The Black Hole Experiments Quadrilogy (2017)

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The Black Hole Experiments Quadrilogy (2017) Page 44

by V Bertolaccini

  The tremendous speed seemed to increase as it gripped and pulled it towards it, and the voyager shook, and they fell asleep as it turned like to an earthquake tremor.

  Chapter 39

  The Universe

  The universe was strange, and he wondered if they were the first to experience the sensation. It was like some element there was not in the other universe, and he also felt that there was something else in the other universe that was not there.

  The mission was a complete success, and everyone aboard was rejoicing, and all the scientists were excitedly working through all the information that they collected in the outer universe, and they were just starting their mission of putting it all together, before they returned to the Earth.

  They had traveled through the entire outer universe without knowing it, and had awoken to the site of the universe, when their equipment had put them back into space and time, at the same location, in the void, and they were leaving the void and the entity behind, and he wondered what it had been and if they had picked it up wrongly, and if they could have made a deal with it in the same way as they had done with the time being back on the world.

  It was unbelievable the amount of advances that they had achieved, and he wondered if it was a mistake or if they would be remembered in the future for transforming their empire into something incredible.

  They could now travel space and time and locate themselves in other universes, dimensions, times, and use leaving space and time to relocate themselves just about anywhere in the universe, and he wondered if the they made the GX1 outdated already, which they would never have believed could happen.

  In fact the only real damage he now had was the death of his girlfriend, Marsha Pendleton, who died hideously from being attacked by the alien monster in the void, and he regretted it immensely, and having to go back and tell everyone about her death, and he started to realize that they had time travel, and he might be able to go back and save her.

  The whole trip could very well be ruined by it, and he would know that he could have prevented it, and he decided to try to persuade the two paranormal scientists into allowing him to go back and save her, and went over to their research center.

  When he arrived he was startled to see Don there, and wondered what was going on, and examined them trying to see what they were up to, and he felt that they had predicted his arrival by some means, and they seemed startled that Don was there too.

  “We have some good news!” Bryan eventually announced, after he had finished examining his reactions, seeing he was not going to say anything. “Don wants to go back in time to save Marsha Pendleton, as he thinks it was his faulty that she was killed ...”

  “Can you actually send him back?” he asked, begging for it to be true.

  “We can, and we can return him to the void in vehicle four!”

  Kruger could not believe his luck, and realized how lucky he was now! He realized that Don was probably more determined to save her, after all the things that he had been through, and he had more experience than him of time travel.

  “I believe that I can save her by relocating her to the right location before the alien attacked the spacecraft, as I have located areas that were not attacked ...”

  “Why do you not just stop the alien getting aboard?”

  “For one thing I am not sure that I could do it, and changing that could do a great deal more damage ...”

  “He cannot go that far!” Mitchel replied, firmly. “He could alter everything – and we could end up in a worse scenario! We never knew the alien was there, and if is possible for him to kill it or even stop it, the entity may do something else, and may succeed in doing it ...”

  Kruger was amazed and thanked them greatly, especially for not having to go back there and go through it all again.

  Many things about time travel confused him, and he had a hard time working things out, and wondered if they were as positive of the outcome as they made out, as he thought he would be the one to go back in time, and he would be Don.

  “What I don’t get is what will happen to Don if he goes back? Will another version of him appear here after he has gone back, and will there be four versions of me back there?”

  “It’s a problem, and you will have to accept the consequences for altering it! It is not the same as in the movies though!”

  Once they had all agreed to everything they left and went to vehicle four, where the scientists had sent up their equipment to send it back in time and back to the void.

  After a while Kruger began to realize that the real problem was the sending of Don back, as they had not had that much experience of doing it so accurately, and had to check everything.

  It was clear that the scientists had to lower the energy shield, and replace it quickly, as they were sure that it could not travel through it, as well as other dimensions, and he realized why they were doing it now, and not earlier at a close range to the world, and that they had probably detected that the entity there was out of range to do anything, with the energy shield down.

  Don got into the vehicle firmly, and Kruger wondered again why he was so confident and always knew what he was doing. He had tried to question him many times, but had failed to get anything, and he just put it down to him having done everything before, which was staggering thinking back on it all, from his perspective, as Don could have told them, but had not, and he never realized what would happen.

  All the scientists stood back as the equipment burst into life, using massive amounts of energy, through attached cables, with the shear energy making the spacecraft about them vibrate, and lurch backwards and forwards.

  Kruger for a moment hesitated and wished he had forced them into giving him more information on what they were doing.

