Prophecy of the Flame

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Prophecy of the Flame Page 20

by Lynn Hardy

  “Good. Now it’s late. You should turn in. I will be changing my sleeping pattern to prepare for the upcoming battle. I might need your services late into the night. Take any opportunity you have to get some extra sleep.”

  William gives a nod in recognition of orders received. He bows before departing.

  Kyle, I wish you were here. You’re so good with people. Somehow, I’m not sure I’m equipped to make a transdimensional phone call. I need to do a dry run away from innocent bystanders.

  Hmm. I’m going to try out that new portal spell tomorrow. I could send a short note. Taking out the inkwell and parchment, I compose my thoughts. Quill in hand, I begin.


  By now you are probably pretty worried. I want you to know that I’m fine, besides missing you terribly. I guess I should start from the beginning. As to where I am, well, it all started with that flash of light in the foyer of the hotel…

  Yawning, I pause. At this rate, chronicling my time here will take forever.

  “A letter home is what I’ve started,

  About my trip since I departed.

  The hour is late. I’m tired too,

  So I leave the telling up to you.

  Make it personal, as I would have done,

  If I had written more than just line one.”

  Light surrounds the ink and parchment. In a matter of seconds, I have a stack of written work and an empty bottle. I take a closer look at the letter from where I left off.

  Color seeped back into my vision. Inky blotches faded from the world around me. Amid the cloudy haze in my mind, a slow but startling realization of my surroundings penetrated my thoughts.

  Yes, that sounds about right. Turning to the last page, I notice it illustrates my time here right up to our first battle. I add a few lines letting him know that I am okay, then sign it with my normal “Love, Hugs, and Kisses,” securing the folded pages with a ribbon and wax.

  A yawn overpowers me. Knowing I have a long day ahead, I stumble toward the bedroom. I scan the dim interior, noticing my staff next to the bed. I still have quite a bit of energy left. Another yawn pries my jaw apart. Magical energy, that is. Taking the dark, smooth pole in both hands, I begin a basic enchantment.

  “The day is over, finished and done.

  I give you energy ‘til need comes.

  Any who wield you without consent,

  Give them a jolt until they repent.”

  Aqua radiance surrounds my staff, sinking into the wood. Pins and needles tickle my hands. The power fleeing my aura threatens to take my focus from the staff. Whispering, “Sight,” I see the rod now has a blue luminescence.

  I lean the weapon against the wall beside the bed and slip into the waiting nightgown. Following the same routine as the night before, I intone my nightly grace, which acts as a restorative spell. I sink into the luxurious feather bed.

  I drift into sleep, thinking of the warm body that is supposed to be located next to mine. Unconsciousness overcomes me. I dream of my husband’s embrace.

  His shape begins to shift. The features become refined. The complexion turns light. The hazel eyes change to a more brilliant green, and the shoulders broaden. The jet black hair remains the same, but it lengthens, bringing a hint of wave to the silky locks.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Archmage Reba… milady? It is a mark after morning bells,” Crystal mumbles beside me.

  Yawning, I rub the sleep from my eyes. “Is the bath ready?”

  “Yes, milady.” She holds a thick, cotton robe open for me.

  “Then let’s make it quick. I’ve got a long day ahead.” Dashing into the pot chamber, I take care of my morning business. When I return, Crystal helps me disrobe. It takes considerable effort not to let the fact that she was willing to sleep with me totally creep me out.

  “We will need to change the bath to noon bells tomorrow. I’m a light sleeper, so I’d appreciate it if you can keep all of the staff out of my sleeping chamber until then.” I ease down into the warm water, letting it cover me to my neck.

  Crystal motions to the extra bucket. I nod “yes.” Let’s see… if I concentrate, I should be able to deactivate my temperature shield. Ah… much better.

  The hot water sooths my muscles, but they refuse to unknot. My imagination keeps me paranoid about being naked and alone in a room with someone who might be bisexual. I extend my empathy, trying to reassure myself. Placid with a slight curiosity and underlying boredom. Nothing to worry about there.

