Righteous Reign Episode 4 Ragged Remnant

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Righteous Reign Episode 4 Ragged Remnant Page 10

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  On behalf of all within Zeta Command, I wish to offer Captain Whitehead and Admiral Brubacher our congratulations and best wishes.

  Admiral Rohkea Sielu Zeta HQ COS


  Until now, we knew very little regarding our assailants except a general direction and probable distance supplied by the Spiel. But, our friendship with the Suvayeek changed all of that. They sent a message asking to meet with me at a place of my choosing. I inquired as to who specifically wished to see me and was advised it was Shoy Cap, Hek Lider of all Suvayeek forces. I suggested 44 Bootis because it was almost exactly halfway between our current positions.


  "I am honored you wished to consult with me, Hek Lider." I bowed as I paid my respects.

  "Please dispense with the formalities. I believe we are friends - and equals."

  "Thank you, Shoy Cap. How may I be of service to you?"

  "You may not. I hope I can be of aid to you!"

  "How's that?"

  There was a considerable pause which I finally realized he needed to interpret my abrupt response. The Suvayeek do not use the informalities we humanoids employ in our execution of the English language.

  "We have information you may find extremely enlightening."

  "You already do us a significant service providing the intelligence you send us daily," I responded.

  "Yes. I know you appreciate that. But, this is much more distinctive. I have a definitive location for the Isesinis Homeworld to give you. And, we have sensor readings and images of its defenses for you." Shoy Cap used the uppermost talon on his right forepaw to tap at his console. My pad annunciated reception of mail. The Lider had been provided all C&C communications addresses.

  I whistled. Shoy Cap looked about.

  "That was me. I'm sorry about that. It's a human reaction to startling information."

  "That's very interesting. It kind of sounds like your melodies." He observed.

  "Actually, we use that ability to make music, sometimes." I offered as I broke into a couple of bars of "If I Only Had a Brain" from the Wizard of Oz.

  "This is most fascinating. You can entertain yourselves in a most pleasant manner. But, I digress. What were you going to say?" The bearlike Officer inquired.

  "I was going to thank you. This is incredibly valuable information to us. How can I show my appreciation?"

  "That is not necessary. Partners do not expect payment for a favor. My payment is in seeing the pleasure it gave you. Especially your... ?" He pointed to his own white lips.

  "You mean whistling. We whistle to make music and show satisfaction."

  "Seeing and hearing that is payment enough," Shoy explained.

  I paused as a thought began to gel in my mind.

  "Hek Lider, may I formally ask for another favor?"

  "What do you need Admiral?"

  "I was wondering if you would make your communications relays in the region available and provide us their locations?"

  "I assumed you would need to use them." He acceded to the request as he tapped a key on his system. My annunciator chimed again. It was a list of area relays and frequency bands available for use.

  "Thank you.' I responded earnestly. 'I don't know how we'll ever repay you."

  "Maybe someday in the future." I thought I saw him shrug but realized I must have imagined it.

  We spent another hour just passing the time. Shoy Cap asked about David. I devoted ten minutes updating him on the Royal Family. Then, we went our separate ways.

  I was back in my office by eight hundred on Tuesday, December 12, 2270. I enlisted ISIE analysts and spent my time during the return analyzing the data and formulating a plan. On the Monday before my arrival, I asked for a meeting of the Commission on a US matter. It was scheduled for Wednesday on Rigil.

  The session on the day after my return was short and sweet. I presented my compatriots with the Suvayeek intelligence and a proposal. It took half an hour for everyone to study Shoy Cap's report. The initial responses were much like my own.

  Then, another half-hour was expended studying my proposal before the discussion began. After hashing it over for a few more hours, the pitch was approved, intact and US Mission Number OFSA-CC-7128415 was applied to it. George, Savign and I stayed in place when the meeting dissolved to refine the authorized plan. The timing of the operation was dependant on Admiral Svjosloki who was executing a program that would affect ours.


