Corbin's Bend Homecoming

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Corbin's Bend Homecoming Page 57

by Ruth Staunton

  “You two go right ahead,” Venia said, taking the bottle that Tory handed her. “It’s been far too long since I’ve held such a little one.”

  “Thanks. Okay, Quincy, let’s begin.” Tory took the sketches from Quincy and led her upstairs to the loft she used as her sewing studio. After standing still as Tory took far more measurements than Quincy believed necessary, she dressed and they discussed colors and fabrics. By the time they returned downstairs, Venia had Hope sitting on her lap and was playing peek-a-boo with a burp rag. The door opened and John walked in, greeting them all with a smile. Quincy watched as his face lit up at the sight of his little girl holding up her arms.

  “You’re right, Tory, she’s got him trained already,” Quincy said as he hugged his wife and scooped his daughter off Venia’s lap, nuzzling her cheek.

  “I suppose that’s only fair,” John said as he bent to kiss his wife. “After all, it took her mom’s perseverance to convince me that I had so much to live for.”

  “No, son, it only took love,” Quincy countered, the memory of the Quilts of Valor ceremony replaying in her heart.

  “I just love smart women,” John said as he bent to kiss Quincy’s cheek.

  “Remember that when you have to get up in the middle of the night to feed this precious baby because your wife is exhausted from sewing for me.”

  “If it gets too bad, call me and I’ll come babysit,” Venia offered.

  “We’ll both come,” Quincy said, “that way you can take in a movie as well.”

  “That’s a deal,” John said as he and his wife walked them to the door. “Maybe I’ll take my beautiful wife dancing.”

  “I just love smart men,” Quincy said, giving them a smile and a final wave before she slid behind the wheel.

  “You look beautiful,” Henry said as she opened her door to let him in. She was wearing a denim skirt that was tiered and a soft yellow blouse. Over the blouse, she had on a vest that was made out of some fabric with cougars scattered across it. “Love the vest.”

  “This old thing?” Quincy asked, “I thought it might help you remember that I’m older and might not be able to keep up with such a younger man.”

  Henry laughed and pulled her to him. “I’ll try to go easy on you, my dear.”

  “Now, I don’t remember asking you to go easy,” Quincy teased, her finger stroking down his arm. “I’m just hoping those are steel toed boots you are wearing. I haven’t been dancing in years and might tromp all over your toes.”

  Henry laughed and pulled her into his arms, turning her in a circle as he kissed her neck. “I’m not the least bit worried about my toes,” he said, giving her cheek a kiss. “Ready?”

  “Lead the way.”

  “That’s the spirit. I’ll lead and you follow and I promise by the time we are waltzing around the floor at the ball, you’ll feel like a pro.”

  As they drove towards Denver for their first dance lesson, Quincy filled him in on the progress being made on her wardrobe. “I’m telling you, Tory is wasting her talent in our little town. That girl is seriously skilled and could make a fortune in Denver.”

  “Do you think she feels the same?” Henry asked.

  “No, not really,” Quincy admitted. “Ever since she closed her bridal shop and moved it into their house, she says she has never been happier.”

  “I’d have to agree. I’ve had more fun working out of the garage than I ever had in a big city. Granted, I loved Houston but would never consider moving out of Corbin’s Bend.”

  “Me either,” Quincy agreed. “Besides, with all the business cards I’m planning on handing out in Durango, she might have to turn clients away.”

  “I can’t wait to see you all dolled up though I have to wonder if you could look any prettier than you do right now.” He meant every word. She was not only funny, loving and a wonderful woman, she seemed to be glowing a bit more every time they were together. Feeling his cock stir, he grinned. “Perhaps we should just forget the class and turn this truck around,” Henry said, flipping his blinker on.

  “Don’t you dare,” Quincy said, lifting her hand towards his arm before checking herself.

  “Good save.”

  She shook her head, softly patting his arm instead of swatting it. “You wouldn’t be trying to find a reason to spank me, would you, cowboy?”

