Corbin's Bend Homecoming

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Corbin's Bend Homecoming Page 43

by Ruth Staunton

  She could hear Carlton rummaging through the bags that were scattered around the room, taking stock of her purchases as he went.

  “Perfect!” she heard him exclaim, and winced as she remembered her shopping spree in the kitchen store, where her purchases included a paddleboard, and several bamboo spoons.

  There was more rummaging, and more exclaiming, and she stopped listening, not even wanting to think about the possibilities of what he had found. There had been a Spencer’s in the mall, and to her surprise Spencer’s was selling sex toys now. If Carlton discovered her purchases to that end, he gave no indication.

  Finally, he stopped. “Cecily, you may come out of the corner now.”

  The simple action proved to be pure torture. Whether it was the fear of the unknown, the unfamiliar surroundings or the fact that she was butt naked, the simple trip across the room was ten times as excruciating as it had been in the past.

  When she realized Carlton wasn’t sitting on the bed, as he normally did, but was instead standing beside it, holding the thickest and largest spoon from her collection, her heart skipped a beat.

  She reached him, and he bent down and kissed her softly on the forehead. “I love you, my naughty little minx. Remember that tonight.”

  She nodded wordlessly, even as her heart sunk down to the tips of her toes. This was going to be a doozy of a spanking. She could feel it in her bones.

  One might have wondered, Carlton mused, why he had skipped over the main events of the day that had brought them to this point, and concentrated on something entirely and altogether different. But he knew what he was doing, and he knew his wife. When she was this angry, and this emotionally shut down, trying to talk to her was in fact like trying to talk to a brick wall. There was no way to get through to her. At least there hadn’t been until domestic discipline. It didn’t matter how angry she was, or how much she protested. After a spanking, Cece was a brand new person.

  He had taken one look at her, and known that it didn’t matter what he said, or how kind or fair he was, or how many good points he made, she would not hear it. Carlton would fully admit to being relieved when he saw the plethora of shopping bags and knew for a fact he had a reason to spank her.

  He was nervous, of course, he had never been more so, having never had to execute a spanking with so much on the line. Carlton wanted to stay in Corbin’s Bend, and he wanted to live this way. If Cecily didn’t, he would respect that, but he would make damn sure she was in a better frame of mind before engaging her in discussion over it.

  Piling the pillows in the middle of the bed, he stacked them high as she watched. “Get up over them. I want your pretty little bottom high up in the air.”

  Cecily looked nervous as she obeyed, stretching out across them, with her head resting on her hands and her bottom jutted out on display.

  He sat on the bed beside her. Her skin was milky white, but it would not stay that way. This might be the last real spanking he ever gave, and he intended to make it count.

  “Cecily, you’re getting a spanking because you disobeyed me and disregarded the spending limit I had put in place. I think $200 was more than generous considering we are doing homemade gifts this year, don’t you?”

  She gave no response, but he hadn’t expected one. The homemade gift thing was a whole different point of contention with her.

  “Tomorrow, before we go back home, we’re going to return most of this stuff, because we don’t need it, and then you are going to hand over your credit cards just like I promised this morning.” He was quick to add that detail, because regardless if they chose to continue this or not, that punishment would stick.

  “If you use things, we can’t return them,” Cecily huffed.

  “I realize that, dear. That’s why I said we would return most of the stuff. We are keeping the stuff from the kitchen store, and the stuff from Spencer’s.”

  She gasped softly, and he bit his lip to keep from snickering. He hadn’t been able to believe his luck when he discovered those items, and he had every intention of putting them to good use as soon as possible.

  “I appreciated your forethought in providing me with the necessary items to carry out your punishment here at the hotel. I thought I was going to have to improvise. In fact, I intend to make use of several things right now,” he informed her, reaching down to grab the bag that was resting at his feet. She had spent several hundred dollars at that store alone, and among her many purchases he had found a set of butt plugs in several sizes, lube, and several different restraint options. He chose the handcuffs, because they seemed the simplest, and he didn’t want to overwhelm her.

  The next item of business was the butt plug. The set she had purchased came with five, ranging in size from miniscule to gigantic. After a few minutes of consideration, he chose the middle one. He wanted it to be uncomfortable and make a statement, but the big one was not for beginners, obviously.

  He took her hands from their resting place underneath her head, and folded them behind her to rest comfortably in the middle of her back before securing the cuffs, and pocketing the key. To his surprise, she remained compliant, and affable throughout the process.

  Appreciating the view she made, with her bottom in the air awaiting his correction, and her hands cuffed behind her, he smiled. Reaching once more for the bag, he softly tapped her behind. “I’m going to plug this naughty little bottom now, before I spank you,” he told her, pushing his finger against her tight hole, while parting her cheeks with his hands. This got a reaction from her, but it wasn’t the one he was expecting. She whimpered softly, and pushed against him. Interesting. She was in a much more submissive mood already than she had been minutes ago.

  One hand still resting on her bottom, he unwrapped the chosen plug, and liberally applied generous amounts of lube. It was a good thing there were instructions on the packaging, because he had no idea what he was doing.

