Troubled Hearts

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Troubled Hearts Page 5

by Jolie Cain

  “All right. But I’ll be over at eight o’clock in the morning to pick you up. We’ll go out for breakfast and then I’ll bring you back over here to my place. We’ll spend the day together, just catching up. Nothing too strenuous. I’ll fill you in on all the wedding details. Jack’ll be glad of an excuse to go out with Beau on his boat. Every time I start talking about the wedding, his eyes kind of glaze over. Anyway, he and Beau will enjoy having some ‘man time.’ They’re really tight. You know they were friends in college, right?”

  Katherine was a little startled by the mention of Beau’s name and couldn’t help the way her heartbeat sped up just at the knowledge Beau was near and she would be seeing him in the not-so-distant future. “No, I didn’t know. Look, you can tell me all about it tomorrow. I’ll see you then.”

  “Oh. All right then.” Abby sounded a little surprised by the abrupt end to their conversation. “Where are you staying?”

  As soon as Katherine had given Abby the information on the motel where she was staying, she hung up.

  Okay. She was going to have to be able to handle herself better than that. If she was that shaken up just at the mention of Beau’s name, what was she going to be like when she actually saw him in person? This was completely ridiculous. Good grief, it was twelve years ago, after all. And here she was, feeling like a teenager about to go on her first date at just the thought of being in the same room again with Beau.

  And she definitely didn’t want Abby to suspect there was anything going on. That was something she absolutely did not need. So, she would treat Beau like Abby treated him. Like a brother. Affectionate, but nothing more. She was a grown woman. She was confident. She was mature. Right, she was also an idiot. Hell, Beau probably had a woman-friend, anyway, although Abby hadn’t mentioned anyone special. But knowing Beau, he wouldn’t go very long without female companionship. She was going to have to put on a good show when they met. He mustn’t suspect that she still had feelings for him after all this time. No. He could never know that, deep down, she was terribly afraid she was in love with him and had been for a very, very long time.

  That night her dreams were filled with Beau.

  He came to her from out of the darkness, walking to her down a long hallway with a pale moon shining down on him through the tall bank of windows. The light glinted off his hair, catching the streaks of blonde the kiss of the sun had given him. His white shirt was unbuttoned and fluttered open with each step, revealing his warm, brown chest to her avid gaze. He walked through the gloom, his face shadowed and mysterious, but she knew it was him. She stood waiting for him, certain he would not stop until he reached her side. A long skirt trailed around her legs, gypsy-like above her bare feet. Her hair was long and loose down her back, draping over the peasant-style blouse that hung off her shoulders.

  When he drew abreast of her, he paused. At last she could clearly see his features, the hardened jaw line and soulful brown eyes, which could look at her so tenderly, but which now blazed with white-hot need. He waited for her to come to him, to close the distance, and by doing so, admit her own desire. Without hesitation, Kat stepped forward the last few feet and stood inches from his still body. He leaned close, not quite touching her, and drew her scent into his nostrils with a deep breath.

  His hands came up to draw the hem of her shirt up and over her head, tossing it aside. Cupping her aching breasts in his hand, he plucked the nipples and drew a low groan of arousal from her. Then he pushed her down onto the soft carpeting until she lay reclining before him. Smiling wickedly, he knelt between her spread legs, pushing them further apart and inching the skirt up higher and higher until it was bunched around her waist. After hooking his fingers around the waistband of her black lace panties, he drew them slowly down her legs until she lay bare before him.

  “Touch yourself for me,” he commanded.

  Her hands moved to touch her breasts, teasing until the peaks stood erect. She continued to tug lightly with her left hand while her right caressed down her body to stroke between her legs. Wet with desire, her pussy ached for release. As her fingers parted the lips of her cunt, Beau’s eyes gleamed in the darkness at the erotic picture before him. Circling around her clit, her movements became faster and firmer. Finally giving in to her own dark desires, she brushed against the throbbing center of her desire. Again and again she rubbed the knot of tissues, gasping as she felt her orgasm near. Wide open, her eyes found Beau’s as she stroked herself to climax.

