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Tormented Page 6

by Jani Kay

  Bzzz, bzzz, bzzz. Bzzz, bzzz, bzzz.

  Who said vibrators were for the pleasure of women only?

  Thrusting into her again and again, my eyes rolled to the back of my head as sensations of pure pleasure spread through my body.

  “Fuck, I’m going to come soon,” Eva panted, nearly breathless.

  I kissed her neck, my breath hot and shallow, and my chest heaving with exertion. I was ready for the mother lode of orgasms to hit us.

  “Let go, Eva. Come with me.”

  “Harrison,” she screamed, as I bit into her shoulder and picked up my pace, fucking her ass with my cock and her pussy with the vibrator. It was every one of my fantasies come true.

  “That’s my good girl,” I groaned as I let go of every inch of control and gave myself over to her. “Mine. You are mine, Eva.”

  Just as Eva was about to collapse her legs, I pulled her up against me, my cock still inside her. I kissed her ear and then loosened the blindfold.

  I pulled out of her slowly, rolling off the condom, then I knotted it and flung it toward the pile in the corner. Carefully, I turned her around to face me. I tilted her face to mine; I wanted to see her eyes.

  “Like that, baby?”

  “Yeah, oh yeah.” Her lips were swollen from where she’d bitten into them.

  “Me too. So fucking much.”

  Chapter 13 — Eva

  Harrison had given me everything I craved—the pain, the pleasure, the torture and the release. I hadn’t come that hard in a long time.

  He cut me loose and massaged my wrists and ankles, one by one. I was spent and exhausted and also deeply satisfied.

  “You surprise me, Eva.”

  “I do?”

  His face wore an expression of admiration. For me?

  “Yeah. Contrary to popular belief, it takes a very strong woman to submit to a man. Giving up control shows your courage and fearlessness.” He hesitated for a moment. “And trust.”

  “Do you trust me, Eva?”

  I blew out a long breath as I thought about his question. “Yeah, I do. I don’t know exactly why, but I trust you implicitly.”

  His eyes crinkled at the sides when he smiled. “Good. I’m glad.”

  “Except . . .” I paused for effect, narrowing my eyes at him.


  “Except when you undress me. That was an expensive shirt you ripped to pieces. It takes a lot of money to look that casual.”

  “I’ll replace it. And any past and future underwear or item of clothing I destroy in my haste to get inside you.” He met my gaze and held it.

  Heat spread through my body at his words. It was a promise, not a threat. I loved that he was greedy for me, but replacing my favorite items of clothing wouldn’t be all that easy nor cheap, and I wasn’t sure if Harrison made enough money to afford to keep shredding my designer threads.

  “At least I have an awesome safe word. And if you ignore that, I will put the man himself onto you,” I said, laughing.

  Harrison didn’t find my joke as funny as I did. “My dick will go limp instantly if you use your safe word, so no chance of needing to call your brother.”

  Wanting to change the subject, I snuggled closer to Harrison. I placed my head on his chest and he wrapped a muscled arm around my shoulders. There was something I’d been meaning to ask him but never felt it was the right moment. I took a deep breath before plunging in.

  “This tattoo really means something to you, doesn’t it,” I said softly as my fingertips stroked the skin above his heart. Nobody would have themselves permanently inked with the word Karma, and a sword that had a drop of blood dripping from it and it not be deeply personal.

  “Yeah, it does. No prizes for guessing that I strongly believe in the golden rule. What a person sows is what they reap. That’s why I enforce justice.”

  “Interesting. And the drop of blood? What does that mean?”

  “That’s for Amy and the baby. The sword is for vengeance. The fight for justice.”

  “Hmmm,” I hummed, deep in thought.

  “So what’s it for you, Eva? Mercy or justice?”

  “No question. Mercy. Definitely mercy over justice.”

  “I figured that much. You have a good heart.”

  “So do you; underneath that tough-guy exterior is a great heart. I’ve seen it even though you try to hide it.”

  “Why would I hide it? You give me too much credit, sweetheart. When somebody shows you who they are, believe it.”