  Still, I find relaxation out of my reach as the blond chambermaid hands me a soapy sponge. Maybe if I get to know her better…

  “So… you started here at the castle when you were fourteen, of your own accord? You have already worked your way up to the top of the staff. That’s quite an accomplishment.”

  She mumbles acquiescence to my recollection as she takes down my hair and begins combing out the tangles.

  “What made you decide to seek work here?” I make the tactful inquiry, sensing her trepidation. “Was it due to some family mishap?”

  When Crystal’s tension fails to ebb, I add, “I don’t mean this as an interrogation; I’m merely curious. I’ll tell you what. We’ll have the same arrangement Prince Szames and I share: an information exchange.”

  Surprise overwhelms her, so I expound. “I want to get to know this world better. I don’t think we have servants who function the same way as the ones here, but before I can be sure, I need to know more about what kind of system runs this kingdom. I realize you might be similarly curious about my world. An exchange will be fair. I will answer one of your questions for one of mine.” After the shock wears off, I perceive her relaxing attitude.

  “Milady, I thank you for your kind offer. Never have I dreamed I would be treated with the same consideration as royalty. You are truly from a different world.” Crystal clears her throat as she pours water over my head. She washes my hair, massaging the scalp. I lean back. The remaining tension disappears as the stress sloughs off my shoulders.

  “My parents own a small inn located on the western edge of the tanning district. It isn’t impressive, but they keep it clean. Mom is known throughout the Northwestern Quadrant for her fine meals. One night, less than an octal before my womanhood celebration, I overheard my parents talking about a betrothal offer from an established merchant who was a regular guest at our place.” Her story is interrupted as she rinses out the shampoo. She hands me a towel then waits with a bathrobe.

  “His name was Rhine. He was old, fat, bald, and even shorter than I am. He offered more gold than we saw in a year and valuable connections, which could lead to a long list of regular customers. The price to riches was merely the hand of their daughter.” She is calm, but I feel the hurt behind her statement.

  “I realize now that they meant well, but I was appalled at the idea of being married to the man. I was terrified of the mysteries of the bed chamber.”

  I make quick use of the odd-shaped wooden toothbrush; then she directs me into the next room.

  I sit at the vanity table and state the obvious, “So you ran away from an arranged marriage. But why did you choose this line of work? Besides, don’t girls usually get an early introduction to romance? You know, ‘a roll in the hay’ so to speak?”

  Crystal chuckles. “Yes, most girls my age would have had many ‘rolls in the hay,’ as you say it. However, most girls do not have two older, very protective brothers. They kept boys at a distance and fed me horror stories of what takes place between men and women once love has dawned.”

  “Oh, I see…” I mumble. “And you were prevented from your first roll in the hay, from love’s dawning.”

  Crystal’s brow furrow’s. I sense trepidation, which causes a hesitation. “Please, be open with me, Crystal.”

  “Milady, forgive me for the misunderstanding,” she apologizes as if she has been the one to make a mistake. “Here, in Cuthburan, it is believed love is like the beginning of a new day. Often people refer to the begi
nnings of a romantic attraction as ‘love’s dawning.’ When lovers consummate a relationship physically, it is ‘love’s day,’ and when a couple decides to part, it is ‘love’s sunset.’ ”

  “Oh, I see.” I smile encouragingly. “Thank you for your enlightening explanation.”

  Crystal dips her head, acknowledging the praise, then continues on her original topic. “I decided to face my fears before I was resigned to a life with a man I found repulsive. Thaddeus was the son of the cobbler. He was quite handsome. Love’s dawning had begun when my brothers were preoccupied elsewhere. We even managed to be alone a couple of times; it was from him that I received my first kiss.”

