Corbin's Bend Homecoming

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Corbin's Bend Homecoming Page 67

by Ruth Staunton

  Chapter 9

  Audrey did not belong in a saloon. What the hell was the woman thinking going into a place like that? Earl strode for the door, determined to put a stop to her nonsense and drag her out. He’d put her on a train himself, sit at the station next to her until the next one arrived on Monday if necessary. With the cattle drive over, the ranch could do without him for a day or two and if they fired him, so be it. He had some money put aside. Not the wealth his brother commanded, but enough to make a start.

  A roar of laughter echoed out the door, followed by the crash of breaking furniture. Another night, another fight. A sheltered lady like Audrey wouldn’t stand a chance in there. She must be applying for dance hall girl. The other alternative didn’t bear thinking of, and he wouldn’t. The noise from inside rose in pitch, shouting, the shattering glass too loud to be anything but the big mirror behind the bar.

  Before he could race inside to the rescue, two men burst out in a flurry of flying fists and curses, knocking one of the swinging doors off a hinge to hang askew. What the hell! As they rolled off the boardwalk and into the packed dirt road, he fought his way through the crowd following them out and looked around the nearly deserted barroom, the scent of spilled liquor from some of the broken bottles competing with the smell of sweaty men and strong perfume. Dance hall girls and soiled doves—not that there seemed to be any difference at this establishment, unlike others—emerged from the shelter of overturned tables, and splintered chairs littered the floor. The bartender was hard at work picking up big shards of broken mirror. Silas Marsh stood at the back of the room, face purple with rage. If he didn’t have apoplexy by the time the scene finished, Earl would be surprised.

  Audrey must have taken shelter somewhere, in the chaos. He walked around the room, peering behind tables and even glanced behind the bar in case she’d hidden there, still too frightened to emerge. “Audrey!” he called. “It’s time to go.”

  A gray-haired man, face weathered and tanned almost like leather sat at a table in the corner. An island of normalcy—well saloon normalcy—in the destruction, he poured a shot from a nearly empty bottle of whiskey and tossed it back. “Who you looking for, stranger?”

  “A dark haired young lady with big blue eyes, didn’t look like she belonged here. I figure she must be hiding somewhere and too scared to come out. She was gently raised.”

  The man snorted. “I can’t think what a gently raised lady would be doing here, but I might have seen her.”

  Earl struggled with patience. “I’d be obliged if you would tell me where she is?” She might have left in the group following the fight into the street. If the noise level offered any indication, things were getting worse out there and more had joined in. He turned half toward the door, straining to see her in the dozens of people ringing the combatants.

  The oldster lifted his bottle, which he’d managed to empty while Earl looked away. “Well… I might. But my throat’s a little dry.”

  “Did she go outside?” he gritted out, urgency tightening his chest.

  The man coughed and shook the bottle. Earl snatched it from his hand and strode to the bar. “Another one of these.” The bartender abandoned his broom long enough to fetch the bottle and take the coins from the bar and Earl returned to the table in the corner and plunked the full on the surface. “Here you go. Where is she?”

  With maddening slowness, the man poured another shot and held it to his lips. Earl fixed him with a glare. “She’s the reason for the fight. They were having a little auction for the newest dove. It ain’t often we get a woman still whole if you get my drift.”

  Rage suffused him and he grabbed the man’s hand, stopping him from tipping the shot back. “Are you saying what I think you are? That woman was no dove!”

  He shrugged and waited until Earl let go then tossed the drink into his toothless mouth. “Not my business whether she is, but what other kind of woman comes in here? Desperate or already fallen. Either way, they didn’t get their business done before them two started fighting. There’s still time for you to win her if you got the gold.”

