Righteous Reign Episode 4 Ragged Remnant

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Righteous Reign Episode 4 Ragged Remnant Page 30

by Thomas J. MacDonald


  "Have you been following the news, Admiral?" The Kire asked me on our second negotiating session.

  "Not really. I haven't had much time. I have nearly a half million soldiers on your planet and another three million people up here to consider. There isn't much time to sit back and watch a trial. How's it going?"

  "It was going fine. I am amazed at the fairness built into your system. Federation citizens are prosecuting and defending Kos. But, those handling the defense seem to be doing their utmost to prove him innocent - or at least create considerable doubt about his guilt. But, that's all moot now, I guess."

  "What'ya mean?"

  "Thirty Isesinis Special Forces broke him out and took him away. He's escaped custody.

  "Is this a joke?"

  "...No joke, Admiral. And, there's a lot to worry about. A substantial force will still align themselves with him. And, without me on the planet, he will most certainly try to seize power. He is a man of singular focus. So, he will attempt to find a way to resume his attack on the Federation."

  "Do you object to suspending our discussions for a short time - maybe a week, or two?"

  "No Admiral, I don't mind. In fact, I perfectly understand. But, you know I can be of more use to you on the ground. A significant portion of the population and important families support me. If they see I am still in charge, it may prevent Kos from taking control."

  "I agree. But, give me a couple of days to make sure we can suitably secure you. Can you give me details on the support he'd get on the surface?"

  It took Kire Fask nearly an hour to complete a picture of all the dominant houses, their military strength, and their political leanings. I excused myself and called for all my senior people, the most senior SOCC Officers and Elasima and his deputies.


  "El, can you handle Kire Fask for a week or so. I'd like him to be with a C&C?"

  "Sure, Kurt but where are you going?"

  "I'm breaking up my Command, temporarily. Admiral Palakiko's Tier One will remain here to support ground operations and defend the space. She'll have our Polemista and Spiel contingent with her. All the Marines on the surface will stay. Nguyen will take on the space between this position and Earth. Tom Stevens will go all the way to Rigil and work his way back. In case you're not aware, Kil Kos has escaped and is probably headed here. General Shellots, you'll report to Pal, but I will tell you both that I want the surface secured by the end of this week. It's nearly done now, so that's not an impossible goal.

  After that, you must get the Kire back on the ground and secure his safety. We need him to run the government. It will help keep Kos from claiming the Empire if he makes it home.

  Then, I want you to take this list and have Brigade-strength security forces keep these families in check. They have substantial troops at their disposal and support Kos politically. He is not to have access to or assistance from them. You have my authorization to use lethal force to prevent these people and their troops from backing him - if it's required.

  Can, you are to spread your forces along the route and use your intelligence assets to seek out any information that might point to Kos. You are to grab him if you locate him and notify me.

  Tom, I will travel with you. We will try to pick up his trail and hunt him down.

  Don't forget that Kos is extremely dangerous and an escaped felon. You have my approval to kill if it becomes necessary.

  El, I'd also like to ask that you put some of your Intelligence Division under Can's authority, temporarily. He will be spread very thin and will need the help." I asked.

  "Certainly, Kurt. I can give him a full Brigade. When is this all being executed."

  "I will issue orders for immediate departures. It begins now."


  In the nine days it took us to return to Rigil, we made several diversions. We sought information in case Kil Kos had previously made it this far. And we examined several uninhabited systems along the direct route to ensure he was not already hiding out in any. But, we struck out at every turn.

  I went down to see Grace once we achieved orbit.

  "Howdy, Chief," I said as I leaned into her doorway.

  "Well, I certainly didn't expect to see you. How come you're here?" She responded.

  "I'm back to find Kil Kos. Can you help me?"

  "What do you need?"

  "...All surveillance footage of the holding cell and jail, and all the video we have on orbiting craft, from the day before to the day after the escape."

  "I think that can be arranged. You still think like an investigator, I see."

  "You can take the boy from IGB, but you can't take it out of the boy." I laughed.

  "It'll take about an hour. Want to get a drink."

  "I don't know. Fred might not like me carousing with another woman." I snickered.

  "Get your ass down to the bar. I'll be right there." Grace injected wryly.

  My system annunciator sounded by the time we'd enjoyed our choice of beverage. It was the footage I'd asked Grace for. A quick look told me I wasn't going to figure much out on my own.

  "I've got to get back up there," I said as I raised my eyes skyward.

  "See you later, Kurt. Come for a visit sometime. You shouldn't ignore old friends."

  "I'm not ignoring you, Grace. I'd love a visit. Work hasn't permitted it in a while."

  "I know. And, we're all grateful for your success with the Isesinis. See you later, buddy."

  "You bet."


  To this day, I'm thankful for the decision we made to place IGB contingents in all the Commands. But, it was especially helpful, now. I summoned three Lt. Colonels who are IGB Battalion Commanders aboard three of the Supercarriers.

