Beautiful Devil: The Rockstar Duet Book 2

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Beautiful Devil: The Rockstar Duet Book 2 Page 5

by Sharlyn G. Branson

  My blood burned as if someone had thrown a match on spilled petrol. Sweet tingles surged through me when I felt his hot tongue on my clit.

  “Ryan…” I moaned.

  “I like it when you say my name like that. You’re mine, Emily, only mine.” He smiled and continued his sweet torture.

  Resting on my elbows, I panted, unable to tear my eyes away from him. It was so erotic. This handsome man gave me the kind of bliss nobody gave me before.

  “I adore your sweet taste,” he murmured, his lips in constant contact with my sensitive flesh. His soft stubble teased every nerve ending. When he stuck his tongue deep inside my folds, I collapsed on the pillow and screamed his name again. He held my hips tight, so I wouldn’t move while he fucked me with his tongue. It didn’t take long until I came in ecstasy.

  Breathless, I covered my eyes with my hands. Ryan leaned toward me, encircled my wrists with his palms and pulled them away from my face. He gazed at me intently, sending new tingles of desire through me. The desire to feel him deep inside me, to merge ourselves into one whole. I was addicted to him.

  In one swift move, he was inside me, thrusting deeply.

  “Fuck. It’s so good to be inside you, baby. Amazing. I’ll never get bored of you. Never,” he whispered and pressed his lips, wet with my juices, against mine. I moaned when his tongue slid into my mouth and quickly clutched mine. Making love to Ryan reached the very depths of my soul.

  He slid his cock in and out, teasing me. This made me want him even more. With my hands on his hips, I pulled him toward me. I had the animalistic urge to possess him and be possessed by him.

  Ryan leaned forward and took my nipple into his mouth again, sucking on it. I arched my back in response. It was divine. I sensed his caresses all over my body. His hands slid across it, leaving behind fiery trails on my skin. I dug my nails into his tight muscles.

  “Oh, it’s so… Faster… Please,” I moaned, hanging on the precipice of ecstasy—again.

  His thrusts became faster and stronger. His abs contracted as he moved his cock inside me quickly and confidently, filling me completely.

  His labored breathing synchronized with mine. His lips slid across the sensitive skin of my neck, making me tremble even more with pleasure.

  “Emily… you’re everything I want,” he said, his warm breath caressing me.

  My body moved in unison with his, both of us drenched in sweat. My muscles contracted convulsively with the sweet bliss of release, immersing me in the depths of the sea and shooting me high above the surface.

  After a few more thrusts, Ryan followed me to the blissful end and his hot cum poured deep inside me. I hugged him tight and pressed him against me. I held him, wishing time would stop and we would be melded forever.

  We stayed there, gasping, until our breathing returned to normal. He then carefully pulled out of me and lay beside me.

  “Every time we do this, I wonder how sex with you just keeps getting better and better. And we’ll be doing this for the rest of our lives. Fuck, I think I’ll burst from happiness.”

  “I love you,” I whispered, tracing circles on his powerful chest.

  “Say it again,” Ryan murmured.

  I stared at him, enchanted by those amazing sky-blue eyes. “What?”

  “That you love me. Say it again.”

  “I love you, Ryan Wilder, and I’ll never stop loving you.”

  He closed his eyes for a few seconds. When he replied, his voice shook with emotion. “Fuck. My heart really will burst from love. The sensation is incredible.”

  He gave me a hard, deep and urgent kiss. Our bodies had no limits. Driven by wild desire and indescribable lust, we merged again seconds later. We thought nobody—and nothing—could ever come between us.

  Unfortunately, fate had other plans.



  I would’ve never imagined our holiday in Finland would be so good. There were times when I’d considered marrying Emily one day, but I’d had no inkling I’d propose to her so quickly. Lapland, with its fairytale Northern Lights, gave me strength and courage.