  With a jerk, Katherine came awake, her heartbeat thundering in her chest and her hand in her panties. Jeez Louise, she had masturbated herself to orgasm in her sleep. That was a first. She looked over at the clock and realized that it was already seven o’clock in the morning. What a way to start the day.

  Chapter Four

  When the knock sounded an hour later, she crossed the room and looked through the peephole before swiftly releasing the dead bolt and pulling the door open. Abby stood before her, a huge grin on her face.

  “God, I’m so glad you’re here,” she squealed and then flung her arms around Katherine’s neck.

  Katherine just laughed and hugged her exuberant younger sister back, tears unexpectedly filling her eyes at the feeling of love and joy she felt rolling off of Abby. Over her shoulder she saw a gorgeous man looking on indulgently, his black hair tousled attractively and his beautiful blue eyes filled with tender possession as they rested on her sister. His mouth crooked up in a grin as he noticed her watching him.

  “Ah, Abby, there’s a strange man standing behind you,” Katherine whispered in her sister’s ear. “And he’s really hot. What do you think we should do?”

  Abby laughed and pulled back, reaching out to drag the stranger closer. “Katherine, I’d like you to meet Jack, my fiancé. Jack, my sister Katherine.”

  Jack stepped forward to hug Katherine. “It’s very nice to meet you, Katherine. Abby’s told me a lot about you.”

  Katherine smiled at Jack when he released her. He was gorgeous, and the last of Katherine’s worries dissipated as she observed the loving gaze as he stared at her sister. “I’m very glad to meet you, too, Jack.”

  “Okay. Enough of that. Grab your purse and come with us. We’re taking you out to eat.” Abby’s eager smile warmed Katherine, and she did as she had been ordered.

  Thirty minutes later they were sitting in a restaurant overlooking the bay and enjoying a delicious breakfast. Abby bubbled over with excitement as Jack looked on indulgently. “And you’ll just die when you see my dress. It’s gorgeous. I’ve been to every shop for miles around looking for the perfect dress, and I finally found it in this little boutique in Robertsdale.”

  “It sounds perfect.”

  “And the florist is doing this cute little thing for the guys. You know, they’re wearing Hawaiian print shirts, so we didn’t want anything very formal. So she’s making leis, instead. I mean, I know we’re not in Hawaii, but I think it’ll be cool. Don’t you? I think we’re going to give them out as favors, too. And people can say, ‘Hey, I got leied at Jack and Abby’s wedding.’ Cute, huh?”

  Katherine’s eyes met Jack’s, who was beginning to get a zoned-out expression on his face. She laughed and Abby asked, “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing, Abby. Jack just looks like he’s heard it all before. I think we’re boring him a bit with all of this wedding talk.”

  Jack grimaced, but struggled gamely to grin when Abby turned her gaze toward him. “No, no. I love hearing all the details—over and over and over.”

  Abby gave him an evil stare before bursting out laughing. “Okay, I admit it. I’m out of control. We can talk about something else now, and then later, I’ll bore Katherine with all the wedding details. You know, we have to get your dress altered. It’s light green because my colors are light green and pale yellow. The other bridesmaids are wearing yellow. You’ll look great in light green—it’s really called sea foam green. With your hair and eyes…” She stopped as Jack began coughing. “Okay, oka
y. I’m sorry. I’m rambling again. So now, Katherine, tell me what’s been happening with you?”

  As Katherine found herself the focus of two interested pairs of eyes, she grinned weakly. “Well, there’s not much to say. My life isn’t really all that exciting.”

  “Are you seeing anyone?” Abby wasn’t shy about asking personal questions.

  Katherine smiled. “Nope. No one. I was, but … well, it didn’t really work out. These days I’m a swinging bachelorette.”

  “Does anyone still say bachelorette?” Abby asked. “It conjures up images of some fast talking, chain-smoking floozy with a drink in one hand and a vibrator in the other.” She shuddered.

  Katherine laughed. “Good Lord, Abby. Leave it to that writer’s imagination of yours.”

  “Well, there’ll be lots of gorgeous single men at the party Saturday night. Maybe you’ll meet someone there.”

