10-99: Line of Duty Series

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10-99: Line of Duty Series Page 1

by Xyla Turner

  10-99: Line of Duty Series

  Xyla Turner


  10-99: Line of Duty Series



  Letter to the Reader…

  1. Try Again

  2. He’s Different

  3. Lies

  4. The Truth

  5. Refuge

  6. Last Night

  7. Final Words

  8. Uninvited

  9. Makeup

  10. Back to Reality

  11. Privilege

  12. The Plan

  13. Reversal

  14. Lives that Matter

  15. Under

  Discussion Questions

  About the Author

  Also by Xyla Turner

  About the Author

  10-99: Line of Duty Series

  By Xyla Turner


  237 Flatbush Avenue, #187 Brooklyn, NY 11217

  This is an original publication of AZINA MEDIA PUBLICATIONS.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.


  Cover Page by Dynasty’s Visionary Designs

  Edited by Sharon Russom

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized edits.

  All rights reserved.

  Created with Vellum


  To the lives of every victim that was slain in the 2016 Summer killings. To their families, love ones and everyone watching. This is my contribution. I am sorry for your losses.

  I want to thanks Heather Rae (author), Shirleta McKann, and Marteeka Karland (author) for answering all of my questions about the Emergency Room protocols. You ladies are the best!

  Thanks to Phoenix Daniels (author), who took the time to speak with me about police procedures and all things related to the cops. I appreciate your help!

  To my family, friends, co-workers, supporters, and fellow authors!

  To Xyla World, it’s coming you guys. Mark my words, it’s coming.

  Shatisha Nash, my dear friend, PUSH partner and confidant. Thank you for your ear, your words of wisdom and support!

  To my sister, thank you for your support.


  To Him that heals our broken hearts!

  Letter to the Reader…

  I hope when you read this, you are well.

  10-99 is a book that was inspired by the Summer 2016 events that broke my heart and others around the world. The killing of Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, Lorne Ahrens, Michael Smith, Michael Krol, Patrick Zamarripa and Brent Thompson (The five Police Officers that were killed in Dallas, Texas.)

  This was a sad and hurtful time for everyone and one way I thought I could contribute was by putting pen to paper.

  Vic and Kat deal with the reality. The notion that while it is 2016, we are not all united and gives a romantic notion of how to care for humans before we look at culture and race.

  I’d love to hear from you, your thoughts about this book and the one before it, 10-80: Line of Duty Series. At the end of the book, you can see some questions and ways to contact me.

  I hope you enjoy Vic and Kat because even through some tears, I enjoyed writing them.

  Love you,

  Xyla Turner

  Chapter One

  Try Again


  “Man, Kat is not interested in you,” Ryan jeered.

  “All the more reason I should get to know her, right?” My eyes were set on the curvy woman who moved through the crowd like she owned it.

  “Vic, man. I'm trying to tell you. Forget what D’asia said. Kat is not looking for you. Honestly, she'd chew you up and spit you out. Literally.”

  Ryan kept trying to warn me about his girls’ friend.

  I laughed because she did look like she didn't take much shit, but little did she know, neither did I.

  For me, it came down to this fact; I liked a woman who knew what she wanted. Kat was certainly beautiful and if she was a friend of D’asia’s then she had to be a certain caliber of sweet and sassy.

  Ryan tilted the sweating beer bottle to his mouth again and took a long drag. He and his lady, D’asia, were having a gathering at his house and some of her friends, including the woman, Kat, who had my eye, and guys from the force. Including some of the officers and detectives. I was one of the few beat cops or police officers there because Ryan was promoted to Detective a while ago. The two groups did not always hang out together but he and I crossed paths at the academy and worked closely together on the force.

  “Hey guys,” D’asia Carey said with a huge smile as she approached us. “Vic, I’m so glad you could make it. Did you see my friend, Kat?”

  “Sweetheart, please stop,” Ryan pleaded as he pulled her towards him with one hand.

  Her body connected with his sitting figure then he wrapped both arms around her waist.

  “Please.” Ryan smiled, showing all of his teeth.

  “Ryan,” she whined. “They'll be great together. Kat can be a little brisk, but she is good people. I'm telling you, Vic. She's good.”

  I nodded at her.

  “D’asia, you don't have to convince me. I’ll take your word for it. Shit, without your word, I'd be interested.” I snuck another peek at the woman who sparked my interest.

  D’asia’s head turned towards Ryan, then she said, “See.”

  “Man, I told you, but I know you. You're going to go after her anyway. Just don't say you weren't warned,” my friend emphasized.

  Ryan pulled D’asia’s face towards him for a wet kiss as his hands moved from her waist to her ass. Those two were beyond in love and had fought a few battles to get there. Ryan once told me about how they met and the circumstances surrounding the start of their relationship.

