Righteous Reign Episode 4 Ragged Remnant

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Righteous Reign Episode 4 Ragged Remnant Page 14

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  I must warn you all that, though this is truncated, it is still very graphic and quite violent and disgusting. So, anyone who cannot deal with explicit, brutal, and bloody aggression should turn away. It is especially important to protect children from this exposure.

  With all that being said, If you watch the flat screen, we'll begin the video."

  As they watched, most reporters and attendees cringed or turned away. Several had tears streaming down their cheeks while a few vomited on the floor of the room. A couple yelled out to mute the volume. There was a communal sigh of relief when the ten-minute movie ended. Everyone looked exhausted and shaken when it was complete.

  "So, I've asked my superiors, and they're unfamiliar with the men who were killed. As far as our people know they were not spying for the OFSA. The human victim did work for the OFSA over a decade ago. But, he has since served a prison term and has had no contact with our organization over the period since his employment. He was recognized but is unknown to any current OFSA executive. The C&C Commission has a copy of the complete presentation, now. They'll be discussing appropriate responses, soon. Are there any questions?" She asked the group.

  Hands went up all over the room. Reporters made their inquiries and Fred answered throughout the next fifteen minutes.

  "I'm sorry. I have other business to attend to. I'll have to end this conference, now." Fred called out, turned, and abruptly left the room.


  The next day found us in the bugged room conducting another charade.

  "Admiral Brubacher, do you have anything to report to us before we discuss planning matters?" Grace queried after she brought the meeting to order.

  "Yes, I do. I'm sure you've all seen the video that was presented, yesterday. We have pretty much verified its voracity. The Isesinis did indeed conduct these disgusting execu..."

  "Do we, or did we know those two people?" George interrupted.

  "As far as I can tell, Brigadier General Yskeni Vrosnikov served in Admiral Chan's Command up to ten years ago. He was arrested and convicted of fraud, misappropriation of funds, and conduct unbecoming and served a lengthy prison term. Since his days commanding a Brigade, no one at the OFSA has had any contact with him. My information says none of the current administration has much knowledge of him.

  As for this Mek guy, no one's ever met him. In fact, I don't think any OFSA people have ever met an Isesinis and lived to tell about it except those that are prisoners on occupied worlds." I explained. There was a thoughtful silence.

  "Do you suppose we're being bugged or monitored, somehow?" Tso Shah mumbled.

  "Why do you ask, Admiral?" I responded.

  "Because at a previous meeting - not so long ago - we spoke of a Brigadier we are using as a spy. Do you think we could have been overheard? Maybe this Kil Kos guy mistook Vrosnikov for our agent." Shah conjectured.

  "It's possible. But, I doubt it. We sweep all our facilities regularly for listening devices." I don't see how they could be eavesdropping." I explained.

  "So, what about the planned assault?" Nichols questions.

  "We go ahead - as scheduled. On May 25, we attack the three locations in our blueprint." George responded.

  "Should we start ordering flotillas into position?" Savign asked.

  "Yes, we need them at their assembly points by the fifteenth. Some will require up to ten days to reach their targets, at reasonable velocities." George responded.

  So Grace loudly placed a motion to execute the assaults at 37 Gemini, 83 Leo, and Delta Pavonis on the date scheduled. Considerable disagreement and discussion erupted. But, in the end, the vote to persist was unanimous. It was all done with a great deal of embellishment.


  At the meeting in the large boardroom a day later, we decided to position Theatre Commands in locations that were suitable for launch to dual landing sites. It would look like they were going to one of the three fake targets. But, it would be no farther to travel to the real objectives from these starting points. A burst of encrypted orders originating from reliable stations on secure channels initiated the redeployments.

  For my part, I redirected the bulk of my forces to 61 Virgo, just inside the temporary border. It is marginally under forty light-years from 82 Eridani and slightly over eleven and three-quarters parsecs from 83 Leo. By leaning just a little toward Leo like we have, it makes it all the more acceptable that it is where we're headed. Zeta reserves would jump late from Wolf 359. They would appear to be staying behind for regular patrols.

