Why the West Rules—for Now

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Why the West Rules—for Now Page 87

by Morris, Ian;

  Romans and, 269–70, 280, 286, 289

  social development of, 225

  trade of, 200, 239

  Greenland, 371, 398, 421

  Green Party, 106

  Gregory VII, Pope, 369

  Guangdong (China), 588

  Guangwu, Emperor, 299

  Guangxu, Emperor, 523

  Guangzhou (China), 432–33, 484, 501n, 515, 517

  Gui people, 221

  Gujarat, 431

  Gu Kaizhi, 321

  guns, 143, 407, 482, 499, 521, 573, 577, 591

  in China, 15, 396, 407, 457–59, 576

  European, 143, 159, 402–404, 419, 430, 431, 433, 465, 484

  in Japan, 440, 443, 483, 517, 520

  Guns, Germs, and Steel (Diamond), 17, 117

  Gutians, 191

  Gu Yanwu, 473–74, 481

  Habsburgs, 445–49, 460–62, 466, 486, 526, 528, 551, 567, 573, 574

  Habuba Kabira (Syria), 184

  Hadrian, 307

  Hagia Sophia (Constantinople), 343, 403

  Haiti, 34, 460

  Hamlet (Shakespeare), 62, 436

  Han Chinese, 169

  Han dynasty, 285, 317, 334, 338, 341, 354, 355, 457, 474, 546

  collapse of, 300–304, 309, 563, 569, 576, 587

  Confucianism during, 262, 320–21, 420

  energy consumption during, 380–81

  founding of, 283, 284

  Roman Empire compared with, 285, 289, 291, 298, 207, 319

  Xiongnu and, 293–95, 298, 299, 310

  Hangzhou (China), 153, 384, 387

  Hann (China), 265n

  Hannibal, 270

  Han Yu, 375, 376

  Hard Times (Dickens), 503

  Hardy, Thomas, 468

  Hargreaves, James, 496

  Harris, Robert, 579

  Harvard University, 47, 58n, 59n, 124, 542

  Heart of Darkness (Conrad), 519, 520

  “Heaven-Man Teaching,” 322

  Hebrew Bible, 137, 182, 191, 234, 235, 247, 249, 255, 276, 324, 351

  Ecclesiasticus, 365

  Judges, 219

  Psalms, 261–62

  Heidelberg Man, 54–56

  Heinlein, Robert, 27–28, 89, 559

  Héloïse, 370–71

  Hemudu (China), 122

  Henry, Prince (“the Navigator”), 414, 416

  Henry IV, Emperor, 369

  Henry V (Shakespeare), 436

  Henry VII, King, 416, 417

  Heraclitus, 93

  Heraclius, Emperor, 343, 348, 349, 352, 354n

  Herodotus, 30, 32, 249–50, 277–78

  Heyerdahl, Thor, 421n

  Hezbollah, 605

  Hezekiah, King, 247

  Hideyoshi, Toyotomi, 440–41, 443, 444, 448, 449, 457, 483, 567

  Hilly Flanks, 86, 87, 89, 96–105, 113, 121, 177, 179–81, 189, 200

  archaeological sites in, 90, 96, 97, 101–105, 124

  culture of, 120, 129

  family groups in, 101–104

  farming in, 31, 34, 97–101, 107, 114, 117–19, 159, 179, 184, 367, 561, 562, 577

  languages of, 110

  migration from, 111, 116

  pottery from, 122

  religion in, 102, 123, 125–27

  Younger Dryas period in, 92, 93, 96

  Hindus, 431

  Hiroshima (Japan), 532, 534, 610, 614, 617

  History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The (Gibbon), 307, 326, 490

  Hitler, Adolf, 532, 551, 578–79, 595

  Hitler Youth, 106

  Hittites, 197–99, 214–21, 225

  Hobbes, Thomas, 131

  Hoelun, 388

  Hohenzollerns, 528

  Hohle Fels (Germany), 79

  Hokkaido (Japan), 129

  Holland, see Netherlands

  Holy Roman Empire, 403n, 445, 446, 448, 454

  Holy Sepulcher, Church of (Jerusalem), 372

  Homer, 137, 199, 217, 239, 286

  Homo antecessor, 54–55

  Homo erectus, 50–55, 60, 68, 70, 72, 80, 154

  Homo ergaster, 50, 51, 54n, 68

  Homo habilis, 43, 45–46, 48, 54n, 63, 150, 617

  Homo sapiens, 60–61, 63, 66–68, 70, 71n, 72, 80, 88, 114, 183, 380, 593, 517, 618