  For the next month, I conducted very moderated business, depending on Roh and El to keep things running on an even keel. Though Fred was establishing her new offices, she authored a schedule to full functionality over a two-month period to allow for a vastly constrained workload. We were busy finalizing all the minutia of our impending wedding.

  George Bryant agreed to serve as best man. King David accepted the role of Ring Bearer, the other male C&C will be ushers, and Marie Bryant would be Maid of Honor. The remaining bridesmaids included Grace Tonaka, two of Fred's former AP associates and Admiral Savign. All the servicewomen in the wedding party are to wear the formal military dresses, and Fredricka will don the official OFSA wedding gown. My first wife Helena designed both in mid-2257 for that union. And, they were approved as official OFSA formal Dress Uniforms, at the time. A muted sadness still overcomes me when I think of these things. Though I love Fredricka dearly, Helena will always occupy special places in my heart and mind.

  This event is to be the biggest one yet. Over the years we've been part of George and Marie Bryant's, Steven and Oliva Nichol's, and my first ceremony and dinner. They were ostentatious but limited by the numbers the Flag Bridge could accommodate for the nuptials. In this case, it was Fred who requested we hold the wedding rite in the Hangar Bay so more Senior Officers and Regulars could attend. She felt we owed them that.

  Fredricka questioned the wisdom of the decision when she viewed the cavernous space the day before the affair. Nine thousand seats atop inclined bases were arranged in four long blocks, creating three elongated aisles nearly three hundred meters in length. The entire configuration faced a raised dais in front of the massive viewing windows on the port side of the Examiner. Fred wore her formal service gown to the evening rehearsal to test her ability to make such a long march in the outfit. The sleek train, trailing less than a meter behind could pose a hazard. The two dresses are identical except for color, so this one served as an excellent model without appearing in her wedding garb in front of me. She had no difficulty making the extended trek to the platform.

  Following the trial run, we all retired to the Examiner's Flag Mess for the rehearsal dinner. It was a most enjoyable evening with delicious foods, fine wines, a dozen toasts and great conversation with a lot of laughs. I was "roasted" by George and Fred by Marie. Then, we split up. The men all marched off to Lowry's for the "stag party." Fredricka and nearly a thousand women attended her bridal shower in the Examiners large amphitheater.

  No one tried to get me drunk, this time. They remembered how reserved I was before. And, we're all a little older and wiser, now. But, we did have an amusing time filled with boisterous jokes and a lot of toasts, in our honor.

  Fred was stunned by what happened at her gathering. She received nearly nine hundred gifts and wasn't sure how she'd be able to make use of them all. Among the offerings was a cheque from King David and his family for one hundred thousand sovereigns. Fred asked me about it feeling it was much too generous. I explained it was fruitless to attempt to argue the matter.


  I stood on our wedding altar facing the massive view-windows scrutinizing the dazzling scenery arrayed outside. We mo
ved and turned the Examiner this morning to achieve the effect. We now circle Wolf 359 in a trajectory similar to Mercury's as it travels around Sol.

  Wolf 359 is a small red dwarf about one-tenth the mass of our home star. Very dim and emitting in the infra-red range, it is a variable flare star that produces delightful stellar displays, if you're close enough to observe it clearly, without being singed. It is an uncommon system because of its lack of planetary companions but boasts a considerable ring of asteroids and moon-sized member satellites ringing it. And though impressive, it's subdued enough to allow unobstructed viewing of the incredibly scenic space surrounding the system. Our slow but constant change in perspective continually offers the sights of all the different wonders around us, including Sol - and always with the vibrant ruby jewel anchored in the center of the presentation.

  The Hangar's center aisle is lined by two hundred Special Forces Marines in full Mess Uniforms with all lanyards, medals, ribbons - and their ceremonial swords. On cue from the orchestra, their Master Sergeant barks the "present arms." Each draws his sword and crosses it with the soldier on the opposite side of the walkway as the Zeta Choir accompanied by our Zeta Orchestral Ensemble break into a soft rendition of Train's Marry Me.

