto a plant-lined patio. “We cannot talk inside. Jessica found the house was, compromised.â€� Bruce smiled at the astonished look on Xerxes’ face. “Bugged!â€�

  Xerxes, dazed by Bruce’s manner and questioned, “Oh! How do you know my name?â€�

  “You don’t hide as well as you think you do, sir.â€� Bruce said with a little laugh.

  “Excuse me?â€� Xerxes was astonished.

  “I’ve known you since the dig.â€� Bruce told him truthfully. He would never tell Xerxes that Jessica had told him what she had. “Well since the hurricane.â€�

  “What else do you know about me?â€� Xerxes queried incredulously.

  “I know you have come to have a close connection to Jessica and it had better not have anything to do with her recent kidnapping,â€� Bruce told him seriously. Jessica is my best friend and though I would like it otherwise,” he paused, “she wishes to keep it as it is.”

  Xerxes regarded the young man who he had already considered for a post on his Council. About the same age, Bruce was well muscled and stalwart; he had curly honey blonde hair, closely trimmed with baby blue eyes and was certainly unafraid of Xerxes. He was athletic and could obviously take care of himself.

  “I know you are Jessica’s friend and colleague, Mr. Lance, and I can assure you I have nothing to do with her kidnapping,” he look a bit embarrassed, “Not this one at least.â€� I am looking for her and I am very worried about her. She has been shot and I am concerned that if I don’t find her in time it could be fatal for her.â€� Xerxes decided he like this man and could trust him, so he would be honest with him. He had been a good friend to Jessica and would have put his life on the line for her the day of dive when he stole her away to Atlantis. It was clear to Xerxes, they both cared deeply for the same woman and Bruce plainly knew he would never be more than a good friend to Jessica.

  “I had a call from Jessica just about three hours ago.â€� Bruce began and noted Xerxes immediate focus. “This man Marcus who has kidnapped her and a man she has known for many years named Anthony is forcing them to go to an island off of Hawaii. They will be flying in a private jet out of West Palm Beach. They may be airborne by now. General Grill now has the information he just left here. You may have seen him.â€�

  “I did. I waited for him to leave before I came to the door. I have no wish to run into him again.â€� Xerxes smiled bitterly.

  “Again?â€� Bruce questioned.

  “Another story,â€� Xerxes shrugged.

  “I can imagine,” Bruce said. “Anyway,â€� Bruce handed Xerxes a piece of paper, “this is the phone number of the cell phone she used to call me from. I wouldn’t call her back on it because she hung up in the middle of a sentence, which tells me this Marcus person didn’t know she was using it.â€�

  “Thank you Mr. Lance. I will remember your help.â€� Xerxes offered his hand and Bruce accepted it. They shook hands as friends.

  “Just find her before she,â€� Bruce stopped, his voice failing. “Just find her please.â€� he paused. “Look, she wouldn’t tell me much. She did tell me you are her husband. Therefore, I am assuming that you care for her. For some reason, she ah, feels that you,” Bruce looked at this powerful man who had married the woman he loved, “well that you might not be able to forgive her for leaving. She had to find her parents. Jessica tends to be a bit psychic and she knows they are alive. She was also afraid that, well, she would not tell me why, but she was under the impression her life was at risk for leaving you. I hope this is not the case. I will tell you,” Bruce paused again and Xerxes could tell this was hard for him, “Jessica loves you,” he cleared his throat, “I hope the emotion is returned, she deserves the best.”

  Xerxes face was a study of emotions, “I assure you, Mr. Lance,â€�

  “Call me Bruce,â€� he said in a friendly manner.

  “I assure you, Bruce, her life is more precious to me than my own. I will find her. When I do, I will be sure that you are informed. She could not tell you more because knowing Jessica she feared for your safety. Thank you for your concern and for the information. I must go now.â€� Xerxes left by walking through the yard and around the house. Bruce followed watching him leave in his Porsche. Xerxes hurried back to Atlantis to leave for Pacifica.