  Damn, how I worried the woman who held my heart would turn me down, saying she was too young to think about family and kids. And she would’ve been right. She was only twenty. But when her perfect thick lips parted and she softly breathed ‘yes’ I almost started crying from happiness. This beautiful girl, my sweet Emily, would soon be Mrs. Wilder. She agreed to share her life with me.

  I’d fall asleep with her in my arms and wake up to her sweet scent. Our hair would turn grey and our faces would become wrinkled, but my love for her would not fade over time. Even death could not separate our powerful connection.

  Everyone always considered me a ladies’ man. I couldn’t imagine being in a serious relationship with one woman. I’d been with any beautiful women, but only Emily Delon had the power to bring me to my knees.

  She was like a sweet fire that melted the ice in my heart and made me feel alive.

  I’d always support and love her. No matter how much I loved my work, Emily would always come first.

  Most likely, my manager and the Blackstone boys wouldn’t be happy to see music take the back seat. But, after all, you only live once.

  The fact that I never had a stable family was why I needed one now. I’d do everything in my power to ensure our happiness. Our family would always be my priority.

  Our lives were going to be simply perfect.

  * * *

  In the week after our return from Lapland, the air was full of excitement and joy. Emily and I discussed when we’d go to France. We planned to visit her relatives and surprise them with our marriage announcement. Her grandmother was a very sensitive woman, and Emily really wanted to tell her the big news in person.

  My mother, Susan, reacted as I’d thought she would—she cried happily and said this was one of the best moments in her life. I felt sorry for her—she’d lived through so much disappointment and suffering because of me and my father. I hoped that I’d be able to make her smile more often. The only thing that worried me was her relationship with Mike Falkers, my manager, which started to become scarily serious.

  What the hell could I do about that? I told my mother what a pervert he was, but she couldn’t care less because he treated her pretty well, for now at least. If he hurt her, I’d break his legs.

  Emily had put a spell on me. A fire started to burn inside me whenever I thought of her. She’d changed me, but did Susan have such power over Mike?

  * * *

  This morning, like every other, Emily and I made love. It was slow and gentle, we enjoyed every touch. With every thrust, our passion doubled, and our bodies, overtaken by wild desire, couldn’t get enough of each other. The voice in my head whispered I should slow down—this woman would be mine for the rest of my life. Nothing was capable of muffling the powerful beats of my heart.

  The passionate and breathtaking sounds she made when she melted in my arms were music to my ears. It was Emily’s way of responding to my love. My cock shivered, squirting out the very last drop of my release.

  Always mine!

  My soul had finally found its other half.

  As I held her in my arms, we discussed our upcoming wedding, which we decided to have in Miami. The private beach in front of my house, or to be more precise—our house, was the ideal place to exchange our vows of love and fidelity.

  “Surrounded by relatives and friends,” Emily said and smiled, her blue eyes gleaming even more brightly. She was as excited as me about all the great moments ahead of us.

  “We’ll invite whoever you want, honey.” I kissed her on the forehead and she pressed her sexy body tighter against me, intertwining her legs with mine.

  “Shivers run down my spine whenever I think of this exciting day.” Her warm breath caressed my chest.

  Watching the perfectly soft features of her face and listening to her gentle voice, I couldn’t help but imagine what our children would be lik
e. I always pictured them looking like her, because to me, she was the embodiment of beauty. But even if they ended up with my looks, I hoped they’d inherit her gentle character. I wasn’t proud of my impatience and quick temper.

  “Are you thinking of calling your mother?” I asked. I knew Emily hadn’t spoken to her in years, but perhaps now was the time to forgive Elise for her mistakes. Emily could have peace of mind.

  Her beautiful face twisted into a frown, but not even a single line appeared on her young porcelain-smooth skin. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. She doesn’t give a shit about me. My mother and I may look alike, but we’re completely different on the inside. What she did to my brother and me… I’d never do that to our kids. Ditch them, leaving them hungry and dirty.” Shaking with anger, she paused to collect herself. “Our children will always come first, Ryan.”