  When she appears, Fred draws gasps. She is a gorgeously, elegant porcelain collectible. The sleek white silk, satin, and taffeta white and off-white jacketed gown seems as if it was designed for her slim statuesque frame. The jewelry-like rank and assignment insignias offer just enough glint to tastefully garnish the dress and complement her diamond earrings and necklace. Her cafe-au-lait skin tone and striking features do as much justice to the outfit as it does to her. Though accompanied by her father, hardly none even notice him. Two tiny, similarly attired neophytes scatter flower petals ahead. She is trailed by her Maid of Honor and four Handmaids. They are all dressed in the same chic gown in colors reminiscent of our standard Dress and Mess Uniforms. I couldn't help but wonder what Fairy Tale this scene had been wrested from.

  The slow-march over the three hundred meter span took nearly three and a half minutes - a delay no one seemed to mind as they drank in the dazzling exhibition and the surrounding panorama. At the platform, Fred's dad hands her off to me with a smile. But, as he turns under the diverse lighting, I see reflections tracing shiny lines of tears that are rolling down his cheeks. My angelic figurine steps forward taking her place at my side.

  The highlight of the wedding rite occurs when a rising magnetic arch bursts into a breathtaking stellar flare behind us as we engage in the kiss that seals our matrimonial contract. Its tongue stretched so far and fast that appeared it would lick the side of our ship. There were audible gasps from all nine thousand attendees - even those more familiar with such phenomena.


  By the end of January, it was our turn to travel for a wedding. King David was marrying a beautiful young woman by the name of Elizabeth Montefiore. Elizabeth comes by her blue blood honestly. Though few noble pedigrees survived through the centuries, she is one of a rare group of people originating from an ancient royal family. George, Marie, Fred, and I were all selected to join the couple as members of their wedding party. First, we attended Elizabeth's elevation. Already the Countess of Birmingham, she was crowned Baroness of Wildwood.

  The rest of the week was busy with an assortment of functions. The bridal shower was the day after Lady Elizabeth's elevation. The rehearsal was the following day. That evening we joined the wedding party and family members in the most magnificent dinner. Though the bride and groom hosted it, I was the Master of Ceremonies. And though I didn't get to roast David, I lobbed many jestful gibes throughout the evening.

  The next night found all the male guests appearing at the castle for an "impromptu" stag party. Of course, you don't really conduct any event in secured locations spontaneously. King David's people were acutely aware of our intentions and fully informed on the guest list. Though we had a delightful experience, no one got out of hand, and King David maintained his sobriety in anticipation of the next day's events.

  On Monday, January 30, 2271, King David and Lady Elizabeth Montefiore were wed in a public ceremony reminiscent of royal weddings throughout history. There were horse-drawn carriages, red carpets, and thrones for every venue. And all wore tuxedoes, gowns, or full military mess-style uniforms complete with lanyards and sabers or cutlass. And, though it took only seventy-five minutes, another two hours were consumed in an elaborate coronation rite raising her to Queen Elizabeth Delnikov. Those ceremonies were followed by a light luncheon. Many hours were spent in the royal residence throne room receiving the several hundred of us bearing wedding gifts and bestowing blessings upon them.

  Following a two-hour break, three thousand sat for the wedding dinner. There's no point in describing the function. Though smaller, it was much more extravagant than those we'd attended before.

  We unintentionally stole the show when the two were opening their gifts. They unwrapped and opened two boxes which each contained a gilded bridal and ornamented Western Saddle.

  "You know a saddle should be fitted to the horse?" David explained quietly.

  "They both were," I responded.

  There was a pause then a glint of realization.

  "They're out back in your stable." I offered

  "Let's go look!" David said as he quickly grabbed Elizabeth's hand, rose, turned, and exited to the stone patio with thousands of guests in tow.