  D’asia was raising her younger brother by herself since her mom was on drugs. Ryan busted the brother twice for different things and she was the person who gave Ryan the most hell. He immediately took an interest in her and her brother, which led to their whirlwind romance. The shit was crazy, but now she is working for one of the top law firms in New York and her brother is an honor roll student. It was clear, by just being in the room with them, that they were in love. The two of them had a deep respect for the other and despite their differences and backgrounds, they celebrated who they were. It was actually some cool shit to see and it encouraged me to make a move on Kat.

  “Alright, love birds.” I put my bottle down on the small end table and said, “I'm going in.”

  “Oh, fuck,” Ryan whispered as he pulled away from D’asia.

  “Good luck, Vic.” I heard her squeal.

  Kat was sipping on a drink at a table with two other people. One guy was dressed in khakis, a fitted t-shirt and brown leather sandals. The younger woman that Kat was chatting with had on a bright orange dress and she was wearing long, thin braids. Kat had on a halter dress with large black and white polka dots with strappy sandals that stopped mid-calf with a fairly tall heel. Her hair was wrapped in a black scarf with a huge knot at the front that complimented her long dangly, silver earrings.

had seen Kat at another event, but I hadn't said anything to her then because she had left early. According to D’asia, she worked as an Emergency Room Nurse at Mt. Sinai Hospital in East Harlem. Therefore, her schedule was weird but as a beat cop, so was mine.

  There was an empty chair next to Kat, so I walked up to the group, took the seat and addressed everyone, “Hey, I'm Vic, a friend of Ryan’s.”

  The woman with the long braids smiled and said, “Hey, I'm Tabitha.”

  “Hey, I'm Dylan,” the guy said and extended his hand towards me.

  We shook and I turned towards the woman right next to me and smiled.

  “Kat.” She gave me a curt nod.

  “Nice to finally meet you Kat,” I said. “I've been looking forward to speaking with you.”

  “Why?” She asked flatly.

  “Well, I’ve been admiring you from afar and now is my big moment,” I answered.

  “Oh, that's cute.” Tabitha chimed in with glee.

  Kat quickly turned towards her with a glare that clearly communicated that it was indeed not cute.

  “Stop, Tabitha. She doesn't think it's cute,” I chuckled.

  “Oh,” Tabitha made a noise and laughed to herself.

  “Okay,” Kat looked back at me. “Was there something you wanted?”

  “Well, yeah. But I see now may not be the right time?” I answered.

  “Why’s that?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “Uh, I think that's our cue to go.” Tabitha hit Dylan on the elbow and jerked her head towards the right.

  After the two of them had scrambled away, I turned my attention back to Kat.

  “Well, for one, you have your guard all the way up and I just came over to say hello. Two, it seems I've done something wrong towards you but that's impossible because this is my first time meeting you. And three, I'm not sure if you're ready for a man like me…honestly.”

  Kat's head reared back and then she turned her entire body around so that she was facing me.

  “Vic,” she made the ‘c’ at the end of my name pop. “You're right. I am on guard because I know that if you're friends with Ryan, you're a cop. I like Ryan but I'm not a fan of cops. You also have that cop vibe about you that makes me not like you even more. Also, since we’re being honest, it’s not a question of whether I'm ready for a man like you; it’s the fact that I don't want a man like you.”


  My head nodded and I knew the smirk on my face was present.

  “I like honest people,” I said. “I enjoy their candor but I don't like ignorant ones though. People that don't take the time out to know others before judging them based on some sort of label or in this case, an occupation. So, Kat, thanks for your time.”

  Her mouth slightly opened in surprise when I stood and walked off.

  My conversation with the infamous Kat Long was over for now, but I would be speaking with her soon.

  When I returned to Ryan, D’asia wasn't there but my friend raised his eyebrow and said, “What I tell you?”

  I shook my head and replied, “That was only round one.”

  Ryan shook his head and said, “Damn, I forgot how persistent your ass can be. How long did it take before Lauren went out with you? Man, why?” He laughed. “You're a good looking man. Shit, there are plenty of rumors about women who are interested in the loyal Victor.”

  My shoulders lifted in a shrug before I said, “Man, what can I say? I like what I like. I like who I like.”

  “But Kat?” Ryan inhaled deeply. “Shit, I think she just tolerates me. She does not like cops. Like at all. Shit, I'm surprised she even came. She will hang out with D’asia, but she rarely comes over here to our events.”

  “Our events?” I attempted to change the subject. “What’s up with you guys? The last time we spoke, she wouldn’t move in with you but now her feminine touch seems to be everywhere.”

  Ryan gave me a look over his beer.

  “Man, I’m trying. Little by little, I keep bringing her shit over here. I’ve even got Zee, her little brother, in on this. The most I can get her to do is spend a few nights over here, but then she’s back at her place.” He confessed.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “I’m not really sure. I think she’s a little old-fashioned but she won’t tell me. She just says she likes her space.”

  “Are you trying to go all the way with her?” I asked.

