The Protectors: Vigilante Justice (Vigilante Cops Book 1)

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The Protectors: Vigilante Justice (Vigilante Cops Book 1) Page 23

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  Donaldson followed Connor and Ellie inside the hospital room to Morton’s bedside where Dr. Morrison waited with him. The Detective was only now groggily realizing what had happened.

  “Glad to see you alive, Luke,” Donaldson greeted him.

  “I slept through it. The gunfire brought me around but they gave me painkillers and something to help me sleep. I’m still high enough to not care what the hell happened. Dr. Morrison filled me in. Someone thinks I know a lot more than I do… now the FBI will too.”

  “I think you have this scenario figured out pretty well, high or not,” Donaldson replied.

  “This makes me think Ray was into a lot more than he let on.” Morton reclined tiredly and stared up at the ceiling. “I’m going to have a hard time selling my ignorance to the FBI. I heard you say they lost two agents and their prisoners from this morning.”

  “It’ll work out Luke. I can tell you one thing. There will not be anymore assaults on this hospital. There will be three men I trust implicitly outside your door until we get this shit settled.”

  Morton nodded. He looked over at Connor, Ellie, and Dr. Morrison, giving them a little wave of his hand. “Thanks. I’m glad no one died protecting my ass. If I’m still on the job after all this I’ll find a way to repay the debt.”

  “I don’t keep score with friends, Luke,” Connor said, shaking Morton’s hand.

  “Me either.” Ellie leaned in and kissed Morton on the cheek.

  “I’ll collect,” Julie joked, patting Morton’s arm.

  Morton grinned. “You got it, Doc.

  Morton grimaced, his fists tightening. “I think my pain killers are wearing off. Can you track down someone to give me another hit, Ben.”

  “Right away, Luke.”

  Outside the hospital room, Donaldson told one of the nurses Morton needed assistance with pain medication. She nodded and walked toward the nurses’ station. The four would be assassins were on gurneys now. Donaldson directed his men to move two of the live ones out of the corridor and into Morton’s now empty room with one of the doctors and three guards. The man with his knee shattered had to be transferred downstairs to be prepped for surgery, with the other doctor in attendance and three police guards.

  “I guess we have to wait for the MIB’s, huh Boss?” Ellie asked as Connor put on his uniform shirt and stripped off the scrub pants.

  “I’m afraid so, El. I know you’ve had a nightmare of a day. Cut those two some slack if you can. I’m sure they knew the two agents killed.”

  “I will, Boss. Thanks for making me take your Glock. I’d have had to throw bedpans at them without it. Can we go downstairs and get something from the snack machine?”

  “Yeah, and stay armed. Procedure is suspended for now. I’ll give Fulton the short version of tonight’s events before he and his partner see the three of you. They should be overjoyed the OPD captured a few more for interrogation. One thing I will personally oversee is what damn traitorous assholes in this hospital allowed a setup like this. Go on and get some coffee. Don’t forget to reload you two.”

  “Some start to the New Year, huh Jules?”

  “Yeah, Ellie, I can’t see the year doing anything but improving from tonight on.”

  “Jinx,” Connor said.

  * * *

  Donaldson watched the doctors and nurses working on the superficial injuries to the two captured men. The one who had sustained only a few scratches was handcuffed securely hand and foot to the bed rails. He stared sullenly at the ceiling. His companion Connor had pistol whipped groaned as his head was wrapped after the wound from the Colt gun barrel had been cleaned and disinfected. Guzman and Fulton strode into the room and Donaldson could feel the tension flowing from them.

  “Where’s Bradwick and James?” Guzman asked.

  “Down in the snack room.”

  “The nurse from the front desk was less than cooperative. We’d hoped to hear what your officers had to say,” Guzman continued.

  “Nurse Dyson is the only one who knows how these guys came in at first.”

  “She explained how they approached, and took over the front desk, leaving one behind with her while the other three came up here,” Fulton said. “When we questioned her about how Bradwick managed to overpower the one at the desk, she told us whatever Connor says happened is what happened.”