  "Oh my goodness!" He gasped as he spotted the two new black Arabians. Tears streamed down the couples cheeks.

  "You shouldn't have." He said.

  "It's far too generous," Elizabeth added.

  "Nonsense, just enjoy them," I responded as Fred nodded her agreement.

  Fred, Bryant and I left Wildwood on February 1, to return to the Examiner at Wolf 359, having witnessed a fairytale scene.

  Chapter 12 Shifting Scenes

  Monday, February 6, 2271

  "Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." Stephen Hawkings

  "I was surprised at how much extra would be involved in moving the central office for Public Relations into my Command," I mumbled to George as we left the Rigil HQ boardroom after our Commission Meeting.

  "What do you mean? It's just another Headquarters. Marie's is aboard the Valhalla."

  "Yeah. I know. But, this is different. It turned out to be much more involved than I ever imagined. Fred needs a dedicated briefing room. And, over a hundred reporters from various services required quarters and office space within the Command. And, that's all added to the agency space for her and staff that's needed."

  "I wouldn't have thought of all that either."

  "And, that creates a new set of security issues. Besides the typical AP HQ contingent of journalists, I've got this extra large group roaming through the Examiner and Interrogator always trying to unearth some big newsworthy secret. I know they're just exercising their investigative instincts, but it's a real handful!"

  "I really enjoyed your wedding ceremony, Kurt. Especially the processional and recessional music. It made the whole ceremony quite unique. I especially liked the old, "Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours" by Stevie Wonder. It's been a classic for two and a half centuries, but I've never seen it used at a wedding."

  "Thanks, George. I'll tell Fred. Both pieces were her choices. Did Bryant behave for you and Marie during the first week after our marriage? He always loves to go to Uncle George's and Aunt Marie's."

  "He was a perfect young man. And, he and Atina got on well. We were happy to do it. He made a stimulating addition to our family. We went to an amusement park on Earth for three days. He really loved the Jurassic section. He relished all the rides and knew so much about dinosaurs, Marie and I were awe-stricken by him. Where did you go on that week of your honeymoon?"

  "We spent two days drifting a slow trip between Wolf 359 and Earth. That was just for us - quiet times alo
ne - if you know what I mean? Then, we landed in France and reveledin the culture and culinary advantages of Paris. We shuttled to Cadarache for a day. We both adored the ancient fusion plant there. Everything is so massive. I'd never been there before, but you spoke so highly of it. Now, I see why. It's a genuine relic that reveals a lot about history and our past. We will go back."

  "I'm glad you both enjoyed it. What'd you do the week after?"

  "After retrieving Bryant, we cruised to Rigil and spent five days on the beaches. It was very relaxing, and my son always loves the water."

  "It sounds like you had a great honeymoon."

  "We did - both alone and with Bryant. Thanks again."

  "We both thought your gifts to the King and Queen were unique. The really love to ride. The horses were absolutely magnificent." George said.

  "We both feel that David and the Federation have done so much for us. We wanted to express our feelings."

  "So, how do you feel about the discussion and plans from this session?" George asked referring to the Commission meeting.

  "I'm just glad we got the intelligence we were looking for. It's past time for a response."

  "I agree. But, things weren't right before. It was important to exercise patience."

  "I know. But, I can't help thinking about all those billions of suffering Orion Federation Citizens. I don't report on local information I receive through ISIE unless it's of tactical significance. But, I can tell you there's been a lot of atrocities. There've been mass executions and hundreds of accounts of interrogations involving torture. There are daily search and seizures. People are held without due process. The sooner we do something, the better."

  "I didn't realize there are that many incidents. If it's not NTK, you should talk about it. It's got to be hard keeping it all inside. You can always bend my ear." George sounded concerned.

  "No, it's not Need-to-Know. And, sometimes I would like to share it. It does bother me. But, El and I discuss it among ourselves. That helps too."


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