  Xerxes would have to be extraordinarily careful leaving Atlantis as the U.S. Navy was still on maneuvers. He turned to his friend visiting Atlantis from Alpha-Centauri. Xerxes and Barrous had been friends since childhood. He imposed upon him for a quick flight in a shuttle to his spacecraft then to Hawaii. Barrous’ friendship had helped once before when Jessica had been in danger.

  “My friend, why not just allow me to pluck this Marcus traitor, from the sky?â€� Barrous said in a rare serious moment. “I hate traitors as much as you.â€�

  “You’ve put yourself at enough risk with each visit, Barrous, just get me and my hydro sub to that island and Ainu and I will hopefully be able to rescue her. But stay in close orbit, it may happen we will need you.â€�

  “Well if your upper-worlders, as you call them, are so intimidated by us I don’t think they’ll give us much trouble, he laughed, “If only they knew, they both laughed.

  Less than an hour later, Barrous gently dropped Xerxes and his brother in the hydro sub into the water off shore of the island where Jessica’s parents were. There was a full moon and though it was nearing dawn both of Jessica’s parents were still awake, neither able to sleep, relaxing around a huge fire on the beach. They were interestingly observing the spaceship dropping a smaller vessel into the water.

  “I think we can expect company, Maureen,â€� Jessica’s father said.

  “Look’s like it,â€� Maureen agreed.

  Harold threw a couple more logs on the giant fire. Maureen made sure the coffee was brewing, and there was fish, lobster and oysters ready to be cooked. A bowl of fresh fruits rested close by. True to his word, Ainu had them well stocked, they wanted for nothing.

  About fifteen minutes went by and two men came walking toward them. Ainu they knew, the other man seemed hauntingly familiar.

  “Hello, Ainu,â€� Maureen said, you’re just in time for breakfast and she gave him a motherly hug. “Thank you, Maureen, but we’ve eaten,â€� Ainu told her.

  “Hi, Ainu,â€� Jessica’s father, Harold said and shook his hand.

  “Maureen, Harold, this is Xerxes, your son-in-law. Xerxes, Maureen and Harold, Jessica’s parents.â€� It was very awkward moment.

  Harold, as any girl’s father would, sized up the young man who had become his daughter’s husband without his knowledge or permission. It did not matter to Harold that Xerxes was the High Lord of the fabled Atlantis, it did bother him somewhat that he suspected Jessica had been married under what were pressured circumstances. However, when Xerxes extended his hand, Harold accepted it. Xerxes appeared to be an honorable man who accepted his responsibilities.

  “Sir, Ma’am.â€� Xerxes said shaking their hands. “It is my pleasure, I am sorry this meeting is under these circumstances.â€� Xerxes was relieved Harold didn’t slug him. Under the state of affairs, Xerxes had braced himself for almost any reaction and would not have held it against
Mr. Carter.

  “What news do you bring us of our daughter?â€� Harold asked bluntly.

  He drew a deep breath, they knew it wasn’t good news, “She is alive.â€� he said and saw them begin to breathe again. Xerxes felt awful, “One of my Councilors has her. His name is Marcus and he is a traitor. There is a man name Anthony Sutherland with them. I don’t know what his part in this is. Marcus’ nephews both say he is trying to protect her. Do you know him?â€�

  “Yes, very well. I can’t believe he would hurt Jessica. He has known her since she was a baby,â€� Maureen told Xerxes. She found she liked his straightforwardness.

  Harold had been watching Xerxes closely, he could see the signs, and this young man was truly worried about his daughter. “Why did you let her go?â€� he asked. Harold watched the pain that crossed his son-in-law’s face.