  "Colonels, I need your help. I'm sending you each a copy of several videos I have. I need them analyzed carefully. Do whatever is required. I must know how Kil Kos got off the planet." I explained.

  "Aye, sir. We'll be glad to help." One responded as they rose from their seats.

  "How long?" I asked.

  "We should have something in a few hours." The same man answered.


  I was surprised at the presence of one attendee when we reconvened at nineteen hundred that evening.

  "Sir, I hope you will forgive my injection into this situation, but these Marines came to me for advice and support. Their immediate Commanders are all active on the surface of Eta Pegasus. I am the most senior General Staff Officer in Intelligence with intimate knowledge of the Isesinis." Major General Naabaahii observed apologetically.

  "...no need to explain, General. I value your input - especially on this subject. But, I have two questions. How come you're on the Bryant? And, why did your people feel they needed your counsel?"

  "I'm here because Admiral Elasima included me in the contingent supplied to you. And they sought my advice because they were in disbelief of what they found. They felt it was just too fantastic."

  "So, what did they discover?"

  "They traced back video surveillance and sensor logs from the breakout. Thirty-one Isesinis executed the mission.' Naaby explained as he plugged his datapad into my projector and displayed the images. 'We follow their party through the corridors and out into an alley behind the jail. They all enter this shuttle.' He stops as he isolates and enhances the small OFSA craft.

  'Once we had this view we could follow the vessel into orbit. Then, we saw this." He stopped dramatically as the movie continued. The shuttle became partially invisible as it seemed to hold a stationary position.

  "Is it docking with a cloaked vessel?"<
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  "Yes, sir. But, there's more if you keep an eye out."

  I peered intently at the image which Naabaahii slowed. There was a brief blip in the cloak as the shuttle bumped the surface of its mother ship. This is common when those inexperienced with these shields attempt to mate with the craft.

  "Can you replay that, General."

  "Of course, sir." He backed up several hundred frames and replayed at an even slower speed finally stopping in a frame where the cloak temporarily failed.

  "Is that one of ours?

  "Yes, sir. It's the CSS Elusive. We traced the nomenclature on the shuttle."

  "Does Admiral Savign know?" I carefully maintained formalities in the presence of his subordinate officers.

  "Yes, sir. She was advised and checked on the Elusive. It has maintained regular check-ins every six hours."

  "Do we think the Captain is co-opted, or do we believe that they've been captured."

  "Savign knows Captain Johansen personally. She says he'd never defect. She's certain they've been taken."

  "We have two problems here. The first is Kos. We want him back dead or alive. The second is our technology. We need to recover the Elusive and seize everyone involved in its theft. None of our enemies exposed to that technology can ever be allowed their freedom.

  But, the fact they are maintaining their communication updates leads me to believe they're still in our space and are attempting to prevent any suspicions. I think we can use that to our advantage.

  General, I'd like you to assume a post at Admiral Savign's side. Take whoever you need with you. You may have all the personnel and whatever assets are necessary. I want you and your people to monitor those signals and trace back their beams. They can report their position as anywhere in Federation Space, but their transmission origins will tell us the real truth. I will advise Savign. Then, I'll send you her current position."

  "Aye, sir. We'll be ready to go." Naabi and his associates stood, saluted, and turned to leave the room. They spoke quietly as they left and marched down the corridor, already planning their strategy in excited whispers.


  "I know why you're calling, Kurt." Savign displayed her simulated smile as she answered my call.

  "Yes, it is about the Elusive. I am sending you a party who will monitor their transmissions to attempt to find the actual origins of their beams. Major General Naabaahii will be accompanied by a sizeable team and their equipment."

  "They will be welcomed here. And we will offer them every courtesy.

  It sounds like your on a hunt."

  "I am. It's personal. George is dead because of that bastard. I'll bring him back to stand trial, or I'll kill him. Either way, I'm not letting him get away."

  "I understand Kurt. ...but..."

  "What?" I barked.

  "Don't let your emotions rule you. You need a clear head, or we could all be mourning your loss next."

  "Don't worry about me. Brubacher out." I responded as I abruptly disconnected.

  But, I called her back half an hour later after mulling over the conversation.

  "I called back to apologize. Sorry I snapped. You're right, of course. Keeping cool is the key to succeeding without unnecessary risk or loss."

  "No need to apologize, Kurt. I know how much George meant to you."


  I have to keep reminding myself that Kil Kos killed my best friend. It's the only rationalization that comes close to explaining being on this hell hole. Polmieria is a small rocky planet with half the mass of Earth that orbits Ross 154 at a distance of only twelve million kilometers. Though it still rotates on its axis, each day/night cycle is just over a week long at its equator. This results in all water on the bright side evaporating into the atmosphere over the three and half days of daylight. Then, it all falls as torrential rain and snow as a region becomes the terminator, resulting in overwhelming floods followed by frozen wastelands that melt three and a half days later when the sun returns. Constant winds of a sixty miles an hour are boosted by gusts one and a half times that velocity. It supports no permanent oceans or lakes. They appear in new places as a region comes into the rainfall area. But, it is pure and clean. You can drink directly from these temporary pools if you dare to remove your environmental suit.

