Corbin's Bend Homecoming

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Corbin's Bend Homecoming Page 84

by Ruth Staunton

  Kelly blushed and wondered when Sylvie would go home. “Sylvie, I’m sorry, but there’s no way I’m going to discuss such personal things with RJ’s mother.”

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake!” Sylvie gave a little giggle and said, “For people who live in a place where everyone does that spanking thing, you’re awfully uptight talking about it.”

  “We’re not uptight,” Kelly tried to explain. “But it’s kind of the same thing as you asking me for details on our sexual relationship. It’s not something I’m comfortable talking about with you.”

  “All right, all right. I get the message. I’m sure Rhett told you that his daddy spanked me when I did something to deserve it. But he never used any ‘implements,’ only his hand. And he never spanked for fun.”

  “Sylvie, please.” Kelly wasn’t sure what to say. The last thing she wanted to hear about was Sylvie’s spankings.

  “Well, maybe I’ll just go talk to that nice Venia lady and she can explain why people these days seem to need more than a firm hand to conduct a spanking.”

  “That’s a good idea, Sylvie.”

  Sylvie lowered her voice and whispered conspiratorially, “You know my new husband, Bill, he’d never lift a hand to discipline me.” She sighed and added, “Sometimes I think I miss that.”

  Kelly remained quiet. She had no idea what she could or should say and was grateful when Sylvie finally dropped the subject.

  The day came when Sylvie announced she would be leaving the following morning.

  “I suppose I better go home and make sure Bill hasn’t tried to gamble my house away. I know you’re both in good hands here with your friends and Kelly’s family.”

  “We appreciate all your help, Ma. Don’t worry, we’ll be just fine,” RJ told her.

  Kelly breathed a sigh of relief as she stood on her crutches in RJ’s driveway and waved goodbye to the whirlwind that was his mother.

  That evening, RJ took the remains of a casserole out of the fridge and heated it in the microwave. He made them each a small dinner salad and put her dinner on a breakfast tray. Then he brought everything into the living room so Kelly wouldn’t have to get up and hobble to the kitchen.

  “Thanks, Rhett,” she said when he placed the tray of food over her lap.

  “Don’t start that Rhett crap, Kelly. It’s RJ.” She’d been calling him ‘Rhett’ ever since she found out it was his name. He hoped to put an end to it now that his mother was no longer around to encourage it. He might not be able to stop his mother from using his given name, but he intended to put an end to Kelly using it.

  “But I like Rhett. You look like a Rhett more than an RJ.” She smiled sweetly at him.

  “RJ, period.” He tried to keep his voice stern, but he was so relieved his mother was gone that he was having a hard time being as firm as he wanted to be.

  “Marcus said I could have a small glass of wine with dinner. Do we have any?”

  “I’ll get you a glass right after you finish your dinner. Now eat while it’s still hot.”

  “Yes, Rhett. I mean RJ,” she corrected herself.

  “You looking for me to spank your ass?”

  “Why, Rhett,” she lifted the back of her hand to her forehead in a classic Scarlett O’Hara gesture and gave her best imitation. “Whatever do you mean? Surely you wouldn’t spank a lady with a broken leg.”

  “Let one more ‘Rhett’ come out of your mouth and you’ll find out.”

  “What if I want a spanking?” Kelly stuffed a forkful of the enchilada casserole into her mouth innocently when RJ looked at her.

  “Then you’ll get one. When you’re all healed up.” He wished his dick wouldn’t get hard the minute the subject of spanking her came up.

  “That could be six or eight weeks! I’m not waiting that long.”

  “You’ll wait until Marcus gives his okay, and that’s the end of it.”

  She was always pushing to get her way. It was funny how he had always thought he wanted a more submissive woman. The only time Kelly submitted without an argument was in the bedroom. Outside the bedroom she fought every rule he tried to put in place and every suggestion if she even thought it sounded like an order or a command. If he wasn’t careful, she’d start telling him what to do and how to do it. And yet, he was coming to learn that he didn’t mind all that much if she wasn’t more submissive.

