Covet (Forbidden Series Book 2)

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Covet (Forbidden Series Book 2) Page 9

by Dani René

  “No, I’d never do that.”

  “Kael, should I mention the redhead?” His question jars me, and I sit back, my mouth pursed in a thin line. Shit. How could he know? “She’s certainly beautiful. She’ll be an attraction for many clients. And as much as I’m interested in seeing her starting in the rooms soon I’d like to get her on the floor. Tonight. Do you think she’s ready?”

  “Not yet,” I respond, hoping he doesn’t notice the tick in my jaw.

  His glance on me doesn’t linger as he nods slowly. “Funny you should say that, I think she is. I want her on the floor tonight. In fact, I’ve got two clients who would love to see her curves.” Fisting my hands was a mistake because his gaze drops and narrows in on them, then lifts to my face. The emotion must be written all over it because as soon as our eyes lock it’s done.


  “These are your papers.” He shoves an envelope toward me. “They’ll explain exactly what happens now that you’ve been disowned. You’re also to pack a bag, one bag, and depart immediately. Dax will escort you off the property safely. You should have known better. These are mere whores.”

  “She’s not—”

  “Exactly! I want you out of this house, off my property immediately. You thought I wouldn’t notice the sweet, loving touches. The soft, soothing words?” He rises, rounding the desk, and stalks toward me. “You knew the rules. No personal attachments. They only end in fucking disaster. Your mother learned that when your sister killed her by being born. Women are nothing. They’re toys to be used. I want you out. You’re no son of mine.”

  I push off the chair and stalk toward him. “If I’m leaving, she is too. I want her. You can keep all my belongings. Just give me Paige.” The words have barely left my mouth before the sting of his punch leaves me tasting metal. The gold ring my father always wears on his left hand bites into my lip, leaving crimson dripping from my mouth.

  “She stays. You’re out.”

  “I’m not leaving without her.”

  “We’ll see about that.” He crooks his finger, and I realize we’re no longer alone. Along with Dax are two men who look like they could possibly break me in half with a snap of their fingers. “Kael needs to be escorted off the property, immediately.” Without another glance at me, the man who I called father turns his back on me.

  “Father, listen to me, I’m not—”

  He pivots, pinning me with a glower of disapproval. “If you don’t leave quietly, I’ll bring her in here right now and show you how a whore is meant to be treated. Do you want to watch while I fuck her holes? Because I will.” His words send revulsion coursing through my veins. Knowing I have no choice, I turn and stalk out, meeting Dax’s eyes, seeing the apology that flashes in them. Two guards grip my arms and tug me along. I can’t help fighting them off, but my father bellows an order. “Teach him a lesson while you’re at it. Then take him to the gate. He leaves with nothing.”

  That’s all these thugs need to hear before they shove me down and land one kick to the ribs, another to the face. The pain that shoots through me is no worse than the thought of what’s going to happen to Paige. Fists fly, connecting with my face and jaw.

  Groaning in agony, I roll over, trying to shield myself. But it’s no use, two of them, one of me. I deserve it. I hurt her and now I’m paying the price.

  “That’s enough, let’s go,” Dax’s cool tone halts their movements. Even though my father is in charge, they will listen to the man who’s head of security. Dax tugs me up and half drags me toward the exit. When I step outside, I leave my soul in the house. In the room where she lies waiting for me.

  As we reach the gates I find Samael waiting on me. “I told you to be careful brother,” he says. The confident smirk I’ve come to recognize on my brother’s face is noticeably lacking as he takes in the blood dripping from my face. “You look like shit.”

  “You knew he was going to do this?” He shakes his head. Is that sadness on his face?

  “Look, Kael. You may hate me, and that’s okay, but I never wanted this to happen.” For the first time in a long while I see sincerity in those blue eyes. “I know you love her,” he states matter-of-factly. I don’t respond, merely a nod tells him he’s right.

  “I need your help. Sneak me back in. I can get her, we can both leave and we’ll be free. Samael, please?” I turn to my brother then. Meeting his gaze, I implore him.