  He parted her cheeks, and found the tight rosebud between them. Gripping the top of the plug tightly, he rested the tip against her and pushed slowly, watching in fascination as it slowly disappeared inside her, then settled her cheeks against the base of the plug, and gave her bottom a quick tap.

  “There you go, Cece, that’s my good girl. How does that feel?”

  Her response was a low growl.

  “Good. I want you to feel that inside you with every swat I give you. You were a very naughty girl today, and naughty girls get punished, don’t they?”

  Again, there was no response, and that was fine. He wasn’t going to push it. He would slowly and naturally break down her defenses until the walls she had up at the moment came back down and she became his sweet Cece once more. He picked up the spoon and turned it over in his hand. Cece wasn’t much of a cook, so there was no rational explanation for her spending spree in the kitchen store. What had she had in mind when she purchased these spoons?

  He tapped it lightly on his leg and was surprised at how much sting was elicited from that small tap. Yes, this would do nicely. It was time to begin.

  “Naughty girls don’t deserve warm-ups, but I’m going to give you one anyway.”

  Tapping the spoon lightly against her left cheek, with only slightly more force than he had used on his own leg, he watched as a small pink circle formed, then faded. He tapped again, on the right cheek, and watched again as the same happened. She didn’t even give a reaction to indicate that she had felt it, though he knew she must have.

  Beginning to spank in earnest now, Carlton covered the fleshiest parts of her cheeks with pink half-circles, watching as the skin bounced under the impact of the spoon. He picked up the tempo, peppering the now slightly pink skin with a staccato of swats, determined to keep it up until she showed some sign of resistance.

  He finished the warm-up, impressed that Cecily had gotten through the entire thing without so much as a peep or shiver. Her bottom was entirely pink now, the only untouched parts being the crease between her butt and thighs.

mined that the next phase would elicit some sort of reaction, he set down the spoon, and picked up the cheese board. He couldn’t imagine why a cheese board would need a long handle, and wondered for a moment if it had been designed with another use in mind. It was a beautiful piece. The attached tag boasted that it was made from Acacia wood. It was perfectly round, and golden in color with darker swirls throughout. A leather loop was strung through a hole in the handle, and Carlton could picture it hanging in their kitchen for years to come. He didn’t know what Cecily had intended when she bought it, but he knew that it would never be used for preparing or serving food.

  He rested the cool wood atop her warm bottom, and was delighted when she gave an involuntary shiver in response. The board was the perfect size, completely covering both cheeks at once. Yes, this would do nicely for the next phase of her spanking. Very nicely indeed.

  “I have to commend you, darling, for the thoroughness of your shopping spree today. It was so thoughtful of you to provide me with everything I need to carry out a proper punishment.”

  “Bite me,” she muttered, causing him to smile. She was breaking down after all. Sarcasm and anger was all part of her process.

  “I don’t need to. I think the paddle will do that for me. Shall we see?” He lifted the board above her cheeks, and brought it down with a resounding thud. Her whole body lifted off the pillows, but she did not make a sound yet.

  “You cannot make snap decisions using poor judgement just because you are upset.” Every other word was punctuated with a loud crack of the paddle against her backside, and he was amazed how quickly the skin turned from light pink to dark. What was even more amazing was the fact that she was able to remain silent throughout. She could have a very high threshold for pain, he was learning.

  “I am not the person you are mad at, yet I am the person who you end up taking it out on.” He continued spanking throughout his lecture, and breathed a sigh of relief when he heard a soft cry after a particularly vigorous set of swats.

  Stopping the lecture, he resumed spanking with great gusto, bringing the paddle down again and again atop her flaming skin. It was killing him to do so, but he was determined not to stop until he had evidence of real remorse. Spending thousands of dollars was not a healthy way to deal with anger or hurt feelings, and this wasn’t the first time Cecily had done this, although it was certainly the worst.

  Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. Carlton was keeping silent count in his head, praying her resistance would break before he did. Finally, when the paddle made contact for roughly the twenty-fifth time since he had begun counting, Cecily reacted, collapsing against the pillows with deep wracking sobs. Thank God. He struck once more for good measure, before flinging the paddle across the room, lying beside her on the bed, and scooping her into his arms.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered between soft sobs, content to bury her face in his chest, and just cry for the moment. Finally she pulled back, her face a tear-streaked mess. “Carlton, will you take this out, please?”

  He had completely forgotten about the plug, each crack of the paddle wedging it further between her cheeks until it was nestled in about as far as it would go. She rolled onto her stomach, and he grabbed the base, and gave a little tug, pulling it forward just enough that the base rested atop the crack between her cheeks, and gave it a soft little pat.

  “Sorry, honey, I think we’re going to leave this in here a little while longer, until we finish our talk. I will, however, remove these,” he said with a soft smirk as he retrieved the key from his shirt pocket and unlocked the handcuffs, helping her back into an upright position.

  A large crocodile tear streaked down her cheek, but she nodded pitifully, and gave a weak little smile. “Yes, Sir.”

  It was the sweetest sound he had heard all day.