  Chapter 13

  RJ was healed and ready to go back to work a week after his mother left. Kelly was able to manage on her own while he would be at work though her father checked in daily and Char would be available to help if needed.

  The night before RJ’s first shift he took out another casserole from the freezer and popped it in the oven for dinner. Kelly was well enough now to sit at the table and eat.

  The metal frame-like apparatus that held the screws in place while her bone healed would have to remain on for at least six weeks, possibly even eight, but she was doing physical therapy every day to help the healing.

  RJ dished out the food and then sat down across from her.

  “I want us to talk, Kelly.”

  She looked up just before forking in a mouthful and said, “Sure, what’s up?”

  He paused for a few seconds trying to figure out how to say what he wanted to tell her.

  “I was scared to death I was going to lose you when we were out there. When you passed out in the truck, I didn’t know if I should stop and try to revive you or just go faster to get you to the hospital.”

  “Aw, you’re so sweet,” she said. “But I was never in danger of dying. My leg hurt like hell and I guess the pain made me black out, but I wasn’t at death’s door by a long shot.”

  “I know that now, but when it was happening, it scared the crap out of me.”

  She ate another mouthful and waited as it looked like he had more to say.

  “I’m making a mess of this, but I don’t want to live like we’re living anymore.”

  Kelly looked up and when he saw the confusion in her eyes, he realized she could take that statement the wrong way. Quickly, he tried to explain.

  “No, wait…that didn’t come out right. What I mean is I don’t want to live apart. I’m tired of you having your place and me having mine. When I’m not working, we’re together every minute we can be, so why can’t we just get married and live together?”

  Kelly coughed as she choked on her food.


  “Yeah, why not? I love you. You love me. We’re practically living together anyway. At least we are when I’m not on duty. It’s the next logical step.”

  She put her fork down and stared him for a few minutes.

  The corner of his mouth quirked up just a bit before he managed to control it. He loved it when she didn’t have a quick comeback. Even more, he loved that she hadn’t flat out told him no. He casually ate a few bites while waiting for her to speak.

  “Um…I don’t like rules, or being told what I can and can’t do. I don’t like being punished. I don’t think I can be submissive enough for you. Jeez, Rhett…I love you,” she stammered. “But I’m not sure it could work out with all the things I don’t like. Shit, we should have talked this all out before I fell in love with you.”

  He moved into the chair at the side of the table, next to her and took her hand.

  “I don’t care about that. I love you the way you are.”

  Kelly shook her head and chewed on the corner of her mouth. “Rhett, I’m afraid you say that now, but down the road—a year or two—you might change your mind.”

  “I won’t. But for someone who claims she doesn’t like being punished, you’re sure acting like you’re looking for a spanking by calling me Rhett.”

  She grinned slyly at him and said, “No, just teasing you. I like Rhett better than RJ. But seriously, we need to think this through carefully.”

  “Okay, tell me what your concerns are.”

  “First, go back to your dinner and let’s eat while we talk. I can�
��t think straight when you’re so close to me.”

  He did as she asked, and ate a few bites of his dinner before asking her again.

  “What’s your first objection?”


  “Which rules specifically? Do you object to being respectful to each other?”

  “No, of course not. It shouldn’t need to be a rule, it’s how people should treat one another. But if, in the heat of the moment, I say something without thinking, I shouldn’t have to worry that you’re going to take a switch to my ass.”

  “Kelly, you know I wouldn’t switch you for what you say or any of your sarcastic remarks.” He hadn’t realized she still harbored resentment from the switching. “That was a major safety issue and I wanted to be sure it didn’t happen again.”

  She sighed and said, “I know. I just don’t always want to worry about being spanked; being punished.”

  He nodded as if he understood, though he didn’t. He continued eating while he tried to sort through everything.