  The trip to 82 Eridani from 61 Virgo would take nearly a week at a rate of twenty percent of superluminal speed within a vortex. So, my three and a half theatres would depart the Virgo system on May 18 for their May 26 attack. The four reserve Fleets would use up precisely four days to reach the target. So, they will leave Wolf 359 on May 21 and land a light-year from the goal with all my Command Headquarters, the Mobile Hospital Commands and the security squads for all of them.

  The majority of Epsilon will jump from Rigil. It is fifty-eight light years to both the fake and real objectives from there. The two exceptions are a half Theater level reserve and Epsilon's autonomous Frigates. They need ten days to reach their destination. So, they will leave on May 15 for their assault on the twenty-fifth. A portion of the Autonomous Frigates will fly with them while a small group travels with Zeta. The rest will depart for a position at vector 340.70º x 30.20º @ 168 Ly, immediately. They will take a circuitous route that won't attract attention and will meet some of their mates and a considerable number of subs already on-site. Action there will begin on May 18.

  Nichols will stage his forces for a jump that will never happen. Gamma, Beta, and Alpha operation will protect the recovered territory.

  The entire scheme is a giant slight of hand with the distraction of a suggestive diversion and the benefit of total surprise. Many have suffered for a long time while waiting for us to manipulate the situation to create the advantages we need. Over the next few weeks, we have to watch the Isesinis even closer than usual. We need to know if they've taken the bait or suspect a deception.


  In the Clear

  From:Fleet Admiral K Brubacher C&C / Commander Zeta HQ

  To: Gen. C. Sparks Commander ISIE, F. Adm. Savign Commander SOCC

  Re: Pending Actions

  Date: April 26, 2271


  Please intensify you surveillance efforts. Contact me should you wish additional details.

  Fleet Admiral K. Brubacher

  Short and sweet, it should get the results I want.

  Chapter 15 Naabaahii

  Thursday, April 27, 2271

  "Military Intelligence is a contradiction in terms." Groucho Marx

  Admiral Naabaahii was thankful the Isesinis monitor OFSA Communications. He was also grateful he was in the inner circle of advisors. As a matter of course, he was included in a meeting that watched the female Captain do the Press Conference denying knowledge of the executed men. He was also privy to the Kil's personal thoughts. There had been a time not long ago when Kos was distrustful of all human partners. Now, the leader did not believe their opponents and showed nothing but disdain for the two he had murdered. He was entirely convinced they were the source of the deceitful stream of leaked data. They were the cause of his best friend's death.

  The Admiral could not help but admire the strategy used by ISIE. He was sure it was Brubacher, Sparks, and their people that had devised the twists and turns that absolved him of any suspicion. Putting out information on false spies, and then denying it, was a strategy of pure genius.

  But most importantly, Naabaahi was included in meetings that listened to recordings of captured OFSA C&C Commission meetings. Spies had placed devices in germane locations and had compromised a primary computer system. But the Adm
iral was convinced by the exchange of words that the members of the Commission were performing for an audience. It seemed especially so when Tso Shah suggested they were bugged and Brubacher so promptly dismissed the notion. But, just to be sure, he'd mention the surveillance in his next message.

  Though Naabaahii hated Kos for what he'd done to the Federation, he could not help but admire some of his attributes. He was an incredible organizer, strategist, and tactician. He was otherwise quite intelligent too and had even mastered the English language in short order after meeting Chan. And, the Kil didn't just remember his immediate subordinates. Despite his brutality, most personnel like him because of his genuine interest in them. If you didn't fail and were loyal to him, there was no limit to the advantages he would bestow on you. Except for his new Deputy, promotions were usually from within.