  “You know he’ll not think twice about killing you. Or her for that matter. I can’t see that happen, brother. Trust me when I say, I’ll be there for her.” We stare at each other, the hatred and anger we’ve become accustomed to fades and I see him for the first time. I see my brother.

  “I’ll come back for her.” I vow. But I know he’s right, I can’t go back in there now. “Please look after her?” I sound like a goddamn woman.

  Cobalt eyes stare through me, seeing my soul. It’s then that he recognizes it and utters. “You’re really in love with her.” I can’t voice my agreement, so I nod. “We’ll both look after her,” my brother gestures to the other man who’s waiting behind me. When I turn to Dax, he affirms with a nod.

  “I’m sorry, Kael, he called me in suddenly. I didn’t know what was happening until I overheard what he said to you.” I know he’s not lying, because his eyes speak with more honesty than any words could. “I’ll get her out of here. Somehow.”

  “We will.” Turning to Sam, I see a hint of the human side of him and all I can do is hope.

  Anger runs rife through me, and I can’t help but land my fist in the wall beside the bed. Blood seeps from my knuckles, but I savor the ache. The pain.

  It was my fault for allowing myself to feel. To finally believe that happiness wasn’t merely what other people had. The thoughts of her, of what she’s going to be put through, are worse than any ache or pain.

  The only thing I can hope is for Sam to make sure she’s strong. That she survives whatever they’re going to throw at her. If my brother takes over as her trainer, I know she’ll get through it. He’s brutal. But I know my Firebird. If she has something other than a broken heart to focus on, she’ll be okay.

  I knew I couldn’t give her a forever.

  Deep down, every day I walked into her room, I knew something was going to obliterate us. And now as I lie alone with nothing but the thoughts racing through my mind on how to get back to the house to save her, I wonder what she’s going through. If they’ve already hurt her. Just that thought alone makes me want to walk into that shithole and kill every last one of them.

  She needs to be strong. She needs to fight because I’m going to fight for her. Somehow, I’ll find a way to get back to her. Even if it’s the last thing I do.

  She never even saw my face. All those times we spent together, I didn’t have the courage to show her the real me. I need to find a way to get her out. There must be something I can do to save her from what I know she’s about to endure. Even though I was the one who trained her, those monsters who frequent the club are not me. They’ll hurt her beyond repair. What I fear most is that they’ll not only break her body, but they’ll shatter her mind.

  I watch the sun rise from the window. Most of the night was spent formulating a plan. But each one I came up with left me or her dead which is not an option. I have no way of contacting her. No way of even speaking to her. I tried calling Sam, but he said my father has put the house on lock down. Cameras are now running twenty-four-seven in every room.

  Pushing off the bed, I open the bedroom door to the sound of silence. I make my way into the kitchen to find a pot of coffee brewing. Axel must be up already. Perhaps he threw out whichever girl he’d been fucking the night before.

  “Hey man,” his voice comes from behind me as I fill a mug.

  Dragging my gaze up, I meet Axe’s cocky smirk. “Hey.” He’s dressed in a pair of jeans and a black Guns N Roses T-shirt.

  “Sleep okay?” he asks, sauntering into the kitchen, grabbing his own mug and filling it with
the freshly brewed coffee.

  “Not really. Between you banging that chick and my mind racing a million miles a minute trying to figure out how to get my girl out of that place…” I let my words taper off when he turns to me.

  “You need to clear your head. I’m leaving tonight, heading to New York. Come with me?” I glance at my best friend, who regards me with a narrowed blue stare. “Dax wants me back at Inferno while he’s here at Caged. Somehow, I don’t think I can let you out in the world by yourself. You look like shit, man.” He sips his coffee as he regards me, and I know he’s right. I’m a mess. Not only because of the black eye, bruises, and possible fractured ribs, but because I have no way of ever getting back into that house.

