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Brain Page 4

by Candace Blevins

  I nodded and he said, “S’posed to give you a discount. Pick out your girl and she’ll explain the prices. Figure twenty-five percent off whatever she tells you.”

  “I want two girls. That a problem?”

  “Choose as many as you’re willin’ to pay for, dude.”

  I nodded. “Here’s the deal. I’ll pay the hotel $100 for the room for two hours, and I’ll pay the girls an agreed upon amount between us, of which you don’t get a cut. For my money, I want a regular room you’d give tourists who use Yelp.”

  He was about to say no when someone yelled from the back, “Deal!”

  The guy grinned, shrugged his shoulders, and I handed him five twenties before turning back towards the lobby.

  Another couple of women had appeared while I was talking to the clerk, and as I approached them, I asked, “Who ate their Wheaties this morning?”

  I went by smell more than looks, and picked the two who weren’t dreading a session with someone likely to last a while. One seemed to be looking forward to it, the other saw it as a job, but seemed interested in pleasing the client, if not aroused.

  As we stepped into the room, I asked them, “How much for two hours? Blow jobs, vaginal and anal sex, both of you shower with me before and probably at least one of you afterwards, and I’ll use protection throughout.”

  “No kink?”

  I shrugged. “If one of you wants a spanking I can accommodate you, but I’m not interested in paying extra for the privilege. I just need to get my rocks off as many times as possible in the next two hours.”

  I pulled my shirt off, and sat on a chair to unlace my boots.

  One of the girls went to her knees as she said, “Here, let me.”

  I sat back and let her as I reminded them, “We need to agree on the amount now, ladies.”

  Neither girl was thrilled with the idea of washing her hair and going without makeup, but as a werewolf with a super sensitive nose, I needed both of them to be freshly showered and clean before I could enjoy sex with them.

  I shampooed both of them to be sure they were clean, and then let them soap me up before I ordered them to soap each other. Everywhere.

  The fifteen minutes we spent in the shower was worth every second, but within a minute of stepping out of the shower I had one of the girls bent over the back of the cheap desk chair while I fucked her brains out.

  Since I like the feel of a pussy squeezing my cock through an orgasm, I took the time to figure out what worked for her, and brought her to several orgasms before letting her rest while I used the other woman — this one with her legs around my waist and her shoulders against the wall as I pounded her. However, while she gave the appearance of being close to an orgasm, I could tell by her smell, she wasn’t really into it.

  Frustrated, I walked her to the bed, put her on her back, pulled out of her pussy, and slammed into her ass. The condom was lubricated, plus it had her pussy juices on it, and I figured she was a professional and was likely used to it.

  Her yelp of pain only gave me a few seconds of guilt, because I immediately smelled arousal. This was the woman who’d asked if I wanted anything kinky — she wanted it rough. My cock hadn’t gone soft, but wasn’t rock hard because she hadn’t been getting into it. Now, it swelled and pulsed in her, and I pulled out and slammed in again, her yelp of pain music to my ears this time.

  I plucked her nipples as I thrust in and out of her ass with no mercy, and asked, “You gonna come for me, blondie? Let me feel that ass squeeze my cock? Give me my money’s worth? You shoulda told me you liked it rough — got no problems accommodating you, but if you want a spankin’, you’ll have to ask for it.”

  She shook her head. “Not allowed to ask for it. Have to charge you.”

  I pulled out and stepped back at the implications of her words. “Your Master makin’ you turn tricks?”

  She shook her head, reached down, and spread her pussy. “I was a whore when he met me. Not many women get to quit their job just ‘cause they get a boyfriend. Our deal is no one spanks me unless they pay extra.”

  “Because he knows you don’t like it vanilla?”

  She rolled her eyes and nodded, and I grinned. I could work with that. “Okay then, roll over, hands and knees. Won’t spank you, but I expect you to come for me. I do anything you aren’t allowed without charging extra, let me know.”

  I motioned to the other girl. She hadn’t recovered yet, but I needed her horny so I could smell them both aroused at the same time. “On your back in front of her, so she can eat you while I fuck her.”