  She was fine with asking him for a hard spanking to get rid of stress or to wind down after a tough day. She was fine with his dominance in the bedroom, hell, she even encouraged it.

  She had no issue with the understanding that they be respectful and honest towards each other. And whether she realized it or not, she enjoyed the punishment spankings. At least her pussy reacted as if she enjoyed it, and she always wanted sex afterwards. It had to be the safety rule. It had to be that they had not resolved his feelings over her driving habits. And maybe she had concerns that other things might crop up in the future that he would want to make into rules.

  “What else troubles you?”

  What the hell had she done? She’d been tamping down visions of how life would be married to RJ for the last few months. No one knew it was something she dreamed about. Shit, she barely knew it herself because she kept shoving it to the back of her head whenever it tried to take over her mind.

  Now, when the love of her life declared his intention and desire to marry her, she balked like a stupid twit who didn’t know her own mind.

  What should she say? When she stopped to think about it, RJ hadn’t put any real rules into effect. They agreed on the basics of honesty, respect, and safety.

  Even when she’d earned herself a spanking, they had always been more play than discipline. Except for the switching of course. She had a feeling it was the switching that gave her the most pause about a domestic discipline relationship.

  If she stopped to think about it, they weren’t together enough for the rules they had to get in the way. Her driving might become a problem, but she was going to tackle that right now and make it clear that she wasn’t going to alter the way she’d been driving for damn near fifteen years.

  She was kidding only herself by denying how much she liked and even needed spankings. Much as she hated to admit it, she even liked the punishment spankings. Other than the big safety violation of walking alone in the wilderness area, punishments had been for her sarcastic mouth. Each time, a punishment assuaged the guilt she had from possibly hurting his feelings with her remarks. It left her feeling as though she paid the price for letting her mouth get the best of her and it gave her a fresh start.

  The mind blowing sex after any kind of spanking made it all worthwhile. She didn’t know why she felt so connected to RJ after a spanking. She felt so close to him afterwards when they lay side-by-side with his arms wrapped around her and his big rough hand rubbing her red-hot ass, soothing the burn away.

  As she thought of all these things, it seemed as though all the pieces slipped into place. She had turned everything this way, that way, and now all the pieces finally fit together and it was their love that was the super-glue holding the pieces together.

  She looked across the table and noticed he had finished his dinner and was patiently waiting for the thought processes that had been churning in her mind.

  “Yes,” she said. “Under two conditions.”

  “Name them and I’ll agree, if you’ll be my wife.”

  She couldn’t prevent the warmth and love from spreading in her heart when he said those words with no hesitancy whatsoever. He didn’t even care what those two conditions might be, he wanted her for his wife and whatever the conditions might be, he was ready and willing to agree to them.

  “No more corner time. I hate standing in the corner looking at that stupid L-shaped flaw that’s on the wall.”

  She waited for his reaction to that before she told him her second condition.

  “What if I fix that stupid L-shaped flaw? Would you be willing to stand in the corner then?”

  Kelly could tell he was joking by the little smirky way he grinned. She laughed and said, “I don’t think so. It makes me feel like I’m five years old. If you feel I need to think about something before you start pounding my ass, I’d rather just sit quietly on the bed or on a chair.”

  “Agreed. What’s condition number two?”

  “That after every spanking, we have incredible mind-blowing sex.” She was the one with the smirky grin on her face now.

  “That is one condition I am more than willing to be on-board with. I understand Dr. Devon cleared you for certain activities. Is that right?”

  “It is. Why? Is there something you want to do?”

  “If you’re done with your dinner, go to the bedroom, strip, and get on the bed with your beautiful ass facing up. My hand is itching to spank that bottom.”

  “Yes sir,” she replied as she stood up and put the one crutch she still used under her arm.

  He walked into the bedroom and saw her lying naked on the bed, a pillow under her hips raising her ass. The contraption on her lower leg gave him pause and he wondered how he was going to fulfill her requirement that they have mind-blowing sex after he spanked her. Trusting that it would all work itself out, he unbuckled his belt.