  Admiral Naabaahii thought about the new second. He is the proof that not all Isesinis are brutal killers. Dac Kil Res is a genuinely civilized person who is concerned for everyone in the organization. But, he is unconditionally loyal to Kil Kos. There is no daylight between them. Though he showed discomfort, he unequivocally supported the Kil's decision for such a vicious termination of the two traitors.

  But, Res is much like Kos in most other ways. They are from the same Isesinis tribe which is much bigger and more intelligent than the others. They are always the chosen military leaders in their society. The Dac Kil was the only person that shared unrestrained light-hearted discussion and even laughs with Kos.

  Even the Isesinis who speak English experience difficulty pronouncing Admiral Naabaahii's name. So they have nicknamed him Nabby and often refer to him as Admiral Nabby, in a friendly way. He watched as everyone in the meeting swallowed the bait regarding the attacks. He would include the fact they were ready for the impending assaults on 37 Gemini, 83 Leo, and Delta Pavonis. If they were real, the OFSA would alter them when his message was received. If they trying to goad the Isesinis, it would give the Service the assurance it needed to proceed.

  Admiral Nabby never prepared messages in his sumptuous quarters. He was never sure if they were tapped by audio and video surveillance equipment. So, he always went to the Headquarter's administration center where there were desks and apparatus people could use. The observation equipment was evident there, and he could sit in plain sight, where he gained an advantage.

  The most perilous problem was always the drop point. Nautica could enter and exit the big sphere at will, but Nabby went for long "walks" throughout the vessel to conceal his ultimate purpose. And, they included a stroll on the hangar deck. He would always ask permission. They would refuse him if they were opening the doors but quickly granted approval, otherwise. He'd ask how long he could stay and then saunter around appearing interested in this or that, often stopping passing Officers to ask questions. Around forty-five minutes into the venture, he'd make his way to the cross-member that served his purpose and plant the data chip in the head of the designated rivet. When the Nautica retrieves these units they insert them in an interface unit, plug them into a datapad, and transmit the information to the ISIE. And, he always destroyed his copy of the OTP cipher immediately upon completing the message. So even if the communication is discovered, it will never be interpreted.

  But, all the tension in these surreptitious operations made him feel he was aging rapidly. He felt very old now and hoped he'd decide on asking the Nautica to extract him, soon. It was all a matter of sensing that he'd accomplished as much as possible.

  To relieve the pressure, Nabby often attends the Kowaka games. The sport is like a cross between ball-hockey and lacrosse with full-body contact. It is quite violent, and the bulkier men like Kos and Res are not permitted to play because of their unfair advantage. It is something to see these diminutive people rolling along the floor or bouncing off it after a solid hit. They are genuinely fearless and resilient. Though it's brutal, it is almost hilarious to watch a penalty being awarded. Penalties are based on the "eye for an eye" principle. If a player slashes with a stick, the victim is granted a whack at the offender. But, somehow, there never seems to be any life-threatening or debilitating injuries. There are twenty-four teams throughout the Regional Commands, and they are often transported to 15 Sagitta for matches the executive can watch.

  So today, he ambled to the Admin Center for an hour stay. He prepared his message then hung around and just "shot the shit" with several Isesinis and humans who passed through the facility. When he was satisfied, he strolled about the unrestricted areas of the big HQ until arriving at the appropriate Hangar Deck. They delayed him for half an hour as they were closing doors and repressurizing then let him amble about "getting his thoughts together." He took a little longer than usual to ensure he wasn't being watched. The executions had convinced him not to take unnecessary risks that could result in getting caught. An hour and a half later, Nabby went over to the Senior Officer, leaned against his desk, and started up a conversation. They chatted about Kowaka for quite awhile before he excused himself to get ready for tonight's game - which he did not want to miss.


