Corbin's Bend Homecoming

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Corbin's Bend Homecoming Page 70

by Ruth Staunton

  “Yes, hello, Ms. Carmichael. This is Phillip Scott, the administrator at the Corbin’s Bend Medical Center. We met about three months ago when I interviewed you for a position.”

  Kelly remembered him. She’d taken a chance when she’d gone back to Denver in December to spend the holidays with her family and applied for a job at the new medical center.

  “Yes, Mr. Scott. What can I help you with?”

  She had no idea why he would be calling her. At the time of her interview, she wasn’t ready to leave Chicago yet and the clinic needed a physical therapist then, not in a few months. The job had gone to another applicant.

  “As you know, we hired someone else since you weren’t quite ready to make the move. Unfortunately, that didn’t work out and we’re again in need of a physical therapist. By any chance are you still interested in possibly moving to Corbin’s Bend? Dr. Devon suggested I give you a call before we start a broader search.”

  “Um…I haven’t really thought much about it,” she answered.

  “I’ve been reviewing our interview and I can offer you substantially more than you’re earning in your current position.”

  “Really? You didn’t mention that during our interview.” She wanted to know what he meant by substantially more and was about to ask when he went into greater detail.

  What to do? What to do?

  It was all Kelly could think as she paced around the living room of her small one-bedroom apartment. She had what she considered an opportunity of a lifetime and still she couldn’t make up her mind. Leave Chicago and move back to Denver? Or stay in the Windy City and continue on in her present dead-end job.

  Her current job as a physical therapist in a prestigious Chicago hospital paid well, but had no opportunities for advancement. Having the wife of the hospital administrator as her boss, all Kelly could ever hope to be was what she was now. Shift manager.

  Whoopee…big deal. Increases in her income would only be annual performance increases and cost of living raises. So basically her resume would never show any advancement in her career. But Phillip Scott had just made her an offer she would be stupid not to take.

  He had offered to make her head of the rehab department at the new Corbin’s Bend Medical Center. Of course there would be a physician who would be chief, but she would be in charge of the main operation of the department.

  It meant more responsibility, more challenges, and nearly double what she was making now. It really was a no-brainer as to what her decision should be. She loved Chicago. There was so much to do and see. You could never run out of going to new restaurants and the museums and Art Institute were wonderful. She had enjoyed living here. But now that her father had moved back to Colorado, maybe the time had come for her to head back home too.

  This had all started when she went to spend Christmas with her family in Colorado.

  A few months after her father left Chicago, she made plans to fly to Denver for Christmas. A Carmichael Christmas was not something she ever wanted to miss. She looked forward to seeing her grandparents, her Uncle Brent, Aunt Sophie, and of course her dad.

  She learned about the new medical center opening up in Corbin’s Bend while visiting in Denver over the holidays. A little plan began to form in her mind but she didn’t tell anyone about it.

  One night she looked up the information on her iPad and filled out the application on-line and submitted it.

  It was a surprise when Phillip Scott answered her the next day via email and asked when she’d be available for an interview. After replying that she was in Denver for only a few more days, she found herself sitting across from Mr. Scott the very next day. Sitting in another chair was Dr. Marcus Devon.

  After Mr. Scott and Kelly had gone through the interview process, Marcus asked, “Are you any relation to Brent Carmichael?”

  “Would it make a difference if I was?”

  “No, not at all. We’re hiring people based on their qualifications. I just thought I’d ask because in addition to the same last name, your eyes are the same color, your hair is very close to the color of his, and you certainly have the Carmichael height and build.”

  Kelly felt like her secret had been busted. She hadn’t told her father or her uncle about the interview because she wanted to be sure to get the job on her own merits without any interference or pushing on her uncle’s part. Then there was the major teasing her Uncle Brent would dish out if he knew she was thinking about applying for a job at the clinic in his spanking community. It would be payback for all the teasing she and the rest of the family had given him. Plus, she still wanted to think about it. She wasn’t one hundred percent sure she wanted to make such a huge change.

  Deciding to be honest with Dr. Devon and Mr. Scott, Kelly said, “Brent is my uncle. He doesn’t know I’m applying for this job and I’d prefer to keep it that way for now. I guess I should tell you I applied sort of on a whim. I’m not sure yet if I even want to make this move. If or when I get the job, will be time enough to let him know.”

  Dr. Devon nodded and said, “Fair enough. Does that make you Jack’s daughter?”

  “You know my father?” It came as a surprise to Kelly since at that time her dad wasn’t yet a resident of Corbin’s Bend.

  “I’ve met him a time or two when he was visiting your uncle.”

  Handing her a brochure outlining certain benefits workers at the medical center received as far as discounts in co-op fees should they decide to become residents of the community, Mr. Scott told her, “Read this. I think you’ll find working at the medical center will make living in Corbin’s Bend much more affordable.”

  Now, as she paced her apartment and tried to make the best decision, she thought about the rough patch her dad had gone through getting his life together again after his forced retirement from the U.S. Marshal Service last August and how he blamed himself for the deaths of a couple who had been under his protection. Thinking there was nothing more for him in Chicago, he had packed up and moved back to Denver.

