The Protectors: Vigilante Justice (Vigilante Cops Book 1)

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The Protectors: Vigilante Justice (Vigilante Cops Book 1) Page 29

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “Hey, Bobo,” Ellie called out as Connor joined her on the sidewalk. “Get your ass back here and tell us what you want! If you think we’re going to play charades, you can kiss my ass!”

  “He wants us to go into that alleyway,” Connor remarked, the smile on his face fading as he looked around suspiciously. The mime did a small two step dance at the alleyway entrance with one hand pointing while he twirled the other hand in a hurry up pantomime.

  “Listen, you clown faced moron, get over here or I’m going to-”

  “Ellie!” Connor plowed into her as the mime dropped to the sidewalk. Two figures in body armor and black ski masks ran out of the alley with AK47’s. They fired a hail of bullets where Ellie had been standing.

  Connor grabbed hold of Ellie’s collar where her Kevlar lent a reinforced handhold for him. He dragged her around behind a parked car. As Connor yanked her behind cover by the collar, Ellie had drawn her weapon. She fired at the two figures. Her bullets hit their marks, staggering the two. Ellie tried for a head shot, grazing the one on the right. He dropped to his knees.

  Connor cleared the parked car with Ellie. He pulled her behind the tire. Before he could draw his Ruger, their squad car squealed past them. Both he and Ellie popped up in time to see Julie run over the screaming mime and crash into the AK47 wielding masked men. Weapons and bodies went flying into the air, crashing into the mortar front building under construction before crumpling into bloody heaps on the sidewalk. Connor vaulted the parked car’s hood, his Ruger trained on the two inert bodies.

  “See to Julie, El! I’ll check the road kill.”

  Ellie ran to their squad car, stopping for a moment to feel for a pulse at the mime’s neck. She didn’t expect to find one, considering his chest looked crushed. After confirming what she suspected, Ellie carefully opened the squad car driver’s door. Julie sat with her hands in a death grip on the steering wheel. She seemed to shiver as if she were cold. Ellie glanced up at Connor. He had already checked over both bodies. He met her questioning gaze and shook his head. Ellie holstered her weapon and put an arm around Julie’s shoulders.

  “That was some very quick thinking, Jules. Thank you. Are you okay?”

  Ellie’s touch jolted Julie. Her breath hissed out in a startled gasp. She released the steering wheel almost reluctantly. Ellie gently guided her out of the squad car. Julie hugged her friend. Ellie stroked her back comfortingly without speaking. Connor ran over to the passenger side of the squad car. He opened it and reached across to call the incident in, his Ruger still pointing back at the alleyway.

  “You did real good, Jules. Say something so I know you’re okay,” Ellie urged.

  “My…my panties are still dry.”

  Ellie laughed uproariously, breaking free of Julie, tears streaming down her face. She gasped in an effort to control her hilarity at the bazaar situation and Julie’s adlib. Julie laughed with her, still shaking uncontrollably. Ellie hugged her around the shoulders again, leading her away from the squad car and the body beneath it. Julie glanced back over her shoulder at the mime’s body.

  “Is…is he dead?”

  “Look, Jules.” Ellie turned Julie and grasped both her shoulders. “I know you’re hurting but if you hadn’t done what you did, me and Connor might be dead. Now that’s the way to handle a mime. Frack him!”

  “Jesus… I can’t believe this.”

  Ellie watched Julie’s eyes as the doctor looked around at the people streaming out onto the sidewalk. Cars had begun slowing to a crawl on McArthur Blvd. Ellie could see worry and fear battling on Julie’s face, but her manner was coherent. Hearing sirens approaching from all directions, Ellie guided Julie around the squad car to where Connor waited for backup while continuing to cover the alley. He glanced at Julie with a grim smile forming.

  “Thanks, Doc - that was sweet.”

  “I killed those men too?”

  “It was them or us, Doc. I think you made the right choice. I’m sure these clowns had a driver but we’ll have to stay alert until we get back-up to check for a getaway car and clear this alley.”

  “I saw you pull off their masks,” Ellie said. “Anything recognizable?”

