Reyna's Vampyr

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Reyna's Vampyr Page 10

by Zena Wynn

  “My father is dead,” she said neutrally, but her expression said his death was no loss.

  Tariq could personally attest to the fact that Alvaro was still among the living. Maybe Reyna had been misinformed? Trying to reason it out, he asked, “Your mother, she’s also deceased?”

  “As far as I know she’s still alive,” Reyna said with a slight shake of her head.

  “As far as you know?” How could she not know?

  Her gaze shifted to someplace over his head and a shadow crossed her face. “I haven’t seen my mother since she kicked me out of the pride when I was nineteen.”

  “Kicked you out?” he echoed, certain he’d misheard. Vampalien children were highly prized and very precious to their society as a whole. It was one of the reasons the home world was so overcrowded. Children could voluntarily leave the nest once they reached their majority but were never forced to do so. It was inconceivable.

  She glanced at him, sighed, and reluctantly explained. “After the first firestorm didn’t take and I refused to go through another one, she gave me money and told me to relocate somewhere far away. Jorlan came with me. Actually, he’s the one that picked this location. Now that I think on it, he probably chose it because of the large number of vampyr here. At the time I was in no condition to question his motives. Jorlan’s always pushed me to accept both sides of my heritage,” she said wryly.

  It was the closest Reyna had come to acknowledging she had vampyr blood. Though he could see nothing of Alvaro in her features, she’d taken his blood and read his emotions as easily as any other bonded female of his species. He hadn’t heard of any other Vampalien/Felini pairings. However, Alvaro had stated his Heart’s Blood was dead. That he’d seen her body with his own eyes. Tariq wanted to ask more questions about her parentage but sensed she’d shut down if he did.

  He was casting about for another topic of conversation when memory struck. “Yesterday, an anonymous male called and left a message for me. It said the one I sought could be found at Illuminator Incorporated.”

  Eyes narrowed, she muttered the word ‘Traitor’ under her breath.

  “You work for Illuminator Inc.?” he asked to keep her talking, even though the Kiss of Life was short-circuiting his brain cells and all he wanted to do was tumble his blood mate again.


  But Tariq heard what she hadn’t said. “You own it!”

  He’d correctly guessed it was a Felini holding. No wonder the firewalls had been so strong. Tariq laughed. Wait until he told Thor. He’d be hounding Reyna for all their technological secrets.

  “Stop doing that!” she snapped irritably.

  “You’ll get used to it,” he said, still laughing. Then a thought struck him. “You said your pride kicked you out when you were nineteen.” Enrique said the company had come on scene about eight years ago. “How old are you?”

  “Twenty-nine. Why?”

  A veritable babe compared to his many years, he noted. “You came here when you left your pride and started the company?”

  “Jorlan and I did,” she acknowledged.

  His Heart’s Blood was a prize indeed. Intelligent and bold, she hadn’t let her circumstances stop her. She’d taken her talent and business savvy and made something of herself without the backing of her pride. “You’ve done well for yourself.”

  “Not everyone believes so,” she said, mouth pursed with distaste.

  Tariq’s gaze fixed on her pouty mouth and he realized with some shock that he’d yet to kiss her. “I haven’t tasted your mouth yet,” he blurted.

  She blinked owlishly at him, her confusion at his abrupt change of subject obviously.

  Suddenly it was imperative he not go another moment without knowing the feel of her lips against his. “Kiss me.”

  “I don’t…I’ve never…” She began to retreat, scooting backwards until she was in danger of falling off the bed.

  Tariq caught her by the hips and tugged her back to his side. “You’ve never what?”


  Stunned, he asked, “Anyone?”

  She shook her head no.

  “What about the firestorm?” he asked, still disbelieving.

  “There’s no mouth-on-mouth contact and afterwards, I was sexually cold. Until you, that is,” she added ironically.

  “Mi corazon,” he breathed, astounded at the depth of her innocence. He’d known she was a virgin when he’d taken her, but virginity didn’t always mean untouched in this day and age. Of course, if what he’d seen of her memories was true, it was no wonder she’d become frigid. To her, arousal meant pain and dissatisfaction.

