Atlantis Vortex

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Atlantis Vortex Page 48

by Sheila N. Eskew

  “Yes, it is only about a third of the first one; it does account his actions up until he left just before stealing the Vortex Stones and he planned to kill the two guards.â€�

  “Please be prepared to give an account of it tomorrow before our Magistrates.â€� Sir Edwards charged him.

  “As you wish, sir,â€� Bruce said formally.

  “Is he still refusing legal council?â€� Xerxes questioned.

  “Yes, we have pleaded with him to allow us to assign him a legal representative of his choice, but he has refused. He believes himself capable of handling his own defense. He has gone so far as to accuse us of trying to assign council that would jeopardize his chances for a fair trail. Sir Trident is being very foolish.â€� Sir Edwards shook his head.

  “This is going to be difficult for Jessica,â€� Xerxes commented.

  “She is far more durable than you know,â€� Bruce assured Xerxes. “However, you may have to restrain Harold.â€�

  “We must go, Sir Edwards. Good evening. We will see you in the morning before court,â€� Xerxes said and shook his hand, as did Bruce.

  “Good night Lord Xerxes, Sir Bruce,â€� Sir Edwards closed the door as they departed.

  Sir Edwards examined the diary and read the pertinent pages. It was highly damaging to Marcus, leaving absolutely no doubt, that Marcus had arranged the deaths of Xerxes mother, father and stepmother. Rising from his comfortable chair in a lamenting fashion, he made copies of the diary and took them to the holding cell that detained Marcus. It was only fair and correct that Marcus be aware of the evidence against him. Sir Edwards also took two Atlantian guards with him for security.

  Marcus sat forlornly in the corner of his cell. He did not bother to rise when Sir Edward entered the holding area. “What do you want now?â€� he growled. His look was that of a caged wild animal.

  “We have new evidence that I am legally required to make you aware of, as this evidence will require new charges be levied against you.â€� Edwards told him.

  “New charges? Why do you need any more? You already have enough to sentence me to death. That is your plan, isn’t it?â€�

  “Marcus, if you are found guilty and I believe you will be, there is no plan involved. You have committed these crimes and must pay the penalty.â€�

  “The true perpetrator of crimes is Lord Xerxes, someday you all will see this.â€� Marcus raged his voice tipped on the edge of insanity.

  “As you will, sir. Here are copies of your own diary. The new Councilor of Antiquities, Sir Bruce Lance found it in your personal desk drawer. The handwriting, authenticated by our own experts, has proven to be yours. These pages are proof you arranged the murders of High Lady Astraea, High Lord Andros and his second wife Lady LaLoni.â€� Sir Edwards firmly explained. “Once again, Marcus, allow me to assign a lawyer to you. Your trial is scheduled to begin in the morning, I will reschedule it if you allow me to assign council,â€� he offered.

  “NO!â€� Marcus screamed. “Your Council is neither wanted nor needed. I will speak for myself. As for your new evidence! Ha! It is fake.â€� Marcus went back to sit in his corner curled into a ball. “Leave me.â€�

  Sir Edwards turned and left, tomorrow would be a very bleary and hard day, for everyone. He knew Marcus was guilty. He also knew Marcus was insane, but his crimes were so heinous, justice demanded accountability. They could not be overlooked or their perpetrator be allowed to spend the remaining days of his life in prison, he was too dangerous. Should he escape, he would kill again.

  Xerxes and Bruce returned to Xerxes’ chambers and the more somber details of the next day’s trial for Marcus were discussed. Jessica’s parents dropped by after seeing Bruce and Xerxes come and go from their residences. Xerxes explained what occurred and much to Xerxes surprise, Maureen already feeling like a mother to him, hugged him like her son. Xerxes, much as he had on board the sub when they had rescued Jessica, returned Maureen’s hug. Jessica knew her mother well, and understood she had already bonded with the High Lord of Atlantis, much as she had with the now motherless Bruce. They were all her sons. Their evening ended on a quiet note.