  We've been following the terminator line since we arrived on Wednesday, July 31, 2272 - a week ago. Our goal is to locate Kil Kos and his minions if they are in fact on the surface. Regardless of that, we are positive they are in this system. It is also likely that if they're down here, they're moving too. It's the only way to avoid the blistering heat and bitter cold. They could be holed-up in a cave, but that is not likely either since it could end up underwater or frozen in ice. So we keep moving. And as we do we swing from north to south and back again.

  Meanwhile, Tom Stevens is in orbit above us, and our Tier 2-1 contingent is searching every square inch of the space both inside and outside the system heliosphere. There are lots of hiding placing. Two Gas Giants offer a couple of dozen moons. But, none of those have water. And those planets are not conducive to humanoid life. And then, there's a massive asteroid belt and another of icy satellites. Good investigative method and logical assumptions led to such intense focus on this small red dwarf.


  The day after my meeting with Naabaahii and his people, he contacted to my office with additional news. He'd recovered images of the Elusive breaking orbit on a trajectory to Ross 154. He'd also traced the three most recent reports from the craft back to that system. Reviewing relay station logs proved they'd been there for three weeks, by then.

  "I don't understand why they'd just sit there," I observed to both the General and Admiral Savign. She'd joined in the hunt because of her missing Sub.

  "I do." She responded.

  "I hope you're going to share."

  "The Subs are not like your Battleships. They use cyclotrons for gravity and are not big enough to support Accelerator technology. They can't produce their own anti-matter. So, each one stores a supply in magnetic traps. Their maximum travel time is about two weeks without replenishment. The Covert Supply Ships offload to each Sub from their Accelerators twice a month. The Elusive was last fed a week before they grabbed Kos. So, they couldn't go very far. And, if they didn't realize that, they're empty and unable to achieve FTL velocities. If they did, they're waiting to capture a ship that can either provide additional fuel for the speeds they need to get all the way home."

  "Nichols has Quadrant Four, now. So, I think I'll contact him. We'll take our First there to meet him. Do you want to join in Savign?"

  "I can offer two full Fleets without hurting my normal operations."

  "Give me a minute," I said as I turned to my screen. I located FSS Indestructible. It's Nichols Command Station and is currently sitting beside a relay unit at Gliese 832, so I'll be able to speak with him face to face.

  "Admiral Nichols," I said as his face came on the screen when he answered.

  "Admiral Brubacher, how are you? And, how's your mission going? You're still after Kos, aren't you?"

  "Yes. That's why I'm calling. We've traced him to Ross 154 - not too far from you. We're heading there now. Do you want in?"

  "Of course. I'd do anything to get that son of a bitch. He killed my best friend."

  "...my feelings, too. I thought you'd want to come along."

  "When will you arrive?"

  "We'll be there in two days."

  "That's about right."

  "What do you mean." I queried.

  "By the time I write the orders, and we make the trip, it'll be two days. See you there in forty-eight hours." He disconnected. I flipped back to the other screen.

  "So, the hunt's on. That'll put around four hundred warships in the system. And, that
doesn't include your subs. How many Marines do we have available, General."

  "More than we need for this. I can put a thousand on the planet without hurting our security duties."

  "Okay. You two write your orders. I'll send out mine. Let's get that bastard." I said as I rose. "And General, I want you and your people back on the Bryant when we all meet up at Ross."


  Now I was part of Alpha team a Company of two hundred and fifty. Three others were spread out along the terminator. We kept running into those closest us as we made our sweeps.

  Each contingent landed in nine of the large Shuttles. The vessels provided shelter, food, and sleeping quarters for us while we conducted the hunt. A dozen of us at a time donned environmental suits and searched for three hours - at which time another twelve replaced us. Meanwhile, those remaining aboard launched probes, manned sensor stations, and kept the nine crafts close to us.

  Above us, Stevens and Nichols had Lidar, Radar, InfraRed, Ultra Violet, Magnetic, Xray, and visible light sensors scanning both terminator lines intently. If he's here, we'll find Kos. And Tom and Stephen Nichols had Task Force Commands positioned at each nearby relay station looking for any anomaly or spatial disturbance that might indicate a cloaked ship. And, each of those teams was covered by three Covert Vessels supplied by Savign.

  "We've found an Orion Federation shuttle. It belongs to Elusive." A voice whispered over our scrambled communications channel.

  "This is Admiral Brubacher. Please identify yourself and give your position."

  "Captain Mistang of Gamma Company. We're at the southern end of our sweep."

  "We're at the northern tip of ours. So, we can't be more than a few klicks apart. We're heading to you." I said as I signaled the Alpha Commander to gather the troops and return to our shuttles.

  "Get us in the air and move us true North about eight kilometers. Advise the other shuttles." I ordered.

  "Sir, they're farther away than that." The pilot injected.

  "We'll have to walk the last mile. I don't want to spoil the surprise.' I replied. 'Everyone suits up." I added.


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