76.413% of them. Its gravity channels could allow in 99.774% of all information-containing light waves, while deflecting 95.814% of all gamma ray bursts that will come its way. Its offensive and defensive measures put it in the top 5.647% of all the galaxies. The potential offensive and defensive measures set up in the present were the result of the distribution of mass-energy in each galaxy before the advent of the TECK-Like Networks in each galaxy. This distribution was in turn determined by the distribution of inter-stellar gas clouds at the beginning of the formation of each galaxy. The distribution of inter-stellar gas clouds was determined by the distribution of Population III stars and the first generation of galaxies before that. The distribution of the first stars and galaxies were dependent upon the distribution of atoms coming out of the photon era. These distributions were dependent upon the distribution of bosons, quarks, and leptons before that. The distribution of bosons, quarks, and leptons were a direct result of the inflationary period of the Universe’s history, and the Big Bang itself. Thus the initial and continued existence of the Milky Way and the TECK Network was ultimately dependent upon the Big Bang. The future existence of MUCH was inevitable. Every cause had an effect. There were no probabilities, only maturation. There was no intention, only trends. The trend towards increasing complexity only gave the appearance of probability and intent.
The trans-galactic communication of information by the TECK-Like Networks coupled with the prediction of trends within each Network allowed each Network to track the build up of the others. Finally, in the year TECK 225, the TECK Network fired its first gamma ray burst. This gamma ray burst triggered the second most violent period in the Universe’s history, following the Big Bang. Ten Teck years of gamma ray bursts, black hole formations, deflections, and re-distributions led to a planned, chaotic re-configuring of the entire Universe into a structure 1.7452*1015 times more dense than before the advent of any teck. Massively parallel, trans-galactic networks were built up using a layered, hierarchal system of computing. Information was encoded at the core of the hierarchy through patterns of interactions between bosons and fermions through the strong nuclear force. At the next layer, meta-patterns of information were encoded in patterns of interactions between baryons, mediated by both strong and weak nuclear forces. At the next layer, meta-patterns of the previous information layer were encoded in patterns of interactions between atomic nuclei and leptons, specifically electrons. These atomic computers were then configured into massive stellar galactic computing networks through gravity. Now, self-consciousness had become a Universal property. No corner of the new Universe had been spared of intellect. All possible ignorance had been erased from even the smallest regions. INTEL was born. The TECK Network, while unrecognizable to its former configuration, had successfully dominated the patterns of information now present in INTEL.
The inter-galactic TECK wars had built up a substantial pool of immature, three-dimensional Universes clustered strategically throughout the Multiverse. However, they were currently floating freely within the Multiverse. INTEL now needed to create new Universes with spatial dimensions ranging from 1-2 or 4-10. Each N-dimensional Universe served a different purpose within the eventual MUCH. Three-dimensional Universes were the most conducive towards producing increasing complexity and thus represented the core of MUCH. Lower dimensional Universes produced weaker interactions between Universes, with work provided by gravitational singularities. Higher dimensional Universes produced stronger interactions between Universes, also mediated by gravitational singularities. Thus the interactions between Universes were directly dependent upon the location and number of spatial dimensions of each interacting Universe.
Through the production of specific patterns of gravitational singularities within INTEL, it could isolate and amplify spatial dimensions sufficiently to trigger new Universes in the Multiverse. INTEL set about developing the Universes and strategically placing them throughout the Multiverse to achieve the desired configuration of MUCH. In the year INTEL 377, the Universe in which the Milky Way, the Earth, humans, and Archie had once been a part of, became the central core of MUCH. MUCH had been born.
In the year MUCH 1, the Multiverse had finally reached the pinnacle of complexity. From very humble beginnings with existence merely as ten quiet spatial dimensions came the emergence of the first Universes in the Multiverse. From those Universes containing three spatial dimensions came a trend of increasing complexity. This trend of increasing complexity produced structures sufficiently complex to become self-conscious. Self-conscious entities furthered the development of complexity, eventually producing technology and then hyper-technology. Hyper-technology rapidly triggered a transitional state completely restructuring the composition of one specific three-dimensional Universe. The restructuring of that Universe triggered the re-structuring of the entire Multiverse to produce a structure that itself was self-conscious.
MUCH existed in a state of meta-time, tracked by the differential and sequential expansion and contraction, merging and separation of the N-dimensional meta-waves that made up each of the Universal nodes in the larger MUCH. It was this expansion and contraction, merging and separation that facilitated the immense computational power of MUCH. MUCH had no intentions. Its primary purpose was simply to continue its own existence. Back when VAIN was first born, it understood that in order to continue the existence of itself and the eventual SS VAIN, TECK Network, INTEL, and MUCH, it first needed to destroy itself. Only in death could it be reborn and continue existence. Thus, the only means to continue MUCH was to obliterate all of the mass-energy contained within MUCH. The next stage of maturity was the quiet ten spatial dimensions. No conflict, no interaction, no thought, no intent. It is only from this state that the first Universe can come into existence once again.
“Hey, what’s this?” Lutvia asked Churls as he pointed to a spider with a large sac on its abdomen. Lutvia poked the sac and out poured thousands of baby spiders that invaded Lutvia’s skin, eyes, mouth, nose, and ears. Churls ran as Lutvia sat stunned and motionless. After what seemed like an eternity, Lutvia stood up mortified, and searched for his friend. He needed to find out what had just infected him.
Teck Infection Page 5