  “They’re sporting MS-13 gang tattoos. It seems not everyone in the gang is interested in cooperating. We weren’t picked at random. That much I do know.”

  “I want you two to move in with me,” Julie stated, her arms tightly folded over her chest to keep from shaking. “At least until this whole gang and terrorist thing is over.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Ellie agreed. “How about you, Opie?”

  “Two words, El – Sony Plasma.”

  Ellie giggled. “The Plasma whore has spoken. Besides, after this it’s desk duty for you, Jules.”

  “God! I hope so.”

  * * *

  “Holy shit!” Jason Ladd called out as he and Luis Arvizo ran toward the building front where Connor and Ellie were standing with guns drawn. Dr. Morrison remained between them. Ellie watched the street. Connor kept his eyes on the alleyway.

  “It’s been ten frackin’ minutes since Connor called in, Jas,” Ellie complained. “A terrorist hit squad could have wiped us out and ate Doc Morrison by now.”

  “Sorry, El.” Luis hurried next to Connor with his riot gun. “What can we do? Donaldson is coming over with more backup and forensics. Don’t be surprised if he blames this on you two.”

  Connor chuckled. “Jas, you stay with Dr. Morrison. Luis can back Ellie and me up in the alleyway. I’m sure there’s nobody left there but the Sarg will ask us if we made the area safe for democracy.”

  “We’ve been watching the rooftops too so don’t stand here staring at your toes, Laddie.” Ellie completed the directions with an insult. “And no pictures of my butt while my back’s turned either.”

  “It’s Luis, El. He’s a bad influence on me. If he had his laptop here he’d already have your image Photo-shopped on top of the dead mime over there.”

  Luis tried to respond but couldn’t quit laughing at his partner’s dig.

  “C’mon, El let’s get this over with before they do their whole routine.” Connor led the way into the alley. When he was certain their attackers had come from the front and hidden in the alley, Connor holstered his Ruger. “I guess we can canvas the neighborhood after the rest of the troops arrive. Maybe they walked past a security camera. When forensics gets here we’ll find out if any of them have car keys for one parked nearby.”

  “Maybe this cluster-fuck will crab the suicide mission I heard you and Ellie are being volunteered for,” Luis said as he followed Connor and Ellie out of the alley.

  Connor stopped and faced Arvizo. “How many did Donaldson recruit for back up already?”

  “Me, Jas, Jack Duffield, Derek Dawson and Jenkins. I know what you’re thinking. We know what’s at stake and to keep our mouths shut. Ben told us he can’t risk recruiting anyone else. He’s coming along. We’re all hoping that Homeland Security will have so many people there the six of us won’t even have to show our faces.”

  Connor nodded. “Thanks, Luis. I’m glad you guys will have our six. How’d the roundup go?”

  “Not too well apparently.”

  “They used a frackin’ mime, Luis!” Ellie made a despairing gesture toward the front. “Good Lord, what’s next up for a trap, Ronald McDonald giving out free cheese burgers?”

  The three officers shared a laugh over Ellie’s upbraiding of the mime incident as they walked out of the alleyway with Connor in the lead again. Donaldson was waiting for them with a forensics team and three more police officers.

  “Havin’ fun, girls?” Donaldson asked. He waved the forensics team and other police officers into action.

  “Just sharin’ a laugh on city time, Boss,” Ellie replied. “What else can we do when we’re being trapped by death squads using mimes as bait?”

  “You got me there, El.” Donaldson looked around to make sure Julie Morrison was out of earshot. “I see you and Opie have turne
d Doc Morrison into a cold blooded killer.”

  “We haven’t even had time to check all the holes across the street,” Connor replied. “They sprayed us with AK47 fire until Ellie wounded one and the Doc delivered death by squad car. If it was any later those shops across the street would have been open with people coming and going.”

  “I see they’ve pretty much shit-canned the quiet approach. Any ideas on why they didn’t hose down your squad car as you drove by?”

  “They figured we’d think it was a joke and follow the frackin’ mime into the alley, Boss,” Ellie answered. “They didn’t know I can’t stand mimes and I wouldn’t follow one if he had a bag of gold coins strapped on his ass with a lighted sign reading free samples.”