  “That’s exactly how I do know. Every now and then you knock my breath away by doing something incredible for someone else.”

  “I’m just doing my job, that’s all. I can hardly take praise for being a good guy.”

  “You can fool others, Harrison, but not me. I see through you.”

  The scary thing, it was true. I saw what nobody else did. Unless I was so desperate to see something else there other than hatred, anger and retaliation.

  The snort he let out made me smile. Of course he wasn’t going to agree with me and I had to suppress the urge to run my hands through his already messy hair.

  I glanced at the clock. “It’s two in the morning, and I’m hungry.” I’d eaten plenty of Thai food earlier, but my stomach was rumbling. Lately I had a voracious appetite.

  “You didn’t have dinner?” Harrison raised an eyebrow.

  “Do alcoholic beverages count as a food group?”

  He rubbed his chin. “Still evading my question.”

  “When I drink a lot of wine, especially red wine, it makes my metabolism speed up like crazy. Add sex to that and I’m ravenous.”

  My stomach rumbled again. Louder this time.

  Harrison laughed. “Vigorous exercise like sex can have that effect on a person. We’ll have to fix that problem.”

  “What, no more sex?”

  “Fuck, you are adorable. And such a tease.” He tucked my hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead. “And no, it means I’ll have to see what I can rustle up in your kitchen.”

  “Um, I hardly have anything in the refrigerator or pantry. I’m trying to empty it out before I move.”

  “You have eggs? And bread?”

  “Yeah, I give Miu-miu an egg every couple of days to keep her coat shiny. So there should be some in the fridge. The bread may be a little stale,” I said, wrinkling my nose. “But there is juice and coffee.”

  Harrison’s eyes raked my body where I leaned against the top railing of the bed. “You’re getting too skinny, Eva. You need to eat better meals, baby. I don’t want you breaking when I fuck you.”

  Slapping his arm, I laughed. “Don’t be ridiculous. I won’t break. And besides, a girl can never be too skinny, too beautiful, or too rich in this town.”

  Grabbing a handful of my ass, he grinned at me. “Just make sure this stays as sexy as it is, and I’m a happy man.”

  “You think I’m sexy?” I drawled, tracing my finger along his jaw.

  “Fuck yeah. You’re the sexiest woman I know. And I know, um, a few.” He grinned sheepishly. Pulling the sheet around my body, I had the sudden urge to hide my nakedness from him.

  “I’m sure you do,” I said, a pain twisting my heart. I wasn’t the jealous type, so it took me somewhat by surprise to find that I hated the idea of Harrison with other women.

  Rolling off the bed, Harrison strutted to the doorway before turning his naked body around and gifting me with the sight of his magnificent torso, his perfect smile, strong muscular legs and very needy cock nearly taking my breath away. I’d never tire of looking at him, although in this case I was probably staring more than just looking.

  “I’m glad you like what you see,” he said with a cocky grin, “But I’m going to go fix the woman of my dreams something to eat.”

  Woman of his dreams? Wow!

  “By the way, where is that pesky dog of yours? She hasn’t nipped at my ankles for a while.”

  “She’s staying with my father while I pack. She comes to v
isit on weekends, but during the week I’m leaving her at the mansion until I’ve settled into my own place.”

  “Makes perfect sense. Although she is a damn good little watchdog. Her bark and bite can compete with that of any other vicious dog.”

  “Are you missing Miu-miu? I can always let you babysit her for a while.” I loved teasing him just to get a reaction.

  “No comment. Let me go to the kitchen before my mouth gets me into more trouble.”

  I laid back against the pillows and rubbed my wrists. What a crazy ride this had been. When Nolan had cheated on me and I’d kicked his ass out, I’d never imagined it would be one of the best things that had happened to me because in a strange and twisted way, I had the distinct feeling that I would never have ventured out of my comfort zone with him as much as I had since meeting Harrison.

  The delicious aroma of toast drifted to the bedroom. One thing was certain—the high and mighty senator would never in his wildest dreams consider cooking anything for me. He’d never made me as much as a cup of tea or coffee after dinner, never mind gone to the kitchen to rustle something up after midnight. My ex’s MO was to turn around and go to sleep as soon as he rolled off me.

