Bad Boy's Honor: An MMA Bad Boy Romance

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Bad Boy's Honor: An MMA Bad Boy Romance Page 31

by Ashe, Jessica

  “My sex sense told me your next order would be for me to get on my hands and knees,” April said, looking round at me with a cheeky grin.

  I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down and walked slowly over to the bed. Her pussy lips were still wet with her essence, as I clambered onto the bed and positioned myself between her open legs.

  While I was busy admiring the view, April’s hand reached back and grabbed hold of my shaft, positioning the tip against her entrance.

  “Someone’s keen to make up for lost time,” I teased.

  “Don’t make me beg again. Just fuck me.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I replied. I plunged my cock all the way inside her in one smooth motion. She was already dripping wet from her last orgasm, so I slipped in with ease and was rewarded with a deep groan of pleasure as April sunk her head forward onto the pillow.

  I gripped her hips and fucked her hard. We both knew it couldn’t last long, but it didn’t need to, we were both so close to the edge.

  April greeted each thrust with a different noise, letting out whatever came naturally in a way that could never be faked.

  I tried slowing down at one point to draw out the experience, but April just rocked her ass back into me and ordered me to keep fucking her. I don’t know when it changed from me giving the orders to her, but I couldn’t exactly complain.

  The moans turned to a whimper and then a whine, as her body stiffened, each muscle going hard, before she started shaking uncontrollably. I kept fucking her; clearly I was doing something right, so I wasn’t about to stop.

  She hadn’t even finished coming when I grabbed hold of her hair, gave her one final thrust, and then emptied myself inside her. I left my cock inside her while she continued spasming from her orgasm, until we both collapsed down on the bed in a sweaty, satisfied pile.

  We were both too exhausted to have the whole conversation about feelings, dating, and the future, and we had to get dressed in case our parents came home. We did discuss one important point though—we wouldn’t wait nine months before doing that again.


  Mom knew. I was sure of it. She’d nearly confronted me about it before Pierce’s timely interruption, but if she’d been in any doubt then she would have picked up on it over dinner.

  April and I tried to act completely normal, but the tension between us had clearly cooled. Mom picked up on it immediately. Pierce commented on how nice it was to see us getting along, which I took to mean he didn’t have a clue. Mom sat there stoic and silent. Yeah, she knew.

  It didn’t help that April had that “I’ve just been fucked by a big cock and had multiple orgasms” look about her either. There wasn’t much she could do to hide it. Her face glowed and everything made her laugh or smile. I probably always had that effect on women, but I wasn’t usually around to see it.

  “Dad said you had some big news to give us tonight?” April asked, as we neared the end of dinner. “Good news I hope?”

  “Mom, if you’re pregnant, I swear to God—”

  “Oh don’t be silly Foster. I’m not pregnant, although I certainly could be the amount Pierce and I have been—”

  “Kathleen, don’t wind them up,” Pierce said, once again speaking up to save me from a pain worse than death.

  “Well, I’ve had to listen to enough of his escapades over the years. This is my revenge.”

  April looked uncomfortable. She didn’t like talking, or even thinking about, my past history with women. We’d broached the subject briefly in bed together, but she’d quickly changed the subject.

  We’d have to have the conversation soon. Two things had become clear this afternoon. One, we were going to do that again. Two, I desperately needed to come inside her tight pussy. Condoms didn’t usually bother me, and I enjoyed seeing my cum splattered all over a woman’s chest and face, so it had never been an issue before. But with April, I just felt a desperate urge to fill her with my seed. That had to happen soon.

  “Let’s tell them now,” Pierce said, putting down his knife and fork.

  “You sure you don’t want to pour some drinks first?” Mom asked.

  “They’ll be fine,” Pierce insisted. “I think they might even be relieved.”

  “Okay,” Mom said reluctantly. “As you know, Pierce and I spent some time away together recently. We went hiked a lot and generally had an awesome time.”

  “I noticed you hadn’t been at the office much recently,” I said. “You planning on early retirement.”

  “No, not exactly. Anyway, we went to a lodge by Lake Tahoe for a while to chill out and while we were there we decided to get married.”

  “You’ve already told us you’re getting married,” April said. “How is that news?”

  “She means, we decided to get married right there and then,” Pierce said. “So we did. We’re already married.”

  The news was greeted with a stunned silence. Kathleen and Pierce both looked at each other and then at me and April waiting for a response.

  “Does this mean we don’t have to sit through a wedding?” I asked. “Or are you still going to have a ceremony?”

  “Nope, no ceremony,” Mom said. “That’s it. All done.”

  “Oh. Well, in that case, that is good news. No offense, but I wasn’t exactly looking forward to sitting through all that. This seems like a good way to get it all over with.”

  “We didn’t really see it as something to ‘get over with,’ ” Mom said. “But I’m glad you’re okay with it.”

  “What about you, April?” Pierce asked his daughter.

  April hadn’t said a word, and when I looked at her, I could see why. She looked like she was about to throw up. Her skin had turned a deathly shade of white; quite the contrast from the previous pink blush she’d had on show since the moment we’d started kissing in her room.