  The need to get as far away from Caged as possible is running rife through my veins. “Then let’s get this show on the road,” I smirk, schooling my features so my best friend doesn’t see the agony that’s slowly seeping through my veins like a poison.

  “Whoever she was, she’s not worth it, man.” He slaps my shoulder. Without responding, I turn and head back to the bedroom where I spent the night and start planning. Grabbing my phone, I hit dial on Dax’s number. As soon as he answers, I ask the one question that’s been on the tip of my tongue all night. “How is she?”

  “I haven’t seen her. Sam’s been in there a couple of times. He told me your father called for her. I don’t know what happened, but she is in her room. Sam said she’s pretty broken.”

  “Dax, I need you to get her out of there. Or get me the fuck in there and I’ll walk out with her. I’ll burn the whole place down.” My voice is urgent, the anger at my father using her, breaking her, is about to consume me.

  “Kael, I need you levelheaded. I’m working with Sam. We’ll get her out. Just trust me. If you come back here, you’ll only make him angry. He will kill her. Then he’ll kill you.” He’s right. I’m not thinking clearly.

  “Get her out. Just save her. That’s all that matters to me.”

  “I know.” With that he hangs up, leaving me cursing the ground my father walks on. Dax’s promise to get her out only gives me a moment’s reprieve.

  I can run, I can go to New York, but I know I’ll never be able to leave her behind. There’ll never be redemption for what I did to her. No salvation for what I left her to endure.

  Rearing my hand back, I fling the phone against the wall, watching it shatter. Exactly like the love I hold for a woman who’s probably going to be a shell when they’re done with her. “Hey man, Dax just messaged to let me know he’s got us a place to stay until we get ourselves sorted. Do you want to help me in the club? Security detail? Or…”

  “No. I’m not cut out for that. I’ll find my way. But I’ll take you up on the offer of a place to stay until I find my own apartment.”

  He nods, closing the door again, and I pack up my meager belongings that Sam managed to salvage last night before I was thrown out. The drive into the city won’t be long, and we’ll get there by lunch time if we leave early enough.

  As I stuff my clothes into the suitcase, I know it’s time to trust in my brother. It will be a first. I just hope he doesn’t let me down.

  Now all that awaits me is a city that can swallow me whole. Perhaps a new life. But I know I’ll never be able to rid myself of the memories. Those are ingrained in me, and there won’t be any absolution from them.

  In fact, I welcome them.

  They remind me of something I’ll never allow myself to do again.


  Emptiness & Love

  Your absence is my downfall

  I reach for strength in our memories

  Within my soul,

  I find us

  I find you

  I find me

  dani rené



  Sam leads me up to the club. Tonight is the first time I’m scheduled to dance, and I’m nervous. I’m scared of what’s going to happen if I mess up. “All you do is close yourself off. Just listen to the music, don’t let anything they say get to you,” he hisses beneath his breath.

  “Yes, Sam.” My voice is laden with fear. As soon as we step into the vast open space I’m jolted with shock. It’s not a seedy, run down club like I had envisioned. It’s elegant, dark colors accentuated by metal and glass. The dim lighting makes it seem less scary.

  “That’s your podium.” Sam points at the small round stage in the one corner of the club which is surrounded by about ten tables all filled with men in black masks.

  “Do I just dance?” I glance up, and for the first time in over a month I feel like that innocent eighteen year old girl who woke up in a strange bed, not a woman who fell in love with her captor.

  Sam nods before escorting me to the stage, his fingers lingering on my lower back almost protectively, and I want to hide in his arms. “Good luck, I’ll be here,” he murmurs in my ear before leaving me at the steps that lead up to the platform.

  Tentatively, I make my way into the limelight and the men cheer and whistle causing my heart to deafen me with its thud in my ears. A song starts, “Skin” by Rihanna, and I shut my eyes, ignoring the voices. Picturing Wolfe, I move slowly at first. My knees are wobbly and I know I must find my strength somewhere.

