Prophecy of the Flame

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Prophecy of the Flame Page 23

by Lynn Hardy

  “I arrived moments ago.” Alexandros dips his head in greeting. “Besides being a marvel to behold, it seems flying is more expedient than walking.”

  “Your Highness, it would be a pleasure to take you aloft sometime. The city takes on a new aspect from the vantage point flying allows.” Uh-oh… I sense unease blossoming within my soon-to-be working partner.

  “Perhaps when the world is more at peace, I will take you up on your generous offer.” The prince’s smile is kind and sincere. He feels so upset by the idea, he can’t possibly intend to ever try it.

  “Your Highness, why don’t we get started?” I ask, hoping to get away from him as quickly as possible. “I’m sure you have more important matters needing your attention.”

  “Milady, nothing is of greater importance than discovering more about the angel we have called from the heavens to guide us through this time of peril.” His smile relaxes into one that melts my heart. “I consider being in your company my top priority. I have since first gazing into your eyes, as I was whisked from oblivion’s doorstep.”

  “Your Highness, there’s some—” I begin to disclose my marital status, only to have him silence me with a caress on my arm that makes my heart pound and my loins ache.

  “Please, call me Alex, for I feel that we are destined to become great friends.” His husky voice is almost a whisper. “After all, did not fate bring us together?”

  Looking into his adoring gaze, I am overwhelmed with an irresistible urge to fall into his arms, to have him smother my mouth with his. What in the world is going on? This guy couldn’t find the truth if it bit him on his backside… and I… will not… collapse… at his feet… like some simpering court maid… who has left her sense of morality back on her home world! Exerting my will power to the limit, I take a step away from him toward the pile of rusted armor.

  “Well… Alex, in friendship I ask that you not speak to me of such things. I’ve always considered Destiny the King Trickster and Fate his court jester. Save such talk for court maidens whose virtue may be swayed by such nonsense.” I let Don Juan know his place. “I choose the path I take, and I don’t need fate or destiny to blame for my actions.”

  Coming up beside me, his demeanor is astonishingly playful. “Touché. At long last, I have found a worthy opponent in the field of courting. I wonder if you spar as well with the staff it is said you carry as a weapon?”

  What is it you want from me, other than the obvious quick romp? First you treat me like a simpleminded, weak-willed woman. Now this? Maybe if I best you on that field, too, you’ll let me be.

  “If time allows, perhaps we will find out… I warn you, though, there’s an infamous tale in my kingdom. Our most famous swordsman, said to be the best in all the land, was so accomplished he lost only a single fight—”

  The prince interrupts the folktale with a bored harrumph. “Let me guess: by a man wielding a staff?” He pauses so long, I glance over to gauge if he is done. When our eyes meet, the intensity of his gaze forces me to turn and face him. “And I would also bet he could not hold a flame to the beauty that is your fire.”

  Blushing, I ignore his last remark. “It’s a bet that you would win, on both accounts. The person to best our most fabled swordsman was an old, peasant farmer who was protecting his home with nothing more than a staff. He wasn’t wealthy enough to own a sword.”

  Man, I feel like a bitch in heat. Even his corny come-on lines turn me on! I was with Kyle the night before I left. How am I going to resist when I’ve been here another week?

  Inspecting the material as if it makes a difference, I bend down, giving myself a few minutes to order my thoughts. I immediately decide the best course is, as always, the direct one. Dusting off my hands, I rise, prepared to do battle once more.

  “Alex, am I correct in assuming this will be the first spell-casting in which you have taken part?”

  Tension builds in him with the new topic. He nods.

  “In order for this to work, we must link hands. You must be unequivocally relaxed. You’ll feel a tugging sensation within you, here.” I tap my chest to draw his attention away from what he fears. “Resisting the urge to fight the pull takes willpower as well as trust in the caster. If you struggle against the draw, it will cost more energy to extract aid from you than what will be obtained by the joining. I appreciate your offer of assistance; however, with these items to work with, I’ll be able to cast the spell unassisted.”