  Felicity paused in the hallway and pulled her phone from her lab coat pocket. She grinned. John’s text said, Meet me at my house as soon as you get off work. I have something special to show you. What could it be? A new paddle? A crop maybe? They hadn’t talked much about toys, but she hoped they’d be using a lot of them. Suddenly her confined libido burst forth and wanted to play all the time. A thump low in her groin responded, and her nipples tightened in anticipation. At just after three o’clock , nobody waited in the ER, and she could leave. Usually she stuck around longer, reviewing paperwork, dealing with the administrative side of her job she liked least, but today… not so much. Having already completed rounds to discuss the couple of patients waiting in the cubicles for admission with the doctor coming on shift, she was free. She approached the nursing station, tapped the touchscreen to indicate her “off” status and scooted into her office to ditch the coat and grab her purse. In less than five minutes, she succeeded in leaving the building. A personal best.

  But then, she had a reason to make a break for it. A tall, lean cowboy named John Estrada who had a surprise for her.

  Maybe food! Another one of his old boss’s recipes guaranteed to tickle her taste buds. How could one woman be lucky enough to fall in love with two men who could not only cook but also spank her into near orgasm?

  Love? She almost drove past her own house at the idea. After being on her own for so long, she’d forgotten what love even meant. No need to panic.

  No, she hadn’t known him long enough to be in love. But she could admit to deep in like. And if her heart leapt so high with “in like,” loving this man would blow off the top of her head. She’d have to go along for the ride and see what happened.

  Everyone was entitled to a little fun, a good meal, a great roll in the hay.

  Most people didn’t marry every guy who gave them a stellar orgasm. Did they?

  Turning off the key, she jumped when her car door opened.

  “John! You frightened me.”

  He took her arm and helped her out of the car. “I’m so glad you were able to get off work so early. Are you up for an adventure?” Felicity tipped her head back and accepted the soft kiss he pressed to her lips, followed by a hard, devouring one that weakened her knees and sent an arrow of heat straight to her pussy. Clinging to his arms, she rode out the storm.

  He lifted his head and rubbed her cheek with the back of his hand. “I missed you.”

  She laughed shakily. “I just saw you last night.”

  His eyes gleamed. “Exactly.” Turning her toward her house, he gave her a quick, hard slap on the behind. “Go change to jeans, and I don’t suppose you have boots?”

  “Dress boots with high heels?” But they didn’t go with jeans.

  “No, not fancy boots. Sneakers then, and bring a jacket. It’s going to be cool before we get back.” John started toward his house. “I’ll be waiting for you.”

  Digging her keys from her purse, she walked up the steps and opened her door. What was the man up to? She wouldn’t need sturdy shoes and jeans to eat or be spanked. Pouting, Felicity changed and glanced in the mirror. Five minutes with John and her cheeks were flushed, her eyes sparkling. Tugging a brush through her hair, she fastened it into a quick plait and nodded. Maybe they were going on a hike. She didn’t mind that one bit. She didn’t get outside often enough to enjoy the gorgeous scenery with all her work and maybe… maybe they’d find a secluded place and enjoy a little outdoor delight?

  After all, she hadn’t had any fun since the night before.

  With a spring in her step, she bounded over to John’s and tapped on the door.

  “Come in.”

  Twisting the handle, she entered the foyer.

  “I’m in the kitchen.” Following the scent of something delicious, she found him lifting the lid on a slow cooker. “I thought we’d have dinner when we get back. Do you like chi
cken and dumplings?”

  “Do I?” She closed her mouth to avoid drooling. “Can’t we eat now? I didn’t get a chance to eat at lunchtime; we had a sudden rush of patients.”

  He chuckled and her thoughts flew from food to other, more sensual pursuits. “It’s not ready, but I do have some blueberry muffins if you want one to eat in the car. Or a sandwich?”

  “Did you bake the muffins?” The man was a wonder.

  “Yep, trying out a recipe. They aren’t as good as Mrs. Carson’s, but they aren’t half bad if I do say so myself.”

  She nodded, gaze zeroing in on a covered cake plate on the counter. “Yes, I want a muffin for the road. Can I have two?” Felicity started toward the counter, but he grabbed her shoulders and turned her around.

  “Two or as many as you want, but, before we leave, I wanted to give you your surprise.”

  She blinked. “Chicken and dumplings, muffins, I thought one of those things was my surprise.”