  “Oh, honey, my stubborn little one, you’re going to be sore tomorrow. It’s going to make for a long drive back to Corbin’s Bend.”

  “I don’t want to go back,” she wailed.

  “I know you don’t. What I don’t know is why. Are you ready to tell me what happened today to get you so upset to the point where you needed to buy out the entire mall in order to make yourself feel better?”

  She scowled, and he wondered if he would have to gear up for round two. He sincerely hoped not.

  “Everybody hates me!” This brought on a fresh round of sobs, soaking the front of his shirt.

  “What?” Whatever he had expected, it was not this. He frowned in concentration, not quite sure which direction to take with this admission.

  “Terri told me off for basically everything my mom and I have ever been through, and then questioned our motives for being here and accused us of faking our relationship.”

  There it was. His Cece had a flair for the dramatic. He was almost certain that whatever had been said was only a tenth as bad as it sounded when she recounted it. Even still.

  “So, basically she stated the truth, and you got upset and ran away?”

  “What? No!”

  “Cece, when we first got here, we were faking it, remember?”

  “So!” Cecily was indignant. “That was forever ago! Our relationship is real, just as much as hers is.”

  It was the tenth of December. They had been “not faking it” for just shy of two weeks, but pointing that out was not going to be helpful at the moment.

  “Cece, I don’t know what happened between you and Terri. I wasn’t there. But I want to ask you a question, and I want you to answer honestly.”

  She nodded, but looked weary.

  “Before today, before your conversation with Terri, before whatever happened or whatever was said, how did you feel about our relationship? About me?”

  He watched as her face softened instantly.

  “I felt great,” she admitted as if it pained her to do so. “It’s just like Laney and Cadence said. The spanking and punishments suck, but the before and after is nearly intoxicating. Day to day, I feel like a different person. I’m sure it’s brought us closer than we ever were before.”

  “I feel like a whole new man. It really forces me to take a good look at myself and everything I do, and it keeps me accountable. It helps me to be a better husband to you. If you want to go back to the way things were, I will respect that, and I will never stop trying to be the best possible husband for you. But for the record, I think it would be very sad if we let one person’s words or opinions rob us of everything we have gained.”

  “Well, when you put it that way…” Cecily gave him a sheepish smile. “Fine, maybe I don’t want to quit, but I do want to leave Corbin’s Bend.”

  “Because of Terri?”

  “No. Because they are crazy. They’re all as certifiably insane as I originally thought. Carlton, did you know they have public spankings in the community center?”

  “I did know that,” Carlton started carefully.

  “And you think that’s just fine and dandy? Oh great, they’ve brainwashed you already!” She was, he realized, entirely serious.

  “What exactly were you told?”

  “That Terri and I needed to chill out, because public fighting, even outside of Corbin’s Bend would get us publically spanked! Carlton, that is not okay! I don’t care if you want to practice spanking in your own relationship, but this is not the dark ages. This practice is outdated and archaic, and I don’t want to live my life like that.”

  “Cece,” he warned, “I don’t think what you were told is entirely accurate. Either that, or you have twisted it around and paraphrased it to better suit your needs.”

  The look she shot him was one of pure disbelief.

  “Who did you talk to about this?”


  “And how long did you two spend actually talking about it, because Josiah and I discussed it at length. So, you should be very careful what you say next, little girl, because you’re still obligated to be honest.”

  “Fine. We talked about it for about two minutes.”

  “Did you ask questions, or did you just jump to conclusions and make knee-jerk decisions based on fear?”

  Her petulant glare was all the answer he needed.

  “Are you ready to listen to what I have to say?”

  “Fine, but I don’t have to like it.”

  It took everything Carlton had in him not to roll his eyes.

  “You don’t have to like it. I don’t like it, but I do understand it. It’s a very rare occurrence that is used for the most serious of offenses, which affect the community as a whole. Like getting caught smoking pot by police, or having a public knock-down drag out fight in the middle of a family oriented community event. Would your fight with Terri have counted? I don’t know, maybe if it got bad enough, but I think your friends were just doing you a favor by bringing you both back down to earth, and making sure it didn’t have a chance to escalate that far. Basically, if it would have gotten you arrested, you’d get treated to Corbin’s Bend’s own personal justice system. You even have a hearing. It’s not like they just see something going on and drag you to the community center and whoop your ass.”

  “It’s still archaic,” she muttered under her breath.

  “It’s also completely avoidable. If you don’t like it, you just have to make sure that you never do anything to put yourself into that position.”

  “It’s not that simple. What if I mess up? I always mess up,” she cried.

  “Let me put it this way, then. We are going back. It is not negotiable. We gave our word that we would stay and help Venia, and that is what we are going to do. Right now, we are guests, not residents. The very worst they can do is ask us to leave. Now, I think you know that I would like to consider staying, and buying into the co-op. I think if we’re going to continue in a DD relationship, Corbin’s Bend is the very best place for us to be. But it doesn’t matter right now. Nothing has to be decided or even really discussed for several more weeks. So let’s just go back with open minds and agree to think about it and consider it from all angles. That goes for both of us.”

  “Okay,” she squeaked.


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