  Head tilted quizzically to the side, she scrunched her eyebrows and asked, “What does that mean?”

  “My heart,” he said simply, still mulling over how sexually pure his Heart’s Blood was and how much fun he was going to have initiating her into all the pleasures of intimacy. “Come here.”

  She glanced at their positions. “I am here.”

  “No, come here,” he said, patting his lap. “Straddle me.”

  Mouth rounded in a silent ‘O’, Reyna knee-walked forward and lifted one leg over his until she was seated on his thighs. She laid a tentative hand on his chest. “Now what?”

  Placing his hands on Reyna’s waist, he tried to ignore his cock which was so close to her opening he could feel its damp warmth. Tariq could smell, even sense her budding arousal. His body was primed and ready for her. Some of it was the mating venom still coursing through his veins but mostly it was having his Heart’s Blood in his arms. “I’m yours. Kiss me. Touch me. Do whatever you want to do with me. I’m here for your pleasure.”

  Eyes wide, she stared down at the part of him straining to connect with her. “Anything?”

  Very seriously he said, “You’re in control.”

  After her experience with the firestorm, being in control of their sexual activity would be very important to her. He needed to teach her sex was not something he did to her, but with her.

  Reyna possessed a very passionate nature. The proof was in the bloody bite and claw marks she’d left all over his body. He needed to tap into it; ignite her fierce arousal. She needed to feel safe with him and know he’d never leave her in an agony of unfulfilled sexual desire.

  He ran his hands up her sides in a smoothing manner from her waist to under her breasts and back again. “Do whatever feels good.”

  Troubled brown eyes gazed back at him. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Heart melting, Tariq cupped her cheek. “Do you plan to arouse me to the breaking point and leave me unsatisfied?”

  “No. I’d never deliberate inflict that kind of suffering on anyone.”

  Such a solemn response, he thought, as he spread his arms wide. “Then, Mi corazon, my body awaits your pleasure.”

  Sensual curiosity replaced the haunted expression in Reyna’s eyes. She leaned forward, moving so slow he discovered he was holding his breath in anticipation of that first meeting of mouths. Then her lips lightly brushed his. Once, twice, three times before she withdrew a scant centimeter.

  Tariq groaned, resisting the urge to lunge forward and take control. “Mi corazon, you’re trying to kill me. Give me your tongue. I want to taste you.”

  A small puzzled frown furred her brow. “My tongue?”

  No mouth-on-mouth contact, he remembered. Of course she didn’t know how to French kiss. “Slide your tongue inside my mouth,” he patiently explained. “Taste me.”

  She closed the minute distance between them, her mouth parted, and the damp tip of her tongue flicked against his lips. He opened for her and waited to see what she’d do. Reyna’s nails pricked his chest as she lapped at him like the kitten she was. He taunted her, touching their tongues together briefly before retreating deeper into his mouth. Reyna’s gave chase and once he had her where he wanted her, he suckled her member, tangling their tongues together.

  She moaned and Tariq gripped her hips, fingers flexing as he settl
ed her sex closer to his. Reyna undulated, rubbing the slick folds of her labia on the hard rod sandwiched between them. His patience disappeared. With a muffled groan, he wrapped a hand in her hair and pulled, angling her head so he could kiss Reyna the way his desire demanded.

  Reyna melted into him as he speared his tongue into her mouth. She tasted good. Sweet and sexy with a bite of spice, just like her personality, he thought. He foresaw a lot of kissing in their future. Forgetting he’d intended for Reyna to be in control, Tariq rolled her over onto her back while covering her in one seamless move.

  He had a knee pushed between her thighs and was spreading her wide for penetration when she broke the kiss, turning her head to the side. “Wait!”

  Undeterred, he nuzzled her neck.

  “Tariq! You said it’s my turn to be in control. I want to be on top,” she laughingly complained, pushing against his chest.

  “I forgot,” he admitted and dropped his forehead to hers, breathing heavy. A promise is a promise, he thought ruefully, and holding her close, flipped their positions. Reyna’s hair fell forward in a heavy curtain, enclosing them so all he could see was her. She grinned at him, eyes sparkling with silent mirth.