  “We tried explaining if procedure wasn’t followed in apprehending the man we could conceivably lose the case in court. We told her refusal to cooperate could mean charges of impeding a federal investigation,” Guzman added.

  Donaldson smiled. “Yeah, I bet Claire was real impressed. Bradwick saved her life. What did you think was going to happen? Did you think she’d say something to get Connor indicted instead of this scumbag on the bed?”

  “We will eventually have to make a case Ben,” Fulton replied.

  “Okay, so what did Claire tell you after the explanation?”

  The FBI agents looked at each other for a moment.

  “She told us to fuck off,” Fulton said finally.

  Donaldson laughed. “My officers managed to stop a terrorist assassination attempt and capture three of the terrorists. I would think those facts alone would be some sunshine in a day where you had personal as well as professional losses. How about I brief you on what happened up here. We left all evidence and the room where the attack occurred completely alone for your own forensics people. Any intricate details, I’ll leave you to get from Bradwick, James, and Dr. Morrison.”

  “Dr. Morrison was here with Bradwick and James?” Guzman showed some positive reaction.

  “Yes. She was in the room with James as the terrorists attacked. Also, Bradwick recognized the language they spoke in the hallway. He said it was Farsi.”

  “How the hell would he-”

  “He was in Iraq,” Fulton interrupted his partner. “Although Farsi is spoken in Iran, Bradwick probably heard more than just Arabic spoken overseas. We have a forensics team on the way, Ben. The three prisoners captured will be flown to Washington. It’s imperative we find out how this attack was orchestrated.”

  “Meaning either there’s a leak or this cell has eyes and ears everywhere.”

  “That sums it up. We’ll go down and have a talk with Bradwick and James. Is Morrison with them?”

  “She’s with them. Detective Morton also heard some of what happened up here but they had to sedate him for now. I’m sure he’ll be able to attest to the situation.”

  Fulton nodded. “We interviewed your assault team. The getaway driver and his companion didn’t give you much of an option.”

  “Not with MAC-10’s firing at us.”

  “We’ll be back up later. I know you’ll take care of our scene.”

  “Bradwick and James have been through a lot today. I’d appreciate it if you keep that in mind.”

  “We will,” Fulton promised.

  “I’m not worried about you, Drax. I’m worried about ‘Nita here.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Guzman asked, her mouth tightening.

  “It means you treat those two as anything other than heroes and nothing will prevent me from pursuing a complaint against your caustic ass all the way to DC if I have to. Are we clear?”

  Fulton pulled Guzman toward the door. “We’re clear, Ben. See you in a bit.”

  Chapter 19


  Ellie, Julie, and Connor sat around a table in the nearly empty cafeteria. Only a few other medical personnel stopped in to work the snack and drink machines on break. Regular hospital business continued as it must. Highland Hospital was the only trauma center in the immediate area. Instead of coffee, the three had chosen bottled waters. They nibbled at chips and plastic wrapped sandwiches, enjoying the quiet aftermath of battle in silence. They had been sitting together for nearly half an hour without speaking.

  “My fracking ears are still ringing,” Ellie complained at last.

  “Mine too,” Julie agreed.

three, and it won’t be going away anytime soon. On the bright side Donaldson might have to give us some time off. I don’t know about you, El, but I’ll take it.”

  Ellie laughed. “Headshot Bradwick taking a break from the carnage? Tell me it ain’t true.”

  “Ha, ha, very funny. Even us psychos have to take some time off.”

  “I’ll petition for a leave on your behalf,” Julie offered. “It won’t have to come from either of you. I’ll schedule you both in for appointments and psychological evaluation. It could take weeks.”

  “I like it. No admitting. Since you were there with us, what the hell are you going to ask us in therapy, Jules?”

  Julie shrugged. “You two can interview me. I think I’m damaged from our latest excursion together.”

  Connor and Ellie both laughed appreciatively.

  “We’ll go to the range like we talked about and teach you how to shoot,” Ellie said finally. “Nothing like firing a couple hundred rounds to put your mental outlook into the proper perspective, Jules.”

