Troubled Hearts

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Troubled Hearts Page 9

by Jolie Cain


  Following closely behind Katherine, Beau could not stop himself from admiring the gentle swing of her hips as she moved forward to greet Jack and Abby. Fuck, it had been all he could do not to bend her over his dresser and pound his straining cock into her until they had both collapsed from exhaustion. His mouth suddenly dry, he swallowed and then inwardly laughed at himself. His teasing game with Kat had backfired on him, ratcheting his desire up another notch. How in the hell was he going to make it through this party? He had a feeling that he would be fighting his arousal all night long. When it came to Katherine, his cock, it seemed, had a mind of its own.

  He moved next to her as she greeted her sister and Jack, curving his arm around her waist and intercepting a perceptive look from Abby. Her eyes widened and, for a moment, he worried that she might object to his making a move on her precious sister, but then a huge grin broke out on her face and she nodded in approval. Obviously, Abby was on his side in this battle to win Katherine. Good. He could use all the help he could get. For Beau knew that he didn’t just want his sweet Kat for a few nights of pleasure. He wanted her forever.

  * * * *

  The party was in full swing. Guests stood in groups chatting and enjoying the hors d’oeuvres and drinks that were being offered by the catering staff, who circulated unobtrusively through the room. Katherine stood next to Beau, smoothly assuming the role of hostess. It wasn’t as difficult as she had feared it would be, mingling once again with people who had known her when she was Mrs. Raymond Dalton. The only awkward moment came when a beautiful blonde tried to insinuate herself between Katherine and Beau.

  “Rachel. I didn’t realize that you were on the guest list.” His obvious surprise was quickly covered by a welcoming smile as he bent to kiss her cheek and then drew Katherine more closely against his side, making it obvious that he considered them a couple.

  “Oh, I came with Ray Moran. I didn’t think you’d mind, darling.” She pouted up at Beau.

  “I don’t believe you’ve met Katherine Montgomery, Abby’s sister.” Beau introduced them, breaking a somewhat uncomfortable silence. “Katherine, this is Rachel Robinson, a—ah—an old friend of mine.”

  Katherine’s eyes narrowed on Beau’s as she recognized that he and Rachel were more than merely friends. He gazed back at her with raised brows, as if asking what she planned to do about it. But she knew better. She certainly didn’t expect him to have lived a life of celibacy. She smiled at Rachel. “It’s very nice to meet you. Any friend of Beau’s is a friend of mine.”

  When Katherine held out her hand, Rachel clasped it in both of hers and gently rubbed her fingers across Katherine’s wrist. Rachel looked Katherine over carefully before allowing a smile of her own to curve her lips upward. “Lovely. I hope we get to know each other a lot better.” Katherine felt a brief jolt of surprise as she realized that Rachel was actually flirting with her. Rachel’s eyes returned to Beau. “Perhaps the three of us could get together sometime, Beau. You have my number.”

  After Rachel had strolled off, Katherine turned to Beau with raised eyebrows. “The … three of us…?” she murmured softly, trying not to act shocked.

  He just grinned. “Well, I know it was on your list…”

  Katherine felt a blush rise to her cheeks as she realized what he was talking about. She had written that she might like to experience sex with another woman. Could Beau possibly already be planning something? His hand brushed across her hip and slid down, skimming over the spot where he knew the plug lay, and she knew that indeed he could.

  Just then Abby and Jack walked up. Abby was just brimming with happiness. “Beau, this party is absolutely perfect. I can’t believe that everyone came all this way. Clay’s here and so is Tara. You are the best, best friend ever.” She reached out to hug Beau and give him a smacking kiss straight on the lips.

  He smiled back at her after returning the hug. “It’s good to see you this happy, sweetheart. And I guess if anybody deserves you, it would be this bozo.” He jerked a finger toward Jack, who just smirked at his buddy.

  “Hey, Beau. Was I right? Did you send Katherine the bracelet? I told her it was probably you.” Abby asked.

  His eyes sharpened and speared into Katherine’s. “Bracelet? What are you talking about, Abby?”

  Obviously realizing she had probably said something she shouldn’t have, Abby bit her lip and looked guiltily over at Katherine. “Oh, I, er … well…”

  Katherine decided to rescue her blabbermouth of a sister. “I just got a bracelet as a gift, and there was no card. I thought maybe Abby had sent it, but she said it wasn’t her. She suggested it might have been you. Obviously, it wasn’t. I still don’t know who sent it.”