  “No ma’am,” Henry said, flipping the blinker off. “I don’t need a reason. If I want to turn you over my knees and pull that denim skirt up and those panties down to have my hand dance across your little butt, I’ll do so. Any objections?”

  “Um, no,” Quincy said. “I just meant I need these classes so that I don’t embarrass you at the ball.”

  “Honey, you could never embarrass me,” Henry assured her, giving her hand a squeeze. “You could tromp all over my feet and I’d still be the luckiest man with the most beautiful partner.”

  “You are definitely the smoothest talking cowboy I’ve ever known,” Quincy said. “If you don’t stop, we might need to sneak a quickie in the truck before we take our first lesson.”

  “A quickie? Now, you wouldn’t be trying to draw your cowboy into doing something naughty, would you?” He grinned when she blushed, adoring the look in her eyes. “Babe, I’d risk a night in jail to satisfy you any day. Just say the word.”

  “Um, maybe after class,” Quincy said with a little squirm.

  “No maybe about it,” Henry countered. “I’m willing to bet your naughty little lady bits are dampening even as we speak.”

  “Henry!” Quincy said and as she looked behind her as if expecting to see that additional occupants had materialized in the truck, he laughed loudly.

  “Yup, there will definitely be a quickie and a spanking before you lay your pretty little head down tonight.”

  “Having fun?” Henry asked as he put a glass of ice cold coke in front of her. They’d been dancing for the past hour and though she had stepped on his feet a few times, he couldn’t be happier.

  “Yes, but who knew there were actual dance steps for certain songs?”

  “Wait until you see the line dances,” Henry said, taking the chair next to her. “It’s really quite fun once you learn the steps.”

  “Will they be doing any of these dances at the ball?”

  Henry shrugged. “I’m not sure but since the old west is represented, they might be. I hope so, though I also like waltzing.”

  “You are a really great dancer. Where did you learn all these different ones?”

  “I’m from Texas, honey. There are dozens of country western clubs as well as salsa clubs, ballroom dance studios and everything in between. I think I actually shocked my mom when I asked to take dance lessons.”

  “Why did you?”

  “The moment you step out onto the basketball court with a girl in your arms at some high school dance and actually sweep her around the floor, twirling her in circles and not letting her fall, well, you can pretty much be assured you won’t have to worry about being turned down when asking a girl if she’d like to dance.”

  “I can so easily picture you doing that,” Quincy said. “You have been a marvelous partner and make it seem so fluid.”

  “Only because I love the feel of you in my arms.” Henry leaned over to kiss her before standing and pulling her to her feet. “Come on, it’s time for the line dancing class.”

  “Oh, goodie, I can’t wait to learn the cotton-eyed Joe. I’m sure it will be my favorite.” She squealed loudly when his hand connected to her backside.

  “Hey, I haven’t even gotten to say ‘bullshit’ yet! What happened to my free pass?”

  “I know, but as I stated earlier, I don’t need a reason to spank my beautiful cowgirl.”

  They spent another hour in class and then joined a beginner’s line dance group. It was nothing as advanced as those they watched demonstrate a far more intricate dance, but it was fun.

  Henry’s laugh rang out as he bent to kiss her cheek. “I think people a block away cou
ld hear you scream ‘bullshit’ over the band.”

  “A girl’s gotta take every advantage offered her,” Quincy said and squealed when he popped her bottom again. “Hey, that dance gives me permission.”

  “I just couldn’t resist, you’ve got such a tempting butt, especially when you are kicking up your leg and enunciating so beautifully.” He pulled her to his side as he led her outside to the truck.

  “I don’t see how they do it,” Quincy said. “I don’t remember ever having that much energy. Heck, I got tired just watching them.”

  “Are you saying you aren’t ready for that quickie?” At her giggle, he made another suggestion. “How about we grab a quick dinner then?”

  “Sounds perfect.” They ate at a local steak house and talked about both the upcoming festival and his progress on several pieces he was refinishing.

  “I think I’ve already sold that table and those chairs,” Quincy said as they neared Corbin’s Bend.