  Donaldson grinned. “If you two are okay, I have to keep you both working. We’re on the front lines. I’ve called in every reserve officer on the books. I’m suspending all procedural nonsense until we get clear of this, meaning I’d rather have a morgue full of bad guys rather than any of us taking a hit. Your squad car’s not leaking anything and the air bags didn’t deploy. Take Mad Maxine with you if she’s up to it and get back out on patrol.”

  “Can I shoot any mimes on sight?”

  “Don’t push me, El. Get out of here before I send Opie on patrol alone while I return you to your proctology practice.”

  “On it, Boss.” Ellie fled toward the squad car.

  Chapter 24

  Fictional Ploy

  “Even I’m surprised you’re riding with us for the rest of the day,” Connor told Julie. “You would be safe in your office at the precinct. Drive bys are not out of the question. It wouldn’t take much imagination to snipe at us from a rooftop.”

  “Gee, thanks for those happy thoughts, Opie. Drop me off at the station and let Jules ride with you.”

  “You’re getting paid to be in blue, El. Besides, we have to meet with our MIB handlers so they can tear us a new one for this latest incident in twenty minutes.”

  “Maybe they have word on their sting operation,” Julie said. “Don’t worry about me. Danger’s my middle name.”

  Connor and Ellie laughed at Julie’s quip.

  “At least Fulton and Guzman weren’t stupid enough to get in our faces out in public,” Connor said. “Their plan won’t be much of a secret if they keep haunting us out in front of everyone. An interrogation room at the precinct wouldn’t be my first choice, but it’s a hell of a lot better than meeting for coffee.”

  “I hope this get together is about setting up their interpreter. We’re running out of luck. I’m even beginning to believe in the Darkness.”

  “What Darkness, Ellie?”

  “We better brief her, El. The Doc probably has a cloud over her head after tag-teaming with us. Respect the Darkness, Doc.”

  “I get it,” Julie replied. “It’s superstition.”

  “It comes in threes, Jules. Connor has me convinced. I think you’ve already hit the three mark though.”

  “Yeah, but she wasn’t walking point,” Conner said. “Respect the Darkness.”

  “I’m never walking point so this Darkness thing won’t get me anyway.”

  Ellie laughed as Connor gasped in mock terror. “Don’t mind Opie and his Darkness thing, Jules. You ran over a mime. That automatically makes you immune to the Darkness, right Opie-Wan?”

  “The Darkness knows when you speak ill of it, El.”

  “Frack the Darkness!” Julie stated with fervor.

  “Doc! Are you nuts?” Connor elbowed Ellie who was laughing uncontrollably. “Apologize right now to the Darkness or I’ll have to put you out on the street.”

  “Frack the Darkness and the horse it rode in on!”

  “We’re doomed.”

  * * *

  “Nice to hear you three kept busy this morning.” Guzman gestured to the seats across from her and Fulton at the small conference table, as Connor, Ellie, and Dr. Morrison walked into the interrogation room.

  The three sat down but remained silent by previous agreement. Guzman leaned forward, waiting for a retort that didn’t come.

  “Nothing to say, James?”

  “Oh, sorry ‘Nita, we’re pretending to be at the Doc’s kitchen table you bugged. I hope you had a warrant for it because we bagged and tagged it this morning.”

  The two FBI agents exchanged stricken looks.

  “It was just a precaution, Ellie,” Fulton explained. “There’s no need to blow this out of proportion.”

  “No problem, Drax. The bug’s catalogued as a precaution. If we’re all done dancin’ let’s get to whatever you called us in for. It’s been a long day.”

  “I’m afraid it’s going to get a lot longer. Agassi contacted Adelmo. We’re on for midnight. We’ve killed the story from this morning and confirmed the three involved were all MS-13 members. Adelmo told us they don’t know anything about what we have planned. He believes they were out for retaliation.”

  “Well I feel much better. How about you, Opie?”

  “Much. Where’s this meet at?”

  “The Lucky’s supermarket parking lot on MacArthur Blvd across from Bank of America,” Guzman answered.

  “That’s on our beat. I don’t like it,” Ellie said. “What, you don’t think it’s a little suspicious they’d pick a place in our patrol area?”