  “Uh oh, MIB’s approaching,” Julie whispered, seeing Guzman and Fulton walk in the cafeteria.

  “Well look at you.” Ellie pinched Julie’s cheek. “You little groupie, you.”

  “I told you I was corrupted.”

  “Mind if we join you?” Guzman asked, pulling over a chair from the table next to them. “We’d like to be briefed on the attack.”

  Fulton and Guzman sat down before Ellie spoke.

  “No, please join us. Oh… you already have.”

  “Let’s not make this confrontational, James,” Guzman cautioned, before turning to Connor. “Bradwick, is there any chance of you getting your friend Dyson to cooperate? She refused to give us details on how your capturing of the man at the front desk happened.”

  “Sure, I’ll talk to her. There’s nothing to hide about it. I dressed in surgical scrubs and hid my Colt behind a clipboard. I pretended to be writing stuff while approaching the desk. Claire played along with the act, letting me know the guy with her was one of the attackers. I dropped him with the barrel of my Colt. I told her to stay down until help arrived and took the attacker with me up on the elevator.”

  “Then at no time did you identify yourself as a police officer?” Guzman asked.

  Before either Connor or Ellie could react to the question, Dr. Morrison leaped up, her hands on hips.

  “Are you serious? I thought the ruse was brilliant and you’re questioning protocol? My God, it’s no wonder no one wants to cooperate with you! Do you even know who the bad guys are anymore, or do you simply investigate with your own personal vendetta as a guide?”

  “Sit down, Doctor!” Guzman ordered. “You’ll get your chance to speak.”

  “Frack you, Scully! I’m not cooperating with you either. I need some air.”

  Julie walked off toward the cafeteria exit without another word, leaving Connor and Ellie smothering laughter at her parting shot at Guzman.

  “You think this is a joke?” Guzman ignored Fulton’s gesture of warning. “We have two friends dead along with two possible witnesses! We have a coordinated terrorist attack on a supposedly unknown private medical facility and a public hospital.”

  Connor gripped Ellie’s hand, shaking his head in the negative to keep her from speaking. “Our condolences for your loss. Ellie and I had nothing to do with it. If I hadn’t gotten the bright idea to return Dr. Morrison’s Toyota and visit Detective Morton, he’d be dead too. In addition, Homeland Security would not have three live terrorists. I realize the stress level is reaching the boiling point, but we aren’t going to sit here and be accused of bad things happening to people in your care or to your case.”

  Fulton warned Guzman to silence with one look. “Tell us about the terrorist casualties and we’ll call it a night. Ben already said you thought they were speaking Farsi.”

  Connor took his time and carefully related the events in a precise timeline with Ellie helping to coordinate what she and Dr. Morrison did while waiting for Connor. Fulton recorded it with their permission. Julie returned from outside and sat down quietly, listening to her friends finish their version of the events.

  “Sorry about losing it,” Julie stated succinctly after Connor finished. She related her own version of events in a measured tone, avoiding eye contact with either of the agents.

  “Was Detective Morton conscious when shots were fired into the room?” Guzman asked.

  “I’m not sure. He was awake when I crawled over to his bed but I didn’t make it over there until after the man shot into the room.”

  “Do you know how the assassins knew where to find the MS-13 guys?” Connor asked.

  “Not yet.” Fulton turned off his mini-recorder. “I think that’s all for now. Where will the three of you be tomorrow?”

  “Home, I hope,” Connor answered for them. “You have our cell-phone numbers. We’ll keep them on and with us.”

  “Good.” Fulton stood up with Guzman reluctantly following his lead. “I believe you three can go home now. If I think of something important to ask, can I call tonight?”

  “You mean this morning?” Ellie put in.

  Fulton grinned as he looked at his watch. “Yeah, this morning.”


  The FBI agents walked away.

  “Let’s go over to my place and party,” Ellie suggested.

  “I have to get home and take care of Nasty.”

  “Then let’s go over to your place,” Julie countered. “Please?”

  “Sure, Doc. I have an extra room but you two will have to bunk in together. It’s a queen size so it shouldn’t be too cramped.”