  Tightening his grip on her waist, he growled. “When did you get this gift?”

  Abby laid a placating hand on his chest. “Can we talk about this later, Beau? Really, it’s nothing.” Her eyes stared pleadingly into his.

  She saw him take a deep breath before he gave in to her request, but his eyes promised her that they weren’t finished with this conversation. “Sure. So, guys, have you decided yet what you’re going to do for your honeymoon?”

  Thankfully, Abby was full of their plans to cruise around the Bahamas for a month, and Katherine breathed a sigh of relief that the subject had changed. While she wanted to tell Beau all about what had been happening, she didn’t want to do it here in front of her sister and Jack. They had already been through so much when Jack’s former fiancé had tried to kill Abby. Nothing was going to disrupt the wedding, on that Katherine was determined.

  A short time later, Beau pulled her aside. “So, kitten. Tell me about this bracelet.” His body moved in front of hers, blocking her from the view of the rest of the guests.

  Squirming uncomfortably, she told him, “Look, Beau. I promise to tell you all about it later. This just isn’t a good time.” She looked up at him and could tell from the expression on his face that he was going to press her on this. “Really. We’ll talk about it later.” She skirted around him and slipped away, heading to a small cluster of people who were planning to change into swimsuits and hit the pool.

  She glanced back over her shoulder when she felt his eyes boring into her back. He did not look happy. Biting her lip, she turned to the group of guests, knowing that she was only postponing the inevitable.


  Beau was pissed, although he made a real attempt to conceal that fact. Was she trying to hide something from him? Could there be someone else? Another man who was sending her gifts? Fuck, he hated not knowing what was going on. Well, it was obviously time for Kat to learn once and for all that he was the only man for her, the only one who had any right to send her gifts. The only one who had any right to her bed. Yes, this night was going to be an eye opener for his kitten—in more ways than one.

  He was startled from his musings by a voice to his left, and he turned to see Clay, a private investigator friend of Jack’s. He had played a major role in saving Abby from the woman who wanted her dead, and for that reason alone, Beau would always be eternally grateful to him. “You look like you could use a drink, Beau.” Clay held out a bottle of Beau’s favorite beer. He took it with a wry grin, turning it up and taking a deep swallow.

  “Thanks. I needed that.”

  Clay’s perceptive gaze met his own. “Woman trouble?”

  He laughed, shaking his head. “How’d you guess?”

  “That’s the only thing I’ve ever known to put just that look in a man’s eyes. Plus, I’ve seen how you’ve been hovering over that long-legged redhead all night. Not quite your usual style, if you know what I mean.” His appreciative gaze roved over to where Katherine was speaking to some other guests. “Of course, I can certainly see why she’s got you so wound up. Not your typical fresh-faced bimbo, but she’s definitely got something.”

  “Keep your eyes in your damn head, Gentry. She’s taken.” Beau absolutely did not need Clay to turn his interest towards Katherine. N
ot that he was really worried about the competition. Katherine was his—at least for now. But many women had found Clay’s shoulder-length blonde hair, muscular physique, and cocky attitude irresistible. Beau just saw no sense in putting any temptation in Katherine’s way. Not until he was more certain of where he stood with her.

  “Yes, but does she know that?” A gleam of humor lit Clay’s green eyes. “I mean, she might have her own opinion. And I certainly wouldn’t mind finding out if that skin is as soft as it looks.”

  Beau’s hands clenched, and it was all he could do not to plow it into the bastard’s nose. “Back off, and I mean it. Hell, she’s Abby’s sister. If nothing else stops you, that should.”

  Clay’s surprise was obvious. “Abby’s sister? That’s Katherine?” He shook his head, allowing his eyes to explore the slender curves outlined in the delicate fabric of her dress. “Somehow, she’s just not what I was expecting. From what Abby has said about her, I always pictured her as a lot older and a helluva lot more buttoned up, if you know what I mean. Yes, indeed. Not at all what I was expecting. No siree. She doesn’t look at all uptight. In fact, she looks like she would be very good at stroking a man’s … ego. Maybe I should go and introduce myself.”