  I had absolutely no doubt about that.

  Emily was a real treasure, the most precious of gems, which had somehow fallen into my hands. I didn’t deserve her but hoped I could give her a good life. And that she’d never regret getting involved with me.

  Emily’s mention of the likeness with her mother, Elise, awoke my curiosity. “Do you have a picture of her? I want to see if you really look so much alike.”

  “I can show you photos of her and my father. I keep them in my wallet.”

  So she still loved them, even though she didn’t want to admit it. It hurt to think of everything they’d done to her. I knew from Emily that her father had been a businessman, who travelled a lot and had no time for kids and family. That’s what Elise told her, but I knew it was complete bullshit.

  If he cared about his children, he’d always find time for them. That’s what I’d do.

  But he clearly hadn’t given a shit. That was his loss. Because Emily was the kindest creature I’d ever met.

  A whole lifetime wouldn’t be enough to thank God for helping me meet her.

  She stood up from the bed and quickly slipped on a blue summer dress, while I savored the sight of the perfect womanly shapes of my future wife. Even though we had sex only a few minutes ago, there was no way I could avoid getting hard.

  She reached into her handbag and took out her wallet. She started rifling through it. After a while, she climbed back into bed and passed me an old photo with tattered edges.

  “This is Elise. She’s twenty-five here, if I’m not mistaken.”

  At first, I was stunned by the likeness between mother and daughter. But when I took a better look, I noticed subtle differences in their mouths and eyes. Elise’s eyes seemed empty.

  “You do look alike, but not that much.”

  Emily sighed, and gazing at the other photo in her hands, whispered, “And this is my father. I never actually met him. I wish he’d been present in my life, even if only for a short time.”

  That asshole didn’t deserve her. I caressed her face with the back of my hand and took the picture from her hand. All I wanted was to find millions of ways to make her smile. To wipe the sadness from her face forever.

  “Don’t be sad. You shouldn’t suffer because your father was so hard-hearted.”

  At the time, I didn’t have any idea how true my words would become.

  Unfortunately, fate had other plans for us—completely different from our own.

  Nobody could’ve warned me about the extent to which an old photo would turn my life upside down. Just when I was thinking how wonderful it was to find the person who is perfect for you, your soulmate—everything turned to shit.

  Seeing the image of the painfully familiar man, the one who ruined my life, cold sweat started pouring down my back and forehead.

  He couldn’t be her father!

  Not him…

  Ice cold tentacles crawled along my whole body as her words echoed in my ears, “I wish he’d been present in my life, even if only for a short time.”

  If Josef Wilder had been a part of her life, even if only for a while, she would’ve known what it was like to have the shit kicked out of you, to live in constant fear and to wake up drenched in sweat because of the latest nightmare.

  If she thought she’d had an unhappy childhood because of the lack of love from her parents, at least she didn’t know what it was like to live under one roof with a father who hates you.

  No… Josef couldn’t have anything to do with Emily Delon.

  The devil can’t create an angel!



  “Ryan, are you okay?” I asked, stunned by the sudden paleness of his face. He was looking right at me but seemed miles away. As if in shock from hearing terrible news.

  “Are you sure that’s your father?”

  His question surprised me. My mother would never lie about something so important. “Of course, that’s my father. Do you think Elise is so hard-hearted that she’d—”

  Interrupting me, Ryan exclaimed, “How am I supposed to know? I don’t know her. But this is impossible, don’t you understand?” He was in a terrible rage. I stared at him in confusion. It was like we were speaking different languages.

  After a brief silence, Ryan ran a hand through his hair. “Sorry…forgive me for blowing up like that. But this can’t be right, it can’t…” he said, his voice trailing off.

  Why the hell not?

  “Do you know his name?”

  What kind of question was that and why the hell did it matter?