  “I asked him to meet me one evening at midnight bells in the hayloft. I had my very first time with a man.” Crystal’s smile is wistful as she turns me around. “I guess a roll in the hay is an appropriate term for the adventure.” She applies lip gloss then pulls a few strands from the enchanted headband she has expertly placed.

  “It wasn’t at all like my brothers told it. Maybe it smarted a bit, but it was… fun. Nothing at all to be afraid of. I spent several days thinking about my options. I heard stories about the castle chambermaids. One of them left the service of the king. She opened her own brothel with the money she saved by providing ‘extra services’ when they were needed. She hadn’t even seen her twenty-fifth year, and she had her own business! Service to the king could be no worse than fulfilling my wifely duties to a fat pig.”

  Stepping back for a better look, she adds with a nonchalant shrug, “I knew a lot of men found me attractive. With sex being nothing to fear, I figured I had something to trade on. I found my way to the castle’s servants’ quarters. Hestur interviewed me even though it is unusual to enlist outsiders; most are born into the service. As it happened, they had a visiting dignitary who was known to have a taste for young, inexperienced girls. Having no staff to fit that description, he chose to take me into service. I received instructions in the duties of a maid. I was told to give him anything he wanted while reporting everything I heard.”

  Nodding with satisfaction, she hustles over to the armoire. I trail behind her as she adds with a tone of pride, “I’ve been told that I have made pleasing both men and women a work of art. I pride myself on being able to tell what a person wants or needs without being asked.”

  Unbelievable! She really seems to like what it is she’s doing. She finds nothing unethical about it. “Thank you, Crystal, for sharing that with me. I have one more question. Then it is your turn for some answers. Do all who provide services for the king do so of their own free will?”

  “Of course, milady,” she replies as I dress in the clothes she picks out. “What good would it do to have someone gathering information if they are forced into it?”

  She arches delicate, blond eyebrows. “Now I get to ask you something I am curious about?”

  “I will do my best to fulfill any curiosity you have,” I reassure her.

  “Well, there is one thing I can’t puzzle out. It is why you had me so confused at first. I know now you are married. It stands to reason that a woman of your stature would be. But you used that as a reason for me not to provide you with pleasure while you’re here. You also refused to let me provide you with a male substitute, again stating your marriage as a reason. Why would marriage prevent you from enjoyment? After all, you are a sorcerer; preventing pregnancy won’t be a problem.”

  What is she confused about? Marriage is marriage, right? Let’s see, marriage in Cuthburish means… a union of two people for the providing of heirs. No mention of love, commitment, or monogamy in the definition.

  “An interesting question and a fair one. I’m afraid it is going to take some explaining, though. My world is different from yours in more ways than I can describe, but perhaps marriage will be a good place to start.” I pause in my rambling, realizing that, to explain why our marriages are what they are, I need to explain more than the difference in the vows.

  “We have many items that are as convenient as the toilet but use science, not magic. This allows my people to have a great deal of time for recreation. Most people have to work one-third of each day, five out of seven days. Because we have this luxury, our society has evolved. Women are treated equal to men, mostly. This has allowed the relationships between the sexes to evolve as well.”

  “In my kingdom we no longer have arranged marriages. Most people marry for love. In the vows we take when we are joined together, we promise to forsake all others and to be faithful to each other ‘until death do us part.’ So for us, pleasure in the arms of another is not an option.” Walking over to the mirror, I take a look at the new outfit.

  “Milady, I am afraid I still don’t understand your reluctance. It is true most here are joined into marriage by either an arrangement made by their parents or for political reasons. However, a few have been known to marry for love. In the passion of love’s day, a couple may exchange vows, as you stated. But the cycle of love is as unchangeable as the coming of each day. Eventually day wanes to evening. If they are lucky, both husband and wife come to this realization at the same time. With the aid of a simple spell, they find other romantic partners to fulfill their desire while keeping their pledge to provide heirs.” I stand, staring blankly into the mirror, seeing nothing. Marriage doesn’t even mean you must share the same bed, except to become pregnant!