  “Screw that! We’ll all sleep together,” Ellie announced.

  “I don’t think so.” Connor chuckled. “Besides, Nasty sleeps in with me and she’s the jealous type. Unless the two of you don’t mind waking up looking like jigsaw puzzles I’d suggest the guest bedroom would be best.”

  Julie shivered thinking of Connor’s attack cat. “As comfortingly erotic as sleeping all together sounds, I think I’d like to be in a locked room away from Nasty.”

  “You’re turning into a damn metro-man, Opie. Next thing we know, you’ll be wearing pastels and getting facials done.”

  “You’re still flying high from all the shooting today, El. Calm down. We’ll have a couple beers while Nasty eats and listen to some music. At least we’re off the hook for the moment. I don’t know how we could have done things any differently.”

  “We couldn’t. That’s why ‘Nita didn’t get to throw out benefit of the doubt and slap cuffs on us.”

  Ellie’s cell-phone rang. She answered it and replied with one syllable words before saying goodbye and closing the phone. Smiling, Ellie leaped to her feet.

  “Let’s go boys and girls. We are officially on call. The Boss will ring us if we are needed to answer questions or fill in on an emergency. The MIB’s told him it was okay.”

  “That is good news.” Connor stood up too. “I hate hospitals. Are you certain you want to hang out with us, Doc? We can get a ride.”

  “I’m scared shitless. I don’t want to be alone tonight – no way, no how.”

  Ellie put an arm around Julie’s shoulders, guiding her toward the door. “You did real good tonight, Jules. I was proud to have you with me. For the record, I’m scared too.”


  “Oh yeah.”

  “Me three,” Connor concurred. “No shame in being scared, Doc. We would have probably been a lot safer if I’d killed all of them.”

  Ellie snickered as Julie whipped around to look questioningly at Connor. “He’s just kidding, Jules. Chill.”

  No I’m not. Connor took a deep breath.

  * * *

  As the elevator opened on Connor’s floor, Nasty the cat greeted them. She ran up to rub against Connor’s leg, purring loudly while giving Ellie and Julie ominous looks. Connor crouched to one knee, his .45 auto in hand as he looked for targets. Once he was su
re the hallway held no surprises, Connor went right toward his apartment while Ellie went left with practiced ease. They checked doorways and stair landings. Julie attempted to stay near the elevator but Nasty took a swipe at her leg and she followed Ellie at a distance.

  Ellie signaled an all clear when she finished with her recon of the hall. With Connor staying near the outside of his door, Ellie gathered Julie midway down the hall, gesturing her to remain a few steps back. Connor waited until Ellie arrived on the other side of his door with Julie behind her. Ellie leaned at the ready on the left side of Connor’s doorway.

  “This will never be over,” Ellie whispered angrily.

  Connor shrugged. “Think I should call in some help?”

  “I do,” Julie waved her hand in the air.

  “Quiet, Jules. Try the knob. Let’s take a walk on the wild side.”

  Connor turned the knob and his door swung open. “Knock… knock! We will shoot on sight! The only reason we’re not already blasting is my cat’s still alive!”

  “Don’t shoot! There’s three of us. We have our hands up, man!”

  “Come out here, hands empty and fingers clasped behind your heads. One move I don’t like, I empty my clip.”

  The men walked single file out of Connor’s apartment as directed. They were all medium height in below the hip jeans and baggy shirts with gang tattoos – the MS-13 symbol the most prominent. Connor noticed them trying to peer around down the hall, looking for something with uneasy glances.

  “What the hell are you three looking for? We already cleared the doorways and staircase.”

  “Where is El Gato Diablo?”

  Connor laughed and gestured toward the elevator. “She’s down the hall. How’d you get her out of the apartment?”

  “I picked the lock,” the man in front admitted. “When we opened the door it jumped us. We ran inside and closed it out in the hall.”

  A low mewling growl sounded from behind Julie. She squealed and slammed her back against the hallway wall. The men muttered angrily at Nasty who was circling them. None of the noise brought anyone else out of their apartments. For the first time, Connor felt grateful for the early morning hour.


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