  Beau’s mouth tightened. “Fuck you, Clay. If you say one more word, I’m going to have to punch you. And that would just piss Jack off and ruin Abby’s party. So just shut the hell up. And stay away from Katherine if you know what’s good for you.” Beau swallowed the last of his beer and stalked off, ignoring Clay’s knowing chuckle behind him.

  Although Beau didn’t know for sure, he suspected that when Clay had gone to help out Jack and Abby more went on between the three of them than just capturing a potential murderer. There was just something about the way the three of them looked at each other. And God knows none of them, himself included, had ever drawn many lines sexually. He had, in fact, shared women before—with Jack even. So he wasn’t shocked at the idea, at all. He just wanted Clay to stay the hell away from Katherine. At least until she knew that she was his.

  Chapter Eight

  He walked to the bar that was set up at the other end of the room to give himself time to calm himself down. Damn, Clay! He’d done this on purpose—pissed him off just because he thought it was funny. Asshole. He had just ordered another beer when he felt a hand slide around his waist and dipped down to wickedly caress his ass. Turning to the side, he saw Rachel perching herself on the stool next to his. “Hello, again, lover.”

  He picked up his drink and toasted her before taking a deep swallow. If he kept this up, he’d be too drunk to do all the things he wanted to do to Katherine later. “Rachel, how are things?”

  “Oh, you know,” she said as she smiled up at him. “Same old, same old. Can’t really complain. How about you?” Her hand, which had been resting on his waist, began to smooth up his back in a caressing motion.

  “Well, I guess you could say I’m as well as can be expected under the circumstances.” A self-deprecating smile curled his lips.

  “Poor baby.” The soothing movements of her hand became firmer. “Why don’t you and I go somewhere private? I bet I could make you feel a whole lot better.”

  Beau tilted his head to the side as if considering her offer. He shook his head. “Tempting as that sounds, darlin’, I’m afraid that I’m not available for any fun and games anymore. At least, not without my lady along for the ride.”

  “Well, well, well. Now that is a shame. I suppose Katherine is the lucky lady?”

  “Yes. But I’m the lucky one.”

  “Oh, I bet she would disagree with that statement.”

  He just grinned. “Maybe.” He had always liked Rachel. The two of them had spent a lot of time together, in bed and out. Like him, she had never wanted more than some energetic fucking and what she liked to call “fun and games.” They had always known what to expect from each other so that there were never any hard feelings when things didn’t progress into a relationship of more substance. That had been the only type of woman Beau had been interested in before. Except for Katherine. Yes, she had always been the exception.

  Rachel’s voice interrupted his thoughts. “All right, Beau. Good luck, then, with Katherine. She’s beautiful. And really, if you decide you want to play a bit, I mean the both of you, of course, give me a call. I’d love to get together for—well, whatever.”

  “Thanks, Rachel. Actually, I might just do that. But I’ll have to check with her first. She’s—umm—indicated that she might be interested in something like that. Let me talk to her about it, and I’ll give you a call. How’s that?”

  She smiled and leaned up to press a soft kiss against his lips. “Sounds yummy. Well, I guess I’ll go mingle. See you around.”

  Rachel slid from the stool and walked away, and Beau looked around for Katherine. Unfortunately, it didn’t take him long to spot her. She was standing across the room with Abby, Jack, and Clay. Her head was thrown back, and she was smiling up into Clay’s annoyingly handsome face. Barely holding in a growl, he watched as Clay asked her something. She nodded, and the two walked over to a section of the large room where a makeshift dance floor had been set up. Several couples were swaying to a slow Jimmy Buffet song, and Clay reached out to close his arms around her waist and pull her against him. Her arms reached up to loosely clasp around his neck, and soon they were lost in the crowd of dancers.

  “Why, that lousy sonofabitch.” He moved around the room, trying unsuccessfully to catch a glimpse of the couple. Finally giving up, he crossed over to where Jack and Abby now stood alone.

  “What the hell were you thinking letting Katherine dance with that moron?” His belligerent tone obviously surprised Abby, who blinked up into his angry face.

  “Excuse me? What did you say?”

  “You heard me. That jerk is nothing but a hound dog on the scent of a new bitch. I already told him once to keep his grubby paws off of Katherine, but obviously he didn’t listen.”

  “Well, actually, I’m the one who suggested that they dance.” Abby told him, hiding a smile at the stunned look on his face.