  “Excuse me,” April said solemnly, standing up and leaving the table. “I’m done eating. Congratulations.”

  Pierce went to stand up, but I stopped him. “Let me go and talk to her. I’m in a similar position to her after all.”

  Just when I thought we’d finally got things figured out. Nothing was ever easy with women. Why had I let myself fall for April? That’s what had happened, there was no doubt about it.

  I’d fallen for her. Fallen for her hard.



  I flew back to D.C. on Sunday night, but Foster’s flight wasn’t until Monday morning. That was for the best; we needed the time apart.

  The news of Dad’s marriage had hit me hard. Dad thought it was just the shock at knowing he was now married again, but that had nothing to do with it. Okay, maybe it had a little bit to do with it, but not a lot.

  The real problem was Foster, or more specifically, what I’d done with Foster just a few hours before we’d gotten the surprise news about our parents’ marriage.

  I’d had weeks to accept the fact that Foster was going to be my new stepbrother, but I’d been so busy thinking of him as my annoying boss, that the longer-term problem had taken a back seat.

  I think a part of me always thought Dad and Kathleen would call off the wedding at some point. I didn’t resent them getting married, but it had seemed like a whirlwind romance, and those often fell apart.

  Kathleen had been talking about arranging a huge marriage which would take at least a year to prepare. A year was a long time for a relationship. Even if they hadn’t broken up, it would at least have meant Foster and I had time to get ourselves sorted out.

  Now we’d fucked. And we were fucked.

  Maybe it had been worth it. The sex had certainly been mind-blowing. My memories of our night together nine months ago, had the fog around them that was typical of alcohol-fueled encounters.

  This weekend I’d been one-hundred-percent sober, and I had the crystal-clear memories to go with it. I could remember every single second of that afternoon. He’d made me come within a few short minutes using just his fingers, and then I’d d
evoured him with my mouth. Foster had told me after the sex that he’d had no idea I could suck cock like that. That made two of us.

  Foster had then taken me roughly from behind exactly as I’d wanted. He could read my mind; that was the only possible explanation for the way he could hit exactly the right spot every single time. I couldn’t finish myself off half as quickly as he’d managed it. He knew my body better than I did.

  The travel and general stress of the weekend had left me exhausted, and the coffee they served in the office was completely inadequate for what I needed right now. Bryan agreed to meet up for coffee—he rarely took much persuasion, especially on Monday mornings—so I snuck out of the office at eleven and bought some much needed caffeine.

  “I mean this in the nicest possible way,” Bryan said as we sat down in the uncomfortable metal chairs, “but you look like crap.”

  “Thanks. I had a long weekend.” I tried to take a sip of the coffee even though I knew it was far too hot, and then placed it down on the uneven table.

  “A long weekend, as in you spent the whole time having fun and partying? Or as in you had to work the entire time?”

  “Neither. I went back to New York to hang out with Dad.”

  “Oh, well that sounds nice. How was it?”

  “It was… eventful.”

  “Are you going to keep me guessing all day?” Bryan asked. “Because even us government workers have to show our face in the office occasionally.”

  “Sorry,” I replied taking a deep breath. I tried to take a sip of my coffee again, but it was still too hot. I wished the stuff could just be pumped directly into my veins, so that I didn’t have to wait for it to reach a drinkable temperature. “My dad got married this weekend. Actually, he got married about a week ago, but he sprung the news on me as a surprise.”

  “Holy shit,” Bryan exclaimed. “Yeah, that counts as an eventful weekend. I didn’t realize they were going to get married so quickly.”

  “That makes two of us.”

  “At least you won’t struggle for a job after law school,” Bryan pointed out. “Your stepmother is the managing partner of a large law firm. That’s pretty cool. I can see why this is difficult for you though. What with the tension between you and Foster.”

  Bryan had been front and center when Foster did his thing and protected me from Zach. There didn’t seem to be much point denying our relationship.

  “It’s not just tension between us anymore,” I admitted guiltily. “We kind of went past that.”

  I told Bryan what happened nine months ago, and this past weekend. It was a huge relief to get it off my chest, although I felt sick to the stomach when I imagined having to give the same speech to my dad at some point.

  “So what’s the situation between you now?” Bryan asked. “Are you dating?”

  “No. I don’t think so. We kind of left things in a bad place. I took the news of the marriage badly. He assured me that it didn’t make a difference, but I insisted on spending some time alone.”

  “Probably for the best. I think he’s right though. From the sounds of it, you and he… you know… ‘dated’ before you even knew that your dad and his mom were a thing. It’s no one’s fault. Just bad luck.”

  “That’s what he said.”

  “I may not have his body, or looks, but at least we are alike in some ways.”

  “Thanks Bryan. You always say the right thing.”

  “Pleasure. Look, I’d probably better be getting back to the office. Are you going to be okay?”

  I nodded. “Yes. I’ll be fine. Honestly.”

  I grabbed my coffee, which was now finally cool enough to drink, and headed back to the office. Foster would be in around lunchtime and for once I couldn’t wait to see him. We had to talk, but I felt confident we could work this out.

  Just before I entered the office building, my phone rang with an incoming call. I answered it immediately assuming it was Foster, but the voice on the other end of the phone was not one I wanted to hear.