  Jack rolled his eyes. “Abby, honey, you’re doing it again.”

  “Doing what?” Abby looked puzzled.

  “You’re giving in to the old ‘I’m getting married-I want everyone married’ curse. I’m sure that if Katherine wants a man in her life, all she has to do is crook a finger.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence.” Katherine responded with a chuckle. “Jack’s right, Abby. I’m just not really looking for anyone right now.”

  Abby flushed a dull red. “I didn’t mean that you couldn’t—that is … oh, hell. I just want everyone to be as happy as I am.”

  Jack picked up her hand to caress the spot above his ring. “That’s the best compliment I’ve ever gotten, babe.” He bent down to brush a brief kiss over her lips. “But let’s not become obnoxious about it.”

  “So what party are you talking about?” Katherine asked.

  “It’s sort of a combination engagement party and wedding shower. Since we’re doing everything in such a short period, we don’t have time for a real engagement party. Actually, it’s just an excuse for everyone to get together for a little bit of fun. Beau arranged it. We’re having it at his house.”

  “Beau?” Again, Katherine was shaken at her reaction just to the name.

  “Yes, wasn’t that sweet of him? He wanted to do it. You know, he was responsible for Jack and me meeting in the first place.”

  “Yes, you told me.” She glanced up and noticed that Jack was studying her rather closely. A bit too closely. Like he knew something he shouldn’t. Surely, Beau wouldn’t have told him… No. She looked at him suspiciously, and he looked away as if he had something to hide. Dammit. He knew! Beau, that rat.

  “He’s looking forward to seeing you again, Katherine.” Abby commented. “He asked about you the other day.”

  “Speaking of the devil…” Jack nodded toward the other side of the room, and Katherine’s eyes were drawn like a magnet to the man standing in the doorway.

  Beau looked up just then and his eyes met hers. It seemed as if the moment froze in time. Twelve years melted away, and she felt as if she were twenty-three again and enthralled with this gorgeous young man. At last she tore her gaze away, and he began strolling in their direction. As he walked, it became immediately obvious that this was no young eighteen-year-old. Every move of his body revealed the fact that he was now a mature adult male who knew who he was and what he wanted out of life. He had always had an air of self-confidence, even as a teenager, but now there was a sharper edge to it. She couldn’t resist examining the changes the intervening years had left on him. He was taller and broader, his body well muscled and sleek in worn jeans and a dark blue t-shirt. He still had the dark tan she remembered, but his hair was a lot shorter, cut so that it lay firmly against his head, though it still had the sun streaks, testament to his job as a commercial diver and hours spent in the sun. His face had matured as well, his jaw line more rigid and small crow’s feet creased his temples.

  His eyes never left her as he came closer and closer to where they sat. Then he was there and Abby jumped up to hug his neck. “Beau, what are you doing here? I didn’t think we’d see you until Saturday night.”

  He returned her hug, and Jack stood to shake his hand. “Hey, buddy.”

  Then he turned to Katherine. “Well, well, well. Katherine Montgomery has returned to Gulf Shores at last. I guess hell finally froze over. Do I get a welcome home kiss?” He leaned down to kiss her and, at the last minute, she turned her face so that his lips brushed her cheek instead of her mouth. As he pulled back, his eyes met hers with a knowing gleam.

  “Hello, Beau. It’s good to see you again.” She flushed at his close perusal, the flicker of interest in his brown eyes.

  “Sit down and join us, Beau.” Abby gestured toward the empty chair next to Katherine.

  “Thanks, sweetheart, but I really can’t. Actually, I’m here to get Jack.”

  “Jack?” Abby looked at her fiancé questioningly. “What’s he talking about?”

  “Nothing, really. I just called earlier and asked Beau to pick me up after we’d eaten so that you girls could have the SUV. Beau and I are going to go out on his boat and do some fishing today. I knew that you’d want to spend some time together doing some shopping for the wedding. You know, girl stuff.”

  Abby smiled. “You think you’re so smart, don’t you?”