  I pause before continuing, “Perhaps I shouldn’t have asked for your help. We have only just met. I won’t take offense if you wish to postpone the giving of your aid until we have become better acquainted. You may need more time to trust the magic I wield.” I wait for him to take the graceful way out I have provided to a hastily made obligation.

  Relief, logic… In the background lurks envy and jealousy. Within seconds hope flares. This can mean only one thing: Alex has developed a scheme.

  “If I am to be king in this time of change, I must be willing to change also…” He takes me by the hand. Alex maneuvers my position as if we are on a dance floor, bringing my face close to his. “Reba, if you will let me gaze into your eyes, as I did when you pulled me back from the edge of the abyss, any reservation I might harbor is sure to melt away like frost under a warm, spring sun.” The caress of his hand on mine and his imploring gaze convinces me to give in, though I know sibling rivalry is at the core of his request.

  “How can I say ‘no’ to such an artful entreaty?” Inspired by my own wording, I arch a brow. “I will do my best to ease your passage into the world of magic. Perhaps in return you will listen to a suggestion I have.”

  “My lady,” he coos so the words no longer resemble a title of respect, but take on a whole other meaning. “I will listen most attentively to all that passes those diminutive blossoms, however much progress we make in the arena of sorcery.”

  “Ahem… yes… well… that is what friends do… is it not?” I stammer, feeling as if I need to catch my breath. “Listen to one another?”

  “Among other things,” he breathes so softly, I am unsure of what I have heard.

  It is going to be a very, very long couple of weeks! “Let’s get started. As I open my eyes, I will form a connection between our energies then chant the spell. You should feel a steady, continuous pull throughout this process.”

  Alex moves with the poise of a prince, capturing my free hand like a fragile dove. Eyes closed, I calm my racing heart and gather my scattered wits. Calling to mind the spell I created last night helps me focus on the task. A quick change to the last few lines will include my unanticipated partner. A long breath steadies my racing mind. I block all other thoughts except the results of the spell. My stare is blank when I open my eyes. I see nothing but the objects I intend to create.

  “You are old, damaged, and abused.

  That doesn’t mean you can’t be used.

  With these words, your shape will change,

  Matter and substance rearrange.

  I place upon you a serious duty.

  Now you will be worth a lot of booty.

  If you are given with the intent to deceive,

  In their hands you will heat without reprieve.

  If you’re used with an honest heart,

  Peace they will find as you depart.

  Stainless steel, you’ll never tarnish or rust,

  Double-sided, engraved with our busts.”

  My intense concentration shatters as the world comes back into focus. I find myself taken prisoner by Alexandros’s piercing, green eyes while orgasmic energy penetrates every fiber of my being. Time slows to a crawl. As gracefully as an eagle, the prince swoops down on his paralyzed prey.

  Am I a startled mouse to be pinned in place by this—? The thought speeds through my mind, breaking the hold he has on me. Swifter than a gazelle in flight, I step back before his lips meet mine. Stooping, I retrieve one of the magically forged coins.

  “You did well, Alex.” I flip the co
in in his direction. “Would you like to see your handiwork?”

  “I helped create this? It has my portrait on one side and yours on the other. How perfect.” For once Alex’s emotions agree with what he is saying. “Our craftsmen will demand to know how this work of art was created.”

  “It’s more than meets the eye. Indulge me. Think of misrepresenting something, like your horse, selling him for twice what he’s worth.” My smile twists sardonically.

  “You want me to think of selling something for more than I know it is worth?” With an uncharacteristic lack of grace, he complies. “Ouch!” Alex throws the coin onto the ground. “The blasted thing stung me?” Picking up the same coin, I hand it back to him.

  “Not satisfied with one scar?” he grumbles, gingerly taking the coin in his other hand. “You intend to inflict matching ones?”

  I hold my laughter in check, not wanting to offend him more than I already have. “I’m sorry. I suppose that was rather malicious. I promise this time will be better. Think of selling the same horse for what he is worth, without any deception.”