  When Jessica and Xerxes found themselves alone, Xerxes explained when they had rescued them from Marcus, he had held her in one arm and Maureen in the other, and they had become close. Jessica had smiled a sweet smile and patted her husband’s back lovingly.

  “Mom always wanted more children but they could only have me,” she explained. “She has strong Mommy instincts. You are now like a son to her. Bruce is too and I am sure Ainu is also. Come husband, tomorrow will be rough on us all.â€� With the flames of love burning bright in her warm brown eyes she took Xerxes’ hand and led him to their bed where they found loving comfort in each other’s arms.


  Five Magistrates sat on the High Bench of Atlantis as judges representing the population of the fifty square mile City-State. Also gathered were the officials of each district. In attendance were the High Lord of Pacifica and the witness from that Sovereign City as well as observers from the other eleven underworld Cities from around the world. All twelve underworld Cities practiced freedom of the press, so news coverage from each City also had sent representatives. Jessica’s parents, Bruce, Anthony and Captain Pisces sat in the witnesses’ boxes. Pericles and his squad, Marcus’ nephews, and several others who had been unfortunate enough to have dealings with the traitor came next and joined them. Marcus’ wife Helena had traveled back from Pacifica with Ainu and sat with him to view the proceedings. All stood, as High Lord Xerxes escorted his wife, Lady Jessica, into the Forum.

  The Senior Magistrate called the court to order and the court barrister read the charges against Marcus Trident of Atlantis after he skulked into the court and took his place in the guarded box in the center of the huge hall. Marcus had been sullen from the time he entered the court until he heard the last of the charges read.

  “Marcus Trident you are also charged with the Murder of High Lady Astraea Kallias, Lady LaLoni Kallias, and the High Lord of Atlantis Andros Minos Kallias. You were formally made aware of these charges last evening and given, once again the opportunity to obtain council, which you refused.â€�

  Marcus’ head snapped up. He was instantly alert, his face pale.

  “How do you answer these charges Marcus Trident?â€� the Magistrate asked him.

  “I say I am not guilty of them and charge that Xerxes Kallias is guilty of endangering the security of our World by his marriage to that upper-world slut. As far as the charges of murder are concerned, I demand to see better proof of such outrageous accusations than the copies you presented me with last night.â€�

  “Marcus Trident, you will refrain with that type of language in this court or I will personally have you gagged,â€� the Magistrate ordered, angered by his language. “Lady Jessica is lawfully married to High Lord Xerxes and is no way to be disrespected.â€� The Magistrate’s eyes bored into Marcus’. “The copies given to you last night are of your own diary and are lawful documents considered legal proof. Now Marcus Trident, I will again ask you formally, do you not accept council? This proceeding will be postponed if you will allow council.”

  Marcus held his tongue, but glared at Jessica, death in his eyes. Maureen put a restraining hand on Harold’s arm.

  “I will serve as my own council.â€� Marcus replied. “I do not need one of your people to help me off to my death.â€�

  “Are you sure you wish to do this as your life is at stake?â€� the Magistrate asked again.

  “I will serve as my own council.â€� Marcus growled the look of a madman in his eyes.

  “As it will be recorded and entered into the lawful records of this proceeding,â€� the Magistrate said. “You will be given further time to review the new evidence against you. After that, we will resume. I here b
y call a two hour recess.� Marcus was led out, his eyes fixed on Jessica - whose eyes never wavered.

  Xerxes felt Jessica shiver after Marcus had left the room and put his arm around her. “My love, would you like to walk around outside for a time?â€�

  “No, but the thought of that man escaping crossed my mind. It was a frightening thought.â€� Jessica admitted.

  “That idea occurred to me also, I have already placed extra guards around him. They have orders to shoot him if he tries to escape.â€� Xerxes told his wife and her parents who sat with them. Court wasn’t delayed long and soon called back to order.

  Marcus required little time to go through a diary he had written himself. Crazy as he was, he knew he was guilty. His guards escorted him back to the accused box and the Magistrates called the proceedings back to order.

  “Marcus, do you wish to continue without council?” Chief Prosecutor Sir Edwards asked him.