  “Fuck yeah.” He put his beer down on the floor near his feet.

  “Then what are you waiting for?” I asked. “Ask her to marry you.”

  “Marriage? Now?” Ryan looked puzzled. “She’s not finished her degree yet.”

  “So, what does that have to do with you being with the woman you plan to spend the rest of your life with?”

  “Nothing, but she wants all of those things before we take it to the next level.” He shrugged. “I pick my battles with that woman.”

  “Well, I think if she knew just how serious you were, marriage and all of that, you might not get a lot of pushback about having her move in with you,” I mused.

  My friend raised his eyebrow and nodded his head.

  “You may be on to something. We briefly talked about the next level early on and I hadn’t brought it up since. Shit, I was so glad she gave me another chance, I wasn’t trying to rock the boat too much, but you’re right. If she thinks this is temporary, D’asia’s the type to guard herself by setting limits.” A lightbulb seemed to go off in Ryan’s head. “Fuck. Why didn’t I see that before? Shit, how did your fucking ass know?”

  “Man, this ain’t my first rodeo. I was engaged awhile back and let’s just say, I had to learn some shit the hard way,” I informed him.

  Ryan nodded his head at me and held up his beer. “Makes sense.”

  The last thing I wanted to think about was my failed attempt or zealous younger years of being engaged to an entitled princess who wanted me to move up in the ranks than for me to make an impact where I was.

  I, did not, want to think about her.

  Ironically, I hadn’t run into Kat for the rest of the gathering but I meant everything I said even though that would not be my last time talking with the surly woman. Why the fuck wouldn’t I let go? It beat the shit out of me but she sparked my interest.

  Now, my curiosity had been peaked.

  “Yo, Vic. You won’t believe this shit,” DaShawn strolled over to my desk at UNITE with a slight limp that he made look cool. “I got my fucking report card back and look at this shit.”

  Last year, Ryan started a program in collaboration with his mom’s district to have police officer’s mentor the youth in the neighborhood. I was all about this movement and usually on or off duty, I could be found at the UNITE Harlem location.

  DaShawn, the young man that I mentored, now had a special place in my heart. To the average person, they’d probably be scared of him. He was tall, black and if he didn’t know you, his facial expression could include a scowl.

  “Man, what the fuck happened? I thought we had a plan,” I said to him before I saw the report card.

  “Fuck, I thought we did too,” he huffed.

  DaShawn handed me the piece of paper and I braced myself to have the conversation about getting back up and trying again.

  “What the fuck?” I exclaimed. “A goddamn ‘A’ in Physics, ‘B-’ in Geology, ‘B+’ in Algebra 2, ‘A-’ in English 3 and a ‘D+’ in Gym?”

  DaShawn burst out laughing and said, “I know man. What the fuck?”

  He plopped in the chair across from my desk. “That fucking teacher, Handover, could have given me a C or something. Ms. Johnson told me I could have made first fucking honors.”

  I turned to the young man who had a long scar running down the side of his face, a funky afro with pointed edges, a fitted shirt that displayed his naturally muscular physique and sagging jeans that showed off his designer underwear.

  When I met him six months ago at UNITE, he not only had priors and a foul mouth, but no respect for
authority. DaShawn was picked up for sticking up a guy in Manhattan with a toy gun. One of his conditions for his sentence was to enroll in the UNITE program and be assigned a mentor. I was granted that pleasure and for the first month and a half, he simply said the craziest shit to try and scandalize or make me run in fear. Once I caught on, I started saying crazy shit back to him and then after a week of me doing that, he finally said, “Man, you’re one crazy ass ‘dude’.”

  He didn’t say dude, but used the n-word.

  I laughed and said, “Okay, now that that’s out the way, let’s get some food.”

  From then on, he came to the center on days he wasn’t required, texted me about random shit and sent funny or stupid videos he saw on social media. This day, he was showing me his report card because we came up with a plan to bring up his grades.

  “Fuck gym,” I said. “You got a damn ‘A’ in Physics. I failed that shit.”

  “Well, I do have an advantage. You know.” DaShawn rubbed his hands together with a smirk. “When you bake, it’s all about physics.”

  He gave me the side eye, then he turned back around and clarified, “Well, when you used to bake.”

  This kid.

  I knew what he meant, cooking drugs. I also knew he wasn’t into that anymore.

  “Right?” I nodded. “Okay, okay. How the fuck did you get a ‘D’ in gym, by the way?”

  “Dude, because of fucking Hanover. He wanted the class to go outside and play at the playground like we’re some fucking kids. Shit, all the ninjas around the hood looking and shit. I wasn’t doing that.”

  His hands were pointing towards his neighborhood.

  “You come here?” I noted.

  “Cause, they think I’m on parole or some shit. You know. It’s no thing to come here, but outside playing handball. We ain’t in Coney Island. Real ninjas don’t do that shit. The bit…,” he corrected himself, “I mean, the females do, but we do not.”


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