  As he drew the belt through the loops, he saw her squirm when a slight shiver ran over her body. He heard her whisper, “Oh, god.”

  Leaning over her, he ran his hand down her spine, over her raised bottom, and down her left leg. The thought that her injured leg might react with a sudden jump if he touched it, made him slide his hand back up the left leg, slipping his hand between her thighs.

  “Open for me,” he said softly and smiled when her legs instantly parted and he could touch her damp sex.

  “Remember when we were in the truck after you refused to go to the tower?”

  “Mmm…hmmm,” she moaned her reply.

  “I told you your ass was mine when we got out of there.”

  His hand came down in a sharp swat on her right cheek and followed immediately with one to her left cheek. He rubbed the sting out of both cheeks and then spanked each one again. It had been more than a few weeks since her last spanking and he took his time warming up her bottom.

  Spanking, rubbing, then spanking again, followed with more rubbing. With every touch, she moaned and raised her butt up in a silent request for more. Her legs parted even more, inviting him to touch her glistening pussy.

  He didn’t touch her there yet. First he wanted to finish her spanking. Her bottom bobbed up again, asking for more.

  RJ picked up his belt and asked, “Are you going to do as you’re told in the future?”

  She wiggled her hips and gave a saucy reply, “I wouldn’t count on it if I were you.”

  He brought the belt down sharply on her ass twice, making her groan in ecstasy. His cock, already hard, twitched as the stripes bloomed on her ass.

  “Would you care to try a different answer?” He laid two more stripes down, this time at the top of her thighs.

  It looked like she had a mini orgasm when her body shivered and gave a little twist. Grabbing the bedcover in her fists she turned to look at him and begged.

  “Please…Rhett…whip me. Whip me hard…”

  He did. Bringing the belt down on her ass and the tops of her thighs, over and over again, covering every inch of the
area in raised welts. When he stopped to rub and soothe the ache, her voice was harsh as she grunted out, “Don’t…stop…please…don’t stop.”

  He continued belting her, watching her carefully for signs of distress, but it seemed as though she wanted more and more. Her pussy wasn’t just glistening anymore. It was dripping and he shoved two fingers of his free hand deep inside her, feeling the contractions as she convulsed around his fingers. His cock was so hard he was afraid he was going to shoot his load right then and there.

  “Get on your back,” he ordered as he dropped the belt to the floor.

  She whimpered in protest, but did as she was told. Gently he pushed her legs apart and crawled between them on the bed. He brought his mouth to her clit and licked it, then sucked on it, making her hips buck up.

  He moved upwards, kissing her mons, her navel, her ribs, and finally took a nipple in his mouth at the same instant he drove his cock into her. He pounded into her hard and fast and she met every stroke. Faster, harder, they slammed into each other until together they reached the peak and fell over it into exhausted oblivion.

  When RJ could finally move again, he said, “I think we just had our own little fire in the Rockies.”

  Secure in the knowledge that Rhett loved her in spite of her inability to be as submissive as he might hope for, Kelly replied, “There’s nothing little about this fire, Rhett. Nothing at all.”

  The End

  Holla Dean

  Holla Dean writes sexy spanking stories. She currently has over 15 books on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other book selling sites. Holla reads many different genres, but writes romance, specifically spanking romance. Funny thing is, sometimes the characters just don’t want to spank or be spanked. Rather than force it on her characters, Holla lets them slide on that little detail and just continues with the sexy romance. After all, even though it’s hard to believe, spanking isn’t for everyone. Holla lives in the Arizona desert near Phoenix where there are no snow storms, no tornadoes, no hurricanes, no blizzards. There’s no need to wear heavy parkas, boots, and mittens though if you want to wear all that stuff all you need to do is drive a couple of hours north to the mountains. There is the occasional dust storm or Haboob and when that happens, Holla takes her laptop indoors and just keeps writing.


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