  Surprised but pleased at this glimpse of her playful side, he was caught totally unprepared when she said, “You forgot? Maybe I should tie you up. Then you’d be completely at my mercy.”

  Chapter Seven

  Tariq stiffened beneath her, his muscled body going rigid. The expression on his face was one she couldn’t interpret but it wasn’t the grin she’d expected.

  Certain she’d made a grievous faux pas, Reyna’s smile died. The surge of playfulness died as though it never was. “I’m sorry. I was just joking. I’d never…”

  Mortified, Reyna pushed up, intending to climb off him. He lunged up and locked his arms around her, capturing her mouth with his before she could fully retreat. Mentally he commanded, Read me through our bond. Does it feel like I’m displeased with your suggestion? Then he shoved everything he was feeling into her.

  The image of his naked body splayed and bound for her pleasure appeared in her mind. Along with it was his mingled confusion and excitement at the idea of being held captive to her tender mercies. He liked her suggestion. More than liked it. It turned him on.

  Reyna’s eyes widened, her nails dug into his skin, and moisture slicked the folds of her sex as her vagina clenched in reaction. “Oh!” she exclaimed when he ended the kiss.

  She’d always associated bondage with pain but seen through his eyes, Reyna suddenly realized it could be so much more.

  Tariq cupped her cheek and admitted ruefully, “I’ve never been big on dominance games unless I’m the one calling the shots. Had anyone else suggested this the answer would be an automatic no, but since it’s you, I’m willing. More than willing, I’m intrigued by the possibilities.”

  Still she hesitated. This whole sexual arena was new. Earlier the mating venom and her cat had governed her actions. This time, though both of those elements were present, she was in control of her faculties and as a result, completely clueless on how to proceed. The last thing she wanted to do to Tariq is what had been done to her.

  The injustice of her situation suddenly infuriated her. The Felini were naturally sensuous beings. Sex play should be second nature to her. Instead she was left emotionally uncertain, physically fumbling and floundering about. Deeply ingrained fear had placed a chokehold on her natural desires. No more, she determined. It was time to break free of the chains which bound her.

  Tariq nudged her gently to the side and leaning over the edge of the platform, came up with his belt in his hands. “This ought to do the trick.”

  He considered the headboard, which was mounted on the wall. Large, rectangular in shape, and covered with black leather, the cushioned headboard had nothing protruding to hold onto, and no gaps to slide his hands through. “I have the wrong typed of bed for this, but if you bind my hands together, I promise to keep them over my head.”

  Tariq laid the belt in front of her, held out his arms, wrists together, and waited. When she didn’t move quick enough to suit him, he quirked an eyebrow. “Chickening out?”

  “No.” Spine straightening in automatic response to his challenge, she snatched up the leather and began binding him. When it wouldn’t wrap around anymore, she slipped a finger in between the material and his skin to make sure it wasn’t too tight, and then glided the double prongs into their holes. “Hands over your head.”

  Tariq raised his arms into position.

  Reyna brushed everything off the bed—the tattered pieces of leather and cloth, shredded fibers from the mattress, and the one pillow which had somehow managed to remain on the mattress. Then she kneeled at the foot of the bed and surveyed Tariq in all his glory, and a glorious sight it was.

  Growing up in a pride of shifters as she had, Reyna was no stranger to the male form. In the den, nudity was common. Some of the pride actually preferred going about au naturel. They didn’t have to waste time undressing before the shift.

  However, never had the sight of one of the Felini affected her the way this man did. His body was a work of art. She heard herself purr and didn’t even care. Reyna forgot about shyness and uncertainty and let instinct guide her.

  Reyna crawled up his body and settled on his thighs, the thick, rigid member jutting out from his pelvis her goal. She reached out with greedy hands and captured her prize. Descriptions like satin over steel and a velvet covered rod entered her mind. She felt the sudden need to indulge all of her senses.