  I mused over how Nolan had liked to control me, which was far more like manipulation than mastery. I never felt at ease with the way he made me feel lesser than him.

  How different my life had become. I loved that I felt empowered enough by Harrison to let him ‘control’ me. In spite of submitting to him, I was, in reality, the one with all the power.

  Ten minutes later, the naked cop came back to the bedroom carrying a tray laden with food.

  “Sit up, sweetheart. Let’s get you fed.”

  “It smells divine. I never knew you were good in the kitchen.”

  “There are a lot of things you don’t know about me. I wouldn’t say I was a great cook, but being a sworn bachelor meant I had to learn some basic skills if I didn’t want to live on take-out only. Oh, and the occasional meal at my parents’ house.”

  He set the tray in front of me. Soft poached eggs sat on top of hot buttered toast and made my mouth water.

  “Thank you. It’s the nicest thing anyone has done for me in a long time.” I meant every word.

  Harrison let out a hearty laugh. “See? I do have uses, other than my amazing talents in bed. Hopefully you won’t send me home ever again.”

  Deciding to play along, I grinned at him. “I think you’re right. If you can whip up something this delicious in just ten minutes, you may be a keeper.”

  Okay, maybe those weren’t the right words after all. Harrison went quiet for a long moment.

  I ate my midnight snack before it got cold, a little embarrassed by the implication of my comment.

  “By the way, you never told me if you found a dress for the event? That was what you went shopping for today?”

  “Um no, I didn’t find what I was looking for. But I will. I still have time.”

  Harrison’s head snapped up, and he raised an eyebrow as he said, “That doesn’t mean you’re backing out, does it? Because I wouldn’t blame you if you decided against being my date.”

  I placed a hand on his arm. “No, silly, it means I couldn’t find a dress I liked, that’s all. I’ll be there to see your team win the award, even though I’m not sure exactly what it is that you do. You’re always so secretive; I’d swear you were an undercover agent posing as a cop.”

  “You watch way too much television, and your imagination is running away with you. I’m just a lowly cop fighting crime who got a bit of a promotion. That’s all.”

  He was trying to reassure me, but there was something in the strained tone of his voice that made me wonder if I hadn’t hit the nail exactly on the head. Harrison never wanted to give me or anyone who asked too many details about his job. All Jade had told me was that it was extremely dangerous, and Ryder saw him as his worst enemy.

  I let it go because Harrison had clammed up, his jaw set rigid and his eyes hard.

  There was a lot more to the man than what he was willing to admit. Maybe one day he’d trust me implicitly and tell me the whole truth.

  Chapter 14 — Harrison

  Eva had sent a text earlier that she’d leave the door of her apartment open so that I could let myself in when I arrived to pick her up for our date to my work’s award night. She’d had a crisis at work and was running late. I on the other hand was ten minutes early because I couldn’t wait to get to her place. She hadn’t backed out like I’d dreaded she would, but I wasn’t taking any chances.

  I let myself in and closed the door with a loud thud, hoping she’d hear that I’d arrived.

  The air smelled of honey and vanilla and warm spices. In spite of not greeting me at the door, Eva made sure I’d feel welcome by lighting a few candles, placing a decanter of scotch, an ice bucket and a crystal glass on the heavy wood coffee table, and turning on the music. It was the same band I’d hear on the radio and their unique sound was beginning to grow on me.

  Eva had a knack of making me feel good whatever the circumstances, and I loved that about her.

  My eyes adjusted to the flickering light and I combed a hand through my hair while staring at my dim reflection in the ornate gilded mirror hanging above the mantel.

  Tempted as fuck to surprise her by bursting into her bedroom, I had to fight the urge and take the hint that she wanted me to wait out there. Pouring a double shot of scotch over ice, I relaxed my shoulders and just savored the moment of tranquility while I waited. The leather couch squeaked under my weight as I sank down into it and let out a long breath. I sipped my drink slowly and relaxed, closing my eyes and imagining what she’d look like when she emerged from her bedroom.