  “Hell, yes. I asked you to marry me, didn’t I?” He grinned down into her face before bending to drop a short but possessive kiss onto her lips. Then he looked over at Katherine. “It’s been great to meet you, Katherine. We’ll just leave you ladies to get to it. Come on, Beau.”

  Beau added. “Yes. I’ll talk to you later, Katherine. We have a lot of catching up to do. In fact, why don’t you have dinner with me tomorrow night? As the best man and the maid of honor, I’m sure that we should get together and discuss some wedding details ourselves.”

  Beau eyes studied her closely as she squirmed beneath his gaze, and she knew that there was no way out of the invitation with Jack and Abby looking on.

  “That … that’s really not necessary, Beau. I’m sure you’ve got lots of other things to do…”

  “Nonsense. Nothing could be more important than Jack and Abby’s wedding. I know that you want to help me make their wedding day as special as possible. I have an idea that I’d like to get your opinion on.”

  “Idea about what, Beau?” asked Abby.

  “No way, sweetheart. It’s a surprise.” Then he turned back to Katherine. “So, would seven o’clock be all right?”

  Katherine felt trapped, but couldn’t think of any way out of it. “Sure. Seven is fine.”

  He nodded and smiled. After a few more minutes of arranging the details of their dinner date, Beau and Jack left, and Abby leaned toward Katherine as they watched them walk out of the restaurant. “Now there go two fine specimens of masculinity, if I do say so myself.”

  Katherine mumbled her agreement, at the same time noticing the feminine attention the two men attracted as they exited the room. Her eyes stayed glued to Beau’s back until he disappeared from view, then she returned her attention to Abby and wedding details.


  As Beau unlocked the door to his truck and got in, he had a feeling of satisfaction in his gut. When Jack was seated beside him, he cranked the truck and drove off down the street toward the pier where he had his boat docked. Jack looked over at him with a knowing look on his face.

  “Dinner tomorrow, huh? You sure don’t waste time. I mean, hell, man, she hasn’t even been in town twenty-four hours yet.”

  “I don’t have a whole lot of time. I figured the sooner the better. After all, she’s only here for a couple of weeks, right? That’s not a hell of a lot of time to figure out whether or not she still has any feelings for me.”

  “That’s true. But you don’t want to scare her off, either.”

  “Did she look scared to you?”

  “No, but she did look damn confused, and maybe a little reluctant.”

  Beau shrugged his shoulders. “I can’t help that. I believe tha
t if I give her too long to think, she’ll shoot me down before I can even spend any time with her. I’ve got a plan, but she’s not going to agree to any of it if I can’t get some time alone with her.”

  “I sure as hell hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “Me, too, ol’ buddy. Me, too.”

  * * * *

  Abby and Katherine spent the rest of the day catching up and talking about the wedding details. Katherine had oohed and aahed over Abby’s dress. It was an off-the-shoulder flirty dress in off-white. When Abby put it on, Katherine felt tears come to her eyes at the lovely picture her sister made. Her long, red-gold hair fell in waves down her back and her green eyes twinkled with happiness.

  “It’s beautiful, Abby. Just perfect.” The dress clung lovingly to her sister’s curves before flaring out to fall around her ankles. On her feet she wore simple flip-flop sandals of tan studded with rhinestones. After they had packed everything back up, they went to the kitchen where Abby poured them both a glass of wine. Then they sat down on the comfortable living room sofa to relax.

  “So, Sis, let’s talk about you and Beau.”

  Katherine stiffened and then took a breath. “What about me and Beau?” Even to her own ears, her voice sounded sharp and suspicious. What had Jack told her?

  Abby’s eyes focused on her sister’s blushing face. Almost hesitantly, she asked, “You’re going out to eat tomorrow, right? I was just wondering what the big surprise is that he’s planning.”

  “Oh … that.”

  “Katherine? What’s the matter?” Suspicion filled her voice and her eyes narrowed as she stared as Katherine’s face reddened.

  Uh, oh. Katherine knew her sister. She was like a dog with a bone when she suspected that something was going on. And she wouldn’t let up until she got to the truth.

  “I don’t know what you…”

  Abby interrupted. “Don’t you dare try to bullshit me, Katherine. Is something the matter between you and Beau?”


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