  She brushed her cheek along the length of his shaft. Turning her head to bury her noise in his groin, Reyna inhaled deeply, capturing his scent. Again she purred. Tariq groaned and his thighs became hard as concrete beneath her as he held rigidly to his control.

  Curiosity unchecked, Reyna explored the length and breadth of his sex. She nuzzled him, stroked him, tasted and smelled him until she was dizzy with sensory overload. From the growls and curses Tariq muttered, she guessed he was at the end of his control, but he made no demands of her.

  Aching with the need to have him fill her, Reyna considered mounting him and being done with it. However, she wasn’t quite ready to give up the reins. Once he was inside of her, Reyna doubted Tariq would continue to be so submissive. Having him beneath her like this, bound for her pleasure, was healing. Right now she called the shots. It was within her power to dispense or withhold the caresses he craved. The knowledge was liberating.

  She explored him from head-to-toe, being sure to stop occasionally to partake in more of those mind-blowing kisses while she was at it. When she couldn’t take it anymore, when it felt like her skin was turned inside out, Reyna held Tariq by the root of his shaft and slowly sank down on him.

  The sound he made was guttural. Reyna was too caught up in her body’s response to really pay attention. Planting her hands on his chest, she gave into the need and rode. Slowly at first, gradually increasing the depth and speed with which she took him. Tariq lifted his knees, braced his feet on the mattress, and matched her thrust for thrust.

  Reyna came with a scream, back arched, claws digging into his chest.

  Tariq roared. The belt disintegrated, pieces of leather flying everywhere. He grabbed her by the hips and rolled them so he was on top. Scooping his hands under her shoulders, he held her in place as he powered into her. Reyna lifted her legs high around his waist, buried her hands in his hair, and held on. He took her savagely, thrilling both sides of her nature. When Tariq buried his fangs in her left breast and began to feed, Reyna climaxed so hard she saw stars.

  She roused to find herself cradled on Tariq’s lap. He held her mouth pressed to his throat. “Feed, love. I got carried away,” he said, sounding anxious.

  She licked his neck, enjoying the salty taste of his sweat before sinking her fangs deep. His blood was so powerful it didn’t take much to replenish the fluids she’d lost.

  Closing his eyes, he rested his forehead on her
s and stroked her hair. “I have to be more careful with you. I forgot you’re only half-Vampalien.”

  Affront that he thought her weak battled with amusement at his concern. Her sense of humor won. “Tariq, I’m fine. It wasn’t the blood loss that put me under. It was the orgasm.”

  Tariq raised his head to look down at her. “What?” he asked, clearly uncomprehending.

  Reyna smiled gently, knowing she must have given him quite a scare. “I climaxed so hard I passed out. I swear I saw stars.”

  He searched her face, ensuring she spoke the truth. She nodded encouragingly. Tariq shuddered violently and caught her up in a fierce hug. “You were lying there so still. I thought I’d gone into a blood lust and lost control while feeding. Don’t do that again.”

  “Come?” she asked innocently, marveling how comfortable she felt with him. Reyna had never bantered with anyone in this manner, except maybe the women at work. Even then she had to keep a certain distance. They thought she was an employee like them. They’d be shocked and hurt to discover she was actually their boss.

  “Pass out,” he said sternly, but the corner of his mouth quirked.

  “I believe that’s up to you. I never had this little problem before you came along,” she reminded him.

  Manly pride warred with lingering fear in Tariq’s emotions. Ego won. “Hmm, I’ll see what I can do about it.”

  Right then Reyna’s stomach rumbled and she flushed with embarrassment. “I don’t suppose there’s any food here? Blood’s fine but I still need meat.”

  “I’ll call down and have Chef prepare us something. Any preferences?” he asked, setting her to the side. Tariq rose, went to the dresser, pulled out a pair of worn blue jeans, and slid them on.

  Still amazed at the idea he had his own personal chef, it took her a moment to gather her wits enough to respond. “Steak.”

  It wasn’t that her pride couldn’t afford to hire a cook. The company had made her and Jorlan quite wealthy. They simply hadn’t seen the need. Of course, her small pride consisted of about twenty living in the den, each with their own lair. Everyone fended for themselves.


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