  “You’ve got your own life, Kelly,” he had told her when she reminded him she had moved to Chicago to be near him and he shouldn’t make such a decision so quickly.

  “Pop, I just think you should get your head together and think about what you want to do before you just pack up and run back to Denver.”

  “I get what you’re saying, kiddo, but Denver is my true home and if I stay here, I’ll just mope. And you sure don’t need to be babysitting your old man at your age.”

  “I don’t think I’d have to babysit you. But I’m gonna miss you and I think you need to take a little time before you make that decision.”

  “I’ll miss you too, honey. But I think it’s for the best.”

  As it turned out, it was just as well that he hadn’t listened to her. When she last saw him over the holidays, he had found his life partner, was happily spending most of his time in Corbin’s Bend and had a new career.

  Kelly often thought about their slightly unusual family situation. Her parents, Jack and Dierdre, had gone together to their high school senior prom and like most senior proms, the punch was spiked and they both had a little too much to drink. When the prom ended, they went to a post-prom party at a friend’s house where they had even more to drink and as the old story goes, one thing led to another and they ended up in bed.

  Jack and Dierdre weren’t in love—they were just going together, hanging out with their group of friends. Six weeks later when Dierdre realized she was pregnant, they went to their parents and told them about the predicament they were in.

  Even though Jack offered to marry Dierdre, it was decided marriage was not necessary and would probably be a mistake. The two were not in love, so why force them into a marriage that would most likely fall apart?

  With the support of both Jack’s and Dierdre’s parents, they were able to pursue their educations and fulfill the dreams they had for their futures.

  Growing up, Kelly hadn’t really known her dad very well. He sent su
pport money, he made sure to call at least a couple of times a month and talk to Kelly. He never forgot her birthday even though he wasn’t always there on the big day. He sent gifts and cards. Well, he sent Dierdre money for gifts and cards since he thought she’d have a better idea of what Kelly needed or wanted.

  She saw even less of him once he was assigned to Chicago. When Kelly was done with college and had her physical therapist license, she sought out a job at one of the major hospitals in Chicago, determined to get to know her dad better.

  Their father/daughter relationship blossomed once they had more time to spend together. Even with Jack often out in the field, they saw each other and spoke on the phone much more frequently than they ever had when Kelly still lived in Denver.

  She was sorry to see her dad move back to Denver. Yeah, he was right when he said she had her own life. But she enjoyed living close to him and despite having plenty of friends and things to do in the big Windy City, there’d been an empty space inside her once he packed up and moved back to Denver. Truth be told, she kind of felt all alone in Chicago.

  After Kelly’s Christmas visit with her family and learning about her father’s relationship with Josh Martin, she couldn’t get Corbin’s Bend out of her mind. She’d seen her dad only briefly before he went out of town for his consulting business for three months.

  The new medical center was another sign that Corbin’s Bend was growing and turning into quite a successful community. She had joined her father and the rest of the family in their merciless teasing of Uncle Brent’s spanking proclivities. And when she had learned that he helped start the development, she realized how many people actually practiced a lifestyle that included spanking, domestic discipline, and some form of BDSM.

  She teased her dad about his new relationship too.

  “So it looks like Uncle Brent’s passion for giving spankings has rubbed off on you, Pop.”

  Jack had grinned and said, “Show a little respect, young lady. I’m just trying to give Josh the kind of relationship he wants and needs.”

  “Yeah, but you seem to be taking to it like a duck takes to water.”

  They had been at Brent’s house and Char spoke up, telling Kelly, “Don’t knock it until you try it.”

  After Christmas she was back in Chicago and the medical center kept wiggling its way into her head and she thought about how nice it would be to live back in Denver, where her home had originally been. She had moved to Chicago just to spend more time with her father.

  She would never be sorry she moved to Chicago. It was a wonderful city and she’d made great friends. Getting to know her dad better had been worth the move. She felt they became more than just father and daughter, they had become friends as well.

  Phillip Scott had called her in the middle of January to tell her she had the job if she wanted it, but she’d need to be ready to start in two weeks. It didn’t give her enough time to wind things up in Chicago and she had to decline. The job went to the other applicant.

  By springtime, she missed her father more and more. He’d been gone from Chicago for seven or eight months now and she missed the lunches that they would have whenever possible. She missed their phone conversations. More and more she began to think about moving back to Denver. She wondered if she could still get a job as a physical therapist at the new medical center. But then that was a long haul to drive every day from Denver into work and back home again. She didn’t think she really wanted to do that.

  Of course, there were hospitals in Denver, there were physical therapy clinics and plenty of places where she could apply for a job. She’d miss the big city life of Chicago and the huge variety of things to do there, but Denver wasn’t that small and it wasn’t like there was nothing to do. It wasn’t one of the top ten largest cities in the country, but it was in the top thirty. She laughed to herself at the possibilities of marketing a city as being in the top thirty in the nation.

