10-99: Line of Duty Series

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10-99: Line of Duty Series Page 8

by Xyla Turner

  D’asia: FYI – Vic’s at his lake house.

  Me: Oh good.

  D’asia: Ryan and I are packing now to leave. It’s a two-hour drive

  Me: I’m glad he’s okay.

  D’asia: Hey, why don’t you come?

  Me: Come where?

  D’asia: To Vic’s.

  Me: Uh, no. (side eye emoji)

  D’asia: Come on Kat. I don’t want to be the third wheel as the two of them do what men do

  Me: Nope.

  D’asia: Come on, I’ll ask him now. Wait

  Me: Oh no…NOOO. D’asia. NOOOO

  Shit, I picked up the phone to call her. She didn’t answer the first time and after five rings, I called her again.

  “Hey, he said you could come.” D’asia greeted me.

  “D’asia, YOU. DID. NOT. ASK. HIM. DID. YOU?” I paused after every articulated word.

  “Yeah, come on. We’ll swing by in twenty minutes.”

  “I’m not going.”

  “Well, he’s expecting you. So you gotta come now.” She laughed.


  “I’m going to get your ass for this.” I snapped at her as I went to my room to gather my clothes. “Damn. Bye.”


  I hung up the phone on her ass and twenty minutes later, I was climbing in Ryan’s jeep.

  “So glad you could come,” Ryan greeted me.

  “Umm, hmm.” I grunted.

  “She’s just a little sour. She’ll be fine once she’s seen the beautiful lake.” D’asia said.

  In return, I plucked the back of her neck and sat in the back.

  “Oww,” D’asia yelped.

  “Well, glad you can join us.” Ryan drove off for a two-hour-long ride of pop music that I’d heard on the radio, in stores, or in between commercials.

  Once we arrived and unpacked everything from the car; we stood at the front door of the lake house waiting for Vic to answer.

  The large wooden door swung open and Vic appeared in a T-shirt and mesh shorts.

  “Hey guys,” he was smiling with a few days’ worth of hair on his face. “Oh,” he said when his eyes landed on me.

  “Hey,” I said back.

  “Didn’t know you were coming?” His eyebrows pushed together.

  I immediately turned to D’asia, who quickly grabbed Ryan by the arm and said, “Hey, now’s a good time to test out that bed.”

  Holy fuck.

  “D’asia,” I growled and then turned around to leave.

  “Wait, where are you going?” Ryan grabbed my elbow. “Not so fast there, Wildcat.”

  “I wasn’t invited. I’m going home,” I struggled to get my arm free.

  Vic pulled me towards him and said, “You’re invited, you just didn’t hear it from me but that’s fine. Shit, I would have brought you with me if I thought for a second that you’d come.”

  I stopped struggling, and then looked at him.

  “Come on in, I got to show you something.” He pulled me inside and took my bag. “You can sleep here.”

  He put the bag in front of the door and grabbed my hand to lead me out the back door. I was about to protest when the scene uttered me silent.


  The lake was only a few yards away from his house and it was utterly beautiful. The stars were bright and I swear I saw a few of them twinkle. It was extremely dark, but the light from the moon and stars reflected on the still waters. It was picture perfect and I was in awe of the beauty of things that were not man-made.

  “Beautiful, huh?” Vic said.

  “Oh yeah,” I answered without looking at him.

  His hand rubbed down my arm, effectively interrupting my moment, so I turned to look at him.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” he said.

  “That so?” I asked.

  “It’s so.” He smiled. “Come have a seat, so I can tell you about this quack of a psychologist.”

  I laughed and sat in the lounge chairs that circled a fire pit that was barely breathing.

  Vic sat next to me and said, “So, my first session was weird. He asked me a bunch of personal questions. Shit, I felt like I could have just stayed and play two truths and a lie with you. Then the second session, the man tells me that he thinks I should practice yoga.” Vic turned his head rapidly to the side and said, “Get the fuck outta here.”

  “What’s wrong with yoga?” I asked.