  Rooted in my soul, I grasp onto the last smidgen of me there is. I gyrate and spin with unsure steps. The jeers for me to strip echo through my armor, cracking through the wall. Filthy words are thrown at me like rocks. Breaking me. Piece by piece. When I open my eyes, I focus on blue eyes that pin me to the stage. The corner of his mouth lifts into a smirk, and a slight nod of his head gives me a small ounce of confidence I need to force myself to get through this.

  I’ve done ballet all my life. I’ve danced before. Focusing on the thing I love, dancing, I do it. I make them whistle, I taunt them to beg for more and in that I find strength. I find my power and I’m reborn in that moment.

  Two days ago, I danced for the first time. Samael comes to my room, he escorts me to ‘work’ then brings me back after my shift. He’s good to me in an odd way. He never mentions Wolfe, even though I want to ask. I don’t because I know the pain will only slice me wide open again.

  I haven’t been in the back rooms yet, but Sam has been training me every day. The harsher he is, the less my heart aches. The broken pieces of me fall away and all that’s left is a shell.

  Used, abandoned, and bruised.

  Each day the pain becomes easier to handle. Pushing off my bed, I stand on shaky legs and make my way into the bathroom. In the dim light, I take in my appearance. The scars from the blade sit on my ribs and travel down to my hip, a reminder that I’m nothing in here. Just a pet.

  “You look tired.” A deep rumble comes from the doorway, and I startle, spinning to find Sam watching me. His gaze trained on my half-naked body. Blue pools pierce the scar on my side, as if he can will it away with just a look. But he can’t. No one can.

  “I am.” My response is croaky at best, and I turn to regard myself again.

  “There’s something I need to talk to you about.”

  “What?” Turning to face him fully, I cross my arms in front of my chest and he smirks when his eyes fall to my breasts. “Don’t be an asshole.” I retort, knowing I shouldn’t talk to him like that, but instead of darkness taking over his features, he offers me a smile.

  “Come on, Firebird. Let’s sit in the room. Put some goddamn clothes on.” Padding into my bedroom, I pull on a robe and settle on the bed, watching him intently.

  “So?” I question slowly.

  “Before he left, he asked me to look after you. I’ve tried my best. But now I need you to trust me. I’m about to do something I don’t think anyone will see coming. Dax and I have come up with a way to get you out.” He sounds so confident, but I don’t let myself feel excitement. I can’t get my hopes up when I don’t know if this plan of theirs will work.

  “How? I thought the only way to get out is if I’m dead.” He nods in agreement, knowing
that I’m right.

  “I’ll tell you soon, but I need to confess something else. Over the years, I always wanted him to get out of this place. But, with the family business in our blood, he was forced into this life. He is a good person, and it wasn’t his choice to become a trainer. He wasn’t supposed to get involved with you past the training either, but then you screwed that all up.” He chuckles wryly. “My father threatened to kill you if he ever came back,” he says matter-of-factly.

  So many questions cross my mind. “My father knew, didn’t he? It was his doing. The night in the study. Was it you? Did you drug me?” He stares at me for a while. Almost painfully. I can see the guilt in his gaze, but he schools his expression. He hides it so well. Sam doesn’t need a mask because he’s got the steel look down to a T.

  “Our fathers came to an agreement. There was a contract long before you were born. I’ve seen it. Your father agreed to give Harlan his first-born daughter in exchange for the status of senator and to keep his real estate empire running smoothly. Do you know your father’s been reelected every two years because of my father’s influence? His first six year term my dad got him the seat. And each reelection was all Harlan Wolfe’s doing. Madden Estates, your father’s global conglomerate, is only successful because of Wolfe Enterprises. Did you know any of this?”

  I shake my head as shock seeps through me, and I can’t find the words to respond. I always suspected my father was involved in underhanded business dealings, but this is a new low. The man who raised me, who I trusted and loved, is as evil as the men who now hold me captive. “I spent my life being groomed to take over Madden Estates. Told I’d be next in line to run the company. And all this time, I was nothing to him.” The words fall from my lips as the realization hits me full force, and I feel the tears burn my eyes.


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