  H1N1 influenza, 603

  Hong Kong, 6, 127, 548

  Hong Liangji, 506

  Hong Xiuquan, 9–10

  Honshu (Japan), 129

  Hongwu, Emperor, 405–406, 441, 575

  Hormuz (Iran), 393, 429

  Hoshea, King, 247

  Huan, Marquis, 244

  Huang Sheng, 424, 425

  Huizong, Emperor, 386, 389, 575

  Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), 603

  Human Relations Area Files, 139

  Hume, David, 474, 475

  Hungary, 276, 312, 368, 391, 402, 442, 446, 549

  Academy of Sciences of, 65

  Huns, 312–16, 345

  hunter-gatherers, 100–101, 105–106, 109, 121, 127, 277, 368, 430, 597

  energy consumption of, 154, 381

  Ice Age, 85, 86, 491

  modern, 76, 104, 140; see also foraging

  Huntington, Ellsworth, 30

  Hurrians, 196–97, 220, 221

  Husayn, 357–58

  Hussein, Saddam, 90, 180

  Hyksos, 197, 198

  Ibrahim, Sultan (“the Crazy”), 452

  Ice Age, 35, 67, 79–80, 100, 149, 270, 617, 620

  effects of warming following, 77, 81–86, 88, 91

  end of, 14, 31, 32, 89, 116, 140, 154, 158, 160, 167, 263, 271, 558, 559, 561, 562, 590, 619, 626

  human survival strategies during, 76–77, 92, 132, 381, 491

  Neanderthal adaptation to, 56

  Iceland, 371, 398, 421

  Iliad (Homer), 199

  Incas, 460, 515

  India, 16, 23, 32, 297, 365, 416, 520, 605, 620n;

  ancient, 268, 292

  Britain and, 273–74, 339n, 495

  Buddhism in, 263, 329, 340–42, 437

  environmental impacts of, 609

  industrial development in, 522

  Mongol invasion of, 574

  opium in, 7, 515

  Portugal and, 430–32

  prehistoric, 49, 50, 97

  Romans in, 273–75

  Indochina, 306, 535

  Indonesia, 535

  industrial revolution, 11, 13, 19–21, 100, 380, 413, 491, 503, 510, 542, 565, 572–77, 585, 608, 611

  British, 13, 19–21, 40, 379, 382, 494–98, 500, 501–507, 510, 511, 572, 596, 620

  social development and, 32, 36, 167, 169, 228, 383, 385, 392, 449, 498, 500, 501, 515, 559, 593, 597, 611, 616–17

  information technology, 149, 157, 268, 395, 542, 583, 591–93, 596

  Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (Smith), 39–40, 490, 501

  Intel, 592

  International Age, 197, 198, 234, 236

  International Association of Athletic Federations, 594

  International Astronomical Union, 613n

  International Business Machines (IBM), 542, 596, 597

  International Congress of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archaeology (Lisbon, 1880), 74

  International Energy Agency, 612

  International Institute for Strategic Studies, 151

  International Monetary Fund (IMF), 547–48, 586

  Internet, 151, 592, 595

  IQ tests, 570

  Iran, 23, 99, 138, 312, 342, 360, 366, 367, 392, 605

  ancient, 179, 184, 191, 196, 197, 203, 225, 248, 254n, 292, 323, 328, 335

  Islamic Revolution in, 180

  Iraq, 90, 138, 159, 358–61, 366, 392, 398, 551, 605

  ancient, 93, 107 (see also Mesopotamia)

  Inquisition in, 358

  invasion of Kuwait by, 180

  plague in, 397

  Ireland, 371, 450, 451, 472n

  famine in, 505

  Irene, Empress, 363

  iron, 233, 380–82, 38
8, 521, 524, 604

  industrialization and, 495, 497, 498, 506, 510

  for tools, 233, 251, 395

  for weapons, 128, 276, 380, 386, 403

  irrigation, 155, 181, 192, 196, 200, 250, 265, 286, 315, 319, 360–61, 389, 499, 561