  “Hello April,” Zach said, in his cocky, snide tone of voice. “I think it’s about time we talk.”



  Nothing worth having was ever easy.

  I’d heard people say that many times before, but never thought it applied to me. Most things I wanted in life had come easily to me. If I wanted a woman, ninety-nine times out of a hundred I got them. I blamed the other time on her husband coming home early.

  Even becoming a lawyer had been a walk in the park. My college GPA had been good enough to graduate magna cum laude, and I’d just shown up for the LSAT and aced it. Law school had provided little in the way of challenge. I went to most of the classes that started after twelve, did some of the readings, nailed the exams, and took my pick of job offers after law school.

  Now I had a challenge, and she went by the name of April.

  She’d not taken the news of our parents’ marriage too well. It’d had been a weird day. We’d spent an hour in bed together having the best sex of our lives, and then had to sit at the table looking at the newlyweds.

  I calmed her down after dinner, but then I gave her space to think things through. I didn’t panic. It had taken us a long time to get back in bed together and it was going to take a lot more than our parents early marriage to knock us off track now.

  By the time she left for her flight on Sunday afternoon, we’d already resumed flirting whenever we had a modicum of privacy. I just had to remain patient and not rush things.

  My phone was already ringing when I strolled into my office just before lunch. The caller showed up as “Cooper & Cooper,” a name I knew all too well. None of the cases on my plate involved working with or against Cooper & Cooper, so they had no real reason to be calling me.

  Intrigue got the better of me and I answered the call on speaker. I recognized the voice immediately.

  “Hello Foster,” Zach said on the other end of the phone. He couldn’t even say hello without sounding like the type of cocky bastard I wanted to punch. “How are things?”

  “Fine until I heard your voice,” I replied. “What the hell do you want?”

  I’d only met Zach twice in person and on those occasions he’d ended up getting punched, falling down the stairs, and collapsing into a table covered in food. You’d think he would have taken the hint and stayed the hell away. Perhaps that’s why this conversation was taking place over the phone.

  “I’m just calling about our mutual friend,” Zach said. “I’m concerned about April’s future as an attorney.”

  “April is not your friend. I would say you’re more her enemy, but I’m not sure she’s even given you a second thought. You’re nothing to her.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that. You should see the picture she just sent me. But never mind about that. Like I said, I’m worried about April.”

  Picture? What picture? I was determined not to rise to his bait. That’s exactly what he wanted, and it’s exactly what April wouldn’t want.

  “Go on then, give your little speech,” I said, hitting some buttons on my keyboard to make it sound like I was doing something more important. “Hurry up about it though. I’m pretty busy.”

  “That’s good to hear. Perhaps you would like to pass along one of your major clients to me. You know, to help reduce your workload.”

  “Why on Earth would I do that? My clients want to be served by a reputable and, dare I say it, fucking awesome attorney. That’s what they have with me.”

  “You’d be doing it for April,” Zach said.

  “Explain.” This little shit just loved hearing himself talk. I’d been on the other end of the phone with attorneys like him before. It helped pad out the bill, but it was boring as hell.

  “That was a good little speech you gave the other day at the law school. I didn’t realize you worked for Jacob Oscar’s company?”

  “What of it?”

  “Did April help you with any of that work?” Zach as

  I thought back to the panel discussion. I’d definitely mentioned working for Jacob’s company and I’d made it clear that a female summer associate had done some phenomenal work. It had given the law students in the room a confidence boost to know they could jump straight in at the deep end to do great legal writing.

  “April helped,” I replied. There didn’t seem much point in denying it, because April was the only summer associate at the firm.

  “Thought so,” Zach said, before going quiet.

  The silence on the other end of the phone unnerved me somewhat. I’d told him what he wanted to hear, but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what was the big deal. It wasn’t a secret that I worked for Jacob; our firm’s name was all over the SEC filings his company had submitted over the last few years.

  “Is that all you wanted?” I asked. “Like I said, I am rather busy. If you ever become a competent lawyer you might find out what that’s like.”

  “She’s fucked up,” Zach said smugly. “April’s fucked up big time and if you don’t give me PorTupe I’m going to take you both down.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I said, trying to sound calm. I could smell bullshit a mile off, but this wasn’t it. Zach at the very least thought he had something on April, and his confidence had me worried. “Is that all you wanted? I’m actually busy with work for PorTupe right now. Those hundreds of thousands of dollars in annual billings don’t just appear out of nowhere.”

  “I suggest you start wrapping up that project,” Zach said. “Maybe mention to the board that they may want to seek new counsel. Think up an excuse, or just outright lie.”

  “I’m not going to do that.”

  “Then April will never even be admitted to the bar. I’ll be in touch.”

  I always took calls on speakerphone in case I needed to type or write while on the call, but now I had nothing to slam down in frustration. I picked up the phone and slammed it back down anyway, but it didn’t feel nearly as satisfying.

  April knocked on the door. I knew it was her because she always knocked four times in the same unique way. One knock, followed by two quick knocks, finished off by another knock. There wasn’t much she could do that wasn’t adorable.


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