  Pulling her back against him, John nuzzled her neck, raising goose bumps on her arms. “I have a more intimate gift for you. I hope you’ll like it.”

  She shivered. “I am sure I will, but if it’s too intimate, we’ll never get out of the house.”

  John released her and took her hand, leading her through the living room and down a short hallway to a bedroom furnished in what could only be described as cowboy style. The big bed took up most of the floor space, its wood frame resembling a covered wagon box, without a cover, from a Western movie.

  “Wow. That’s some piece of furniture.”

  He rested a hand on the footboard. “I had it made from an old wagon we ran across way out in the middle of nowhere. Some family crossed the country in it long, long ago.”

  “They used it to get to a new home.” The idea appealed to her more than she wanted to admit. Her house was nice, she liked it, but it always felt a little empty. A little pre-fab in the furnishings she’d placed in it. “And the quilts look handmade.” She didn’t know much about handicrafts, but the red and blue and gold pattern of the one on the bed and the heavy denim one folded at the bottom were gorgeous and heavy and she could imagine cuddling under them on a cold, snowy Colorado night.

  He nodded. “Mrs. Carson made them.”

  “She must have thought highly of you to take such good care of you.”

  He stroked the bed. “The Carsons lost their son as an infant and never had another baby. I think the hands were their children. Me, especially, maybe. I’m very grateful to them for giving me a home for so long. If you want, we can stay here tonight?” He cupped her chin and gave her a smile. “You’ll be the first person I’ve invited to sleep in my wagon bed.”

  Felicity’s heart tumbled. Things were moving fast, but they felt so right. “We could go to bed right now!”

  John shook his head. “Don’t you want to go on our outing?”

  Instead of getting right in the big bed with the fluffy comforters and making love with the man of her dreams. No contest. But he looked so disappointed…

  “Of course I do! But then I am taking you up on your offer to sleep over. Where did you say we’re going again?”

  “I didn’t.” His eyes lit up, and he turned away to open the top drawer in a high dresser put together from wood that appeared as old as the bed. Maybe from the same wagon? “But, before we go, pull your jeans and panties to your knees and bend over and grab your ankles.”


  “I beg your pardon?”

  “We’re burning daylight here. I want to give you your surprise.”

  The man loved to be secretive. But any surprise involving bending over with no pants on intrigued her. “You’re having fun with this.” She bared herself and bent over, dying of curiosity and a little alarm.

  “I am having fun with you.” As Felicity held her ankles and tried to keep her balance, his finger, coated with something cold, slid into her crack. “I told you I wanted to take you here.” He slapped her bottom and she jumped. “Let go of your ankles and hold your butt cheeks apart.”

  What he might be up to began to be clear. “You don’t have a butt plug back there do you?”

  “You ruined my surprise.” As she wobbled, grasping her cheeks, she flushed at the exposure. “I want to take you here soon.” He began to work a finger into her tight orifice, the cold some sort of lube, and her pussy responded with a gush of arousal. “And if you wear a plug for a day or two, my cock will be less likely to cause any damage when I fuck you in the ass.”

  Felicity braced her feet, the burn of one finger joined by the stretching fullness of a second. He scissored them, and she whimpered. “I’m going to be thinking about it all the time.”

  “I hope so. It’s a very nice one. With a jewel on it.” Sliding his fingers back, he forced them in again and scissored them. “I think you’re ready.” His fingers disappeared, replaced by a larger head, not as big as his, but even slippery, he had to work it in and the burn and sting had her holding her breath. “Relax and push down, and it will be easier for you.” Letting out her breath with a whoosh she pushed toward him and the item popped past the tight ring of muscles.

  He settled it in and helped her stand straight and raise her pants.

  “That’s quite a surprise, it burned at first.”

  “Does it hurt now?” John cupped her buttocks and brought her against him, the bulge in his Wranglers leaving no doubt of his reaction to her wearing a plug with his jewel in it.

  “No, it’s more a feeling of fullness. Wait, did you say a jewel?” She shifted her hips, trying to be more comfortable, but the plug didn’t move. “What kind of jewel?”