  “We would but Adelmo told us they’ve met there before,” Fulton replied. “We’ll have men on the BofA roof and the Citibank building next to the parking lot. Do either of you speak Spanish?”

  “Not well enough to pass as El Salvadoran illegal aliens,” Connor answered.

  “Stay in the background. Say nothing,” Fulton directed. “We have the final shipment under guard. If Agassi brings the cash, Adelmo will lead them to the warehouse on East 12th where they have the last shipment. A team already has it under watch. They will be your backup until Agassi actually inspects the goods, and gives over the money. I can’t stress enough how vital it is we capture her alive. She’s the key to the next rung on the ladder.”

  “So once Agassi and her friends get the goods you want us to let them drive away?” Ellie asked.

  “Yes. She drives away with the goods and we converge immediately with overwhelming force. We’re gambling she’ll surrender.” Fulton shrugged. “I’m none too confident this won’t blow up in our faces. We have to go all the way with this.”

  “If you want to really go all the way I have a suggestion,” Connor said. “I’m sure my suggestion will offend Agent Guzman’s sensibilities but it might give you the location where they’re storing the rest of this stuff and get you a name to track.”

  “I’m listening.” Fulton put a restraining hand on Guzman’s arm.

  “Agassi has her family in the Bay Area, right?”

  “Her mother and two kids are staying at the Sheraton near the airport. Agassi’s husband is in Saudi Arabia supposedly on business.” Fulton’s eyes narrowed as he began to suspect where Connor was going. “Do you seriously think we’ll let you do a Jack Bauer on Agassi?”

  “Who?” Julie asked and immediately ducked away from Ellie who she rightly guessed was about to give her a back of the head slap.

  Ellie laughed, pointing at Connor. “I like it. We grab Agassi. We phone her family with someone on the other end of the line holding her family at gunpoint. They’re made to scream convincingly and maybe throw in a gunshot for good measure. Agassi folds her tent and gives us what we want.”

  “I’m sure you already know what they’re trying to assemble,” Connor addressed Fulton. “Is it bad?”

  “It’s very bad.” Fulton exchanged glances with a suddenly uncomplaining Guzman. “If we did this, the sell on your end could mean success or disaster. Could you pull off a Jack Bauer act, Bradwick?”

  “The only reason Jack Bauer was a federal agent is because I wouldn’t let him be an Oakland cop,” Connor deadpanned to laughter from Ellie, and a continued look of confused horror from Julie. “I can pull this off if you can set up the ot
her end convincingly. It’ll take a cold blooded character on her family’s end or this won’t work.”

  “What if she doesn’t buy your act?” Guzman asked.

  “I’ll have to give her a hard sell. She won’t know me or who I’m representing. Adelmo and his crew can make it even more believable because she knows they’re MS-13. There’s no use even considering it if any of us here gets cold feet. You know what’s at stake better than I do.”

  Fulton stood up. “’Nita, a word alone?”

  Guzman nodded and followed Fulton out of the room.

  Connor put his head in his hands with elbows on the table. “This is bad. If they’re not blinking at what I just suggested it means whatever this Cell has concocted is worse than we imagined.”

  “Can…can you do what you said, Connor?” Julie asked.

  Connor sat up. “If it means the lives of everyone I care about I could do all that I said and probably a sickening amount more. The person on the other end of the line will have to do an even better sales pitch.”

  “I agree with you.” Ellie’s face reflected her resignation to the facts indicated by the two FBI agents’ quick conference. “The fact they want to talk about it means the shit in that warehouse is WMD dangerous. Julie, I have another job for you if the MIB’s decide to let Connor play Jack Bauer. I need you to fill in for me while I play the bad guy on the other end of this.”

  “Wh…what! Ellie, I…I can’t. One look at my face and the whole plan would be in the tank.”

  “That’s good, El… very good,” Connor said, patting Julie’s hand. “You could sell it. If we can round up a couple more backdrops for your ploy, wearing ski-masks to accompany you, Agassi will fold. You killed three men this morning, Doc. You can sure as hell get in costume and play hostage/gang banger with me.”


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