  “It wasn’t voluntary, sir,â€� Xerxes, despite his high station, answered respectfully. “She was worried sick about you. I was on my way to tell her we were coming here and she had already gone. I arranged with Ainu for you to spend several days together here and meant to surprise her with a reunion. After the phone call, she made to you from Atlantis I promised her I would find a way for you to get together, but because of this traitor, certain security matters had to be addressed first. She saw the news account of your disappearance. I was unaware of that or I would have told her where you were instead of keeping it as a surprise. It has come to my attention that she did not believe I was arranging for you to be together.â€� Xerxes hurt was plain on his face. “That is some girl you raised. She can fight as fierce as any man I’ve every known, she loves animals even my pet shark. She swims like a fish, shoots as well as any sharpshooter, and her temper! She had warned me that she was one to take matters into her own hands if need be. I should have taken her warning more seriously.â€�

  “Yes, Jessica can have a pretty strong will, it has gotten her into trouble before and it looks like it has again. You should have taken her with you from the Mitzpah.â€� Harold laughed.

  “Ainu told me you figured that out. Why didn’t you say something to the authorities?â€� Xerxes voiced his uncertainty.

  “They wouldn’t have believed me and I generally don’t betray someone who rescues me,â€� Harold said with a smile.

  “Mr. Carter, since that day I’ve watched her. I’ve often wished I had taken her,” Xerxes was silent for a moment, “I think I’ve loved her since that day.” his voice was a whisper with his admission, “but my father would have had my head.â€�

  “Only after me,â€� Harold laughed. “She had nightmares for days afterwards, until she put that ankle bracelet on.â€�

  “She loved you, too, Xerxes,” Maureen interjected,” all the boys she turned down for dates and stuck to her studies, it wasn’t normal. We worried about her at times.â€� She put a comforting hand on his shoulder. Xerxes was surprised to find how close to Jessica her touch brought him.

  “She, ah, we were too young. Sir, I love your daughter and I will rescue her. I came here to assure you and her mother, I know you must be terribly worried. I am prepared to arrange for you to go back to Hawaii or Jupiter Florida if you wish. I want you to be as comfortable as possible.â€� Xerxes told them as candidly as he could.

  “Xerxes, call me Harold. I can see you truly love her. That’s enough for us. We are very comfortable here. Your brother has afforded us every need, from the necessity to luxury. Please just save out daughter, bring her here when you find her.â€�

  “Just one other thing,â€� Xerxes said, “in case,â€� he took out her ankle bracelet from his pocket not finishing his sentence. “I would like to give this to you, Maureen, for safekeeping.â€�

  Xerxes and Ainu stood, “We will find her. Goodbye for now.â€� Their Hydro sub awaited them just off shore. They no longer had need of stealth.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “Marcus what do you possibly plan to do?â€� Anthony asked as he was driving.

  “Once I get some leverage with that spoiled brat wife of Xerxes, she’ll do anything she’s told,â€� Marcus sneered.

  “I will never help you, Marcus,â€� Jessica said from the backseat of Anthony’s SUV. Her voice sounded weak and sick.

  Anthony knew Marcus’ mind was completely gone but Anthony feared for Jessica’s life as well as his own. He also feared the fake documents Marcus had somehow manufactured to prove his embezzlement of State funds and pictures of Anthony with two women he had never slept with and didn’t know. However, these papers were real enough to cause his life to be ruined. Under the scrutiny that would be generated by such papers, he would eventually be exonerated. After the State’s accountants finished an audit, it would prove he didn’t embezzle the money, but his reputation would be ruined by innuendo. His marriage would be over after his wife saw the pictures, and the stress could cause Cathy to lose their child. Her pregnancy had been delicate as it was. This was how Marcus forced him to cooperate this far. To keep it unrevealed, Anthony was at Marcus’ mercy and Marcus wasn’t the type to show mercy, he enjoyed watching people squirm. Anthony hoped he could get his hands on the photos and documents then rid himself of this slime. He would not go much further accept to protect his longtime friend’s daughter, Jessica.