  He harrumphs and flips the coin back to me. “So we have created a coin that will keep merchants honest. I bet they disappear in an octal! There are not many honest merchants.”

  “These aren’t for trade. They are tokens. Call them fire tokens if you wish. Your father said I could promise the people fair compensation for goods used in the name of this war. These coins will make sure that when it’s time to pay, the price you give will be fair. Simply have them hold it in their hand while they recite to your treasurer the list of supplies given and their worth. Voila! Instant honesty!”

  “Fire tokens. The name is… appropriate,” the prince mutters, rubbing his singed palm. “Reba, you are much more manipulative than you appear. It is a quality I respect in a woman.” Alex’s grin turns sly. “These fire tokens will be very useful.”

  “I’m glad you approve.” Reaching down, I gather two large handfuls of coins. Securing them deep in my pocket, I stand to address the prince once more.

  “Alex, if you will see that these get to the front gate, I must be on my way. There are many things demanding my attention.” And staying as far away from you as possible is first on that list!

  “Of course, Milady, but I am in your debt. The spell-working turned out better than I would have believed possible. Perhaps you could share your ideas with me over dinner tonight?” I perceive lust and desire behind his smoothly delivered proposal.

  Alone in a room with you? Not on your life… not if I can help it. “I’m afraid I already have a dinner engagement tonight. If you have a few minutes, though, I could use an escort to the woods on the northern side of the castle grounds. We could discuss my idea along the way.”

  “It would be an honor.” Alex bows gracefully, though I discern disappointment mixed with curiosity and envy.

  Alex signals the page standing a few feet away. He gives brief instructions for the disposition of the tokens before turning back to me. The prince extends his arm with a slight bow. Unlike his brother, this gesture suits him to a tee.

  His thick hair looks as if every strand has been frozen in its place. The raven locks are tied in a ponytail, which suits his chosen attire. The velvet, Musketeer-type clothing wasn’t worn on Earth until well into the sixteenth century. Here it seems suitable, even with the massive saber strapped to his hip instead of the more delicate rapier. His entire appearance is well groomed, manicured, princely, and very handsome.

  I place my hand on his, holding in a sigh as my blood heats again. This guy is going to give me wet dreams if I’m not careful…

  “Alex, am I correct in presuming the majority of your subjects can’t read?” I attempt to stay focused on my earlier inspiration as we begin to stroll, arm in arm.

  “About two-thirds of the nobles can read and write; the rest have scribes. This has something to do with the idea you mentioned earlier?” He shrugs, impatient to get on with the conversation.

  “Do any of your master artists inhabit this city?” Again I try to arouse his curiosity instead of his male member. His feelings, however, are still centered in his pants—or getting into mine—as he nods yes.

  “Then my idea has a chance to succeed.” Maybe if I stimulate his vanity. Lord knows that shouldn’t be too hard.

  “Alex, you are the prince who is going to fulfill a prophecy your people have been waiting for all these generations. Your name will go down in history. But how much does a name really tell people about you? Especially when two out of three of the nobles, and almost none of the peasants, can read about your marvelous deeds.” I give him time to absorb the new line of thought.

  “Imagine a place dedicated to historic events, events in which we are now taking part. Imagine a grand hall, bearing your name, dedicated to the artwork you commission to be created. It will depict all the wonders taking place. It will show the world what has occurred and the part you played in it!” Pride; confidence; and; yes, conceit. Talk about vain!

  “A historic hall, dedicated to paintings showing history. Reba, your idea sounds revolutionary. If I were king, I would have the papers drawn up to set your proposal in motion.” His enthusiasm is genuine. Unfortunately so is his disappointment. “However, I am not king. My father sees no use in social artistry. I doubt I can change his mind, at least not in the middle of the biggest war our kingdom has ever seen.” Alex sighs, adding, “He holds on to his gold tight enough in times of peace.”