  White translucent lights appeared magically around the vehicle, as it floated inertly in mid-air, in front of their eyes, like stars in space, and the scientists continued activating controls and monitoring it, and energy discharges fired out at regions of it, and the translucent lights around the vehicles simultaneously increased to bright whiteness, and the power being used could be felt in vibrations and heavy thuds.

  A ferocious blast of light exploded out from the center of the vehicle, and it turned transparent and shifted, creating fuzzy transparent dimensional forms beside it, from time shifts, and some formed clustered layers.

  It resembled an altered projection of reality magically hovering there, in patterns of energy, and after a sudden explosion of movement it vanished.


  The Alien/Entity Returns

  The new alien entity had remained almost dormant within the human that it had created, with its automatic senses taking scans of its surroundings.

  The human was perfect, and had been the perfect place to dwell undetected by the humans, who believed the human had been something else, and had failed to realize the truth.

  It had collected all forms of information about everything, and had collected far more than it needed and had visualized, and it had analyzed everything in a greater degree than it had as the entity in the void.

  It had been staggered by the outer universe and the world that they had explored, and had analyzed its surroundings and their information with amazement, and had repeatedly thanked the humans for giving it the chance to study such phenomena.

  Everything at first had been beyond its knowledge, and it had been an exploration beyond its wildest thoughts, and it had even considered if there had been others like it there, and if they had created it all, with inconceivable dimensions and powers, far beyond its knowledge and powers, like itself had been compared to its original self billions of years in the past.

  The void had been nothing compared to the outside universe, and universes! It had all the relevant information that the entity in the void had, and it had been built to handle what it possibly could, and had been a compressed miniaturized version of it, which had been created with the help of the knowledge it had discovered from the GX

  It had observed the GX1 from its interior, and its technology had been incredible, and it had decided to recreate it and had changed its plan to capture it, and it had collected enough information to recreate it.

  It now only needed to return to the entity in the void to complete its mission, which it was about to do, and it now not only knew how to allow it to recreate the incredible powers of the GX1, and travel hundreds of times the speed of light, and recreate the invincible energy screen, ultimate computers, and other technology, it could travel beyond the universe, and travel through time, and this was only the beginning as once the entity in the void received the information it would soon alter itself into an entirely new form capable of anything that was possible.

  It soon sensed the entity outside in the void and altered itself, from being Don, and left the vehicle, as it had been programmed to do, and it became one with the entity.

  Part IV

  Novel 4

  Dyson Stargate

  V Bertolaccini

  Chapter 1

  The Black Hole Discovery

  The shuttle crew astronauts entered a laboratory in their Mars base in their spacesuits, entering its vacuum, and they stood staggered with their mouths wide open, wondering what the hell was going on, as they observed a pulsating black hole, inside a chamber, surrounded by heavy equipment.

  Commander Cronenberg was the first to spot the equipment was creating a powerful magnetic field, concentrated in the chamber, holding the black hole firmly in place, as it attempted to escape and expand, but only gave occasional swift surges and spins, and he listened to the leading scientists carrying out a series of experiments.

  The magnetic fields they had originally been using had not been powerful enough to contain explosions and the discovery of the alien energy sphere had altered their research, and their research on it had come up with new findings, and new technology to create and manipulate magnetic fields, and they had found ways to create black hole particles, in high explosion particle accelerators.

  They had been able to slow the particle size black holes disappearances with new more powerful and concentrated magnetic fields, to study, and had been able to alter and increase the magnetic fields to freeze them, keeping the miniature rips in space and time in existence, and they had found ways to create vast amounts of them, combining them, creating one large black hole, which they slowly increased in size to its current state.

  Ever since their shuttle had crashed on Mars incredible discoveries had been emerging all around him!

  When they had been drawn into the alien energy sphere blackness had engulfed Cronenberg and the five shuttle crew members as they had hurtled out the universe, into an abyss, and they had been found lying on the ramp going up to the energy sphere screen, and none of them had properly recalled what had happened later and why they had awakened there!

  Back at the base the scientists had continued to question them, and had not let it go, as they were determined to get answers, as their attempts to communicate with the alien energy sphere now failed and they were unable to send anything into it.

  They were getting desperate for answers, and other scientists were getting more and more desperate to get them from them, and they had done everything they could to bring their memories back.

  It was incredible, and it was incredible that they had been carrying out experiments in the secret laboratory they were now at, which he had not heard anything about, from anywhere before, and he realized just how secretive the place was, and that they had not even allowed it to be built on the Earth, as it would have been found out by someone at some point!