  * * * *

  When I left the room after my two hours, the girls were flat on their backs, exhausted. My cock was pretty happy, and I figured I’d be okay around Ice for at least a couple of days. Or, a couple of hours, anyway. Such a sexy brain inside a beautiful, muscled body.

  I took my mind off Ice’s body and checked my texts. Not surprisingly, Bash wanted more beer, and some steaks.

  I wanted to text to make sure Ice was okay, but it’d only piss Bash off, so I didn’t. I picked up some brownies and cookies from the grocery store bakery, though, as well as the beer and steaks. Ice needed something sweet in her life.

  The ride up the mountain was perfect — no cars in my way, the sunshine on my arms, and a perfectly banked curvy road.

  However, my good mood evaporated when I shut off my motorcycle, and could smell Ice’s distress from the damned driveway. I smelled sheer terror, layered over humiliation, anger, pain, and pissed off female. Bash was sitting on the front porch, alone, but I didn’t ask where she was.

  I carried the groceries in, and kept my mouth shut as I saw her in the dog crate — naked and bound, on display in one of the most uncomfortable and humiliating ways Bash could’ve put her without actual penetration. As it was, her pussy was on display. Empty and dry.

  I’d seen her small breasts when I changed her clothes the other night, but she’d been knocked out, and ogling them as her kidnapper hadn’t felt right. Ogling her now felt even sicker, and I looked away as I carried the grocery bags to the kitchen.

  I’d also seen the piercing, and thought it odd she was basically holding her labia closed around her clit, but hadn’t investigated then, and wouldn’t bring it up, now.

  “She said she needed to be alone,” Bash said from behind me, his voice hostile. “I told her she’d have to be bound and confined if she wanted to be in a room without a guard.”

  He knew I’d be pissed, and now undoubtedly smelled my anger and was trying to defend his actions. Too angry to trust my voice, I merely nodded as I put groceries away. Finally, I managed, “Why don’t you get started on the steaks. I’ll clean some potatoes and get them in the oven, then let her out. How long’s she been in?”

  “Since about twenty minutes after you left.”

  Including the time I’d spent driving before going to the hotel, and then my stop by the store… over four hours. Shit.

  I cleaned the potatoes, wrapped them in aluminum foil, and had them in the oven in less than two minutes, and then made my way to her cage.

  Bash had used our biggest ball gag, and secured it to the sides of the cage so she had no choice but to keep her face on the plastic floor. She hadn’t wet herself, thankfully, or her face would’ve been in it. She was probably about to pop, though.

  I released her face, first, and then cut the ropes tying her knees to the side of the cage. Bash had intentionally situated her, and the cage, so I’d see her pussy and ass, fully spread and open as I walked in the door. Bastard.

  Her arms were restrained behind her back, and another rope pulled her spine down, forcing it into an arch.

  I coached her through backing out of the cage, but had to reach in and touch the sides of her bottom in order to cut the rope at her arms, and the one forcing her spine into an arch.

  She was so damned shaky as she finally made her way out, but I kept my mouth shut. She didn’t want my sympathy.

  I’d need to massage her a
rms and shoulders, get the blood flowing again, but first, I gingerly lifted her shaking body and carried her to the bathroom. She hurt so bad, and needed to go so bad, she peed without complaint while I held her up as she sat on the toilet. I was afraid she’d fall over if I let go.

  There’d been no tear streaks on her face when I released her, but now, she fell apart and finally cried.

  Nothing we’d done up till now had broken her, but Bash had managed.

  He came to the bathroom door, looked in, but I moved my body in front of her so he couldn’t see. “Watch the steaks, dude. What did she do to deserve the way you bound her?” I wanted to trust her, but I also wanted there to be a reason for Bash to have bound her. I didn’t want to lash out at my brother, but I wasn’t far from it.

  “I told you, she wanted to be alone. I warned her she’d have to be bound and confined, she said she didn’t care.”

  I nodded, relieved she hadn’t tried to escape again, but pissed that Bash had mistreated her for no current reason.