  He took the hook. Now let’s see if I can reel him in. “If funding is the problem, I might have a solution, at least until your reign begins.”

  “Really? An artist who paints without being paid a commission?” His smile is calculating as he continues to guide me behind the castle toward a grove of trees on the northeastern side. “More of your tokens?”

  “No, not tokens, but magic all the same. An enchantment that will be passed down through generations. Still interested?” I must reel him in gently.

  “More magic? Like with the healers?” Anxiety rises but curiosity and ego are still warring for the top position among his emotions.

  “No, it will be more of an enhanced memory spell that can be passed down from one individual to another.” I shrug. “It would require a minimal amount of support from you right now and a promise of a grand hall to display the artwork when you reign as king.”

  “If you can persuade Master Artist Yivgeni to use his talents without a commission paid for each piece, you have my word I will support you.” His voice drops, oozing sensuality. “Now and when I am king.”

  At the edge of the grove of trees, he stops, taking both of my hands in his. The castle stands in the distance. A small cloud passes over the sun. I look up to Prince Alexandros. A breeze ruffles his ebony hair. My breath quickens as he gazes down at me. I feel my moral resolve weaken along with my knees. No! I… will… not… give… in!

  I recover in time to curtsy instead of swooning. “Thank you, Alex, for the escort.”

  I take a step back, so my arms are extended, pushing me as far away from him as possible. My voice is brash. “If you’re serious about accepting my plan, then I leave it for you to arrange a room at the castle for Master Artist Yivgeni. This way he and his apprentice may work and reside close to their subject. If you can also arrange for the necessary supplies to be purchased, that is all I require from you at this time. I’ll inform the artist of the plan to build a place where his works can be displayed to the public when you assume kingship. All of this, with your approval, of course.”

  “Yes, Milady Reba, you have my approval. I will see to it that Master Artist Yivgeni of Everand reports to your chambers first thing tomorrow.” The smile in his voice and the smug feeling I sense tells me the attempt to hide my reaction to his close proximity hasn’t been entirely successful. “Beautiful maiden, I am sure you will be able to charm him to our cause without even the promises of a magical gift.”

  “I appreciate your confidence in my abilities
, Alex.” I refuse to react to his words on any level but the business at hand. “Tomorrow afternoon will be a better time for the meeting, though. I, too, am in the process of changing my sleeping pattern.”

  Alex gestures around us. “May I inquire, what brings you to these isolated woods?”

  “I wish to try a new spell. I’m unsure of what the results will be.” Perceiving his curiosity spike along with the usual tension, I expound with vigor. “I didn’t want to expose anyone to the danger of an enchantment where the results may very well be hazardous.”

  “With magic, I defer to your knowledge.” Fear urges him to give up on the idea. “Is there a way I can aid you on the morrow? When the situation permits, I look forward to becoming better acquainted with the arcane realm.” His emphasis on acquainted and the lust I sense from him makes his intentions clear.

  “I could use some assistance with the sand.” I can’t spurn him completely if I want to continue receiving his cooperation. “What time will you be available?”

  “Midafternoon will suffice.” In one swift movement, he steps close, bringing my hand to pursed lips. As before, a wave of heat washes over me, nearly causing my legs to buckle. “Until then, my lady,” he whispers, low and seductive.

  Still as the trees surrounding me, I watch Alex make his way back to the castle. It is all I can do to stand watching. Every fiber of my being wants to call him back or, worse, run after him. Alex angles toward the eastern side of the castle, entering through a camouflaged door. My enthrallment dissipates as he disappears from my sight. He’s way too good looking to be that charming. It makes him a very dangerous man. I’d be safer fighting a horde of demons.

  Shaking off my heightened arousal, I refocus my attention on the woods. I wander deep into the forest. A large boulder lying close to the center of a small clearing draws my attention. I bring to mind the force field spell I created. I pace around the stone, chanting.

  “Like a balloon filled halfway,

  Bend and give; keep danger at bay.”


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