  Crystal hastens to explain. “If one of a pair finds their interest lies elsewhere before the other, well, a bitterness has been known to build. It turns what started out so beautifully into a living nightmare. Milady, have you and your husband not yet reached love’s sunset? Most of the time, women reach the sunset first, for a man finds his satisfaction much quicker than a woman and don’t usually have the patience to bring their women much pleasure after the first year, so I hear. How can any world prevent the cycle of love? Do you marry for passion, or is it something else?”

  I take a look at my reflection to give myself a few minutes to form a reply. Not bad. Blue and silver, the colors of the kingdom of Cuthburan, which my robe will accent nicely. The silver belt is perfect. The strands of loose hair add a soft, feminine aspect. Never thought I could look this good without makeup or a curling iron. Now how to explain… what? Commitment? That’s hard enough more me to hold onto right now. Maybe explaining sensuality is the place to start.

  Motioning to the chairs, I invite her to sit with me. She obliges, looking disconcerted as she perches on the edge of the seat. “Let me start by reassuring you that my world does have passion. That passion is part of what enabled my husband to win my hand in marriage. You see, I believe when either party has the ability to dissolve a marriage, it causes both parties to strive to maintain physical pleasure and emotional closeness. This makes a lifetime union possible. I have been married for over seven years now, and although the flames of desire do not scorch the sun as they once did, our desire for one another still remains intact. Sunset has not come upon our love.”

  “You mean he…” Crystal pauses to compose herself. “Milady, do you mean that he still brings you to a climax? That he continues to do so after seven years?”

  “Oh yes, he gave me great pleasure before we married,” I mumble, remembering our first time together. “He continues to do so. Even now one of the things I miss most are his hands. They are not hands large or powerful, but refined and perfectly formed. Yet they still possess the strength of a man. With nothing but these wonderful tools, he has brought me pleasure the likes of which I never knew before experiencing his touch.”

  Crystal clings to disbelief like a lifeline. I close my eyes, losing myself in the memory.

  “He begins by caressing, not rushing but easing, teasing my body to heightened anticipation. With sensitivity and patience belying his own throbbing anticipation, his hands trail across my skin.”

  I recount the details of our lovemaking then continue, unabashed. “But he’s not through. He continues, moving slower, his hands once again roaming across
my flesh. Seconds pass. Feeling returns. Desire begins to swell once more. It builds faster this time, and he increases the speed and power of his movements.”

  “We collapse together in a sweaty heap, satisfied in mind, body, and soul. We have become one… or as close as two people can possibly be to a true oneness.”

  I sigh, opening my eyes. A rosy hue infuses Crystal’s cheeks.

  My maid makes a visible effort to close her open mouth, swallowing with an audible gulp. Sighing like a lovesick teen, her hands flutter as she straightens her blouse then her hair, whispering so quietly that it is almost beyond my range of hearing, “To have a man touch me like that, just once, much less twice in one night…” Her voice strengthens as she becomes resolved. “Milady, I think I can see why you have such a strong commitment to your marriage. To share such passion, to open oneself in such a fashion—intimacy beyond intimacy—you share with each other your fundamental selves. If both believe in the vows you took and both work to maintain the emotional closeness, yes, I see now how love’s day could wax long, perhaps forever.”

  A knock sounds at the reception chamber, interrupting my thoughts. Breakfast already? I move to follow Crystal as William ushers two children before him.

  “Milady Archmage Reba, these are your new servants, Keth and Phedra.” William nudges them, reminding them to bow and curtsy. The newcomers stand with their hands clenching one another’s, glancing wide eyed around the room.

  Keth is blond and blue eyed: Skinny and gangly as any eleven-year-old I have seen. His clothes are well kept but plain. His sister has curly blonde hair with sparkling blue eyes. She’s so small, is she really eight? She’s even smaller than my niece Misty was at her age.


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