  He gave her another swat and started for the bedroom door. “I’ll show you when I take it out.”

  She hurried to follow. “Tonight right? When we get back?”

  John led the way to his truck and called over his shoulder, “No, tonight I’m going to fuck that pussy with the plug up your ass.”

  Looking around, she flushed again. “Shh. The neighbors will hear!”

  “Afraid they’ll be jealous?” John held the door for her and gave her a quick kiss before shutting it and going around to his side.

  When he settled in his seat and turned on the engine, she fastened her seatbelt and tried to think of anything but the foreign object in her bottom and the idea of his cock replacing it. “No, afraid they’ll all want to watch.”

  His laughter continued for miles down the road.

  After a half hour, he turned off on a dirt road. The sign beside it read Rocky Mountain Stables, Boarding Available, Lessons Offered. Felicity’s less than subtle shifting in her seat kept her plugged status forefront in his mind and his erection rock hard. If he hadn’t been so anxious to introduce her to his other friends he would have pulled off the road and had his way with her already.

  But the stables closed at dusk, and time was a’wasting.

  “A stables? What are we doing here?” Felicity peered out the window as the barn came into view. “Are you thinking of buying a horse?”

  “I already did.” Pulling off to the side, he cut the engine. “That’s where I went. Come on, I’ll explain as we go.” The big airy barn housed quite a few horses. Some belonged to the breeder who owned the property, others to people like him who didn’t have room to keep their horses at home. One day, he’d buy a bigger piece of land and have his right with him, but for now Brent had recommended the stable owners as friends of Corbin’s Bend. Like-minded individuals who were supportive of their lifestyle.

  Halfway back, he paused between two stalls and whistled. “Lightning, Thunder, come and meet Felicity.” The pair of big heads bobbed over the stall doors. “Felicity, these two are the reason I had to leave town so suddenly. They were two of the best horses on the Circle X and were about to be auctioned off by the new owners to maybe a much shortened life.”

  Felicity lifted a hand toward Lightning’s nose, then jerked it back when the horse nickered.

  “It’s okay,
Lightning won’t hurt you, will you, boy?” He watched her reaction. Not that he would hold it against her if she didn’t like horses, but with Lightning and Thunder under his care, they’d need exercise, and his idea of a perfect afternoon would include the horses, a picnic basket, and Felicity. Of course, Thunder might present some problems all on her own.

  She laughed and stroked his velvety muzzle. “I never thought he would; it’s been a long time.” Rubbing her cheek against the horse’s nose, she murmured nonsense syllables and laughed again when he snorted. “You are a gorgeous boy, aren’t you? I should have known a cowboy in my life would lead to a horse. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner.”

  “I guess it’s an addiction.”

  Stepping back, she focused on Thunder. “Hello beautiful lady.” The dappled mare’s gray and white coloring had always stood out on the ranch, among the mostly brown and paint horses. She’d been Mrs. Carson’s special pet, a horse who bucked off any man who attempted to mount her. He couldn’t leave her behind.

  “Thunder is a handful,” he said, shifting between her and the horse. “If you like to ride, the stables rent horses.”

  Felicity paused, hand lifted toward the mare. “What? You would deny me the pleasure of this pretty girl?” Her lower lip thrust out in a pout, her eyes sparkling with emotion. “I won’t hurt her.” Shrugging him aside, she stepped right up in Thunder’s face. “I think we’ll get along, won’t we, Miss Thunder?” She tossed him a glance over his shoulder. “Thunder is an unladylike name for such a beauty.”

  “Well, she’s not exactly a lady.” Pushing down his doubts, he watched in amazement as his lady doctor threw her arms around the mare’s neck and murmured to her. The horse’s ear twitched and she bounced her head but never bared her teeth or showed any signs of the aggression she was known for.

  Felicity turned to face him, hands braced on her hips. “She is a perfect lady. We both resent your implication otherwise.” Her eyes blazed fire at him, and his cock raged to life. Add passionate about horses to her qualities and the woman became downright irresistible. As if she wasn’t before.


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