  Other than her connection to the dig, Anthony couldn’t quite understand why Marcus wanted to hurt Jessica so badly. It seemed to have something to do with this man named Xerxes and Atlantis. He was still having difficulty believing Atlantis really existed. Nevertheless, Jessica confirmed its existence. She was like a daughter to him and he knew she would never lie, her parents brought her up better than that, so he believed her. He could remember when she was born and watching her grow up. Regardless of the lies this maniac had against him, he would somehow protect her even though now Marcus had them both at gunpoint. He turned his SUV into the executive side of the airport.

  A Gulf Stream Jet was waiting, “Anthony get her onboard now and no tricks or I’ll shoot you both,â€� Marcus fumed. Marcus had a few tricks of his own, he had paid the two pilots, and how he had arranged that, Anthony didn’t know.

  Jessica hopped, leaning on Anthony for support - sweat on her forehead, her face a pasty white. She stopped briefly to catch her breath before starting up the stairs.

  “Anthony,” Jessica drew his attention before they started up the stairs, “look at the emblem on the tail.”

  Anthony looked at the emblem on the tail of the jet. Four Dolphins, two white gold, two yellow gold, supporting a huge Sapphire, beneath them in script letters, Kallias Enterprises. “So?” he questioned.

  “It is one of Atlantis’ jets. I knew Atlantis was wealthy in the upper-world, but not this wealthy, it makes sense though.

  “Hurry up,â€� Marcus insisted, shoving Jessica toward the steps into the jet, and nearly knocked her over.

  “I see Lord Xerxes must take good care of Atlantis’ assets to be able to afford such an aircraft,â€� Jessica said coldly, and stared boldly into Marcus’ demented eyes. “What makes you think, Marcus, that you could ever be the ruler he is?â€�

  Marcus growled, “Get on board, bitch!â€�

  “Stop it!â€� Anthony stood between them. Anthony helped Jessica to a seat and buckled her in. Not once did she cry out in pain, but breathed a sigh of relief when she sat. Marcus’ pilots started the engines, going through their checklists. Anthony watched Jessica closely, he knew she could fly this type of jet if she didn’t become too ill. This was the first hopeful event since this nightmare had begun. When he learned Marcus had obtained this type of aircraft, it presented a chance to escape. Anthony had just learned this wasn’t a rented craft, but stolen. When she had been shot, his hopes had dwindled somewhat, now he saw a possible chance if they could overcome the pilots. Anthony had hoped that General Grill would have acted fa
ster. Fate didn’t seem to be on their side at the moment. From what he had heard about Jessica’s husband, perhaps he would try to save them, but she was right, his first responsibility would be to secure Atlantis. Too many lives were at risk there.

  Marcus had not discovered the Stones his nephews had taken and returned to Atlantis. Anthony feared when he did find them gone that he would shoot them outright. Anthony wondered what Marcus could possibly have in mind to do. How could he possibly know the mind of a madman? Marcus couldn’t go to another country, possibly, he didn’t know that. Jessica had mentioned another Underwater City called Pacifica. Maybe that’s where he would go. Anthony felt the jet go airborne and bank due west. He’d guessed right. Soon enough the jet leveled off, and Anthony went to sit with Jessica. While Marcus busied himself looking out the windows at a world he didn’t see much of, Anthony and Jessica could talk.

  “Jessica, this jet belongs to your husband?â€� Anthony asked.

  “It belongs to Atlantis under the name of Kallias Enterprises but the pilots are Marcus’ men.â€� Jessica explained. “Marcus has stolen the jet.â€�

  “Oh. You can fly this type of jet, right?â€� Anthony asked.

  “Yeah, if we can get rid of the two up front. Skip, why did you get mixed up in this?â€� Jessica questioned.

  “He has damaging documents that seem to prove I have taken state funds for personal use and pictures of me with several other women…â€�

  “You! I don’t believe it.â€� Jessica said, “I know you. I can hardly believe you are doing this.â€� She moved her bandaged leg into a less painful position. Blood was beginning to seep through the second dressing. There was sweat on her brow and Anthony knew she was beginning to run a temperature.


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