  Still shielding her so he couldn’t see her nakedness, I told him, “I’m gonna need Duke to swap you out with someone who can treat her objectively. I get why you’re pissed, Dawg’s my friend, too, but we’re trying to create a relationship where she’ll trust us and work for us, instead of against us, and I’m not sure this was a step in the right direction.” I took a breath and added, “Do you want to explain to Duke why you aren’t the best choice of guard over her, or should I?”

  “Yeah, and I’ll need to tell Duke she’s under your skin. You showered, but,” he inhaled, let it out with appreciation, “pretty obvious you’ve had a session with two women. Wasn’t aware you had pussy you could just drop by and fuck in Pigeon Forge. If you wanted her so bad you had to find pussy somewhere else, you aren’t exactly objective, either.”

  I let my gaze meet his, let him see my wolf, made sure he knew he’d just stepped over the line and there’d be a reckoning. I kept my voice light, though, as I told him, “Duke already knows. Feel free to tell him whatever you want. Now, if you can go check on the steaks and not burn them, please?”

  Ice wiped while my back was turned to her, and she stood behind me when Bash left. I moved to pick her up again, but she said, “I can walk.”

  Her voice was so soft, so meek, and I wanted to pummel Bash for doing this to her. Instead, I took my shirt off and offered it to her. She just glared at me, though, and walked around me and wobbled out of the bathroom on shaky legs she was fighting to bring under control, saying, “You’ve already seen everything. If it’s all the same to you I’d like something clean, please.”

  It hadn’t felt right to ogle her body when she had no choice, but now my eyes watched her fine, rounded, beautiful ass walk into the bedroom on perfectly muscled thighs and calves. She’d been able to pull off the skinny-hacker-boy look so well because she’s a skinny-hacker-girl. Her boy-clothes had hidden her rounded waist, but my eyes could clearly see how beautifully it merged into her sculpted ass, with her naked and walking in front of me. My cock stirred, but I managed to keep it from going hard.

  The reason I was able to keep it from going hard shot me back to guilt, and I walked across the room to pull a clean shirt from my duffel.

  “I was serious about swapping him out with someone else, so you won’t have to face him again.” I sighed and sat in the desk chair, facing her as she pulled my shirt on. This one came to just below her knees, and another pang of guilt hit me as she sat on the bed, once again looking sad and broken, despite the fact she was trying to look as if she didn’t give a shit and could survive anything.

  “I’m sorry,” I told her, hoping she could see my sincerity. “I needed some space away from you, but if I’d known what he’d…” I shook my head and repeated, “I’m sorry. I know you have to be hurting. I can work on your shoulders and arms, if you’ll let me.”

  “Keep your fucking hands off me. Did you really go fuck two women while I was tied in a damned cage!?”

  No way was I answering that. I leaned back in the chair, crossed my arms, and said, “Dawg and Bash are tight. He came with me as backup specifically because he wanted retribution on whoever nearly killed Dawg. He was motivated, which would’ve been good if you’d been a normal bad guy — one we could find and capture in the usual ways. Once I realized you were a girl, and how fucking smart you are, I tried to swap him out for different backup, but was denied.”

  “He said I’m under your skin.”

  “He did.”

  “Am I?”

  She stood, paced, and I worried she was about to make a run for it. I wanted to stand, show her it was a bad idea, but I needed to test her, too. I straightened my legs in front of me, crossed them at the ankles so I looked totally relaxed, and gave her my cockiest grin as I asked, “Why do you want to know? Because I’m under yours, maybe?”

  She put her hands on her hips, changed her mind, and crossed them over her chest. I could tell the movement hurt, but knew it’d feel good in a few seconds, once her muscles moved to accommodate the stretch after being bound behind her back so long.

  Her voice let me know how pissed she still was, the pain reminding her she hated me as she spouted, “Get real, you’re nothing but a fucking animal, not even human, as far as I’m concerned.”