  “Of course, my father is Josef. I don’t know his surname. Elise never wanted to tell me, probably because she was afraid I’d try to look for him. But why would I if he wasn’t interested in me? What would he say to me if I did find him?” I shrugged. I didn’t need his excuses. “So many years have gone by and I never asked my mother why she abandoned us, why she didn’t care about us. Because I already knew the answer—she just didn’t love us enough. If at all. She’s only interested in herself.”

  Ryan stood staring at me in silence. His eyes never looked so sad, wet with tears he was trying to hold back with great effort. He never cried. Ryan was the strongest man I knew.

  “Ryan… say something. Why is it important who my father is?”

  Glancing at the photo again, he tightly clenched his teeth before replying, “The man in the picture is Josef Wilder, my father.”

  “What?” What kind of nonsense was this?

  “I killed him when I was just ten years old.”

  “Nooo…” I shouted without even realizing. “A child can’t commit murder.” Big tears started rolling down my face.


  Ryan wasn’t capable of that. He wasn’t my father’s murderer.


  “You’re not capable of doing something like that. You’re a good person. Only the devil can kill.” Suffocating pain rose in my chest.

  “I had to save my mother and myself from his constant beatings. The scars on my back are his doing. He’d beat me senseless with his belt. More than anything, I wanted to protect myself from being killed. I never actually understood why, but Josef hated me. It was only a matter of time until one of us ended up dead.” He spoke in a low voice, but I managed to hear him. “He’d stop beating me only when he saw I was on the edge of losing consciousness.”

  Shock and indescribable agony engulfed my body. I felt as if I was being burned alive.

  God, why did my happiness have to be snatched away so cruelly and so soon after I’d found love for the first time?

  Tears blurred my vision as I said, “Why didn’t your mother protect you?”

  Ryan furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. “She was too weak. She’d always tried to help me, but he’d easily overpower her. He’d tie her up, stuff a rag in her mouth and let her watch helplessly when her son was almost beaten to death. Susan was afraid of him. Josef would threaten us that if we told someone about what was happening between the walls of our tiny apartment, he’d kill me first and finish the job with her.”

  I covered my mouth with my hand to muffle my terrifi
ed yell.

  An ugly, agonizing reality was dawning on me, tearing me apart in bloody pieces—Ryan and I couldn’t remain together after the horrible past that had just come out in the open.

  He raised his hand to caress me, but I pulled away.

  “Emily, I need you.” The pain in his voice was the mirror image of mine.

  “We can’t be together…you’re my brother.” My voice broke from conflicting emotions and I started wailing.

  “Don’t give up on me. For years, I told myself I didn’t care that no woman can give me the love I wrote about in my songs. Their shouts that they loved me and were crazy about my music was enough for me. The days were grey, cloudy, indistinguishable from each other…until I met you. You opened your heart and soul to me and accepted me for who I was. If you push me out of your life…I’d be lost without you.”

  My heart beat so hard, it felt like it might burst. Pain throbbed in every fiber of my being. I took several deep breaths, trying to recover from the shock.

  “I love you, Ryan…as God is my witness, I love you more than anything in the world. But we can’t stay together.” My lips trembled and then I realized my entire body was shaking. “What I feel for you is not a sister’s love for her brother. I want to touch you, make love to you. God…I don’t want you to be my brother. I want you to be my husband, the father of my children.” I wiped the tears pouring down like an endless waterfall.

  I threw myself at him and embraced him. Knowing this would be our last hug, I held him tight, unwilling to let go. Ryan placed his hands on my face, his soft lips giving me feather-light kisses on my cheeks, nose and eyes. Our tears merged, while our souls cried for the amazing thing between us that could no longer be.

  The hardest part was letting go of him.

  “Emily, please…don’t leave me.”

  I grabbed my bag, leaving the photos on the bed. They no longer held any value for me because the people on them ruined my life forever.


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