  “Really? How did you do that when I haven’t even finished them?”

  “I took some photos and Abby put them online. She said there is a couple from Denver who is very interested. I admit, I never thought of mixing the chairs instead of having every one match but that seems to be a growing trend.”

  “I can see why,” Henry said as he made the turn into their community. “It’s getting harder and harder to find sets that match and very seldom can you find more than four. This couple must either have a large family or entertain a lot if they want ten chairs.”

  They entered her apartment and went into her bedroom. “Speaking of entertainment,” Quincy said as she turned to him. “I’ve been itching to do this all night.” Reaching up, she grabbed each side of his shirt and tugged, ripping the snaps open. “God, that was even sexier than I imagined it would be,” she cooed as she ran her hand over his chest.

  “You want sexy? I’ll show you sexy,” Henry said, turning her to bend her over the bed. Before she could protest, her tiered skirt was at her waist and her panties at her knees. “There is absolutely nothing sexier than a bare bottomed woman bent over a bed waiting for her ass to be heated.”

  Quincy wiggled her hips as she turned to look over her shoulder. “There is nothing as unsexy as a man who is all talk and no action.”

  The only one making any noise for the next several minutes was a sassy cowgirl—well, if you were only counting human noise. Each crack of his palm against her skin was definitely audible. Squeals accompanied each crack before turning into moans as he rubbed the sting away, both making up the music for their dance until his voice joined hers in cries of complete satisfaction as he drove into her.

  Chapter 11

  I just know you’re going to have the time of your life,” Tory said as she carefully folded the finished undergarments in tissue before placing them in a box.

  “I think so as well,” Quincy said as she reluctantly handed over the beautiful ball gown so that Tory could put it into a garment bag. “If all I do is dress up in one of these outfits every day, I’m going to be a very happy camper.”

  “I thought you were staying in a hotel,” Abby teased as she placed an adorable hat complete with feathers into a hatbox.

  “Didn’t I give you the itinerary?” Quincy asked before realizing that her niece was teasing. “Funny girl. Why on earth am I nervous? It’s not like I haven’t spent almost every night with Henry.”

  “Maybe because this will be the first time you travel away from Corbin’s Bend,” Venia offered, stuffing tissue inside the new sunbonnet before placing it in another hatbox.”

  “Maybe,” Quincy agreed. “I just think Henry is acting a bit strange lately.”

  “I’m sure you are imagining things,” Abby offered. “I’m just hoping you aren’t worried I’m going to ruin the store in your absence.”

  “Nonsense, you’ve run that store better than I have for the past several months. Good grief, our sales are up ever since you’ve taken over the internet side of things.”

  Venia and Abby carried the first items out to the car. “Seriously, Tory, I can’t thank you enough,” Quincy said once they were alone. “I would never have imagined that I could look so good at my age. You, my girl, have a magic touch. I feel like you are my fairy godmother waving a wand to make me the prettiest girl at the ball.”

  “That is the sweetest compliment you could give me,” Tory said, zipping up the last bag before turning to give her client a hug. “Just promise me you’ll have fun and come back to tell me all about it.”

  “I promise,” Quincy said. “Now, where are those cards you promised me? I’m warning you though, once your name gets out there, you will be having to push clients away.”

  Tory laughed and handed her a small box. “From your mouth to God’s ear. I’ve never had such fun.”

  “I just wish everyone could come with us,” Quincy said as she handed Tory an envelope.

  “Maybe next year,” Venia said as she and Abby returned for the second load.

  Quincy gave Tory another hug and thanked her again before taking a hatbox in each hand. “I’m hoping Henry doesn’t pass out when he sees how much luggage I have for one weekend.”

  “He’ll just be thrilled to have you on his arm,” Tory promised as she turned to pluck a sheet out of her printer tray. Opening the envelope to check that she’d not made a mistake, she gasped. “Quincy, this is far more than we agreed. I can’t accept this!”