  “Let’s see. I’m not wearing fucking tights and carrying a mat.” He scoffed. “No fucking way.”

  “Oh my God. You can wear what you want. You just need to be comfortable. Especially with all the stretching that’s required.”

  “You’ve done it before?” He asked.

  “Yeah, at my job.”

  “Alright, I’ll go with you, but I’m not wearing no damn tights and you’re carrying my mat.”

  “Ha,” I yelled. “I’m glad you think so.”

  “Kat, you need to be nice to me. Remember, I know your secret.”

  “What’s that?” I raised an eyebrow.

  “I know you’re actually a nice person. Beyond all the eyebrow raising.” He put another log into the simmering fire.

  There wasn’t anything else to say to that, so I turned back towards the lake.

  “Wow,” I exclaimed. “I could live here.”

  “Yeah, maybe when we’re old and beat down from life, we’ll retire here.” Vic inserted.

  My head swiveled around to look at him. His eyes were on me but I had nothing else to say about that topic, so I said, “Your hand looks good.”

  Vic chuckled, and said, “Yeah.”

  “Hey guys, everything cool out here?” Ryan interrupted us.

  “Yeah, come on out. There’s plenty of room.” He waved for them to sit as D’asia kept a wide berth away from me.

  I was definitely glaring at her.

  “Wow, this is just beautiful. The pictures you sent us doesn’t do it justice.” D’asia stared off.

  “Yeah, man. I’d never leave.” Ryan joined D’asia in staring at the scene in front of us.

  “It’s hard, but those fish don’t pay many bills.” Ryan laughed.

  “Well, maybe one day,” Ryan said. “Let’s keep this fire going.”

  The four of us sat around and talked about everything from D’asia’s newest case, some of her classes, to Ryan’s suspicion that his mother was dating one of the beat cops. The woman was single but she was a Captain and dating a subordinate was frowned upon. It wasn’t like my doctor fiancée and me, he was in the position of power but a female of her stature could be detrimental to her career.

  Our conversation moved to D’asia, our times in class and the professor’s opportunity that he almost challenged me to take him up on. They encouraged me to do it but I still wasn’t sure. Then Vic told them about his quack and yoga. He also shared that he’d be going with me to my classes and I had to carry his mat. Ryan and D’asia laughed hysterically at that.

  We talked and laughed some more until D’asia started nodding off.

  “Let me get her in bed. You too, have a good night.” Ryan picked her up and left.

  “Just you and me, huh?” Vic asked.

  “Nope, I’m about to head to bed. I’m tired.” I stood up.

  “Alright, I’ll walk you to your room,” Vic said and got to his feet.

  I followed him to the door, where my bag sat in front of.

  “This is the third bedroom. It’s small, but cozy.” He said as he opened the door.

  It was small, but he was right. It was just fine with me. The place was clean, had a space to put my clothes and whatever else for the next few days.

  “Thanks so much. Uh, for letting me stay.” I half turned to look at Vic.

  He took that opportunity to pull me into his body and he said, “Anytime. I know another secret.”

  “You do?” I asked, not really wanting to know since my body was against his hot frame.

  “I do.”

going to share?” I asked.

  His face moved lower but it turned so his lips were near my ear.

  “Yeah, I’ll share.” He whispered. “I know you’re digging me. I feel it. Your body doesn’t lie, even though you want to fight me.”


  Vic pulled back and our eyes met.

  “Sleep well, sweetheart,” he whispered before his lips caressed mine ever so lightly, then he left.


  There was no way I’d get any sleep.

  When I finally crawled out of bed, found the bathroom, some towels and soap, it was eleven o’clock. I was hungry, still tired from the lack of sleep and probably grouchy. I was also sexually frustrated from that damn Vic.

  Everybody was gone, but there was a wrapped plate of food with Kat written on the napkin and the coffee pot was still on and hot.

  Yes, I almost yelled for joy. I needed my fix.