  “I will serve as my own council,” Marcus said with anger and hatred in his voice.

  “Very well Marcus, the trial can proceed.” Sir Edwards announced to the Chief Magistrate.

  “Thank you, Sir Edwards. Atlantis will call its first witness, High Lord Xerxes Kallias.â€� The Magistrate said in a loud voice.

  “Do you swear to tell the truth before God?â€� A barrister held the Atlantian Bible for Xerxes to lay his hand upon.

  “I do so swear.â€� The true conviction of faith was firmly audible in the High Lord’s voice to all in the over filled hall.

  “Why did you bring Lady Jessica to Atlantis?â€� the Head Magistrate asked.

  “Lady Jessica is, by her chosen profession is an archeologist. Because the body of water in the upper-world known as Lake Okeechobee was in a drought condition, an old entrance to our world was exposed and she recognized it for what it was. She was in danger of finding Atlantis. I assigned watchers to determine how much she knew. When it was learned that she had indeed become aware of the entrance a decision had to be made. Since I had once long ago saved her life and,” his voice tone softened, “had a strong attraction to her and felt she had to me I chose to bring her to Atlantis and take her as my wife. To eliminate exposure to any other upper-world people it was arranged that she would be the only one taken.â€�

  “Marcus Trident, you may ask your questions.â€� the Magistrate directed.

  “Xerxes Kallias, why didn’t you do the correct thing and have her executed?â€� Marcus questioned without the respect due Xerxes in such a situation and address him as ‘Lord’. Xerxes ignored this.

  “Our laws, Marcus Trident, as you know, allows for either solution. I prefer the one I chose, I do not like to kill unless I have to, even you Marcus, after all you have done, or this trial would not be taking place.â€� Xerxes stare was enough to kill. “As High Lord, it is my right to make a decision regarding the matter of this trial proceeding. Had I elected I could have ordered your execution for treason for the theft of the Vortex Stones alone.”

  Marcus’ voice faltered slightly but recovered to boldly ask, “Xerxes Kallias you were already in love with her, isn’t that the true reason?â€�

  “Yes, Marcus, it is. What is wrong with that? Atlantis hasn’t any laws against love.â€� Xerxes said in a bored tone and only using Marcus’ first name. “However, had that not been the case, I still would not have ordered her murder.”

  “You put your own love before Atlantis’.â€� Marcus charged irately.

  “No Marcus, if that were the case, I would have taken her before she found the entrance.â€� Xerxes eyes were on his wife, her face, and the love he saw reflected there for the entire court to witness was the only thing that kept him from strangling Marcus.

  “Marcus Trident this line of questioning has no real importance in your caseâ€� the second Magistrate said, “and I can see it is leading nowhere. If you have other questions that are pertinent, continue, otherwise Lord Xerxes, you may step down.â€�

  “Thank you.â€� Xerxes returned to Jessica’s side and took her shaking hands in his.

  “Atlantis will call Lady Jessica Carter Kallias as its next witness.â€�

  Resolutely, Jessica stood proudly and walked to the platform. “Do you, Lady Jessica, swear before God to tell the truth?â€�

  “Before God, I so swear!â€� Jessica said with sincerity.

  “Lady Jessica, when did you first meet Marcus Trident?â€� the second Magistrate inquired.

  “I first met Marcus Trident the third evening I was a resident of Atlantis while walking with Lord Xerxes. However, I first saw Marcus over a year ago in Anthony Sutherland’s office in the upper-world. I did not speak to him and he did not see me. I did not know who he was until I met him here.â€�

  “When you did meet him, did you tell Lord Xerxes that you had seen him before?â€� The third Magistrate asked.

  “Yes I did.â€� Jessica answered her voice cold and clear.

  “Why did you leave the Atlantis?â€� The fifth Magistrate inquired.

  “I was concerned about my parents. I had heard a news bulletin that reported them missing at sea in the Pacific Ocean and I was going to look for them,â€� Jessica answered and remembered her agony over that decision.