  She had made a few good friends in Chicago, but damn if she wouldn’t prefer living closer to her family. She’d get to see her mom more often and her grandparents on the Carmichael side.

  The problem with working in Corbin’s Bend was that long drive every morning and every night to Denver…but wait, could she live in Corbin’s Bend? Her dad and his partner, Josh, were waiting for a new, larger home due to be ready sometime in the summer. She would only need a one bedroom home and it was possible there could be one already available.

  So now the question became not only could she live in Corbin’s Bend, but did she want to live there? She’d known about Brent’s spanking lifestyle and had joined in on the family jokes and ribbings. When she first learned about it, it piqued her interest. Even though she wasn’t looking for a domestic discipline situation, the thought of erotic spanking did make butterflies start dancing in her belly. Why that was, she had no idea. She had more than a little bit of the dominant in her.

  Kelly had always thought she’d inherited that from her Carmichael side. Both Jack and Brent were classic examples of the alpha male. What she didn’t understand about herself was that while she liked to be in charge and did well at leading people in different projects and tasks, there was something inside her that wanted a man to take her… to dominate her in the bedroom.

  No, she didn’t want a bunch of rules and any of that obedience crap. She wanted love, trust, and honesty in her relationship. She needed a man strong enough to not let her walk all over him. That was what she tended to do and her six-foot height often caused a man to back down even if he did try to assert himself with her.

  A couple of years ago she’d played around a few times with spanking just to see what her uncle and all those people in Corbin’s Bend saw in it. The first attempt had been with a man she’d gone out with a few times. He was five feet, ten inches tall—two inches shorter than Kelly and she didn’t feel like she fit all that well over his lap. He was thin and bony—she didn’t feel safe when she was over his knee and didn’t know if it was because it was her first time or if he just didn’t make her feel safe.

  And then all he did was whale away on her butt. There were no gentle touches, no sweet words or caresses—just smack after smack and there had been nothing erotic or pleasant about it. She’d ended up yelling at him to stop and the night ended as a disappointment. As far as she could tell, if this is what spanking in her uncle’s community was all about, she wanted no part of it.

  After the failed experiment, she’d shelved the whole idea of anybody spanking her and never saw that guy again. Months later she tried it again with a new guy she was dating. His name was Brian and their relationship wasn’t anything serious—they’d just go out for dinner now and then and have a little casual sex. One night he ran his hand over her body while she was on her side and said, “You’ve got an ass made for spanking.”

  Looking up at him in surprise, she asked, “An ass made for spanking? What does that mean?”

  “It means I want to spank you.” He half pushed, half rolled her over onto her stomach, ran his hand down the length of her back, over the rise of her cheeks, and down one long thigh. He came back up her other thigh and when he reached her ass, she felt his hand lift and then suddenly come down in a sharp slap.

  It wasn’t that hard of a slap, just sudden and unexpected. He rubbed the sting out and while she was still trying to process her feelings, he slapped her butt again. It went on this way for several more strikes. A sharp smack followed by him rubbing and kneading the sting out of her cheeks before landing another one. It felt good in an odd way and she squirmed as she felt her juices gathering between her legs.

  “You like that, babe?”

  “Mmm… hmm, it does feel kind of good,” she murmured.

  “Have you ever been spanked before?”

  “Yeah, I had a guy spank me a while back, and it was terrible. He just pounded away on my poor butt and there was nothing sensual or exciting about it.”

  “That’s too bad,” Brian said. “Spanking should be fun.”
  His hand dipped into her wetness and he brought her to a nice orgasm before sliding his cock into her and giving her another orgasm.

  Later, as they were recovering from their exertions, he asked, “Did that guy want to spank you or did you ask him to?”

  “It was my idea, and did I ever feel stupid for suggesting it afterwards.”

  Kelly had known Brian for a while and knew him well enough that she didn’t feel uncomfortable telling him about Uncle Brent and Corbin’s Bend. Brian found it interesting, but for him spanking was just for fun and not something he wanted to think about as a lifestyle.

  They dated for a few more months, but there was no real spark and the relationship fizzled out. After that she didn’t date anybody else that was into spanking and didn’t even think much about it.

  As she considered moving back to Colorado, she thought about Corbin’s Bend, about living there and working at their medical center. It would mean that she would be coming into contact with people who lived that lifestyle on a daily basis. And she suddenly found herself getting hot thinking about it. She would feel her thighs squeeze together a little bit, and even her pussy would get a little damp. Maybe if she moved back to Denver, maybe if she lived in Corbin’s Bend she could find a man who would be able to handle her without her handling him.

  It was decision time. Phillip Scott said he could give her a week to decide, but he’d need her there in a month. Which she thought could definitely work. She could give her two weeks notice at her job, spend a week or even as long as ten days packing up, and still have enough time to drive to Colorado.

  It was perfect timing on the lease of her apartment. As long as she gave her notice by the first of April, she wouldn’t lose her security deposit. The lease expired at the end of April.

  Yes, everything was falling into place. It was like Fate was giving her a nudge and showing her how easy it would be to make the move now, be back near her family, and have a dream job.


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