  Once I scarfed down the food, I found all of them outside near the water. D’asia in a halter top and shorts, Ryan was in a T-shirt and shorts and my God, Vic was in nothing but shorts. I stopped to stare, as I couldn’t pull my eyes away from his broad chest, large biceps and that eight pack that seemed to disappear below those shorts.

  Shit, I wanted to see the rest.

  All of it.

  My mouth watered as I thought about the wet dreams that he starred in and why I denied myself. He was a man and I was a woman. We both had needs, were attracted to each other and I couldn’t speak about him but I was sexually frustrated to the tenth power.

  “Cat got your tongue, Kat?” D’asia teased.

  My middle finger happened to go up as I tried to pry my gawking eyes away from Vic.

  “See something you like?” Vic asked as he walked through the sand towards me.

  “No, just wondering why you got to be out here half naked like this,” I quipped.

  “Hmm,” Vic smiled as he reached me. “You find your food and coffee?”

  “Yes, thank you.” I put my sunglasses on. “What’s the adventure for today?”

  “Canoeing down the lake.” He seemed pleased with himself.

  “Are you going to put on a shirt?” I asked.

  “Nope,” he laughed.

  “Then, I’m not going,” I said and turned to leave him.

  Before my right foot could land on the sand, I went up in the air and over his shoulder.

  “Vic,” I screamed.

  “Oh, good Vic,” D’asia screamed. “She needs to get out here.”

  “Shut up,” I yelled back. “Vic, put me down.”

  When he did place me on what I thought was the ground, it started to move and I realized it was a boat.

  “Okay, folks. Ryan has that one,” he pointed towards the small boat. “And I have this one.”

  “Alright, this is going to be fun.” D’asia squealed.

  “Can you put a shirt on,” I asked again.

  “Sit your ass down,” he laughed at me and took a seat. “Right here.”

  He was pointing between his legs.

  “Uh,” I made a noise.

  “You know how to canoe?” He asked. “Then I suggest you do as I say.”

  Slowly, I sat on the wooden log between his large legs.

  “Now, sit back,” he coaxed. “Right there, sweetheart.”

  “Stop calling me that.” I said.

  “I’ll call you more than that if you’d let me.”

  I groaned.

  Moving back, I hit the crotch of his pants with my butt and my back was stopped by his large chest.

  Oh God.

  We canoed around the lake, the trees leading our path and we eventually pulled up on shore after a few hours. We weren’t near the lake house but the grass was green and the birds were chirping. The entire scene looked as if it was taken out of a book.

  “Wow,” I gasped as Vic helped me to get on shore. “This place is just amazing. I’m in love.”

  I felt like Maria from The Sound of Music. In my silliness, I twirled and sang, “The hills are alive with the sound of music.”

  Vic erupted in laughter. Like, kneeled over and slapped his thigh; I laughed too, but the scene looked just like that with green grass for miles, flowers along the sides of the lake and the fresh air. This was no New York and I knew the city like the back of my hand. I could seriously move here or at least stay for long lengths of time. I also enjoyed getting a slice of pizza at midnight if I needed.

  Vic was still laughing as he placed the blanket on the grass and the bag next to it. He held out his hand, beckoning for me to come and I did.

  “What is this?” I asked as I sat with my bent legs crossed over the other.

  “We’re having our fourth date,” Vic smiled and sat next to me.

  “Fourth? Date?” I exclaimed.

  “Well, yeah. The first date was when you sat with me in the hospital. The second was when you let me spend the night and we ate breakfast together. The third was the last time we ate breakfast together and now this one is the fourth. I have sandwiches, pickles, potato salad, and wine.”

  Vic gave me that smirk of a smile that said he knew all too well what he was doing.

  “I wouldn’t count those as dates, especially when I told you that I wouldn’t date you. So, no dates, just opportunities to have a blessing returned back to me.” I clarified.

  “Right.” He nodded. “Riddle me this, why do you keep running from me? Be honest. There’s no one here. Just you, me and nature. Tell me the truth.”

  “Running? Vic, come on.” I looked around at the scenery.

  “Come on what? I’m a cop, yeah and I, Victor Ritter, have never done anything to you that would make you question my integrity. So, why run?” He kept pressing.