  “Did you know that Xerxes had arranged a meeting in a secure location with your parents and that is why they were missing?â€� The Magistrate in the fourth seat questioned.

  “No I did not know Lord Xerxes had arranged such a meeting.â€� Jessica sighed.

  “Had you known, would you have left?â€� He inquired.

  “No, as far as I knew, Lord Xerxes was unaware they were missing,â€� Jessica said in a sad voice. “And No, I would not have left had I known there would have been no reason to leave.”

  “Did you know that the Vortex Stones had been stolen?â€� Again, the first Magistrate questioned.

  “No, I did not know of their existence until just before Pericles’ wedding.â€�

  “When did you see Marcus next?â€� the second Magistrate asked.

  “When Marcus and Anthony Sutherland visited me in the hospital in Jupiter Florida and when Marcus abducted me at the Airport in West Palm Beach,â€� Jessica said including both incidents.

  “And the second time, you were abducted. What did Marcus want you to do?â€� Magistrate three asked.

  “He wanted me to reveal the location of Atlantis,â€� Jessica said with a straight face.

  “What did you tell Marcus about revealing the location of Atlantis?â€�

  “I refused and I laughed at him,â€� Jessica’s voice held no amusement now.

  “And what did he do?â€� The chief Magistrate asked.

  “He struck me, and threatened to kill me,â€� without realizing it, Jessica touched the spot where Marcus had struck her.

  “He struck you?â€� The first Magistrate asked, with a stony stare at Marcus.

  “Yes,â€� Jessica replied simply.

  “How, Lady Jessica, did you come to be shot?â€� He inquired.

  “Marcus left his nephews Anke and Nuba to guard me while he and Anthony Sutherland, whom he was blackmailing, went back to West Palm Beach to arrange transportation. Just prior to their return, the Aztecs attacked us and we had to defend ourselves, Anke took a bullet from the Aztecs. I grabbed the gun, returned their fire, killing one of them. When Marcus returned he tried to take the gun from me, we struggled and I was shot.â€�

  “He did not try to get help for you?â€� The fifth Magistrate asked, incredulous.

  “No, he did not,â€� Jessica answered remembering the searing pain.

  “Why?â€� the Magistrate was curious.

  “He told his brother, Nick, when we landed in Pacifica that I was going to die anyway and he wanted,â€�
�� her voice failed, and a tear ran down her cheek unchecked “to let me, ah suffer.� The last word was said so softly had silence not reigned it would not have been heard. Jessica looked to where her father sat next to Xerxes who had put a restraining hand on his shoulder.

  Jessica’s questioning by the Magistrates went on for another half an hour, and in that time, her story never varied. Marcus could not shake her story though he tried.

  “Jessica,” he started.

  “That is Mrs. Kallias to you,” Jessica informed him.

  Marcus glared at her a moment, “Mrs. Kallias,” Marcus then smiled at her in a suave manner, “Isn’t it true I was trying to keep you from revealing the location of Atlantis not reveal it?”

  For a moment, Jessica couldn’t believe what he had said, “Marcus you have lost your mind. You were trying to force me to reveal the location of Atlantis to the people who would pay the most for the information, including those Middle Eastern terrorists,” Jessica laughed in his face.

  “You are a lying slut!” Marcus screamed, not caring about the threat of a gag. “You wouldn’t do or say what you were told.”

  “Marcus, unless you have a valid question for me to answer I would like to return to my seat.” Jessica looked coldly at him.

  “You will only tell more lies.” Marcus raged at her, stepping closer in a threatening way.

  Jessica stepped back in the small space of the witness box. She felt a presence beside her and looked up to see Xerxes had come to stand next to her fearing Marcus might try to snap her neck or in some way hurt her. Harold was standing outside the witness waiting area, an Atlantian guard next to him and two of Xerxes’ bodyguards quickly moved next to her. “Marcus, do you have any other questions for the witness or other evidence we can use in your case?” Xerxes glared at him.

  “Not for this lying,” he paused seeing death in Xerxes’ eyes. “No, none.”


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