  “Sure you can,” Quincy said. “I’d have paid any price once you had me in for that first fitting. Girl, my boobs haven’t looked so good nor my waist as slim in years. I’m thinking about wearing that corset under my PJs.”

  “Thank you,” Tory said softly, giving her another hug. “Have a ball.”

  “I plan to,” Quincy said as she handed the hatboxes to Abby to put into the van. “I’m going to have a ball, go to a ball and quite possibly suck…”

  “Aunt Quincy!” Abby squealed, slapping her hands over her ears only to have them pulled away by her aunt.

  “Get your mind out of the gutter, girl,” Quincy said with a huge grin. “I was going to say suck down a few Harvey Ballbangers. Henry introduced them to me at the country western club. They taste just like orange juice but can pack a wallop.”

  Tory, Venia, and Abby all burst out into laughter, causing Quincy to look at them as if they’d lost their minds.

  “Aunt Quincy,” Abby said after catching her breath, “they are called Harvey Wallbangers.”

  “Oh my,” Quincy said, her cheeks flushing. “Goodness, imagine how embarrassing that might have been.”

  “Are you sure?” Quincy asked the next morning when Henry arrived to pick her up.

  “I’m positive, honey. Why do you think it took a huge wagon or several cars to haul everyone’s stuff to the train station? Haven’t you ever watched Downtown Abbey?”

  “Well yes, but I never considered how much room all this stuff takes up.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Now hand me that hatbox and the shoe bags.” Quincy did so and watched as he tucked them into the trunk he’d taken from the shop and put into the bed of the pickup. “You can’t be any more authentic than arriving with trunks full of finery.”

  His clothing was already packed into another trunk and he had grinned when she tried to open the lid, dangling the key in front of her. “Nope, you wouldn’t show me yours, so I’m not showing you mine.”

  He adored her laugh as she shook her head. “I’m just hoping we are going to coordinate well.”

  “Babe, we’d coordinate well if we wore nothing but our pajamas.”

  “But I’ve never seen you in pajamas and I haven’t worn… oh,” she said, her face coloring. “You are so bad, Henry Hopkins!”

  “And you are so good, Quincy Lauder.” Carefully laying the last garment bag into the trunk, he shut the lid and fastened the straps. “That’s it, ready to step back into time with me?”

  “I’m ready to step anywhere with you,” she said, wrapping h
er arms around his waist and laying her cheek against his chest. “Our first trip together.”

  “And definitely not our last,” Henry said, bending to kiss the top of her head. “Now, as they say in Texas, it’s time to head out.”

  They took a break for lunch halfway through the trip, taking their time, feeling no need to hurry. Before they returned to the truck, they even took a walk along the creek that ran behind the diner to stretch their legs a bit.

  Three hours later, they were pulling into Durango and Quincy was practically bouncing on her seat.

  “Oh my, they have carriages and everything! This is absolutely incredible. I know we saw the photos but this… this is fabulous.”

  Henry found more satisfaction in seeing her enthusiasm than he did in their surroundings. He’d attended reenactments in many different states and had hoped that this festival, which was relatively new, would make every effort to provide the authentic atmosphere he was accustomed to feeling. So far, he had no complaints.

  They found the Strater Hotel and he had to smile when men dressed in the vintage livery of bellhops lined up on the drive to welcome them and take their luggage. Quincy just stared as they bowed and tipped their little caps before placing each trunk on a trolley and taking them inside. Her mouth dropped open and she halted abruptly the moment they stepped into the lobby. Dozens of people were milling about as you’d expect to see in a popular hotel. What was different was that these people were all dressed in different period clothing and no one seemed to be a stranger.

  Henry had to give her hand a little tug to get her feet moving again as he led her to the registration desk where a pretty girl in a Victorian dress, complete with white pinafore, greeted them.

  “Welcome to the Strater Hotel, my name is Veronica.”

  “Thank you, our registration is under Henry Hopkins and Ms. Quincy Lauder.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Hopkins, Ms. Lauder. Here is your key and your luggage will be brought up immediately. There is a meet and greet in the saloon that starts in just a few minutes.”


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