  I didn’t answer and then I felt him move.

  “Look me in my eye and tell me you don’t have feelings for me.” He was on all fours and in my face.

  My head jerked back in surprise.

  “Vic,” I exclaimed.

  “Do it.” He moved in closer. “Tell me and I’ll leave you alone.”

  “Vic, it’s not that simple.” I exclaimed.

  I could not believe he wouldn’t let this go. The man was literally inches away from my face, demanding to know what the deal was.

  “Make it that simple.” He was staring through my soul. “You want me and I know you do. What the fuck are you waiting for?”


  The goddamn man was right. Earlier, I was just thinking this had to stop. We both were craving each other and nothing had happened but that kiss. What was the harm in another one? It was just one kiss.

  My hands grabbed Vic’s face as I lunged for him trying to connect our lips. I clearly didn’t know my own strength, because apparently, I had pounced so hard, he was flat on his back and I was on top of him and taking his lips in a kiss. His hands moved up and down my waist and then Vic cupped my ass to bring it down over him.

  Holy shit.

  My hips started to twist and turn, causing my crotch to rub against his. The man’s dick was growing increasingly fast as I continued to rub against him. At some point, he took over the kiss and it was so good, I had no objections. His bit my lips and the invasion of his tongue in my mouth had my panties wetter than before. Those strong, large hands began to move my shirt upward and somehow he took it off of me.

  Then Vic flipped the script on me and I was the one whose back was on the blanket. Vic was over me and his eyes said it all.

  It was about to go down.

  His hand moved my bra down and he sucked on one nipple while twisting the other. Those sensations had me panting harder for him.

  “Vic,” I moaned.

  He didn’t say one word, just pulled my shorts down along with my panties and kissed his way to my throbbing clit. I knew my panties were soaked from my center being wet but that’s what he did to me. His mouth connected with my nub and I almost closed my thighs around his head. Thank goodness he was a big man because my thunder thig
hs could crush a man.

  That wicked tongue twirled and danced around the cleft until his mouth latched onto the clit again. Then he began to suck on it, sending my body into a flurry of spasms.

  “Holy shit,” I exhaled because I couldn’t say anything else.

  My body started to do the wave as Vic went to town pleasuring me with his mouth.

  Mother of pearl.

  “Viccccc,” I yelled. “Oh shit.”

  It was coming, I could feel it as my eyes started to see double and every hair on my body was at attention. The fire traveled through the back of my neck, down my spine, spread through my ribs, to my chest and down my arms. Then I grabbed his head, moved my center closer to his face and exploded, causing me to quiver my release with body jerking movements.

  I was a blubbering fool because once I released, I fell back on the blanket and tried to catch my breath. Vic continued to lick up every drop before he hovered over me.

  “You alive?” He asked before he kissed my neck.

  “Um hmm,” I mumbled.

  His kisses moved further up to my chin, then my mouth, where he inserted his tongue again. Allowing me to taste the two of us.

  It was hot.

  My hands moved down the sides of his bare upper body until I reached his shorts. I tried to pull them down but this caused Vic to stop.

  “Sweetheart?” he asked, showing the rolls in his forehead. “Fuck, I don’t have anything?”

  Did I say I was desperate and I was a damn nurse?

  I still asked.

  “I’m clean, are you?” I rushed out.

  “Yeah, I’m clean.” He fumbled with his shorts, and then pulled out his phone all while hovering over me on one arm.

  Vic pressed his thumbprint on the phone and then pressed it again. Here’s my history. He showed me his phone. It was his doctor’s mobile app where they uploaded his information. Shit, we needed to get something like that. I’m sure there were Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) laws in effect so it had to be super secure.

  “Okay, cool. I’m also on birth control, but I have no app to show you that.” He laughed, as he tossed the phone. “Oh, wait. No, I do.”

  I started moving to get my phone from my shorts when Vic grabbed my wrist and put it next to my head.

  “I believe you.” He smiled. “Are you sure about this?”


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