  Isabella, Queen, 416, 430

  Ishmael, 351

  Isis, 323

  Islam, 354, 361, 414, 446, 563

  Christian attacks on, 362, 372–73

  extremist, 180, 551, 603

  holiest shrines of, 408

  origins of, 349–52, 357

  plague and, 398

  scholarship of, 370, 571; see also Muslims

  Isma’ili Shiites, 364n

  Israel, 90, 97, 197, 535, 605

  ancient, 233, 235, 246–48, 262

  archaeological sites in, 86, 88, 240

  Lost Tribes of, 391

  Israelites, 200, 218, 219, 234–35, 247

  Italy, 159, 215, 225, 270, 346–47, 371, 392, 404, 410, 467, 567

  archaeological sites in, 59, 198, 200, 289–90

  Goth invasion of, 314, 317

  Habsburgs and, 446, 461

  literacy in, 379

  Renaissance, 416–20, 569, 575, 589

  social development in, 268

  trade of, 275, 315, 316, 365

  tribesmen of, 240

  Ivan, Tsar (“the Terrible”), 457, 458, 460

  Jackson, Peter, 53

  Jacob, 191, 199, 276

  Jacobinism, 504

  Jacques, Martin, 11, 589

  Jade Cong, Age of, 205

  Jainism, 254n, 255

  Jamaica, 485

  Jamestown Colony, 465, 502

  Jamuka, 388

  Janissaries, 444, 452

  Japan, 32, 33, 136, 160, 400, 421, 440–43, 450, 480, 483–84, 494, 567, 633

  ancient, 127–29

  Buddhism in, 342

  China and, 15, 52, 211, 306, 360, 361, 411, 441–43, 475, 531, 533

  closing of, 483–84, 530

  during Cold War, 534, 535

  deforestation in, 451

  economy of, 11, 12, 360, 406, 531, 535, 543, 551, 570, 584

  energy consumption in, 150, 153, 630

  health in, 538

  labor costs in, 501, 502

  opening to West of, 10, 14, 483, 517–18, 520–21

  Portugal and, 435, 440, 442

  prehistoric, 68

  Russian war with, 17, 525–26, 528

  social development in, 144, 150–51, 153, 158, 522–25, 643

  technology in, 597, 617

  in World War II, 17, 52, 531–34, 578, 579

  Jaspers, Karl, 254–55

  Java, 47, 60n

  Jerf al-Ahmar (Syria), 96, 101, 123

  Jericho (Palestine), 102, 104–105, 129

  Jerusalem, 234, 249, 348, 372–73

  Christian Kingdom of, 373

  Jesuits, 477–79

  Jesus, 255, 256, 324–26, 348, 351, 352, 372, 398, 513

  Jews, 365, 370, 427, 472, 513, 532

  ancient, 249, 256 (see also Israelites)

  persecution and slaughter of, 372, 391, 399, 513, 579

  Jiahu (China), 122–24, 129, 204, 212

  Jiangzhai (China), 122

  Jiankang (China), 305, 306, 319, 321, 329, 334–37; see also Nanjing

  Jin (China), 244, 245, 251–53, 262, 265n, 279

  Jin dynasty, 304–306, 311, 317, 318

  Jingdi, Emperor, 284–85

  Jinsha (China), 214, 215

  Jobs, Steve, 542

  Jocelyn, Lord Robert, 143

  John, King, 416

  John the Baptist, 372

  John of Ephesus, Bishop, 346, 347

  Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 141

  Johnson, Samuel, 32, 39, 40

  Jordan, 197

  archaeological sites in, 100, 102, 124

  Joseph, 191–93, 224

  Journal of the Plague Year (Defoe), 455

  Journey to the West, 436–37

  Judah, 234, 235, 247, 248

  Judaism, 324, 327, 351–52; see also Hebrew Bible

  Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), 436

  Jurchen Empire, 386–87, 389, 392, 575, 576

  Justinian, Emperor, 343–49, 353, 616

  Ka’ba (Mecca), 351

  Kadesh (Syria), 199, 214

  Kaifeng (China), 153, 155, 380–83, 386–87, 389, 392, 419, 422, 451, 482, 493, 575

  Kangxi, Emperor, 477, 479–81

  Kant, Immanuel, 472, 474, 475, 532

  kaozheng (evidential research), 473, 477

  Karakhanid Empire, 366

  Karakorum (Mongolia), 393

  Karluk Turks, 366

  Kassites, 197

  Katanda (Congo), 64

  Kazakhstan, 196, 220, 249, 277, 312, 606n

  Keightley, David, 212, 213

  Kennedy, John F., 434, 580, 616

  Kennedy, Paul, 248

  Kenyon, Kathleen, 102, 105

  Kepler, Johannes, 113

  Keynes, John Maynard, 529–30

  Khaldun, Ibn, 396

  Khitans, 374, 376, 386, 389

  Khmers, 360

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 541, 542, 544, 580, 616

  Khubilai Khan, 392, 575

  Khufu, King, 187

  Khusrau II, King, 343, 347–49, 352, 353, 616

  Kidd, Captain William, 485

  Kim Il Sung, 16

  Kim Jong Il, 16, 194

  Kipling, Rudyard, 620–21

  Kissinger, Henry, 266

  Kizzuwatna, 198

  Klein, Richard, 59n

  Koguryo, 354

  Kon-Tiki (Heyerdahl), 421n

  Koran, 255, 351, 353, 358, 574

  Korea, 159, 290, 342, 354, 360, 406, 441, 443, 483, 524

  prehistoric, 127–28

  Korean War, 534–35, 543, 590

  Koukounaries (Greece), 219

  Kubrick, Stanley, 63

  Kuropatkin, Aleksei Nikolaevich, 526

  Kurosawa, Akira, 440n

  Kurzweil, Ray, 592–96, 614, 617, 618

  Kuwait, Iraqi invasion of, 180

  Kynge, James, 553

  Kyoto protocol, 609

  Kyrgyzstan, 459, 606n

  Kyushu (Japan), 129

  Lagos (Nigeria), 149

  Lake Agassiz (North America), 91–93

  Lamentation over Ur, The (Sumerian poem), 194

  Landes, David, 17


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