  Try as I might, the only images I could conjure up were of her naked. I loved every curve of her body, every nuance of her female form, and thought it a sin that she hid it from my eyes.

  She didn’t keep me waiting for long. The door creaked open and her heels clicked on the tiles. My cue to get up and stand waiting at the fireplace so I could take all of her in as she came around the corner. My heart beat frantically, and I was sixteen all over again, thrilled and excited to be with my girl.

  The low whistle I directed at Eva was well deserved. She looked like a million bucks, elegant in a red dress that hugged all her curves in the right places. Her chocolate brown hair cascaded down one shoulder, leaving her neck exposed on the opposite side. Easy access for my lips. Pleased at the sight, I grinned. I will be kissing her skin all night long. At least that would make the black-tie event I was forced to attend bearable.

  She glided toward me with a sexy smile on her luscious lips.

  “Hey, you.” Her voice was low and husky. Sexy as fuck.

  Both our work schedules had been crazy, and even when I’d called Eva to just have dinner with me, she’d had her reasons as to why she couldn’t see me. As tempted as I was to show up at her door again, I didn’t want to upset her and risk her refusing to accompany me to the event, so I worked harder and put in more time than I had in the last few weeks.

  “Fuck, I missed you,” I said, as it hit me like a bullet between the eyes.

  My gaze went straight to her wrists, but I couldn’t detect any signs of our last bondage session. Relieved, I smiled at her while I took the rest of her in.

  Red lips and long sweeping eyelashes were complemented by dangling earrings that shone as the light caught them. I took her hand in mine and kissed her fingertips before spinning her around so that I could admire all of her.

  I nearly choked when she turned her back to me. My blood heated and my temperature rose a few degrees at the lush sight of the dress dipping to just above her ass, the indecent draping of the fabric begging for her skin to be touched.

  “You like?” she purred, turning her head and giving me a seductive smile as she peered from under her lashes.

  “I'm speechless. You look so utterly fuckable.” More than anything I wanted to touch her luminous sk
in and fuck her blind. “I just want to tear that dress off you with my fucking teeth.” I swallowed hard, fighting the impulse to make good on my threat.

  “Ha ha. It took me hours to get ready. We have an event to attend, remember?” She raised a perfect eyebrow at me, smiling smugly. “And you look pretty dashing yourself.” She stroked my chest, smoothing out my dress shirt. “Hmm, a bowtie. That’s sexy as hell.”

  Her fingertips brushed the edges of the black silk and then along my jawline, causing my blood pressure to rise a few degrees. She stood on her toes and planted the softest kiss on my lips. Her exotic perfume snaked its way to my nostrils and turned my mind to mush.

  I frowned, not at all happy about her wearing the seductive swaddle of fabric barely hiding her assets in public. It mattered more than I cared to admit. Jealousy swarmed my gut and found a resting place in the pit of my stomach. I swallowed to clear the dryness in my throat, trying to rein it in and act like the mature man she expected me to be.

  “I’m going to be the envy of every man there.” No fucking kidding.

  She smiled knowingly. Fuck. This was doing my head in.

  “I will kill any fucker who tries to touch you. You are mine only. Remember that.”

  “You keep reminding me, so how can I forget?” She winked playfully.

  “You’re impossible to resist, Eva. I’m not the only one who’s going to burn with desire for you tonight.”

  She caught her bottom lip between her teeth, her eyes wide and round as a pink color spread over her neck and cheeks.

  “Shall we go . . . before I change my mind?” I said tersely in a brusque voice.

  She hooked her arm through mine. “I’m ready if you are.”

  If only she knew how badly I wanted to stay here instead. The pit of my stomach roiled, turning acid at the thought of other fuckers devouring her with their eyes, wanting her.

  We drove in relative silence, both deep in thought. I couldn’t fathom these strange feelings that were eating at me. I’d never cared what any of my dates had worn before, so why was Eva affecting me this way tonight? It didn’t make sense.


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