  Colonel Velky Kaule almost bumped into the Admiral when he came to place the computer chip in the rivet head. The cloaked Nautica had entered the Hangar Bay just before the spy. It had taken him long enough to get around to the drop that Kaule was already in the midst of his EVA. But, he was still inside the covering energy veil so Nabby couldn't see him. And, the agent got so close to the Nautica, he didn't even notice when one arm disappeared behind the cloak. But, he had to shift his weight to plant the message, and that little move extricated the limb from its dilemma before any nearby attendants noticed. The Nautica had to wait until a ship was coming or going. So, the undercover guy was gone before them.


  The next morning, Nabby was sitting with Res talking when he observed he could use a vacation.

  "What's a vacation?" The Dac Kil asked.

  "It's when you take a week or two rest to get your head together and sort things out."

  "Oh, I know this. We do the same. But, the translator did not get it." The Isesinis General laughed.

  "Before I came here, I was in prison for a long time. After, leaving the jail, I stole a shuttle to make my getaway. From the day I arrived the Kil has always expected a lot of me. He demands a lot of everyone. But, I started without a break. I don't expect to go home. I'd be arrested - and probably executed. But, I'd really like a couple of weeks on the shore of a cool, clean, clear lake."

  "To sun yourself."

  "Yes. And to swim."

  "Humans swim? Only fish swim on my world! My people are terrified of water that is over our heads." Res was truly amazed. And, Naabaahii filed the information away for the next report.

  "Most of us love the water. We enjoy the exercise and the refreshment."

  "We never think of humans like that."

  "Like what?"

  "We never think of you as getting tired and needing a rest. Of course, it is natural. All the universe needs a break. I will speak to the Kil for all of you."

  "Thank you, Res. You are very kind."

  "Don't ever say that in front of any of my people!" He said. Then, we broke into laughter.

  "Are you going to the game, tonight?"

  "Yes. Kos and I will attend together. What do you think of Kowaka?" The Dac Kil asked.

  "I love it. It's exciting and similar to a lot of games on my homeworld. We have many competitive ones like Kowaka. They are rough and tough, too. Maybe not quite as violent as Kowaka. But, they're pretty stormy."

  "I must leave. I have work to do. I will speak to Kos about humans getting vacation. He rewards those who succeed. So, I don't think he'll refuse." Res explained as he was walking away.

  Naabaahii considered how Kos has used the humans. They originally came to him with information tha
t helped formulate a plan of attack at a time when the Isesinis were jealously eyeing the Orion Federation. He incorporated the data into the original assault plan but realized their assistance could be valuable if he used them correctly later. Their knowledge of strategy, facilities, and technology is dated and becomes less relative with each passing day. But, their general comprehension of the Federation, the OFSA, and how it thinks and operates could be invaluable. So, he had Chan form them into a team of intelligence analysts. Throughout the war and the subsequent occupation, they had been instrumental in providing him with counsel based on surveillance and observation. But, the small team had been required to work nearly day and night with few breaks to keep up with the countless occurrences funneled to them daily from throughout the expansive territory.

  The Admiral's thoughts drifted to the other human's motivations. He considered those in relation to his own past. When he and his compatriots challenged the OFSA and the Federation, it was because a significant alteration to the Constitution was to be imposed on everyone. And, that modification would fundamentally change it from a Monarchy to a Constitutional Monarchy. He opposed it because the Federation was comprised of a hundred members spread throughout four million cubic light-years, at that time. He and his associates believed the government would lose control and the whole thing would collapse under the new system.

  To some degree, they were proven right, later. After a couple of years, the document required further editing reapportioning control a little more towards the King. But, from his prison cell, he'd seen them work that out peacefully. So, he knew the rebellion was a mistake, and his entire group had lacked faith in the people involved who will do whatever it takes to maintain a robust and healthy union. But their reasons for the revolution had unquestionably been patriotic, nonetheless.

  But the human rebels involved in the Isesinis attack were not motivated by nationalism. They were a group of misfits who had committed dishonorable unlawful acts. Most were imprisoned for those actions. And, they were seeking revenge against a Federation they hated for jailing them. They also wanted a shortcut to positions where they could wipe the slate clean and begin new lives as influential leaders instead of criminals.


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