  “Why in the hell did you want to do that?”

  Jack broke in to the conversation. “You know, Beau, you might want to ease up a little there. You’re starting to sound a mite jealous.”

  “Jealous? Hell yes, I’m jealous. That’s my woman.”

  Abby burst out laughing, and Jack’s face creased into a wide grin. Beau laughed sheepishly. “Fuck, I sound like an idiot, don’t I?”

  Jack nodded his head in agreement. “Welllll … yes.”

  At that moment, Clay and Katherine rejoined the group, having finished their dance. As soon as they stopped next to Beau, Clay reached up to brush a strand of Katherine’s hair off her face where it had caught in her lipstick.

  That was it for Jack. “Come with me, Kat. I need to talk to you. Excuse us, please, everyone.”

  His hand came out to capture hers, and he pulled her with him towards the doors that led to the deck. After one startled glance at him, she followed obediently. They exited and paused for a moment just outside the door. Immediately to their left, a group had taken advantage of the warm summer night and splashed in the cool waters of his pool. Instead of moving over to mingle with the laughing guests, however, Beau had something different in mind. Tugging on Katherine’s hand, he quickly led her in the opposite direction, deeper and deeper into the darkness and away from the crowd.

  “What’s going on? Where are you taking me?” she asked breathlessly, having to rush to keep up with his fast pace and long-legged stride. “Beau, what’s the matter?” He ignored her, continuing to pull her after him until they turned a corner and Beau halted, twisting Katherine around until she stood with her back against the side of the house.

  Before she could even catch her breath, his mouth drove down on hers, parting her lips and claiming the warm depths with his tongue. He ate at her mouth, giving her no time to gather any defenses against him. His hands came
up to capture her head in a strong grip, allowing her no room to avoid his plundering demand.

  He drew back and looked down at her, the glow from the moon the only light. Her parted lips were swollen and moist from his claiming, and her eyes were dark and dilated with excitement. Yes, she loved it when he got rough. God, he couldn’t take any more. He had to have some relief. His hands went to the zipper on his pants, urgently unfastening them and pulling out his straining erection. Then his hands grasped her shoulders, pushing her to her knees.

  “Suck me.” His gruff command echoed softly in the night. “Take me in that sweet mouth and suck me, kitten. God, you don’t know how much I need it.” With wide eyes, Katherine reached out to grasp his hardness in her hand, before bending her head to follow his order. At the first stroke of her tongue, a moan was torn from his throat. “God, yes, baby. Lick it. Just like a lollipop.” She tasted the bead of pre-cum that glistened on the head of his penis, before circling her tongue around and around the engorged head, finding the spot directly under the head that caused him to groan whenever her tongue stroked over it. Finally, she moistened her lips before taking him into her mouth, sucking hungrily on the swollen tip. He bucked against her impatiently, and she sucked him further in, just skimming across the tender skin with the edges of her teeth. Drawing him further and further in, she widened her mouth to accommodate his girth, and he pushed harder, bracing her head against the wall as he forced more and more of his cock into her mouth. “You can take it, baby. You can take it all. That’s it, sweetheart. Just breathe. Breathe through your nose. Yes.” He slid deeper and deeper in until he felt her gag reflex start to kick in. “No, don’t do that. Control it. You can do it babe. Swallow me. Swallow me all the way down that sweet throat of yours.”

  He watched her struggle to accept more and more of him, fighting the instinct to withdraw, to push him away. God, she was so gorgeous, so obedient. Finally her nose was brushing against his pubic hair, and his cock was all the way down her throat. He could feel her quivering with the need to pull back, but he held her there with his hand entangled in her hair for a long moment. “Good girl, kitten, my sweet little kitty-kat. Good girl.” He cooed the words to her as she gazed up at him, eyes tearing with the need to back off, and he stroked his hand down to her neck where his cock was lodged. “I’m gonna fuck your face now, baby. Stay with me.” He pulled slowly out of her throat before thrusting in again, not quite as far this time, realizing that she had probably taken all she could of his rough handling. He set a slow and steady pace, grabbing onto his control with all he had, not wanting to hurt her. God, had any woman felt so good before? No. No one could match his kitten. He began speeding up his thrusts, aching with need for this release. Moments later his cum spurted into her mouth and down her throat, and she sucked and sucked until she had emptied him of every drop.


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