  They had been trying to create black holes and keep them in existence but had constantly been failing, and they had even used powerful particle accelerators and powerful explosions, and he believed that they had made holes in space and time but they had been unable to keep the gateways open.

  The abnormal antics of the scientists there captivated him – mystifying him with the depth of their nervousness, and fear of something! They repetitively studied everything, with alarm – preparing themselves for some unknown event!

  What were they going to do? Had something else been discovered, with their new experiments?

  Suddenly a swift flash of light exploded out and a flickering beam blasted into the black hole’s sphere – silencing everyone. It vanished into its depths and they monitored it with equipment, and checked results.

  The black hole, trapped in the middle of its chamber, was spinning swiftly, and he wondered again why there was a vacuum there, and they all had to wear spacesuits, and he recalled it was because the chamber and black hole were not covered by anything as the black hole would have sucked the atmosphere out the room.

  Scientists wheeled out a large object, with the shape of a rocket, and he followed them and the five astronauts to a white line on the floor, marking the closest region they could approach the black hole, and they watched how powerful it was there, and with its powerful vibrations blasting through the floor.

  One of the astronauts decisively asked the leading scientist there what it was and he turned and examined them, and gasped!

  “A black hole probe!” he swiftly replied. “We are going to send it into its confines, and it is designed to return out its confines and give us accurate data of what’s there – and we’ll perhaps be able to use it to examine the outer universe, and what’s there!”

  Cronenberg was surprised that they could send something into it, as it looked so dangerous and powerful, and he was sure that it could destroy anything in its confines.

  A cable was also attached to the end of the probe, to help receive information and pull it out if it never emerged outwards itself, and he watched its forces pulling it into it, and they used equipment to shift it accurately into the black hole, and it motionlessly hovered over the floor.

  The probe resembled some form of highly advanced black missile, and he examined it for damage, and for any signs of the powerful forces acting upon it as it approached the black hole.

  With a loud blast, the probe launched and shot straight into its central region and vanished, and approximately a minute later it reappeared, after the completion of its mission, with it having traveled out the universe, and he watched scientists celebrating their success, and they rushed to their equipment to start their long research of what it found.

  Cronenberg gasped at all the technology they were using and realized that they might be able to detect a hidden universe about them – and outer dimensions.

  Its lethal appearance was now astonishing, and resembled a large black bubble of pure energy of unknown origins, buzzing wildly and dangerously, ready to discharge.

  While they stood waiting for the completion of the mission, and any findings, he sensed something peculiar about the black hole and he kept his eyes there, and he listened to the five astronauts and scientists further out, with their captivating facts, through his spacesuit communicator.

  He recalled things about black holes and one old theory that space was full of black holes from events like the big bang!

  Suddenly he realized what was different about the black hole and that the vibrations from it, going through the floor, had altered, and he saw that the black hole now had a strange look, as though it was doing something, and he knew that something must be happening to it for the reaction to occur, and its shape started visibly vibrating, as if affected by a powerful pressure.

  While he carefully listened and searched everything everywhere he noticed the other astronauts noticing it, and determinedly checking it, and he tried to detect what was happening first.

  At the side of his spacesuit faceplate, while he watched and listened to them, he glimpsed its hideous black shadow expand across the floor, and horrific shape coming towards them, bursting out of its magnetic field, and he stood frigid as it exploded out, and in an instant they and the black hole vanished from the laboratory, and his last memory was of the laboratory erupting into a fren
zy of activity as he hurtled into blackness, and them shooting through something, as if the entire universe shot by.

  Chapter 2

  The Extraterrestrial Force

  Blackness engulfed them as they hurtled out the universe, through an abyss, and stars and galaxies shot by!

  Startled last cries and conversations from them and the scientists swirled through Cronenberg’s mind, and tormented him!

  Had what had happened actually happened, and where were they hurtling to? He had never seen and sensed so many stars and celestial objects, and emptiness in dark regions they entered, and so many stars glowing so brightly, and for the first time in his life he realized the vast depths the universe had.

  Why had they not just left in the shuttle on another mission? Why did they have to have stayed and watched the scientists activate the black hole?

  At times he felt something there! Something none human! A form of intelligence, far different from any form of intelligence he had ever encountered, and even of the alien artifact energy sphere, when he had discovered it in the cavity in the Martian hill.

  It was as though it was trying to become part of them, but he could not detect it doing anything!

  He had even unsuccessfully tried to find out information about the diamonds he had been looking for on Mars, and his treasure map, and the diamond he had found above the alien artifact energy sphere in the hill, directly over it, and what it was doing there!


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