  I stilled, my eyes focused on her as I sized her up. Did she know? There’d been nothing in the data she hacked to let her know we were werewolves. Had she hacked someone’s email? She had enough info on all of our guys, it wouldn’t have been hard to social engineer most of them enough to figure out their passwords. Never mind I’d coached them all on good versus bad passwords, I knew they still used obvious dictionary words and names. I knew some of them slipped and talked about being a werewolf online, too, despite the fact they’d been warned not to. Email seemed so private to them… safe.

  I took a breath, filled my sinuses with her scent, and didn’t smell anything to tell me one way or another. She was still in distress from the cage, still hurting, and the nuances of whether she was testing me to see if I was really a werewolf weren’t going to show up amongst all of the pain and stress.

  I reminded myself it wouldn’t do for me to broadcast how much it bothered me to be called an animal, so I nodded and said, “In your eyes, I suppose I am. The offer still stands to help you get the kinks worked out of your arms and shoulders, but I’ll keep my distance if you don’t want me near you.”

  Her glare was answer enough, and I told her, “I’ll see what I can come up with so you can shower before bed tonight. It smells like the steaks are about ready, and I have potatoes in the oven, though they’ll probably need a trip to the microwave to finish. I’m not big on salads, but you seem to buy a lot of lettuce, so I got some for you.” I stood and motioned towards the door. “C’mon, let’s try to eat dinner without sniping at each other too much. I promise not to leave you alone with Bash again. All I can do is apologize. I’m sorry for the way he treated you.”

  “You want me to sit down and eat a meal with the man who…” She sat on the bed, pulled her feet to her chest, and suddenly looked so damned small.

  I wanted to go to her, but knew it was likely she was scared of me, too. I stood in place, my arms at my side, and tried not to look threatening. “I can’t leave you in here alone, and we need to eat. I’m game for getting our food and bringing it in here, but you’ll have to come to the kitchen with me to get the food.” I shook my head. “I’m not of a mind to tie you up right now. Please work with me, so I don’t have to?”

  “If this is some sick version of good cop/bad cop, I will find a way to retaliate.”

  Something in my gut loosened. Bash hadn’t completely broken her. Her spunk was still in there, it would come back.

  I had to know if he’d done anything besides what I’d seen, so I asked, “Did he… did he do anything besides put you in the cage and tie you up?”

  She looked at me a few seconds, debating how to answer, and finally looked away. “No. What he
did was bad enough, though.”

  Her smell told me she’d considered lying, but chose not to accuse him of something he hadn’t done. I’d think on that more later, for now, I said, “Agreed. I just needed to be sure he didn’t touch you, more than necessary to restrain you.”

  “It isn’t like you’d do anything if he had.” She stood and walked past me, towards the door. “You’re right, I’m hungry. And if you have some kind of pain killer or NSAID, I’d appreciate an appropriate dose.”

  It cost her something to admit she needed something for pain, and I followed her without comment. We didn’t have anything, but I’d send Bash for it, later.

  Bash was coming in the back door with the steaks as we entered the kitchen, and his expression was full of disbelief when I told Ice to put the salads together.

  “I’ll cut the tomatoes,” said Bash. “She can’t have a knife.”

  “Yeah, she can. Did you call Duke?”

  “He’s driving up in the morning, says I’m to stay here, make sure you don’t do anything boneheaded like let her use a knife.”

  “I’m watching her. I can’t stay at this level of alert forever, and she’ll have to be bound later, but she’s fine right now.”

  “You thinking with your dick is gonna get that knife stuck in your back, and I’m not gonna let the cunt hurt another of my brothers. I’ll cut the tomatoes.”

  Ice slapped the knife on the counter and turned with her hands out, to show them empty. I understood why when she told Bash, “I’d put it in your eye before I put it in his back. I’m going to wash the lettuce. Cut the damned tomatoes. I want them diced, not in slices, and don’t fucking mangle them.”

  She turned her back on him, walked the lettuce to the sink, and started washing it. Bash’s expression was priceless, and I reminded him, “You wanted to cut them. Have at it.”

  Now that she’d ordered him to, he no longer wanted to, and I turned my back on him to remove the aluminum foil from the hot potatoes. A quick cut through one confirmed they weren’t ready, and I put them in the microwave to finish.


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